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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Riylm August 30th 2014, 3:07 pm

In the Samstown Hotel and Gambling Hall, Riylm is making it big, his unnatural luck rewarding him with many wins and many more enemies... His black overcoat and silk shirt are high quality, his brown eyes peeking out from under a dark small brimmed hat, shimmer with the gleam of amusement and greed.

Flicking a pair of cards into the air with a simple twist, they come down with an Ace of Hearts and a Queen of Hearts too... "Blackjack" he says, with a devilish smile. Raking in the green chips as a strange looking individual walks through the door..

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2014-08-29

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Victor Kreed August 30th 2014, 3:19 pm

Victor had entered the Gambling Hall in Samstown Hotel. He looked around. This place was going downhill...most of the people bargaining didn't have that kind of money and some were desperately trying to earn it back. It was likely that most of the people here would walk out becoming bounties, in body bags, nothing but the close on their backs, or rich. Whatever came first he guessed. He was lucky he had the mask with him, or people would run away in fear, or he'd get shot at. He looked over and saw one guy having a unusual amount of good luck. He usually found gambling dull, boring, or idiotic. However, Kreed had nothing else better to do. He walked over to a man he would soon know as Riylum. "Don't waste it all." Kreed said, referring to the money.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-08-19

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Riylm August 30th 2014, 3:29 pm

Looking at the hulking brute of a man, Riylm grins, "I think I'm just about done here... though to be honest, I could part with some of these if you don't mind using your.... presence to keep these lovely and upstanding gentlemen from lodging a knife in my spine as soon as I stand up" he says casually, the sarcasm dripping heavily from his voice as he uses the words 'lovely, upstanding, and gentlemen'

Though the man is not very large, you sense a great confidence in his every word... as if he is totally sure that he could walk on water if he fancied the idea... its quite annoying, and yet charming.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2014-08-29

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Victor Kreed August 30th 2014, 3:39 pm

Kreed reaches for the man's shoulder assuring that he would stay there. He seemed smart. Well, smart as in, not dumb enough to "trip over your own feet". "So, what's your name.." Kreed said, with a slight tension in the words, "what's your name." In hadn't been five minutes and Victor already hated the man. He was irritating and cocky, to things he hated in people. Cockiness gets you killed, and irritation only leads to even more trouble. Victor tensed his grip on the man's shoulder, enough to cause pain. If only he knew who he really was, this fool would not toy with him. He looked like the all talk no action type as it was, and Victor expected no more. He would make his time here quick as Victor felt like he was getting stares from certain people. Violent. People.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-08-19

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Riylm August 30th 2014, 3:46 pm

The mans eyes seek Victor's out, and you feel as though he is trying to see your soul.... so that he can try to sell it. "usually you give me yours first, though in this situation, I will not stand on ceremony, I am Riylm" he says with a gamblers grin, inwardly he is very unhappy that his newly acquired ally is already trying to set terms...

Standing up, and sweeping the three stacks off green into his pocket, he shrugs away from Victor's grip and the silken shirt is swiftly brushed and he starts heading for the money-changing station.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2014-08-29

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Victor Kreed August 30th 2014, 3:54 pm

Victor watches as Riylum walks toward the money changing system. He reaches for his back collar to stop him, seeing at the corner of his eye a strange man reaching into his back pocket is heading for them. Seriously, a gun. You gotta be kidding me. "You wouldn't happen to have made new "friends" here. Would you?"Victor asked Riylum before preparing for a fight. Kreed turned to Riylum, his facial expression was clear: Get behind me. Kreed watches as to what the man does before seeing multiple men get up from different tables some pulling out knives and some pulling out puny M9 pistols.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-08-19

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Riylm August 30th 2014, 6:59 pm

The new charge raises one eyebrow... "Did you think I employed you because I felt these men wanted to show me their exquisite collection of dangerous objects?" he drawls

he turns around, staying behind the bulk of Victor while starting to insert chips into the machine... I realized I got the biggest guy, but I hadn't thought he was that dense... Though now I know for sure that he can stop a bullet... If you survive in LV for more than an hour you have got to be either smart or durable... He's so dense I'm surprised he isn't dragging his knuckles... he thinks to himself with a small chuckle

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2014-08-29

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Victor Kreed August 30th 2014, 7:42 pm

Bullets bounced off of Kreed as he charged towards the armed men. He trucked through tables and other innocent people as he swung his arm, hitting one man with a knife flinging him toward the wall, knocking him out instantly. He picked up another man as more bullets started to his him. It started to really sting after a while, but he had to manage it if he and this idiot were going to walk out alive. Victor through the screaming man into another, and took off his mask. If they wanted to fight, they got one now. Without his mask his body seemed to transformed into some cyborg lizard monster. He threw his mask at Riylum. "Hold this for me. If that thing it's broken or lost when I'm done, you will be an addition to the mess that will be left over." He warned has he trucked and barreled through more men, seemingly helpless against this horrifying monster. Soon the cops will be here....he had to end this fight before they got here, or else, Kreed and Riylum will be caught up more than gambled for. Pun intended.

Victor activated his shoulder cannon which rose out of his robotic shoulder. Forget heat-seeking missiles, the room was small enough that he couldn't miss. "Stand back!"He fired one rocket into the corner, killing multiple people, innocents mixed with armed men. People were screaming with terror as it only added to the amount of noise there was in here. This is was complete chaos. The fight needed to end. And fast. Kreed would also make a mental note of making Riylum explain himself when they got out of this mess. Though Kreed thought he knew the answer, he second guessed himself. Wanting to get your money back was one thing, but this, this completely ridiculous. Either something bigger was at play here or theses guys were overreacting.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-08-19

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Riylm August 31st 2014, 8:58 am

Riylm finishes his automatic transaction with the machine before Victor peels away his mask and becomes the creature of destruction. Automatically catching the mask in one hand Riylm sighs wearily... This is going to be a terrible mess, and I doubt that the owners will ever allow me to return now... he thinks to himself.

Then he sees the cannon rise out of the creatures shoulder...

Surely he isn't foolish enough to... Riylm thinks, but Victor's shout stops that thought short... Nevermind... These thoughts blaze through his head like trails of fire, and Riylm's body was already moving... Around the machine, over the bar, diving for cover....

BOOOM a boil of blazing light rips through the air, the concussion knocking out every shard of glass in the place, chips flying, tables flying, machines flying... human.... parts landing everywhere...

Riylm doesn't wait a second, rising from the floor and hurdling the bar, heading for the street like an Olympic sprinter, his black silk shirt streaming behind him, and his fedora clamped tight to his head with one hand, the mask in the other.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 6
Registration date : 2014-08-29

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Victor Kreed August 31st 2014, 2:59 pm

The room would soon get quiet as the cyborg lizard had stopped firing. All you could hear was the cracklings of the flames and the occasional sound of debris. Kreed took a look around. All the people in this room besides Kreed and Riylum were either dead or dying. There multiple holes in the walls. Well that took care of that. He went over to dead gunman and picked up his m9. He looked around the room. "It's over now. Take this, your gonna need it." Kreed said, only he didn't get a response. He called out his name a few more times. Did he die in the crossfire? He checked the room and didn't see his body. Oh no, he did not. Kreed's mask wasn't here either. He roared in anger, and headed onto the streets. He looked in both directions. He saw a man running in a fairly far distance. Kreed ran on all fours as he charged the cowardly fool. No one steals from Victor. No one.
Victor Kreed
Victor Kreed

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2014-08-19

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Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck Empty Re: Las Vegas, Lizard's and Luck

Post by Sponsored content

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