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This Time With Gusto

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This Time With Gusto Empty This Time With Gusto

Post by Tybrid October 19th 2024, 2:23 am

The warm breeze that swept across the coast of Santa Monica felt like a gentle nudge from the universe, coaxing Eden into a better mood as she and Caleb strolled toward the pier. After what had happened last time, she wasn’t sure if a “beach day” was even in the cards again, but Caleb had suggested it with such optimism that she found herself agreeing. Now, here they were, sand beneath their feet, and the sounds of the ocean crashing just a few feet away.

Eden was nervous, though. Last time things went wrong. Really wrong. But she could tell that Caleb was trying to keep the energy light, and she appreciated it more than she could put into words. Her mind kept flickering back to London, to all the chaos that seemed to follow them, and the last time they’d tried to relax by the beach.

She adjusted her sunglasses and gave herself a little mental pep talk. This was supposed to be a good day, damn it. She needed it. They both did. Her thoughts paused as she took in the view of the pier, the soft chatter of tourists, and the scent of saltwater carried on the wind. It was a far cry from last time, but that didn’t stop the anxious tug in her chest.

“This time’s gonna be better,” she muttered under her breath, more to herself than anyone else, fingers curling into the straps of her beach bag.

With Caleb at her side, Eden tried to focus on the small pleasures of the moment—the warmth of the sun, the familiar taste of sea air, and the quiet thrill of the boardwalk’s activities just ahead. If she could just keep her mind in the present, maybe she could let go of the rest.

She felt a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy building up as she and Caleb approached Santa Monica Pier. The sight of it looming in the distance was a welcome distraction from her thoughts. It had that same carefree charm she remembered from childhood visits—colorful signs, the Ferris wheel spinning lazily against the clear sky, and the scattered laughter of tourists blending with the seagulls’ cries overhead.

She tried to take it all in, letting the bustling crowd around her pull her further into the moment. The wooden planks beneath her feet creaked softly with every step as they made their way onto the pier, and the familiar scent of fried food and cotton candy hit her nose, momentarily pushing aside the unease she had felt earlier.

“This is more like it,” she murmured to herself, stealing a glance toward Caleb. The energy here was alive, full of people enjoying themselves, playing arcade games, and lining up for rides. There was a casualness to it all, a sense of normalcy she had craved for what felt like forever.

She allowed herself to relax just a little, her shoulders dropping as she adjusted her sunglasses again. The pier stretched out in front of them, filled with possibilities, and Eden was determined to make the most of it this time. No chaos, no surprises—just a day to breathe, to be in the moment.

A soft breeze off the ocean tousled her hair, and for a second, everything felt almost…normal.

“Okay,” she said, smiling slightly, “where should we start?”
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 141
Location : Colorado Springs, Guess the state
Age : 26
Job : Rp forums of course
Humor : If it makes me laugh you pass
Registration date : 2023-10-31

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This Time With Gusto Empty Re: This Time With Gusto

Post by ProwlerKnight October 19th 2024, 11:40 pm

The beach was rather nice when there wasn’t dragons, giants, and succubus running about, making a mess of things. Caleb felt the warm breeze on his face, the sand beneath his feet, he could smell the saltwater scent filling the air. He took a deep breath as he looked to Eden, smiling softly as he watched her adjust her sunglasses, taking in the scenery. London had hit them all hard, and Eden was the one who had tried to keep the spirits alive, tried to keep them all from spiraling. But as the days went by, the burden of being the heart of the team was starting to take it’s toll, and Caleb had taken notice.  

So, he woke today with a mission, checking the scanners, the news, even the weather channel. He made sure the day was clear of monsters, criminals, Anti-meta Activists, and even clouds in the sky. When he was sure the day was clear, he gathered up his courage, and asked Eden out for a day on the Pier. Just a simple day, the two of them, no party, no succubus, no dragons, just a day like when they were kids. Of course he offered an invitation to Frank, but the fellow ranger declined, having too much on his plate at the moment, promising to catch the next outing.  

Eventually the sand made way for pavement, then wooden planks of the pier, the smell of food and sweets overwhelming the saltwater. Caleb adjusted his black rimmed glasses on his nose, looking over the scene ahead of them. Taking in the flashing lights, the bustle of people moving from vendor to vendor, the towering Ferris Wheel across the pier from their position. The wave of nostalgia washed over Caleb as his mind pondered where they should go first.  


Caleb looked over to Eden as she spoke, the wind tousling her hair as a slight smile formed on her face.  

“Where should we start?”

Caleb smiled as he looked over to the arcade. “Well, I wonder if they still have that old racing game from back in the day...” He looked to her. “Wanna do a couple races, see who the better driver is like we used to?”
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29

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