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Stans in Umbra Mortis

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Alert Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Demonhunter June 13th 2024, 10:16 pm

“Hah, Royal flush! Pay me, bitches!” The pit fiend stands at the card table, throwing down his perfect hand of cards. The group of demons just stare for a moment as a fog rolls into the dock house. The place is piled high with crates of guns, drugs, and, strangely enough, bolts of imported lotus silk, crates stamped with Cambodian shipping tags.
Suddenly the card table is upturned, and all four demons have their guns in hand.
Alright, fucker, I had two aces, there's two in the flop. How is it you managed to dig up a fifth? Clyde, what'd you have?”
The gnoll sets his measly hand down with a frown. “Shit is what I had.”
The other gnoll shamefully tosses down his cards. He had two Uno cards. There is silence for a moment as the fog thickens, drawing the demons' attention from their botched game to their quickly obscuring vision. They haul their rifles up as the fog becomes so thick they can see nothing but feel their stomachs drop in dread. “C-Clyde. Call the b—” There is a yelp and a spray of warm liquid across the side of the pit fiend's face as a disembodied gnoll’s head rolls across his feet.
All at once, the docks erupt in a firefight, automatic gunfire and the squeals of demons echoing for acres as the fog spreads further into the Los Angeles streets. The thundering sounds from the docks rush into town. The horses and reavers, soaked in seawater and demon blood, separate into squads of five or six and spread out across each block. They descend on the city in an instant, running blades through every man and woman they can find and snatching up young children wherever they may find them. The police respond quickly, but bullets seem to be of no use. Even a lethal shot at most sends a devil rider to the ground for no more than a few minutes before the carnage resumes. Within five minutes, the entire docks district is paved in the blood of its residents and overrun with red-cloaked reavers.
The seas stir as more horsemen haul themselves from the depths. This group is heavily armored, with water draining from the inside of their platemail and seeping from the nostrils and mouths of their undead horses as they trudge up the banks. The simmering sea calms, the portal to Dis in the shallows closing.
“Dam’ien!” A red-cloaked rider approaches, bloodstained and mostly dry of seawater. “Securum Litus est. Quid scopium nostri?”
A rider on a grey stallion, loaded with heavy bronze platemail, waves a hand toward the small horde of dreadnoughts. “Opus novium reavers.”

“Take the city. Bring me any under the age of reality. You have two hours to collect as many recruits as possible and to cause as much carnage as you can. And if you run into any red bloods like last time, find me.”
There is silence as his dreadnoughts move out to oversee the destruction, their scarlet capes still weighed down with seawater. Damien takes a minute to breathe in the sweet chaos and destruction, the wails of the unfortunate echoing through the city like a symphony of mayhem. He urges Zygan forward until his hoofbeats go from gravelly sand to pavement, helm beneath his arm like a football, revealing the stalwart face of a reaver scorned.
Time to find a hospital.


The Hellhound was alight with life on a usual Saturday evening. Booze, drugs, and music flowed as if they were the very lifeblood of the city. Humans and devils alike enjoyed themselves like teenagers at a wild rager. On the barstool nicknamed “the king’s throne” sat the scariest man in town, sipping an extra salty margarita and watching yet another rerun of Friends on his phone. Uncaring as usual to the madness around him, his glass was never allowed to run dry, yet he still seemed stone sober.
The only thing that brought his attention from his Netflix binge was the ticker scrolling across the top of his phone screen. London, Eugenia, Denver, Vegas—all these cities were exploding to life.
“All my main men, in my office, now.” Isroh all but leapt from his chair. “Turn the music up and keep everyone inside, by any means necessary.” He ordered the bartender, who just nodded and turned to his own phone to relay the message. Within five minutes, the boardroom was packed to standing room only, all six televisions tuned to different news channels.
“Boys... and ladies, the world’s gone to shit.” He slouched down in his chair at the head of the table, but none of the people in his office dared to touch their seats as they were each glued to the horrifying visages shown. “I want all available resources routed to Vegas. That jackal-headed freak might be in Nevada’s desert, but I am not about to have my brand-new venue destroyed before it even opens. I—”
Just as Isroh was about to lay down the law, his eyes caught a ticker scrolling along the bottom of one of the news stations. “Hey, you, turn that to channel six and turn the volume up!”
“This just in, zombie horsemen have come from the Los Angeles docks. They appear to be killing everyone in sight. If you are in the Los Angeles area, be advised to evacuate the city.” Isroh blinked.
A shiver ran up his spine at the mere appearance of these things. Whatever they were, they were almost painful to look at, even through a helicopter’s camera.
“Change of plans. We have to defend ourselves. All men to the streets. Put these things down by any method you possibly can. My human ranks, please step forward.” There was a moment before ten humans stepped forward, seven women and three men. “I want you heading up evacuation efforts. Every car, van, and truck I want filled with people and headed to Texas. Starting with the party going on downstairs. I want you nowhere near the fighting.”
Those ten rushed out the door at breakneck pace, yet in eerie silence. “The rest of you, I do not know what those things are, but I know what you’re thinking because I feel it too. We have it pretty good here. If the city dies, we die with it. Fight with everything we have. I have some calls to make and some errands to run, but I will join you soon. With that, see you on the other side.” Isroh slumped for a moment, running through his contact list before setting his phone on his secretary’s desk.
“Lisa, I need you to call every one of these numbers. Tell them I’m calling in whatever favors they owe me, or I am about to owe them a favor.” And with that, the devil king stepped out into what would soon be a battle for the City of Angels.
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Arcana June 19th 2024, 3:48 pm

Sean was beginning to grow tired of world ending catastrophes. Cities lighting up like Christmas trees, with the next metahuman villain wanting to prove themselves dangerous. The small wards he weaved through London ripped apart like wet tissue paper much like the ones protecting New York. Each destroyed ward felt like a scraping at the back of his mind, subtle pain that made him wince with each action. A small part of him even felt the call of The Horn, though it meant nothing to him. More than anything he was human, even if there were trace amounts of inhuman blood within him.

These things all happened while he sat on his favorite recliner, soaking in the news which had a story about the up and coming celebrity Lightyear. Sure, he couldn’t touch but  he was sure Zell didn’t mind him looking. Celebrities was one of his few creature comforts, following their careers and the messy drama that came with it.

Michael had left, Jordan wasn’t around and everyone else was off living their lives. It was enough to make him feel depressed. So maybe he welcomed this chaos that was on their shore, literally in the case of undead at the docks apparently. Where were the paladins when he needed them?

”Whelp, looks like a job for Sean to save the day once again.” If he didn’t mess the whole thing up that is. There was supposedly a god that lived in the city, yet he was certain he wasn’t doing anything about this. Typical divine behavior if he could say so himself.

So he moved through the house, dressing up in some pants and  a sleeved shirt which showed off the spiraling tattoos that adorned each arm; softly pulsing with magic like a heartbeat. A few scrolls and charms stuffed into his bottomless bag, something to draw on when he needed them. He didn’t know what he was dealing with but it was nothing good. He would have even been tempted to blame The Castors if they weren’t the types to keep themselves secret from society as a whole.

Ready for whatever he was going to face, Sean opened a portal and stepped out into the street. There he saw chaos already. A few people, twitching in their own blood on the street and children loudly crying as armored figures on horses dragged them away. They had heads, so this wasn’t some kind of Dullahan invasion.

”Can’t we have just one day without ridiculous shit like this?” He groaned to himself, gathering a current of air around his hand. ”Hey fuckheads, didn’t you guys know kidnappings illegal?” He growled outloud,  followed by a sweep of the hand.  The invisible blade of air lashed out, cutting legs from underneath a horse and sending one of the riders tumbling to the street.

Its blood spattered across the floor and the child nearly hit the pavement until a cushion of wind swirled beneath him. One of the parents had been decapitated, which meant he couldn’t do anything but the mother had just been run through. He could see the shallow movements of her chest, four more of those riders now turning towards him. Looks like they were being a little messy on their killing.

With a motion the earth shifted and the child moved closer to him, and closer to the dying mother at his feet. ”This some kind of demon invasion? If so you’ll need more than that when I’m protecting this city,” Gold light coalesced from his l;eft arm and washed over the street, collecting over any human looking bodies on the street. Some remained where they were while others quickly rose to their feet.  

”I wonder how many of you there are. Oh well, I’ll figure it out eventually.” His mind was already on the people around him, the ones who were still alive. He didn't exactly have the mind to consider everything around him, so he had to do things a little tactically. There were two more kids being held, which he had to deal with. That was when he realized that one of them had rushed him, blade already have way to his neck.

They could fight, that much he knew.  A subtle motion, shift of the leg was his only response as the earth to his left shot up and caught them  in the side. Metal crunched, followed by the armored figure being propelled into a building side.  ”Run. I’ll do what I can about these things,” His combat stance shifted, as those silver eyes focused in on these monsters.


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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by ProwlerKnight June 20th 2024, 1:47 am

Blue Gyro

As the streets flooded with blood and bodies, a young girl crawled desperately towards the entrance of one of the nearby emergency shelters, as one of the monsters approached her, bringing it’s hammer up to deliver a final blow.  

From across the building beside him, a blue armored figure dashed across the wall before leaping towards dreadnaught, extending his leg out for a flying kick. “Not so fast, big guy!” Blue hit the dreadnaught like bullet, knocking him from his horse and onto the street.  

As the hero shifted himself to land on the street with a tuck and roll, he quickly moved between the girl and the others coming to assist their comrade. “Go, get to safety!” He glanced back, seeing the girl had managed to climb back to her feet, and was now running down the entrance of the shelter.  

“Okay...” He looked back, seeing that they were trying to surround him. “I don’t know who you guys are...” He shifted into a pose, a habit at this point. “But if you think you’re gonna turn my city into another London, then you got another thing coming!”  

Santo Dorado

The magic man seemed to be doing fine handling the monsters, but as he took one out, two more moved in.  

“Oi amigo...” A masked figure ran over the top of a car, without missing a beat, followed by leaping onto one of the dreadnaughts, pulling them off their horse with a perfect hurricanrana. “Didn’t anybody tell you guys, Dias de Muerte is in November?” He looked back at the monster he had just thrown to the ground, before looking over at Arcana. “Sup.”  

Another dreadnaught charged forward, their hammer primed for attack.  

“Un momento, por favor.” Santo said, before running at the monster, sidestepping part way to run over the top of another car, catching the monster in a crossbody. “And he’s down!!” He exclaimed as he rolled back to his feet the second they hit the street, his movement almost fluid as he placed a foot on the dreadnaughts chest, pumping his fist in the air as he counted with his fingers. “Uno, dos, tres!!”
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Vorik July 22nd 2024, 11:11 pm

The day had started ordinarily for him and his teammate. The occasional robbery or mugging was resolved with routine practice. Only when the day was heading towards noon did all hell break loose.

From the sea, an army of undead riders charged forth, wreaking havoc and mayhem. They slaughtered all who couldn't find safety in time or even despite it. The streets of LA soon ran red as hundreds were killed by this demonic force.

Green Ranger and Blue Gyro didn't waste words as they both sprang into action, saving people fleeing their cars or those maimed in sweeping drive-bys and hit-and-runs. Using their built-in systems, they located the nearest emergency shelter and sped off.

As they raced there, he sent an emergency signal to the rest of the Rangers, warning them of the dangers outside and requesting backup. He worried for Red Cross, who was probably still asleep at the base. He hoped she got the signal, but there wasn't anything more he could do for her at the moment.

He watched as Blue Gyro rushed forward to save a little girl from one of the monsters, only to find himself surrounded by the ravagers.

Several small explosions rang out, disorientating the monsters as he jumped from a nearby rooftop. Landing on one of the mounted riders, he plunged his shock baton into the gaps of their armor, unleashing several thousand volts into them. The rider spasmed before sliding off their mount as he jumped off, landing on his feet with grace. Drawing both of his batons, he assumed a guarded form and shouted at his partner.

"Blue, we need to buy them more time to seal the shelter! We make our stand here." Frank shouted in a commanding voice.

As one of the dismounted riders lunged at his head with a sword, he slowed the world to a crawl, sidestepping the attack and hooking them around the neck, pulling their momentum forward into a knee strike.

Time stopped as he took a moment to check the multiple camera feeds on his heads-up display, making sure none of them were sneaking up on him.

'8 riders, 3 dismounted. 3 moving towards Blue, 4 at me. The remaining are watching. Must keep mobile, and divide attention between me and Blue.' Frank thought to himself.

As he resumed time to a slow crawl, he parried another strike before dodging to the side as one of them tried to trample him under their steed.

He wasn't sure if they could fend off these monsters, but he would do everything he could to buy time.
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Demonhunter July 24th 2024, 2:57 am

The havoc wreaked on the city in a short period of time was staggering as surges of reavers flooded the streets, killing indiscriminately. However there was a bit more intellect to their form than what was usual for their kind. A rank of skirmishers and dreadnaughts would thunder down a street slaughtering every adult they saw, scythe wielding colossus slayers infiltrating buildings and leaving bloody red borders around the doors containing intended targets and scouts sweeping away children left behind in the sea of corpses or left in buildings marked by the blood on the doorway. It was an incredibly efficient system until resistance was hit on multiple fronts after mere minutes.

The reavers weren’t at all expecting a mage, or whatever the man doing backflips was. The horse that Sean had cut the legs from shatters into glass and smoke and the reavers lay in a bloody heep and for all purposes appeared to be dead. Closer inspection would show rapid regeneration taking place within their armor. As soon as real resistance was hit it seemed like all at once the swordsmen, the heavy cavalry and the scythe wielders were eager to disengage. The ones not caught up in Sean’s sudden rescue and Santo Dorado’s assault on the dreadnaught quickly disappeared, galloping down alleyways and sidestreets, ignoring all humans for the moment. What was left was the horse archers that quickly grouped up together 30 yards away in what looked like a charge only to unleash hail of arrows in Sean and Santo Dorado and quickly do an about face another thirty yards down the street and taking another potshot. They seemed to be retreating.  Further down the road was a roundabout intersection with multiple outlet streets and two major roads. The dreadnaught horsemen quickly formed ranks, lance and shields at the ready for a sundering charge. In each alleyway skirmishers ready to pinch in and fight lines up, shifting in their saddles as the scouts work to bait the redbloods into the middle of the roundabout and into the way of the first well organized cavalry charge of the night.

One scout breaks from the pack of archers, scrambling away entirely and breaking from the crowd, headed straight for LA’s largest hospital.


It took minutes for the reavers to reach the shelters, picking people off on the way there. Damien had done well ensuring his reavers were trained in meeting resistance due to the last time he’d come to this plane of existence. However, he did not teach them what to do if they encountered a target to siege. In Dis, churches were often used as shelters, however peasants weren’t welcome within their halls. They were really more of a luxury for the clergy and the nobility to be kept safe while the common rabble had to pray city walls held up. To see a shelter opening its doors to all was unthinkable to the invading reavers.

Their goal was to kill as much as they could quickly and they only had two hours, fifteen minutes of which were gone. Inside that shelter was much blood to be shed so it made sense to siege it. However a good amount of men were tied up dealing with other resistances elsewhere. All they had to siege the shelter was two units of archers and a rank of skirmishers five across and two deep, thirty men total. They unleash a bombardment toward the shelters and those defending it, arrows launched into the sky streaming in silver as each single arrow suddenly splits into five, resulting in a rain of blades. Using the madness the archers would cause the skirmishers charge at the rangers as they took down multiple of their own. At the last moments the mounted cavalry drop for their saddles and get in close combat swords poised for the rangers. Each rank stepping over their own “dead” as their wounds stitch themselves back together and the previously downed riders stand, seemingly only dazed from the non-lethal attacks. They’d have to be hit much harder than that to be slowed. However the ones nailed with explosives did seem to be regenerating at a slightly delayed pace than the ones that were stunned with the baton or kicked off their mounts.

The reavers advanced relentlessly, not seeming to care how many went down as they only seemed to get back up and shove harder than before.

The sound of screeching tires and automatic gunfire rings through the streets as well as the yowling of some kind of angry dogs. Suddenly the area was being invaded by two blacked out vans that parked near the entrance of the shelter, throwing their doors open to reveal mounted turret guns operated by what looked like an imp. The belt fed gun rattled on and sent multiple high caliber rounds into the ranks of archers as the vans came to a stop on either side of the shelter’s doors. The twenty archers were sent scattering to attempt to regroup as they were shot off their horses and many lay in the street regenerating. The  archers that were sent away found themselves descended upon by demons that looked like giant rabid hyenas, each carrying a rifle strapped to their back and a flail on each of their belts.

From the back of the vans Isroh steps down to the pavement, which soon churns up with black vines erupting from the medians and decorative flower pots of the city and quickly spreading out over the ground like a crawling spider web. By the time the reached the entrance of the shelter a gesture in the devil's hand has the vines snaring themselves around the boots of a skirmisher and the dreadnought who’d just recovered from his dose of electricity and yanked them up before slamming them into the pavement with a bloody spray. With obsidian blades drawn he meets another skirmisher, fighting the urge to evade. Whatever these things were, they made him want to just run away, but he pushed the urge down. Isroh kept telling himself if LA was lost, so would he be lost.

The more heavily damaged reavers took longer to get up it seemed, with the archers still down as were the ones heavily pulverized by pavement. Isrohs mind races as the pieces together a plan, these two rangers seemed competent and able but they just needed the man power. “Once these are down we can push forward. If you knock them down I’ll keep them there.” Just as the Dreadnaught blue Gyro had gotten back up he found himself ensnared by barbed vines and pinned to the ground, the more he struggled the tighter the vines wound adding a bit of permanency to their efforts. Soon he had the archers covered as well as any others Blue and Green rangers managed to knock down.

Damien finds himself smashing in the doors of the hospital with his warhammer. Nurses and Doctors sprint down the halls to barricade a further door and security returns fire with handguns that were only shrugged off. What bullets didn’t bounce off the tarnished bronze of platte and managed to wedge their way through the chain mail beneath and the padded gambeson beneath that found themselves stopped by the stony skin of the reaver.

The police are confused as the advancing reaver did not even bother with a counter attack, rather just walked through them, clearing the pitiful defense out of his way with one arm as bullets flew. The only death at the hospital so far was an unfortunate security guard that caught a ricocheted bullet. He trudges forth gaining entry to the freshly barricaded maternity ward with an easy kick of the door. All at once a horrible overwhelming shadow of dread hit the hospital like a tidal wave, sending the room into hysterics as Damien stops keeping his natural aura of despair in check. Doctors and nurses, patients and guards screaming as if they were being physically hurt by his mere presence as a few begin to claw at their faces and throats. One even gouged out his own eyes with a pen from the front desk as if to escape the vision of some perceived horror. The pandemonium only lasts for a moment before Damien exhales and a horrible green mist floods from him and quickly engulfs the hospital. The moment it made contact with a living creature their souls disintegrate into a fine dust leaving the screaming suddenly silent as the grave.

Hundreds dead in an instant, their souls in shambles upon the floor only visible to those with the sight to see it. Damien is surrounded by silent cribs as he reaches in to pick up a now soulless babe. His armored finger drags along the soft cheek in an almost loving manner. “Rescued from humanity. Better than to grow into one of those wretched things. They know no love, not even for their own.” It was then he placed the babe back into the crib before raising both hands and suddenly the hospital was alive with the wails of the undead. All the adult residents found their bodies suddenly wretching as horns exploded from their heads and nails split to claws. Their skin flushed ghostly white as their souls were stuffed back into their bodies as violently as they were yanked out, but more scrambled and amiss. Only some of the patients had such a violent reaction, others liquidated upon the floor.

Damien was unsure what would happen if a true reaver creation happened outside of its usual equine vessel, apparently the answer was that whatever flesh was nearby would suffice to build these babes a functioning body. Their reaction wasn’t nearly as violent however, no screaming or pain, rather the silence of sleep. What he did not expect was for the construction of the true reavers to take the corpses of almost every adult in the building save for 15. If he had counted right he’d started with about 100 and there were only 20 infants. By his math it took roughly four human corpses for one reaver but it was unclear where the rest of the flesh went. Only then did he realize something. Reavers formed with a mount, it was always the horse they were grafted to, but this time what was built was probably something else entirely. It was a question he’d have to answer later as his reavers gasped to life in a panic. They screamed, speaking in reaver tongue muttering their own confusion at the abomination of their life.

“Calm, you’ll grow used to it.” He raises a hand, his voice commanding attention, but still gentle and smooth like a parent. It was then a scout came thundering in.

“We’ve hit resistance. Redbloods showed up a few minutes after you left the docks. And we’ve started a siege.” Damien pauses, turning to face the scout.

A siege? Why would we siege? We have a whole city to raise and we are sieging? Sounds like wasting time.” It was then the mistake was realized. He’d spent weeks teaching his reavers about strategic cavalry charges after the last time he was here, he hadn’t thought about fortifications. The new information would be put to use when they went home, he supposed, but for now he had to raise what he could and consolidate his gains. He had thirty five new reavers at his disposal, twenty of which were sound of mind and fifteen were cannon fodder.

“How are our collection efforts across the city? What do we have?”

“I have not checked. I’ve seen twenty myself.”

Damien just stares for a moment. “That’s it? Twenty?”

“The resistance is… fierce.” The scout laments, flinching from Damien.

The reaver sighs, calming his rising rage. Yes he was angry but it wasn’t his scouts fault, he didn’t didn’t deserve to fear failure. “I’ll handle it. Take these back to Dis and get them clothed and comfortable. When you're done I want you to pull every man off that blasted siege and have them back to spreading across the city. The men behind its walls are more trouble than they're worth and they cost too much time to get to. Spread the word, times moved up, one hour until withdrawal, proceed without me if i'm busy. I want every man I brought with me across that portal in an hour and everyone i turn.”

Damien clunks his way from the hospital mounting Zagan once more as the small army of competent reavers follow the scout, the 15 mindless zombie reavers stagger behind him as if they have to relearn how to walk. He was headed straight for the roundabout that was currently being charged.
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Arcana July 24th 2024, 4:54 am

LA was not without heroes. Another joined, carrying with him a thick accent, dressed up like… a luchador? Well that definitely was something now wasn’t it? One of the dreadnaughts rushed the man and found itself down for the count.  Based on their showing, they were strong but not something he was overly worried with; not really. Who was behind this anyway? ”Thanks. I take it you don’t know what these things are either, do you?” He offered the question real quick,  keeping his eyes behind him and watching to be sure the people he saved actually ran away. There had to be shelters somewhere around here, where they could run away to be safe.

Some of the invaders seemed to have grouped together and drew arrows, a cluster of bows that released their hail as quickly as they started pulling. These people were stronger than human, which meant he couldn’t bother trying to fight them in contests of physical strength. What this new hero could do, now that was something else. With a twist of the body and sweep of the hands, a powerful wind swept before the two of them and stopped the arrows dead in their tracks.

”So what can I call you ese? Some kind of name we working with?” Twisting motions with his hands formed a swirling torrent of air, revealed by the arrows within also spinning around and then he thrust his hands forward to release a gale force blast. Human flesh would be smashed apart, bones crushed and he had a feeling that would at least deal with these warriors.

They were retreating? He noted this when not another came from anywhere to attack. ”What exactly are we dealing with? Demons?” He paused, digging through the archives within his own head to see if there was any information on this sibject. If there was, it was hidden in the far corners of whatever repositories he had.  ”What can you do? Any kind of superpowers at all?” He was only silent for a couple seconds before asking the question. ”Whatever these things are they’re intelligent and stronger than your average human.”

He walked across the battleground he made, examining the down reavers. They were breathing but he could see something else. Flesh beginning to knit together, wounds being undone. ”Ah shit. They can heal too. Guess I’ll have to do something about that.” He reached for a head covering, pulling off and noting a pale complexion with strange markings covering it. That sparked something. A single word that resonated within his mind.


”Guess I have to do this the shitty way.” It looked like one of their eyes were beginning to gain light again, or maybe he was seeing things. Either way he formed a flame within his hand, feeding it with oxygen as the heat grew higher and higher. Then he unleashed it as a torrent on the reaver he had been investigating. The scent of burning flesh filled his nostrils and he was sure he heard screaming, yet the flesh burnt fast soon becoming ash.  Leaving not a downed person but legs and the ashy remains of the top half.  There were more to burn anyway.


”So this is what he’s doing. I’ve always wondered what abominations that man would commit.” A voice noted, seeming to echo through the near empty hallways of the hospital. The only sign someone was making noise was a man in black, jagged armor that seemed to resonate with dark purples and deep reds.  Sharp tipped gauntlets that scraped across the walls, a low menacing chuckle working from his throat.

”I thought this city would be boring but here things are, getting fucked up in all the right ways.” He felt the reavers who remained shuffle around him, an uncertainty mixing together with hostility. ”I’m an ally of your new leader. I wanted to see how things were going while my job did itself.” He removed the helmet for a moment, revealing  a face they couldn’t see anyway. Despite that he was sure their soul sight saw nothing but a hungering void.  One that would consume them should they make the wrong move.

With a shrug, he returned the helmet back on his head and melted into the shadows. ”Ignore me, go about your little mission. I just want to watch. See what my new friend is willing to do.”


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by ProwlerKnight August 3rd 2024, 3:37 am

Santo Dorado

“Aye, I am Santo Dorado...” He gave a quick bow to the magic man. “As for these things, la lamento, mi amigo, I have no clue what they are...” He motioned to his suit. “I’m just a guy from Mexico, not a demon hunter...” He looked up as the arrows came raining down at them, but were stopped by a sudden powerful gust of wind. “Whoa, now that is cool...” He looked over to the man. “Demons, possibly, these guys remind me of los muertes...” He quickly made a cross motion. “The last trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable.”  

He looked over to the man as he inquired about him having powers, cocking his head. “No powers here, amigo...” He lifted an arm up to flex, mocking kissing the muscle. “Just pure talent and practice.”  

Blue Gyro

“Incoming!!” Blue stated as he looked to Green, before turning and jumping over one of the parked cars nearby, putting it between himself and the hail of arrows. Once the assault ceased, he jumped back up to his feet. “We gotta take care of tho...”  

Suddenly, two vans appeared, accompanied by gunfire as the sides opened up, revealing mounted miniguns insides, which whirred to life as they responded to the hail of arrows with a hail of bullets.  

Comparing the two, the bullets were clearly more effective, as the archers were torn to shreds, yet were still repairing themselves.

The closer monsters, however, weren’t so lucky, as the downed ones would find themselves wrapped in black vines that seemed to spread from every plant in the immediate vicinity.  

Blue looked to Green, giving a casual shrug, before looking up to the man who spoke. “That could work...” He looked over at the monsters that remained standing, who were slowly advancing towards them. “Come on Green...” He struck a fighting pose instinctively. “Let’s floor these creeps.” He then lunged over the car, moving quickly nimbly for a man in armor, as if he was somehow lighter, then heavier, as he charged forward.  

Then, as he jumped straight up, his body shot forward, like he was falling, except he was parallel to the ground. Feet first, he collided with the first monster in the line up, the force knocking the monster off it’s feet, and into others behind it. Blue then lightly landed on the ground, doing a quick kip up before jumping into the air again, corkscrewing as two of them swung their weapons from either side of him, one low, the other high. The blades mere inches from his body as he went horizontal. “Close...” He stated as he landed back on one knee. “But not close enough...” He jumped back to his feet, side kicking the one on his left in the knees, then the ribs, and finishing with a shot to the jaw. As the other one came back around with another swing, Blue jumped back, shifting his body sideways again to avoid the weapons path, and deliver a kick to the back of the monsters head, landing back on his feet again.

“Come on, how do you guys expect to beat me...?” He gave a mocking questioning motion, immediately regretting that decision as he realized in his moment of cockiness, that the other remaining monsters had moved in to surround him. “Good answer, good answer.”
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29

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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Vorik August 4th 2024, 2:10 am

The world froze once again as Frank took a mental pause. The battle had only been going on for at most a minute but to him, it had been raging for the last 20 minutes.

Every step he took, every slight adjustment, every breath was calculated and planned. While most would consider it an excessive amount of thought and effort to analyze each second with such attention, Frank was used to the laborious task.

A minute, an hour, a day, it didn't matter to him as he would take as much time as he took to think of the best possible move. He wasn't strong, he couldn't hope to beat these monsters in a fair fight, but he would give it his utmost effort to make sure those in need could, no, would, be saved.

He resumed time for a fraction of a second to adjust his eyes to get a better view of his enemies. Many had already risen from his and Blue's opening attack, no worse for wear. Even the ones his explosive marbles had caught were rising, albeit, a tad slower.

He came to the conclusion that whatever these things were did not care about injuries and would likely shrug off whatever he threw at them. This was not a fight he could end on his own if they kept coming back but he had no other choice in the matter. Formulating a plan over the next 10 minutes, he resumed time.

Narrowly dodging out of the way of a pommel strike, he grappled the reaver in an armbar before snapping their arm at the elbow. He threw the broken-armed reaver at two more before ducking under a wide swing and maneuvering behind another one. With quick hands he roughly gripped the monster's helmet and twisted, snapping its neck.

While he couldn't keep these things down, didn't mean he couldn't make the process slower. Normally, he would be more conflicted using such lethal force, but these were dangerous times and the monsters would kill every man, woman, and child they could if he held back. Besides, these things could take it.

Another 12 minutes passed as Frank slowly but surely inched his way through the hailstorm of arrows, finding the smallest spots of safety where he could and blocking the arrows when he couldn't. He saw the black vans approach and over the minutes of them steadily creeping down towards them concluded that they were either survivors looking for shelter, or aid.

The answer was apparent when the vans opened fire on the riders with mounted turrets manned by what looked like demons. Frank mused that seeing demonic drive-bys was not even the 3rd weirdest thing he had seen today.

A demon he could only assume was the leader stepped out of the van and said “Once these are down we can push forward. If you knock them down I’ll keep them there.” Before he started entangling the downed reavers with wicked vines.

“That could work...” Said his partner as he watched our reinforcements in action.

“Come on Green...Let’s floor these creeps.”

Frank nodded to him and adjusted his grip on his batons.

"Don't hold back, they recover from what we can do." Green Ranger advised.

Together they charged the reavers, Blue using his acrobatics and Green utilizing brutal and efficient takedowns. As he was shoving an explosive marble into the mouth of a reaver that was roaring at him he heard the taunts of his friend only to see him slowly being surrounded.

Reacting quickly, Frank grabbed the reaver as its mouth was exploding and with straining effort, lifted him over his head and threw him like a bag of bricks at the reavers trying to surround Blue.
Post Mate
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Demonhunter August 19th 2024, 9:27 pm

The devil’s lotus crawling through the streets surges forth like a thorny tidal wave, Isroh’s hands urging it forward with slight hand movements, but giving a swift yank whenever a reaver was ensnared pushing it to the ground with even more force each attempt they made to get up. Holding them forever was not an option as they seemed to be resurrecting almost as fast as his goons or the rangers knocked them down. It came to the point his ability to actually fight himself became inhibited as the area of plants grew so large he had to focus on expanding and controlling all the moving vines individually. Each time one revived and pulled against his vines he had to push it back down as well as ensnare several more. Eventually he finds himself to the heels of his boots in blackened reaver blood as the constantly moving serrated edges of the thorny vines were slicing through flesh and leaving lacerations. Each cut pulled the line of thorns deeper, allowing them to burrow in and bury themselves into the muscle and eventually intertwine with bone, holding the horrid creatures down by their skeletons as their healing could not heal around the now embedded vines.

Each Reaver bound in this way freed up a bit more of Isroh’s mental capacity as he no longer had to focus on continually forcing the same few reavers into submission and could expand his space further, pushing out, engulfing more, grabbing reavers by the ankles, entangling hands, pulling armor from it’s leather clasps. Each time the rangers drew blood Isroh slipped a vine into the wounds for rake from the inside of their bodies ensuring they’d never get up again. In his advancing and focus he almost didn’t hear the approaching hoofbeats from behind.

A moment of instinctive panic grips the devil king and urges him to run, the overwhelming feeling of dread and horror a predator inflicts on his prey pushing him to wheel around, trying to push the thought of running from his mind just as a scythe dips down to catch him under the jaw. The demon yanks back, narrowly missing decapitation, but finding a nasty slice from the side of his throat to his right eye as the blade drags itself across his flesh. Isroh reels, hand moving to cover the profuse bleeding as a vine tangles itself in the horse’s hoofs, climbing quickly and winding themselves around the reaver as he fights. His grip on this fresh reaver was not good and the more he fought the weaker his hold became. Blood poured from the opening in isroh’s face, much more than there should have been for as shallow of a cut. A snarl of fear turned to rage as Isroh’s hand finds his own sword, whipping it across the throat of the bound reaver only for it to then be consumed by the ocean of vines and torn apart.

“Advance. They’re done here.” He growls, pushing forward with the rangers, only for another reaver to show up to. He yelled something in some foreign language lost upon Isroh, but all at once, the reavers turned tail and scattered into the streets, leaving their brethren behind. An eyebrow raises on the demon as he crosses his arms. “And just where in the fuck are they going now?” Isroh shakes his head before pulling a handkerchief from his slacks pocket and pressing it to his still bleeding cheek. Luckily he still had one of his violet eyes, even if it was constantly filling with blood and useless at the moment. “I’ll stick with you. I can cover this city if you can cover me.”


The sudden intrusion perturbed the juvenile reavers, shirking away from the void all at once as Damien raises a calming hand. “He’s a friend. You’ll know him well enough in time.” The mindless reavers he’d raised were shambling behind him as he walked.

Damien could not deny the odd feeling of pride, vindication on the overwhelming urge to prove his worth. The humans denied him any love or compassion, and by comparison even the slight interest his patron showed was enough to fuel the desire to please him. As he rode he spoke under his breath.

“I will do as I can to shatter this world, and every world after that infected with the abominable creatures. The more I come, the more I learn, and the more I can destroy.”

With a harsh kick Zagan launches himself into a gallop toward the roundabout, galloping through, his hoard of reavers following behind him in a charge from their positions, Damien taking point.

The moment he saw one of his men alight with accursed magic flame a whole new fury burned within him. He’d promised never again would another of his reaver meet flame and fervor again, yet this demented man decided burning one was just far too tempting. It was in human nature to burn his kind so it seemed, this further vindicating the need to demolish any and all trace of their wretched existence. A low whistle from under Damien’s helm had and dreadnaughts breaking off into the side streets to wreak more chaos elsewhere as the scouts stay, suddenly hopping up into their saddles, one foot on the pommel, the other on the cantle, arrows nocked and loosed at once in a barrage at Arcana as the archers split off as well, leaving damien solely to barrel into arcana, putting himself between the burnt reaver and the mage, warhammer poised to blast down into him. Another combination of whistles commanded his reaver to the next part of the plan.

The mindless reavers break out into a sprint through the streets and seemingly out of sight, gathering up what corpses were around. Every so often one would peek out from behind an alleyway as literal piles began to accumulate in the wings, blocking off the alleyway as best they can while Damien demands this fight to be with him. Part of him was alarmed that these two and apparently only another handful of red bloods seemed to be putting up so much of a fight to send his scout back to him empty handed, but no matter. His goal may be slowed, but nothing could stop what’s coming.

“You beasts have no shame.” He felt the rage and the blind violence raging in him as he looked at these two, the aura of dread and monstrous terror bearing down around him as the few humans barely left alive in the now growing pile of corpses began to wail and attempt to flee, dragging themselves the best they could. Some bashed their heads into the pavement or clawed at the skin on their faces, driven mad as he dismounted with another brutal swing in their pair’s direction, the earth shaking beneath the shattering force. A sickly green smog leaks from beneath his helm for but a moment, before he regains his control. Not yet.
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Arcana August 27th 2024, 6:20 pm

”None at all you say?” He questioned, rolling his eyes and scenting the smell of burnt flesh that rose to the air. These things were running, converging somewhere but he could not tell where they were going.  Returning to some kind of leader? It was possible but he wasn’t sure what were this many reavers doing in LA? Usually they were confined to a pocket dimension just connected enough to theirs to being adjacent. Somehow he knew about them, or enough to wish he wasn’t having to fight them.

Rogue necromancer on the loose?

Sean closed his eyes, letting those magical senses spread outwards, feeling for anything wild enough that it would grasp his attention. Something was approaching, and fast too. ”Think those skills could be put to use somewhere else? Somethings coming and it feels like something skill alone won’t help with.” He wouldn’t force the man but he had the feeling he wouldn’t last long against whatever was coming. It had a familiar feeling, one that he couldn’t quite place. A place long ago where they stood against something that that he wasn’t all too confident he could deal with.

He caught sight of the person running towards him, stride a fell steed and dressed in armor to boot. Was this their leader? Whatever he was, Sean knew he couldn’t hold back if he wanted to come out of this alive. What came first was not a hammer blow but something else, a pressure he’d never felt before. As if something were trying to press down on him, his knees wobbling from the sheer pressure of it.  ”Shit.” Sean cursed under his breath, hearing the distant, panicked and animalistic howls of those around him.  Despite that his attention remained on Damien, as he charged forward and leapt with weapon in hand. Time slowed for a brief second as he looked over the field and examined where that strike was coming.

First he struck the ground, arcing a large curbed wall of earth that caught most of the arrows or allowed them to ping harmlessly off of it. He could take an arrow but he had the feeling his compatriot was a little more mundane in that department. Some pinged harmlessly off of his mana infused legs, leaving small rips in the fabric of his pants.

Without much thinking to it, he spun as the wind moved to his command. One burst moved his luchador comrade away from the strike and the other formed a current that cushioned the space between him and the weapon. It didn’t kill the momentum fully, yet did enough to lessen the damage as it slammed into his arm and sent Sean flying back a good dozen feet.  The impact spot stung a little but he knew it wasn’t enough to cause any lasting damage.

”That all?” He realize where he had felt that sensation before. ”Your master must be desperate to scrape the bottom of the barrel like this. Reavers now?” Brilliant blue flames flared up around his arms, causing the air to waver. ”You think you can come into my city and kill who you want?  You must be brain dead.” He let a little nether seep into the flames, turning from bright blue to a strange black color. ”This world isn’t yours either!” Without much thought he unleashed a torrent of flames, black and hot enough to vaporize flesh on contact. That which did not melt would feel itself rapidly begin to decay, unable to hold its structure was it was turning to putrefaction.

This was all a front though, allowing Sean to raise high walls of Earth around the two of them. Keep the weaker human out of this as well as keep the Reavers from interfering with his fight.  If this man wanted to do what he sought, he would need to kill him first and even then there were those he was sure could stop him. Despite that LA needed help and he would oblige most happily.

More chaos was spreading through the streets as archers and dreadnoughts moved to continue to torments the humans. Those who hadn’t been wiped out were hiding in the hopes to avoid the same. Despite that they weren’t fully safe. One of the soldiers, a larger specimen had lifted the front end of a truck where someone had made the vain hope of hiding under. Despite the weight they threw it aside with little effort, leaving the young teen who had sought o hide there huddled with shivering limbs.

Staring down death itself even.

The Reaver raised their weapon and swung, seeking to destroy another filthy existence but what they met with was a thin yet brilliant barrier of light. Cracks spread where the weapon struck but it didn’t not give way. Three more seconds maybe. “Hey, don’t just sit here!” A female voice called out to he youth just staring upwards at the sudden divine intervention. Their eyes turned to the source of the voice, which was  a young looking woman dressed in street clothes save for a few bits of armor. A golden sword was in her hand, and determination filled her eyes.

She was flanked by two others. One was an adult man, late twenties with loose flowing and ornate robes alongside a teenager with more casual looking clothes.  “This city is under the protection of Casmaudius, you’re not welcome here demon!” The older man stated with a voice louder than humanly possibly. His eyes glowed golden beneath the hood of his robes.  He raised a hand as lightning began to crackle from his fingertips and the golden energy arced outwards at the reaver.

They barely had any time to avoid it.

It managed to move but not enough to avoid getting hit. The armor where it was struck was rent, and the flesh beneath cooked to a painful bubbling black. Despite that it was still alive, holding the arm where it had been hit. The woman with the sword however had dashed forward and their weapons clashed as she began to push it back, ripping up the concrete until it was slammed against the side of a building. “You heard him fucker.” Then an explosion of holy light issued from the weapon enveloping them both.


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by ProwlerKnight September 8th 2024, 4:12 am

Santo Dorado

“Yo, you telling me to...” He paused, seeing the Reavers retreating away, scattering through the streets. “Leave?” As he was distracted, his body was shoved with a gust of wind, just in time for a massive hammer to just graze by him.  

“Oi, that was close...” He stated as he looked up at the figure wielding. “That must be the Leader...” He paused as he contemplated staying to help, even though he knew this was not a fight he was gonna win. But as the spellcaster attacked the big bad, Angel remembered the scattering reavers, realizing they were probably hunting down more victims. “Okay, so minion duty it is.” He then took off, getting clear of the blast zone as he chased down some of the retreating reavers.  

Blue Gyro

As the surrounding Reavers were closing in, a couple of them were knocked over by one that had been thrown at them. As they slowly scrambled to get to their feet, the projectile Reaver erupted into a decent sized explosion, blown to pieces, as well as damaging the other two.  

Caleb looked to Frank, giving a thumbs up as he pulled out his own explosive spheres, throwing them towards the others as he used the opening to get clear. The circle of Reavers erupted into balls of flames behind him as he landed in a pose. “Seems like they realize they can’t win here...” He replied to the man, seeing the Reavers retreating. “Judging by the sense of urgency in their attack, I’d guess they are on a deadline to collect as many people as they can, which we clearly delayed...” He looked to Frank, then the man. “Which means we need to stay on the offensive, they are in too much of a hurry to waste time trying to deal with us...” He pulled out a pack from his pouches, opening it up to reveal a medkit, which he handing to the man. “You’re gang here, is this all you got, or can you summon more, we don’t need to kill them, just slow them down enough to force them to move on.”  


As the woman dealt with one Reaver, a second charged forward, looking to get to the young human while they were preoccupied.  

A whistle rang through the street from behind the Reaver, forcing them to stop their charge and turned to see a young man in a black hooded jacket slowly walking towards it. In his hand, resting on his shoulder was a silver longsword with a golden guard and pommel.  

The Reaver turned so it was facing Victor, scythe its side as it charged forward, looking to score what it believed was an easy kill.  

But as it closed the distance, Victor shifted into a full sprint, before the Reaver could bring the scythe into a swing, his sword in both hands as he brought it into an upward swing, cleaving the head of the Reavers horse clean off. He then rolled clear as the horse crashed into the ground, forcing the Reaver to fly forward, tumbling into a nearby parked car with a hard crash.  

As the Reaver climbed to its feet, it looked to its steed, seeing that the creature was not healing like it should be. It then looked to Victor, stomping towards him, swinging the scythe around at him in an attempt to cut him down.  

Victor guiding the scythe over his head as he parried, moving to the Reavers side as he slashed at its leg, cutting him at the knee. As the Reaver dropped onto the stump that remained, Victor spun, delivering a final swing of his blade. The Reavers head went flying as its body dropped to the ground.  

He looked over to the woman as she burst into an explosion of holy light. “Man, why can’t you do that?”  

”My blade can already slay any beast you come across, why are you asking for more?” A voice replied to Victor in his head, coming from the sword in his hand.
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move. Your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth and tell the whole world:

“No, you move.”

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 160
Location : Bangor, ME
Age : 32
Job : CRMA
Humor : Dark, Goofy, Nerdy, pretty much anything
Registration date : 2022-01-29

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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Vorik September 16th 2024, 5:01 pm

Frank gave a strained huff as he watched the Reavers suddenly retreat. He wasn't sure of the reason but had good suspicions about their goals.

The undead monsters came upon LA in a tidal wave of shock and force. Kidnapping children, attacking population centers, wanton destruction... This was the telltale mark of a raid. He shuddered as he thought about what their plans might be with those children. It seemed that the foul riders decided that Frank and the others were too much of a hassle. He wasn't sure if the riders were just going to another population center or if they were pulling a full retreat. Regardless, Frank wasn't about to let them go if there was any chance of them doing more harm.

He turned to Caleb and his new ally and saw their face and neck bleeding heavily. He reached into his utility pouch and brought out some gauze and passed it to Isroh.

"Here, it should help with the bleeding."

He looked around at the Reavers struggling and writhing on the ground before looking back at Isroh.

"Thank you for the help. Not sure we could have lasted much longer with these bastards getting back up. I'm Green Ranger and my partner here is Blue Gyro. Take some time to check on your men, I need to make a call."

He stepped away and tapped on his communicator.

"Eden, Marcus, Jakob, come in."

He waited seconds as static greeted him.

"Eden, Marcus, Jakob, report. The city is under attack and I need status reports." He said in a measured tone.

Silence followed.

Frank fought down a frown as he considered the possibility that his friends might be dead or worse. He was about to turn back to address Ishroh and Caleb when the communicator crackled to life.
Post Mate
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Alert Re: Stans in Umbra Mortis

Post by Demonhunter October 10th 2024, 10:51 pm

Isroh went to spire the pooling black blood from his face only to find he wasn’t healing at all and worse yet he could feel his teeth through the gash as he held his hand to his face. Usually it took way more than a simple swipe of a blade to even draw blood but this much wasn’t something he’d run into before. He gladly accepts the medical help, holding the gauze to his cheek, pushing down hard enough to hopefully quell the bleeding.

“I sent my men everywhere. They started south so I have men stationed at every intersection and they‘re not to let them get past Compton. If I call more here I’d be calling them off at another intersection.” In the back of his mind, little adjustments to his vines were made, winding tighter around broken bones, expanding out further. This had to be the largest space that’s ever been under control, yet he had to keep expanding. His vines crept forward each minute, engulfing as much of the city as it could, taking root in planters, medians and any exposed earth along the way to boost its range. It was a task running at autopilot in the back of his mind as he pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a text.

Within moments each group had texted back with how many men were left. “Ten percent of those I brought are dead, but they haven't broken the line yet. They’re going to try to push up a few streets.” The sounds of gunfire echoes through the streets, inching closer and closer as the paladins invade and let his demons push even harder. “I’m Isroh. If they really are in a time crunch, that’s good for us. If we can keep them contained and run out the clock. My boys are telling me there's some paladins and clerics moving in so we have help.” They were gaining ground, but the carnage was still off the charts. All the ranks of reavers seem to have broken ranks they had scattered into unpredictable routes throughout Long Beach and Torrance.

Isroh swore if they survived the night, he’d be supplying top shelf liquor to anyone who helped shove these nightmarish monsters back into the hellhole from which they came.


Things were going south quickly for Damien and he knew it. Twice he’d attempted an invasion of this world and twice he was meeting resistance fierce enough to make his goals even harder. It only made him hate humanity all the more.

Fires of death bathes the reaver- threatening his soul anchored into his body by the black beast, although still unpleasant. He could feel his skin trying to recoil at the magic. The walls pull up around him as Damien growls. Running through thousands of fights over hundreds of years in his head, his armor seemed to melt away into liquid.

After a split second a scythe suddenly flies from the black flames staking itself into the stone wall over Arcana’s head. A shimmer of black outlines the reaver as he dashes to the scythe, platemail gone and now replaced with studded leather and a single pauldron over the left shoulder. The face of the spiteful revenant is revealed and full of pure malice as he thunders at the mage getting in close. As far as he knew of mages, they needed to use their hands, their words, something that getting in close would interrupt. Each deadly swipe of the scythe leaves scores in the pavement and in the walls as the painted man refused to let Arcana have so much as a second to breathe without having something to block, dodge or redirect. The green smog escapes his nose with each step as he advances, threatening a hail of death around him.

Arcana had done a marvelous job foiling his overall plan, the mountain of corpses his men were gathering was useless to him until these walls crumbled as the spread of his smog would not be completely inhibited, but the range wouldn’t be enough to reach as far as he’d wanted and it wasn’t worth wasting for just Arcana… yet. “So it’s your city then?” His voice, despite the wild rage, despite the movement and exertion, still level and smooth. “Now I know who to bury beneath it.”

He was gone in seemingly an instant as the winds seemed to shift past arcana, repositioning behind him and thundering forward, scythes poised to drag across the mage’s spine.
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