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Were is Luck when you need it?

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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 5th 2012, 7:32 pm

It seemed as if it was dark and gloomy. The sun was going down and it was almost night, but being in the city was different because it stayed lit. Corneal watched and waited inside a Dairy Queen for food; he could see building office lights bring turned off showing people were ending their day of work.

He got his ice cream and slowly took spoon fills and put it in his mouth and waited while it was melting in his mouth. He looked around while some of the employees started to leave. He was there for a while; he ate the ice cream and also watch the night shift come in. As he finished he stood up and threw the empty cup away and walked out. He streatched his arms out then pit them into the outside pockets of his coat. While he was walking he would hear the sounds of sirens and shouting he decided only tonight he would help. He used his power right when he got into an alley. He simply thought the word "Push" and he was sent shooting up into the air and landed almost perfectly on the roof. He started to run leaping building to building using his power to get on higher or lower buildings only when needed.

He come onto a scene were a man was hitting a teen with her own purse, What the fuck, how did this happen he said to himself in a low voice. Coronel took out a camera and took pictures of the scene. He jumped down right behind the girl and cought the next motion of the bag. He used his power to throw him away from the girl. He grabbed her and the guy and jumped once again. He let the girl off were she wanted and brought the guy with him to a local jail. The girl seemed to have not been in shock at all except when the guy was hitting her. Coronel to a jail and taped him down infront making sure he did not move, he also taped the camera down on to his forehead.

And then in a flash he was off again!

Coronel's Advancements
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 7th 2012, 6:16 pm

Eating a Burger, something the americans called a "Bigmac" Simon Lagrange, AKA Nanograft, thought to himself now then that was quite the story in the papers about that guy who jumped around town arresting people..... maybe i should go find him... Simon decided to first find a hotel or something as he had just flown in from his home city of Paris. Walking up to the hotel Finefront, he saw something a bit off.... what is going on here? i think i see blood and feel elevated heartrates.... Walking in he saw about thirteen soldiers with XENON written on their uniforms. Turning around the first soldier fired a few rounds at Simon. Wow retards.... thought Simon. His armor slid onto him and he dodged the bullets, quickly sliding around and he then blasted most of them, taking out the rest when he punched them in the faces. Hmm never heard of Xenon... wonder what they are... thought Nanograft just as a huge Mech blasted its way in.....

(Cornael should enter here)
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 8th 2012, 8:04 pm

Coronel was doing good no slip-ups, he was graciously moving and jumping on the tops of buildings. He panned his eyes to the left which was a dumb move for right when he did his next step which was into a puddle of water made him slip out of control. His foot slid which made him hit the side barricade of the building. He fell over and used his power to escort himself to the ground safely unharmed. He dusted off like an idiot without looking around at his wear abouts. He was standing infront of a resturant, one guy was eating a bigmac, a couple who looked in their 60 was eating salads, and another man was staring at him along with the couple, but that's all he got from a glimse except that the man was leaving. He ran into an alley and they followed. Hey wait, wait mister, what was that, what is your name? The questions were endless as they followed Coronel and he finally decided to stop to talk to them about his secret. Fine then just one at a time, my name is Coronel Liffy. Please do not tell anyone what you saw, I have a great ability, and I survived a fall like that because I compressed space together so I could slide down it; now please leave me to rest. They looked at him as if they had an attitude on what he said, but they agreed to him and left. But still he had to wait just incase anyone else followed so he could explain what happened. "Man this was a killing accident." He thought yo himself.

Coronel's Advancements
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 8th 2012, 9:01 pm

Fending of the first few attacks of the battle mech, Nanograft, seeing that the mech is much to powerful for combat in such close quarters, fires off a few energy blasts and jumps out onto the street where he powerboosts avoiding the mechs attacks. God, this thing is huge, i sure wish i had some fluke miracle and another hero would show up, eh whatever ill kill the damn thing thought Nanograft to himself. *BOOM* *BOOM* The machine fired off a few cannon rounds. Damn, I need an opening, wait! i see it! Nanograft jumped up, boost kicked the mech in the cockpit, but was thrown off balance by a few rounds of its gatling. Having the machine weakened, Nanograft decided to continue luring it towards a more open position. *CRASH* *BOOM* *ZING* the machine was now in full swing firing all of its weapons up across the open square Nanograft had lured it to. Suddenly, a chunk of a nearby restaurant fell apart. Seeing that there were people there Nanograft exclaimed FUCK! Jetting past he quickly grabbed a few of the people and got them to safety. He noticed a strange form, human looking, bouncing around like a rabbit high on meth. The mech's guns swiveled around to face Nanograft *CLANK*, *WHIR* Crap... muttered Nanograft.....
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 8th 2012, 10:20 pm

The people had started walking away and that was the last of them. Geez that sucked for if they were kids they would have run off to tell friends and Coronel does not need that. He picked back up from the wall of the building and went into the street. He seen something and an idiot fighting, "lol" he thought. "Well tonight I will be helping out alot more" he continued to think. He started to run to see if he could get to an opening of this mech. He ran around the street looking for a low weak point that could be hit. And if it was not much easier the joints seemed really small and looked as if they were supporting to much weight. He started to run for a place so he could hit it and was fought off guard when cannon shells bellied past him. He took cover incase it seen him but it did not for those were just stray shots. He placed both hands and started to compress a good bit of space into a ball so he could hopefully take it down in one hit. "Let's hope this works" he thought quietly.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
The Perfect Sandwich
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 8th 2012, 10:30 pm

got its weak point! though Simon to himself. He quickly rammed it in the leg, breaking some wiring. He was all around, boosting quickly, kicking the mech, firing of shots and also cracking up important parts. The mech's driver must have had great reflexes, because he flung Nanograft off of the mech CRAPPPPPPPPP!!! yelled Nanograft as he flew into a building reeling from the force of the swipe. Turning around he saw a weird looking guy charging up something in his hands. Please god no more enemies mumbled nanograft...
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 9th 2012, 4:24 pm

He saw the guy getting flung around or it might have been him just jumping and hitting the robot. He was doing really good until the guy was knocked into a building. He seen him look over at him. "Well time to attack" he thought to himself. He was done charging and he swung his arm which sent the ball of compressed space at the robot. He made it change into a more lethal form like a blade. It spun around in a diagonal line and it would cut the street post without hesitate. The wave kept going until it hit the mech cutting off almost 3/4 of it in one swing. It was almost like overkill. He ran and jumped up seeing the mech spilling out the fluids that kept it running. He ran to the guy that was lodged in the building and went to give him a hand, Here let me help, first we can get you out of this and then we can talk, so how about it? he said with a grin/smile on his face.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 9th 2012, 4:43 pm

Thank God for you sir! That mech had me pinned down and my powers were just about to lose their charge. said nanograft as the stranger helped him up onto his feet. What's your name? You can call me Coronel replied the stranger. Nanograft needed to find out more about these "Xenon" guys. Him being ex-RAID he knew about most of the major terrorist organizations but this group stumped him thoroughly. Well ill take you up on that offer of a conversation then said Simon as he morphed into his street clothes. Oh and you can call me Simon. said Simon with a smile on his face. As they walked down farther into the city Simon spotted a nice restaurant and decided to talk over a meal with this very helpful stranger. The restaurant was called "Food for Thought" This looks like a nice place to eat, lets go in, dinner is on me. The two walked into the restaurant.
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 9th 2012, 5:40 pm

As they talked he looked at the restaurant they were walking into, and it seemed really up class nice and fancy. Than just a regular fast food restaurant. They opened the door in a but of a quick jester and apparentlly scared one of the waitresses and accidentally made her drop her tray. She did not say anything, but Coronel immediately hurried to her aid and helped clean up. Thanks for the quick help y'all now I need to get these redone; what a bummer. "Time to sit" Coronel thought as he took his table. He used his power to cloak the new comer and pull him quickly to the table he was at. Ok have a seat and we will order some food and we will talk about what we know he said picking up the menu in one hand ready to start his search.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 9th 2012, 8:20 pm

Sitting down Simon smelled the great food and had some before starting to talk. Well my name is Simon Lagrange, though I'm known more as Nanograft. I am ex-law enforcement and looking through all the files I have not found a trace of that word XENON anywhere. That was what was on the mech and a logo on some soldiers I found tearing up a hotel. Thankfully I stopped them before anyone got too badly injured, though right after that, the mech crashed in. Nanograft assumed the Coronel was curious about his powers so he decided to explain. My powers come from a few billion nanobots across my body. They allow me to construct that armor you saw, project energy blasts, move and fight much better, and they can even negate cardiac arrest. They work on a network so i can always control them. The two continued to eat for a while and Simon ordered a bottle of French Burgandy. Sipping on the wine for a few minutes Simon continued speaking. Well whoever these XENON guys are they definitely are not "good" so I think we should find out as much as we can about them. Luckily i think i can trace one of those soldiers who I left alive's DNA with my nanobots. Nanograft concentrated for a moment. Damn! I can't trace anything, guess we will have to go on any info we can gather. Sitting back in his seat Simon thought to himself that this man seemed like a good person and hoped to have further escapades with this "Coronel" character.
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 9th 2012, 9:02 pm

Hmm? Well I do know someone, a tech wizard, goes by the nickname Gizmo. We call him tech master because he stays huddled up on his multiple computer monitor and modem setup. I'll give him a call he should be able to find something. Ohh Coronel was basically braying at this point. Even tho his friend was just a mere mortal he was an intelligent bastard and man could he figure things out. Coronel proceeded to give him a call; he crunched in the numbers and hit the green button and off went the call. It took three rings before he answered his built in laptop-phone. [color:aa35=sky blue]Hey long time no see what you calling about? Well me and another POWER are looking into this group of people so get this down and call me back with info; we don't need this line open too long: Xray Echo November Oscar November. Later Coronel out. He closed the phone and began to look at the guy across from him. Now that he knew what this guy could do he had to show him his ability so he could understand what to watch out for when fighting beside him. He coughed, and then he spilled the salt onpurpose. He made a little floating ball that you would have to squint to see, then he started to pick up the salt and compress it together. He explained it to the guy to were he under stood his power to Push and Pull any object of space he controls.

Coronel's Advancements
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The Perfect Sandwich
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 9th 2012, 9:34 pm

DAMN IT! Nothing against you I just hate heroes with physics powers, it tends to confuse my Nanobots, but that is besides the point. Nanograft, having heard the Coronel's conversation with this "Gizmo" character, Simon decided thaat whatever was going on was to good an opportunity to strike at an unknown threat. Being ex-RAID Simon knew that any unknown threat had to be discovered and neutralized at the soonest moment possible. Just to be safe Nanograft did a quick cross-reference on the web about Xenon. The only thing that turned up was an entry about a failed company, which had been liquidized in the 80's. That was obviously a dead end as the company Nanograft found only shared a first letter with XENON, it was called Xarcon. Hmm... lets hope this hacker friend of yours can find some info on these guys, I have access to a secret service network and nothing has turned up. Finished with his delicious meal Nanograft checked his external and internal power routers, and seeing that they had been recharged to 95% capacity, he decided that there was no real need to stay in the restaurant. Would you like to leave this restaurant? I have nowhere to go right know as my hotel reservation has expired. Can I go to your house or apartment or something? inquired Nanograft.
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 9th 2012, 10:04 pm

He got up from the table and at the same time wiped his mouth with his rag. Hoping the guy forgot Coronel pulled our his wallet and paid for the meals. He laughed to himself and waved for the guy to follow. He started to walk down the side walk and since they were where they were he could get to his appartment in a couple of minutes. He told the guy to pick up pace.

He was walking down the street keeping his guard so none of those men snuck up on them. Temporarily it seemed to stay clear, no one would not try and jump out and exspose themselves. They were that good or they were just not following. They were getting close to his house until his phone went off. "Well it is about time" he thought. Coronel pulled out his phone and looked at it. It was like a mini GPS that gave the location of this group. A map layered map popped up showing that both of them had to go along way into the ground. Well we got the coordinates so I guess we should start moving, and again I'm in dept to Gismo once again. What a bummer? Coronel showed the guy the map layout and the GPS layout so if they get split on the way there he could still make it there on his own.

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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by keblinky May 9th 2012, 10:17 pm

Analysis complete... whirred the nanobots in Nanografts head. Okay i got the map layout on my firmware I will be able to tell where I am now. Nanograft smelled the windy air of Chicago and thought to himself This would be a pain in the ass place to do air-dashes in. Walking to the Coronel's stronghold Simon took some booze from his coat and took a swig. As he has a much stronger system than normal people due to the nanobots he can drink his way through 8 gallons of vodka without getting drunk, and drugs have almost no affect on him. Simon thinks to himself I prefer Paris, but this place has quite an amount of charm, i could get used to Chicago. A pickpocket bumps into Simon, who sensing elevated heartrates and brainwave patterns silently takes back his wallet and then takes the pickpocket's pack of gum. Offering the gum and some of his liquor Simon says Want any? My treat?
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Were is Luck when you need it? Empty Re: Were is Luck when you need it?

Post by The Perfect Sandwich May 9th 2012, 10:38 pm

Na I'm good for now he said just by the tone he was looking at Nanograft. He stretched his arms out in a look of being tired. He was luckily to be this close to his appartment; he went up the stairs to the floor he was on grabed a few things locked the door and jumped over a rail landing next to the man. It was time to go as Coronel super leaped his way to a wide open place so he could have atleast an almost straight shot to the building strong hold of the group. He was about totake off when suddenly he jumped down in a flash saving a little girl. He could only think why as he put her down and she run inside screaming. The truck dus nit even stop once, [color=red]What cruel people would not stop to check on road kill especially if it was a human. Coronel picked one hand up and snapped which blew out all 4 tires in one shot. The truck came screatching to a halt and the girl was no were to be found. He moved her toy from the middle of the road and placed it on their apartment stairs. He was now ready to go he leaped back and powered up so make himself alot lighter but quicker to get here.

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