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First days of training [open to 2]

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 9:08 pm

Wifi picked up the trash can lid and threw It Frisbee style straight at Chris' face, if it hit him he would be sent back a couple of feet and then Wifi would jump at him and try to punch him in the face.


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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 7th 2014, 9:19 pm

Chris saw the lid coming at him and side stepped to the side to dodge the lid. He turned to wifi shocked an a bit pissed."WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING,"yells straight at Wifi.
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Post by Thorgron August 7th 2014, 10:21 pm

Atlanta, Redline was thankful it was morning or the heat in the city would have been oppressive. His suit would have taken care of most it, being made from stolen NASA heat shielding had more perks to it than just preventing him from bursting in to flames at top speeds after all. And theft was the reason Redline was in Atlanta this morning. His supply of medication was running low. The unique cocktail of drugs was something he had created himself from a variety of ingredients, most he could not manufacture himself. Without the inhalant the speedster's lungs would fail and he'd once more be useless to the world. Just the thought made him sick. To once more find himself lonely, sick and rotting in an LA apartment. It would mean to become Scott Silver once more, a fate worse than death.

No he needed that drug and for that he needed ingredients, mainly an experimental Asthma medication held in the Atlanta CDC. It was not the first time Scott had broken in and he was sure it wouldn't be the last, at least until he could procure the means to produce the chemical compounds himself. It would be simple, in and out, no mess, that was the plan anyway.

Entering the city he blazed a trail along the back alleys, being sure to not expose himself to the public. Silver streaks darting though cramped corners as he neared the CDC. But as his target grew closer Scott caught something out of the corner of his eye. Blue sparks and the sound of metal on metal as it grated down a nearby powerline drew his attention. Turning he watched as a man skated down the extended wire and another sped along below him. They were young, reckless, using their God given talents for fun as they raced in the morning air. Redline's stomach turned as he watched them. Or maybe the one on the wire was a fleeing criminal. In agonizingly slow motion he watched as the skater jumped from his rail and hurled the trashcan lid at his pursuer. Quickly Redline check his tanks tucked inconspicuously below his silver hoodie. Both of them checked out with a supply of at least three more doses. Lifting a clawed hand to his mask the speedster turned a small dial on it's face. Aerosoled drugs released from their cold metal and filled Redline's tattered lungs. A raggid breath escaped into his mask as he felt the medication work it's magic. It was time to act.

In a flash he stepped between the conflicting meta's, titanium claws on both his hands and feet reflecting the morning sun off of their razor surfaces. Faded pale blue eyes shifted between the two of them from beneath a silver hood as his shoulders rose and fell with every jagged breath. He was about to teach the two of them a lesson they would not soon forget. " the meaning...of this?" he rasped out between shallow gasps. Any move they would make he would see and his muscles tensed in anticipation to act.

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 7th 2014, 11:17 pm

Wifi stopped for but a second to analyze the new comer. Pale, breathing tanks, white hoodie, metal claws... had to be a villain right? "Wifi thought to himself this would be a great way to test out Chris' speed limits, but then again Wifi hadn't fought anyone in a while... this would be good exercise for him other than just riding power lines and telephone lines all day long. Wifi stepped foreword, adrenaline rushing through his veins, making him breath heavier than normal. Wifi really wasn't in the mood to negotiate with a criminal right now, he was in the mood for action, and this guy seemed to be brimming with action.

All of a sudden muscle memory took over, Wifi bent down and grabbed his makeshift skate board trash can lid and stood on it on the ground. He then started to levitate off the ground, looking around for a good electrical current to ride on, one that only he could see, invisible to the naked eye, except his eyes he started to ride it as a surfer would ride a large wave coming in from the ocean. He started towards the pale man who had appeared out of nowhere. All of a sudden Wifi jumped from his makeshift skate board directly at the pale man, hoping to connect a fist with his face. If he was able to do this he would then roll behind the man regain his stance.

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 8th 2014, 8:54 pm

Chris frozen at the man who came out of nowhere. He got out of his shock and begun to scan the man. He was pale, had metal claws for hands, breathing tanks with a mask, covered with a white hoodie. To Chris he thought he was some sort of cyborg. As he took his eyes off of him he was shocked to see Wifi trying to attack him."WIFI NO WAIT,"yelled at Wifi trying to get him to stop in his tracks.
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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Thorgron August 10th 2014, 10:37 am

Redline had hoped to get a response from the frolicking children on his entrance, an explanation for their antics. Instead he was met with violence, a language he understood all too well. At their age a young Scott Silver had been slow to think and quick to act. Things and ideas he did not understand were met with swift anger and rage. It was a destructive path, a road that had led him to the edge of oblivion. If these two, or more specifically skater punk were walking a similar road then Redline saw it as his duty to beat the hot blooded nature out of them. He would teach them consequence the only way they could understand.

Slowly he watched as the punk rose on a trashcan lid, showboating. It was another thing that the speedster could not stand. To this boy, playing hero or villain or whatever he liked to call himself was just a game, clearly. He had powers, but instead of using them effectively he decided it best to appear as a side show attraction and flaunt around with his levitating magic trick. Disgusting.

It seemed to take ages before the the kid actually reached Redline. His perception of time so slowed that every second that passed to the outside world would take almost a minute for him. The world around him moved at a snail's pace and the child before him was no different. Waiting, he did not make a move until the boy's fist was a mere inch from his face, making him believe that his attack would hit and giving him almost no time to react to what was to come. Then pouncing backwards onto his hands Redline would duck below the flying boy. With the momentum from his back handspring he would then bring his feet back above him. Each foot contained two titanium blades and all four of them were now aimed at the still suspended boy's chest. If they made contact, they would sink into the flesh, just deep enough to latch onto him, and pull the child down, a mixture of Redline's incomparable speed and the child's own momentum driving his head straight for the ground as the speedster finished off the round-off. Should he be successful, he would now be perched atop the boy, one bladed hand pointed at his throat and the other aimed straight out at the other child. Scott was not messing around.

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Post by Galaxy August 10th 2014, 8:44 pm

Wifi was shocked when he felt the four blades enter his chest. A searing pain torn through his body, enflaming his muscles and ripping his flesh. His vest was no protection, and his shirt just sopped up the blood that was draining out of his chest. Rolling down the side of his chest and rib cage, down to his back his shirt was almost instantly covered in blood. He started cough up a bit of blood, rolling down his chin, down his throat, his shirt soaked it up yet again, in a matter of minutes he would start to be feeling a bit drowsy, his vision blurring a little while his throat squeaked out blood, and he tried to spit it up because he didn't want to drown from his own blood, that was a big fear of his.

The only thoughts that had crossed his mind at that moment was, one, "did I leave the door to my apartment open?" two "I hope Chris can get out of here quick enough", and three, "If I die right now, who will miss me?"

A single tear rolled down his face, into his ear, the warm feeling of the tear was nice but not welcome in this situation. Every time he swallowed he felt the edge of the blade against his Adams apple. He felt the cold steel of the blade, very close to his throat, the metal felt cold and resenting. Although in this moment of absolute pain, he felt a kind of bliss about him, he smiled a bit and coughed up a little more blood. He blinked away the tears starting to form in eyes, he cleared his throat but not enough to clear out the blood.

He held his hand out to Quickkid, but not in a pleading motion. He just pointed in the opposite direction. His hand shook with the pain in his chest, and he whispered "Go..." He hoped that Quickkid could see him telling him to go, but there was no guarantee. He closed his eyes in the pain, but he remained perfectly conscious.

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 10th 2014, 11:44 pm

Chris stood there in shock and horror.  He saw the man come out of nowhere and attack his friend. They were just having funny while training. Then this guy showed up out of nowhere wanting to know what they were doing and why. He would have gladly explain, but his friend recklessly attacked him out of nowhere.
He tried to get him to stop, but was too late. Now he is on the ground bleeding out with the man's blades in his chest. He saw him motion him to run away with his finger and saw the tear he shed.
This cause him to shed tears of his own in both sadden and angry. He was about to move out of the way of the claw when something happened. The world seem to had slowed down as he was processing what had happened.the claw is now slowly coming to him at the speed of a snail. He took this in for a second and then ran at superspeed to tackle the man off of wifi.
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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Thorgron August 11th 2014, 12:52 am

It was clear that Wifi was scared. With Redline's titanium razors sunk into the boy's chest, he could only imagine the fear. But Wifi's life was not in danger, at least not yet. An ability to process the world at such incredible speed has its perks, especially when it comes to precision. It was true that Redline's blades had penetrated the boy's chest, but only down to the ribs. No internal organs had been punctured, he was sure of that but that made no difference to the boy who began to cough blood. A single tear dropped from his youthful face, giving Scott all the information he needed on the child. Hero, villain, whatever Wifi was not ready for the consequences that his powers brought. If it had been someone other then himself, the boy beneath him would be dead now, drowning in a pool of his own blood. Leaning in to the teary-eyed youth, Redline would speak a warning in his ear.

"You fear death...I see that...look in your look at me...and know I'm...not're not cut out for your mother...a trip to the morgue...and end whatever're on...resume a normal life and" before he could finish his broken and wheezy speech, movement on his left side drew his attention. The other kid involved in this scuffle was bolting straight for him. Scott had to give the kid props, he was fast, but not fast enough. Staring into the incoming speedster's teary eyes Redline drew a quick breath, removing his left hand from Wifi's throat.

"STOP!" he yelled out, his voice straining to produce a sound of such high volume. In a flash both of Scott's claws were up and thrust with frightening speed at the rapidly approaching boy's stomach. If he did not immediately obey his elder's command then the boy would be impaled on all six of the titanium blades jutting form either of Redline's wrists.

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 11th 2014, 1:06 am

Wifi coughed up a bit more blood, but as his close in counter with death would prove, time moved much slower for him. He saw the blade that was against his throat move away, he saw Quickkid moving in to help Wifi, he couldn't let Chris go through this pain, Wifi, as quick as he could lifted his head, spat out the rest of the blood that was in his mouth and, with his right hand, he moved to grab the pale man's arm. If he succeeded he would then try and push the man off of him and throw him to the curb.

Wifi was down with pain, he was done with dying, he was done with being scared. "Sorry pal... but my mom isn't here, and I'm not going to die, but you might!" Wifi said with such anger and force in his voice. He blinked away the rest of his tears and with another breath he said, "I'm ready for the consequences! Are you?!"

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 11th 2014, 1:19 am

Chris came to a halt at the man's loud yell. He covered his ears to protect himself from the loud yell. After a moment of doing this he looked up and saw the man's bladed hand pointing at him giving Chris the idea he meant to give a reason to stop so he wouldn't get penatrated. He just stood there for a moment and was about to say something when he saw Wifi moving in to grab him.
He couldn't let this go on he had to stop this by explaining  himself to the man."Don't even think about it Wifi you'll only get yourself hurt even more,"says as he walked towards the two a bit pissed then sad." You..get the hell off my new friend he was just showing me ways to use my speed and then you come out of nowhere,says stopping in front of the two very pissed off.
He didn't see his day turning out like this. He thought they would train a little then get some pizza afterwards. But no this ass comes ou of nowhere and threats to kill him and his friend nice real nice. It was notice able he had enough for one day.
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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Thorgron August 11th 2014, 1:58 am

Good, the approaching child at least had some brains in him telling him to stop before impaling himself. Redline was glad to see it. He did not want to end the lives of these teenagers. In fact he wanted the exact opposite. Working to right the wrongs of society was a dangerous profession, something that took total devotion and self sacrifice, a willingness to literally throw away your life in defense of the scum that is the human race. It was not a job for a child. Looking at these two brought nothing but sorrow to Redline. They were so young and had so much life ahead of them. And at the same time they were so naive, so vulnerable, if this encounter proved anything it was that they would be killed, their youth cut short in violence and tears far before their time. No, he would not allow it. Even if it meant beating them each within an inch of their lives, he would get it into their heads that they were not and should not try to become "heroes".

Just the thought of that word made him sick as he saw Wifi's hand reach up for his own. Without skipping a beat he shifted all of his weight to his bladed right foot planted now even more firmly in his chest and flicked his left foot out at the boy's hand, attempting to pin it to the ground. Wifi's attempt at some kind of retort to Redline's speech was less than amusing. "Are you now?" Redline rasped harshly at the boy beneath him as he pointed his right foot, digging his blades deeper into the flesh. Thank God for his friend, once again demonstrating at least some level of common sense as he tried to talk Wifi down. His next sentence however was not as amusing. Redline remembered clearly the events that had led to the current situation and "training" it was not. "Your friend attacked me...I asked a simple...question...and was assaulted for two are not only...going to get yourselves killed...but you're going to harm...everyone around you...if you don't stop playing hero." Redline was fuming mad at this point. These tow just didn't understand consequence, the fact that their reckless and unthinking actions were dangerous to more people than themselves. More and more, it seemed he would have to seriously harm them to get his point across.

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Galaxy August 11th 2014, 2:30 am

Now Wifi's hand was hurting... great, what else could go wrong. The pain seemed endless for Wifi as his chest now started to hurt even more than it did and his hand was flaming now... although his anger was somehow stronger than the pain, it still hurt like hell.

One thought crossed his mind at this moment, "It's funny how the body tries to protect itself by sending blood to the area where the pain is to try and help it, yet when it comes to broken skin the body can't tell a difference, and the one thing that seems to help it, also hurts it even more."

he smirked a little at that thought, but shook away the laughter as it hurt him. He heeded Quickkid's warning about it, but then again it was a little late. His vision was a little blurry from the tears of pain welling up in his eyes, but he just blinked them away.

His mouth was stained red from the blood that he was just gurgling a minute ago, all he could taste was the blood from his throat, nasty, luckily he wasn't a vampire, otherwise he'd be in heaven right now.

"Hey... buddy..." Wifi whispered up to his attacker, "If you know so much about what being a hero is, then why are you hurting me? Shouldn't you be like some forgiving guy or what not? I'm not apologizing for attacking you or anything but you sure know how to scare the hell out of someone. What's your game plan, huh? gonna kill us? Or maybe torture us until we tell you were not going to be heroes? I don't know about my friend over there... but you will get no such satisfaction from me!" Wifi screamed aloud for anyone nearby to hear.

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 11th 2014, 3:14 am

He listens to both the attacker becoming even more pissed. He didn't call himself a hero or has anyone to get harmed. He just wanted to figure out how he got his powers and how to use them. He kind of agreed with Wifi for a moment here. Why must this man be so violent with them? Seeing as they got some on lookers he decided that it would be best to end this."We don't call ourselfs heroes, we are just a boy who was strucked down by lighting and a science experiment,"says pointing at him then at Wifi."I also have to agree with my friend here you can't just show up out of nowhere and attack a bunck of teens, so get off my friend and leave so we won't get any more on lookers."

Last edited by Bonjove on August 25th 2014, 12:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Thorgron August 13th 2014, 7:21 pm

These children were a nuisance. Snot-nosed brats unfit for the abilities they had been so haphazardly granted. This was the problem, crime was so often so cleverly organized and well put together while any kid on the street felt themselves capable of doing something about it. It was such a naive notion and one that Scott knew had gotten more than a few innocent people killed. As did the idea of being a hero.When Wifi spoke the word all Scott could see was red. At lightning speed he drove his left claw into the pavement, blades passing so close to Wifi's neck that they would split hairs and cut just the first layer of skin drawing the tiniest trickle of blood. Redline's face once more came within inches of the boy's, his eyes burning with white hot anger. "I am not a hero!..Not even close..I'm not worried about either of you...becoming heroes because there is no such thing...A hero is an ideal...a paragon...unreachable...What I am...worried about is naive yourselves parading under...the notion that you are heroes." Redline drew even closer to Wifi, his other claw raised in an offensive position above his head. "Call me a hero again...and you'll be dead...before you can blink." The other child then spoke up once more and Scott withdrew himself from Wifi, his claws leaving his chest as Redline approached the other boy.

"You don't get it do you?" his voice rasped angrily at the second boy. He had no idea what he was getting into. "I don't care what yourselves...I don't care...about onlookers...I'm a damned soul...and a wanted murderer...I've seen the absolute worst...of society...and when I was on that side...of the law...I would have...chewed the two of you up...spat you out...and sent the parts to...your family members...I didn't attack you...believe it or not...I'm trying you...because if you continue...parading around...with your you were today...someone like I used to going to see you...and they're going to kill you." It was quite a mouthful but it was all the truth. Redline knew exactly what happened to young kids like this in a dark sin-soaked world and it was not pretty. They needed to hear him out, they had to. Otherwise their blood, like so many others would be on his hands. It was not something he could bare. And at the the thought he felt his lungs begin to give slightly, a wheeze choking out from behind his mask then a harsh series of coughs. Stumbling back Redline put a hand to his chest as he dropped to his knees. His vision began to fade as his brain became starved for oxygen. Quickly he reached to his mask and delivered a does of medicine to his ravaged organs. He had spoken far too much and it took more out of him than he'd realized. But slowly his breathing leveled out and once more he raised his eyes to the speedster standing before him. "Please..." a word that Scot seldom used leaked from between his lips as he took on a gentler, concerned tone. "You listen to me."

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First days of training [open to 2] - Page 2 Empty Re: First days of training [open to 2]

Post by Bonjove August 25th 2014, 1:04 am

Chris hold out a hand to Wifi to tell him to be quiet. Wifi was in a bad state already and talking more would make the pain worse. Just then the man spoke up again. He jumped in shock as the man 's metal hand met the pavement. What he said confused Chris a lot. Why is a hero only a ideal. Why couldn't there be a thing like a hero. There were many heroes in history and this man is saying there isn't. Chris is even more annoyed that the man thinks that he still thinks of himself as a hero.
Chris was ready to take action when the man came a inch from Wifi's face, but he knew it would be unwise as the man is faster then him.
He wasn't surprised that the man came to him next. What he said next not only shocked him, but confused him. He called himself a damned soul he didn't need a explation for that. What he was shock to hear was he was a wanted murderer. When he said that he looked around seeing the crowd they got from this scene. He was pretty sure one of them was on the phone calling the cops. He had to end this NOW.
The man placed a hand to his chest and dropped to his knees. Chris raised a brow in confusion. The man then reached his mask to do something. He got the message that he needed oxygen or something since, he had a mask. Above him the sun was being blocked by storm clouds. Chris ignored this and walked over to the man and wifi. They needed to get off the streets so the cops won't get them including the man. As he was making his way to them something came out of the clouds above.
A golden bolt of lighting strucked Chris down like he was three years ago. He was sent flying a few feet next to Wifi and knocked out. The storm clouds slowly moved away and the sun was uncovered. As Chris layed on the ground next to Wifi like sparks move around him and his clothing. What was strang was that when he was hit by it, he wasn't in pain, but he felt good. He felt the same as he did three years back. But this time it was as if something greater happened to him.
Post Mate
Post Mate

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