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Darkstar Empty Darkstar

Post by Darkstar Today at 1:17 pm


"You kill me, I kill you back. There's nothing you can do, so how about you give up?"

The Bio

Real Name:
Richard Henry Kenrick

Villain Name:


Lawful Evil
Dark star is methodical and strategic in his attacks, and believes he is doing the right thing by fighting heroes. He doesn't care about civilian casualties though, and has no quandries on using tactics that could kill billions.



Human Mutate


Blue (Red as Darkstar)



Blood type:

The Looks

Dark star is a tall, slim man with pale skin. He has high cheekbones and thin lips, with a somewhat frightening habit of analysing people before speaking to them. He has few muscles, save a few sinewy ones around his arms and lower legs.

In his costume, Darkstar wears a black pointed cape with a similarly dark hood that casts an ominous shadow over the rest of his mask, only leaving his piercing red eyes visible - a deliberate move in design. He has a compartmented belt, and high, dark boots. Over his left arm, he has a deep black covering with a star icon on it.

The Personality

Darkstar is a very unsociable, cold man. He is undoubtedly intelligent, but not in the traditional sense - he has more knowledge of analysing opponents than Physics or History. He doesn't really care about life, and approaches it anayltically with a portion of distaste.

The Story

Richard Kendrick was 15 when it happened. His parents were killed by The Agency for seemingly no reason, in addition to burning down their family home.

Richard's parents were apparently, unknown to them, metahuman. They were born by an experiment to see if powers could be mimiced effectively - one that ultimately didn't work. They spent their lives in blissful ignorance until it was decided the Experiment be formally closed - along with anything connected to it. Richard went to live with his Garndparents after the attack, but that day awoke something in him.


While his parents had not gained any abilities, it seemed Richard did. That anger, the fear, it proved a trigger point to his latent abilities. After his Grandparents funeral, he decided he didn't have anyone left. He soon found the Agency and their supposed "Heroes" to blame, and turned to crime.

The Powers

Basic Power Mimicry
Due to his parentage, Richard can mimic some powers at a weak level

Richard has the unique ability to view the immediate environment even when he isn't viewing it directly. This allows him to experience combat in a 3-d perspective, giving him an edge in agility-based actions.

The Weaknesses

Need for Vengance
Darkstar, while often cool and methodical, can become furious if his past is used against him. If given a chance, he will destroy members of the Agency without thinking, often allowing him to be outsmarted

Physically weak
Without his powers, Darkstar is an ordinary man. If in a situation here his powers cannot be used, he has to rely on his tactical mind to avoid being physically Overpowered. He also has difficulty fighting strong heroes, and often has to win through underhanded methods.

The Items

Costume Bag (backpack with costume in)
Two daggers (concealed in boots)
A pistol

The Minions

The Fluff

The RP Sample

The sun of Pism glared at Aeos' helmet. He remained silent, not bothering to lose focus on the repairs. The PA-SD-R (Personal Analysis, Self-Diagnostic and Recording) system in his helmet was damaged but still working...damn. He must have taken some hits. Well, at least he had a gravimetric spectrum and base atmosphere composition. 40% Oxygen and 60% Hydrogen, but kept in stasis so it didn't make water. At least it was breathable. Ugh, he could barely remember how he had scraped through Opoli V, with an atmosphere of 100% concentrated Hydrogen Sulphide...

Dear god

Application created by Chellizard | This code is open-source and available for free use.


Status :

Quote : "Is this the best you have? Honestly, this is Humiliating for you"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 3
Age : 125
Job : Professional Walrus
Humor : Donald Trump Existing
Registration date : 2024-10-23

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Darkstar Empty Re: Darkstar

Post by Vorik Today at 2:44 pm

Hey there. I'm glad to see a new face on the site. Please consider joining the community Discord. That is the main way members contact and communicate with each other for things like plot development, character creation, and hangouts.

I saw you have already posted in Steelheart Industries looking to join in. You need to get your character approved by staff before you can join in on events, threads, and contests.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 189
Registration date : 2019-09-15

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