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School Days (Raindrop, Open)

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Kourage January 5th 2016, 9:04 pm

Kylie Henderson sat upright at her desk, pencil hovering slightly above a yellow notebook. It was nearly brand new, containing about a week’s worth of Chemistry notes.  The rest of the college-ruled pages were ready to be filled with knowledge. Kylie herself couldn’t wait to get started. Her classmates, however, didn’t seem to share her enthusiasm. Since she’d arrived at the school, she’d found that teachers and lectures were usually confronted with glazed eyes and indifferent expressions. Not that the students could really be blamed. It was the middle of their eleventh grade school year, which meant they had probably sat through this exact situation about a thousand times. Yet for Kylie, everything was brand new. For all the crimes she had witnessed, the streetfights she had won, all of the places she had wandered since the incident… no place was quite like Exivar High.

It was a miracle that she was here at all. A few weeks prior, she had come into contact with one of her father’s old partners. Of course, she had been suspicious. Most people related to Neil Henderson qualified as bad news. In fact, she remembered this guy- one of the forgers who had worked for the family. He said he’d had a change of heart… that he wanted to turn his life around, and somewhere he’d heard that she was doing the same. Kylie wasn’t entirely certain where he would have heard that, but the concept wasn’t unimaginable. After all, she had made it a point to say goodbye to any of her old friends she had managed to find before leaving. And as for turning his life around, well… she understood that better than anyone. So when he offered to forge school transcripts for her, she found no reason to object. This way she might be able to start a normal life. She could get a degree, a job, an income… she could contribute to society as any honest citizen would. Well, mostly honest. Besides, it was a heck of a lot more difficult to protect the innocent without resources.

So far, Kylie loved high school. She enjoyed the challenge presented by classwork, the new things she was learning every day, and most of all, she loved the people. It was fascinating, the cast system that existed here. There were popular kids, outcasts, rebels… and nobody ever fit into just one category. Sure, there were bullies, but they were nothing compared to the street gangs she’d grown up with. They’d learned fast not to mess with anyone while Kylie was around. She had a tendency to step in, and had no qualms about using her fists. She knew she’d eventually have to cut back on the violence though. Up until now she hadn’t been caught (mainly because bullies wanted less to do with the school’s security than Kylie did), but she didn’t want to risk getting expelled.

In class, however, she had been a model student. She wasn’t hyper-intelligent or anything, but her work ethic more than made up for her lack of knowledge and school experience. She worked on every problem given to her until she found an answer. It was fun. Although she did have to admit, it wasn’t quite as satisfying as punching out a bad guy. Solving problems with her fists was much more entertaining. That was another job though, another world. Right now, her focus was on this world: Exivar High.

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Jeisen January 5th 2016, 10:41 pm

The Windy City of Chicago, the birth place of many great heros and villians. A man stood a top a three story building in the bad part of town. A dark green cloak hung around his shoulders, draping down to his feet. He lifted the cloak up and a small orb floated up to his head level. It expended to about the size of a soft ball.

Nolan: "it's goooooooooood to be back!"

Jeisen: "you were never gone"

Nolan: "I mean out"

Under the green hood came an exasperated mechanical sigh. Jeisen sounded like he was used to it, but it had been a while though. Jeisen had been... Gone dealin with some things. With a snap of his wrist, a flash of metal appeared into his hands. He pressed the two guns together, forming them into a sniper rifle. He raise the scope to his blue optic of an eye.

He didn't even really know why he here. Something just called for him to stop here in his way home. He gave another sigh, an old habit, as he say down in his 'crows nest' of sorts. Maybe he could just watch for a while, get a feel for how a city moved again.
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2014-01-26

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Raindrop January 5th 2016, 10:54 pm

"Exivar High... Curious, quaint, intoxicating. I wonder, have we had one of our extra volatile tea parties with added high mortality rates at a high school yet? No?!... Now that simply won't do, we need to recall what color blood high school students have... Probably the same old pretty pretty red, but maybe it'll be different today, maybe those energy drinks and frappes will have tickled their blood pink! Perhaps a nice shade of blue? The words of but one of many happy go lucky Legion of Raincloud minions, dressed specifically for the wondrous occasion of a school stabbing. Known as Raindrop, as every member of the viral organization happened to be, was ready for a bright sunny day and lots of color to be splashed across the walls. The brain of an innocent human host body devoured and under the control of a protean organism, all while wearing a fancy white suit purchased using the victim's credit card. Laced up and ready to go with his pretty black dress shoes, Ultimately the face of this dabber brunette haired man would be remembered, alongside the beautifully plain white hockey mask we was wearing.

"Oh of course, it'd be silly to not remember you my friend! Finally the most important part of the outfit, a large machete, sharpened for a tea party!" Raindrop slowly moved toward the school grounds, his human host wearing his outfit most fashionably as he stolled along casually. Today was an adventure for this Raincloud, as he got closer to the school he peered in through the windows, watching as students numbly continued their studies. Some began to turn their heads toward the man outside the school, others were signalling their classmates and teachers to the figure walking closer and closer to the front door with a machete in hand. The panic it stirred was beautiful, a real work of psychological art! A smile peaked behind the blank face of the mask as he opened the front door and walked inside the high school. Empty front entrance, not a soul to be seen, utterly disappointing...

Going from the peaceful waltz to a full on sprint, Raindrop ran up and down the halls looking for people to slaughter, it didn't take long before he ran into one of the staff belonging to the school. What luck! The thought ran through his head, he could start the countdown right then and there and see how many more he could catch before being caught himself. Slice, slice, slice, down went the janitor, unaware of what had just happened as he fell to the ground, vision fading to black as he stared at his own limp torso beside him. This particular Raindrop had never personally experienced the exhilaration, the rush of such heinous crimes, perhaps it needed some more, it needed to feed. Soon enough as the body of the janitor dropped Raindrop continued running through the school looking for more victims to add to his red tea party.


Status :

Quote : "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Land of Endless Pie Crusts
Job : Royal Tear Inspector
Humor : None
Registration date : 2015-01-30

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Kourage January 6th 2016, 12:22 am

It didn’t take long for the commotion to take hold of Kylie’s attention. Chemistry completely forgotten, even the teacher was moving toward the back of the classroom. What had begun as some whispers from the kids near the window had quickly become widespread confusion. There was screaming coming from every direction.

“He’s got a knife! A big one!”

“Someone help!”

Kylie ran to the window just in time to see a figure entering the school. Whoever it was, they were male, and they were definitely carrying a knife. Now was definitely not a time for studying. Her skin began to emit a yellow light as her fists clenched at her sides. It looked like her two worlds were about to collide.

“Stay here!” she called out to her fellow student, rushing toward the door.

“Kylie, wait…” someone yelled after her, probably concerned for her safety. She hadn’t told anyone about her powers. Of course, the fact that her skin entire body was glowing should have clued them in at this point.

She managed to reach the doorway just as the man reached the janitor. He was charging through the hall, a white mask covering his face. Kylie watched in horror as his victim dropped to the floor. She hadn’t known the janitor very well, but he had been nice the few times they’d talked. He didn’t deserve this. Glaring, she stared at the masked man. Perhaps it was her imagination, but she thought she could see an expression in his eyes and mouth. She couldn’t see much of his face, but if there was anything she’d learned from her con artist father, it was how to read people. And this… this villain… he was smiling!?! Enraged, she glowed brighter. Everyone else was in the classrooms. If she could stop him here, there would be no more bloodshed.

“Hey!” she yelled to the man. “Looking for something?”

Last edited by Kourage on January 6th 2016, 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by superguy1 January 6th 2016, 12:26 am

Chicago. The Windy City was somewhere Drake had always wanted to go, and being orphaned and all, he could really go anywhere he wanted. He was wearing a parka and jeans, holding a cup of fresh coffe he had just purchased at a trendy little corner shop. He blew at the steam, which mixed in with his visible breath in the Chicago cold. This was the life. One of the upsides..or the only upside, of being orphaned because your maniac of a father killed your mother, and tried to sacrifce you to a god, which ended up ruining his day, was that he had inherited his fathers rather large fortune and was free to do as he pleased. He smiled to himself, and thought about how he was feeling kinda at peace for this one peaceful moment. "You are aware, that you're one of the most pathetic beings I've ever encountered, correct?" said a voice in his head.

Drake rolled his eyes. "Says the "God" who's stuck inside of a "puny mortal", now hush up, maybe if you're good i'll let you out." He thought in response, knowingly annoying the Minotaur. "I want nothing more than to crush you under my hoof.." the Minotaur thought in reply, although he became noticably more quiet.

No matter what the Horn-Headed Hairball thought, Drake would let nothing ruin this for him. He sipped more of the coffee, which tasted vaguely of cinnamon, as he sat on a nice little bench, at a park across from a high school. He just smiled and looked, observing the few people around, wrapped up in their lives, and just relaxed.

"Boy." the Minotaur thought to him, disrupting his peace. "Oh my fuc..WHAT!" Drake thought back quite perturbed at the interruption. "If you would remove your head from the clouds for a moment, you will notice a quiet strange mortal, brandishing what appears do be a blade, approaching the place called Exivar." the Minotaur thought in response.

Sure enough, he was right. Drake sat up straight, eyebrows furrowed with confusion, as he watched the man, who was holding a machete, and wearing a mask with otherwise fancy clothing. If this was a prank, it wasn't too funny.

"I assume we will be.."
the Minotaur began to think as Drake rose from the bench, and walked towards the man slowly at first, but the pace picked up as the man entered the school. "As I thought.". "Perhaps we should.." the Minotaur began, not quite having a name for their transformation yet.  
"Not yet," Drake started to think back "If this is just a prank, the last thing we need is to terrify them more with a giant bull man walking through the halls. We don't change until we're sure it's bad."

They entered. It wasn't long before they saw the bad. The lifeless body of a janitor was sprawled out on the floor, hacked to bits, as bloody foot prints led away from it.

Drake kneeled down, and closed the dead mans eyes, before glaring in the direction of the killer, and taking pursuit, pulling off his jacket along the way, knowing he'd need to transform soon, as he heard someone yelling up ahead. Someone must've confronted the killer. Not good. He turned the corner to see the maniac, and a teenage girl...a glowing one.. standing across from him. They must've noticed him, and he approached cautiously. "You," he pointed at the man "Are a fucking're going to jail."




Carl Gator:
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Posting Apprentice

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Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Jeisen January 6th 2016, 1:29 am

The city felt alive below him now as Jeisen watched it from above. A pulse all it's own. A person could learn it, see the pattern of movement like blood in the veins. A sudden rush of movement, of blood being spilled, could let one know of something going wrong. And like the white blood cells of a body, Jeisen would respond.

Of course, it was easier to see the pattern if one had all the data like Jeisen. Nolan was plugged into the police scanners, radio waves, and even the camera network of the city. It flowed around Jeisen in his head, far to fast and complex for normal human to follow. But Jeisen was no normal person. It did make sense to him and there was beauty in what he saw.

A flash of red popped up on his screen of data.

Nolan: "incident at a local school. Unclear as to what just yet. Lots of kids there."

Jeisen: "hmph"

Kids in danger was a problem. Normally Jeisen responded to metahuman threats, but This could turn into a nasty hostage situation. He shot a grappling hook from his wrist and swung down from the building and into the next one. He moved rapidly from roof to roof. He slide behind a concert railing for a rooftop about 300 meters from the school grounds. He brought the sniper rifle up again, switching to thermal viewing. There was a massive swarm of bodies in there.

Jeisen: "tap into their video feed and feed it into my helm here. Cross reference it with the thermal imaging. Highlight hostile a in green."

Nolan: "Done. Careful now, a pair of teenagers seem to be approaching the man to a fight. Optics of the camera inside the hallway migh be off but the girl appears to be glowing."

Jeisen just took the new in silently as he adjusted the scope of the rifle. He let out small breath, feeling the space between the beats of his own heart. In such a gap, he pulled the trigger. The shot of highly condesed energy raced from his gun, faster then any bullet. It tore right through the walls of the school, penetrating them with remarkable ease. It sailed at the hostile mans machete. Jeisen was trying to shoot the mans machete right out of his hands.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 338
Registration date : 2014-01-26

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Raindrop January 6th 2016, 2:55 am

The Raindrop masquerading as a man named Derek Marsh, an assistant manager of a local Mcdonalds continued to smile under his mask as he watched a glowing teenage girl approach him. It filled him with a spirit of inquiry as he watched her face shift from horror to glaring rage. A glowing metahuman, he wondered what surprises she had in store to pulverize him? Although he'd grown up in an era of emerging metahumans, apparently they were so readily available now that they lived commonplace among other students in ordinary schools!

The situation was vexing, yet incredibly curious for the Raindrop who had thought to so carelessly start a conflict that would cause such trauma to the masses. A school, who knew that a body harvest would become a battlefield in such a short matter of time? Information was a harvest in itself, to think of the other Raindrop's excitement to see just how much the world had changed since they'd been asleep? Maybe they'd finally accept him, approach him, and let him back into their society if he made a big enough stir.

The Raincloud kept silent having no desire to verbally respond to the blonde girl's question, he was indeed looking for something in all this, more than just the good time and information he'd gathered. The Raincloud started to run from the scene, mask, blade, and smirk still present when suddenly a courageous young man approached calling him not only a psychopath, but suggesting that he'd be going to jail. The considerate words passed the Raincloud's mind, this was perhaps an attempt to hurt him emotionally or make him feel bad for his actions?

Just as soon as the words had left the man's mouth the Raincloud saw the machete in his hand being blasted right through the wall, snapping Derek Marsh's wrist in the process. This was a lot more irksome than he would've thought possible. This human guise wasn't much for dealing with a singular meta threat, let alone the addition of an armed sniper and a man who looked more than physically capable of taking this physically unhealthy host. It would be his luck that there would be so many heroic figures in one place at the wrong time... He was an incredibly vulnerable target in this form and outnumbered, he needed to act quick.

The Raindrop gave a high-pitched twisted giggle unbecoming of the masculine man he was controlling as he seemingly spewed out a spout of blood and bile on the dead janitor's body and attempted to spew blood and bile on those around him, running around erratically as he did so near the crowds. What he'd expelled from his mouth was not just blood from assimilating portions of his current host's body, but a mixture of blood, deadly acid, and indistinguishable polymorphed cells which had been transported from the brain to the mouth. The complete process causing the sudden outburst of laughter and upheaval of biohazardous material which went to work at eating away at whatever matter it had covered, whether it was walls, dead bodies, or still living matter.

The Raincloud wanted to try his hand at causing some mayhem. Expelling cells made to look like human blood and bile which immediately went to work on covertly entering into the corpse of the recently deceased man, starting the silent, but effective organic assimilation process. While busily spewing out vile liquids the Raindrop went to work on assimilating the host body, running off into the hallway with half a face and no lower jaw while doing so. The host's faculties were now functioning improperly and the body would soon die, he needed to keep moving, he needed to find somewhere to fully assimilate the host body and find more biomass to replicate with. The individual formerly known as Derek Marsh ran off towards the school's cafeteria looking to hopefully find solace while it gathered it's collective thoughts to better plan a course of counterattack. Meanwhile the cells within the dead janitor began to formulate it's own plan while remaining in the guise of the janitor.


Status :

Quote : "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Land of Endless Pie Crusts
Job : Royal Tear Inspector
Humor : None
Registration date : 2015-01-30

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Kourage January 6th 2016, 7:57 pm

Now that... Kylie shuddered, is disgusting.

Confusion seemed to be building as more people arrived at the scene. First a boy had charged in through the front door, threatening to send the lunatic killer to jail. She'd never seen him before, so he probably wasn't one of the students. He wasn't one of the school's security guards either. Had he just happened to be in the area? If so, she supposed that was very fortunate. Not that she couldn't take on one psychotic thug by herself, but when it came to the fight against evil, "the more the merrier" policy definitely held true. Besides, judging by the lack of uniform, this dude wasn't police. That meant either he was incredibly stupid, or he had some sort of superpower to rely on.

Just as she had diverted her attention to the new arrival, a blast of energy shot through the walls, directing her eyes once more to the school's attacker. The machete flew out of his hand, clattering to the floor as his wrist twisted around. Considering wrists didn't move like that, it had to be broken. It had been a perfect shot. Was this the boy's power? She glanced again at the guy in the doorway, but he hadn't moved. So where had the shot come from?

She would not, however, have much time to think about it, as a high-pitched cackle rang through the halls. This was the disgusting part. The lunatic, no longer armed, had begun spewing what appeared to be blood and vomit in every direction. It coated the fallen body of the janitor (Which Kylie thought was kind of ironic, in an incredibly morbid sort of way), and spread out toward her and the other man. Instinctively, she jumped back, narrowly avoiding the vile blast. Kylie wasn't usually a squeamish person, but this was just gross. It was a good thing it had missed her too, for this was no ordinary stomach acid. The wall next to her had begun to disintegrate. Shocked, she turned to the attacker, only to be met with an even more horrifying sight. The masked man was no longer masked, and definitely no longer smiling. In fact, he was missing half of his face.

"What are you?!?" She exclaimed. She did not receive an answer. The man, er... creature... whatever it was had taken off running down the hallway. "Get back here!"

The monster was running deeper into the school's campus. Whatever it was, it was obviously very dangerous. She couldn't let it get near the other students. Scooping the machete up off of the ground, she hurled it at the running enemy before dashing after him. It lodged itself in the wall in front of the thing's face. Kylie growled. She would have preferred a direct hit, but perhaps the distraction would give her time to catch up...

It was then that, to her dismay, she heard the Exivar security team approaching. They were only doing their job, she knew, but there had to be a way to keep them out of this. They could get hurt. After all, they were only human.

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by superguy1 January 6th 2016, 11:08 pm

Drake barely had time to react to the shot, when the man started spewing something from his mouth. And it burned. A lot. "Aahhshitshit..!" He yelled trying to fling it all off. "NOW, YOU IDIOT!" the Minotaur thought at him.

Suddenly, the change began. Drakes flailing stop and he looked straight forward as his eyes began to flow red, and slowly his skin began to stretch out, as bulging muscles began to form like balloons. The front part of his skull had begun to stretch forward into two long horns, and his feet became hooves, tearing through his shoes. Minotaur now stood, as the acids sizzled away, barely burning his fur. With a roar, he lowered his head and rushed the man. The girl was in pursuit, and he'd quickly gained on and passed her as a few security guards stood in front. "You should move!" He roared, knocking them aside ebough to move them, but not harm them.




Carl Gator:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Jeisen January 6th 2016, 11:56 pm

A small tune filled the air as Jeisen whistled softly to himself. The lone sniper was prone on the ground, rifle butt pressed into his shoulder. The blue optic showned out brightly against the darkness of the room. Nolan floated next to his head. A mechanical voice spoke out in a low rumble.

Jeisen: "Nolan, got the PA system yet?"

Nolan: "oh was I suppose to be doing that? One second...... Got it."

Jeisen: "Go ahead and bring the other two up to speed. Guide them if you can."

Back inside the school a crackle came over the local PA system right above the two heros. A cheerful robotic voice.

Nolan: " Is this thing on? Yes? Oh good.... Hello there! It appears you two are taking on a villian, would you like assistantance with that? Hahaha I kid, I kid. Sorry I forget myself. Introductions are in order! I'm narcotics overseer learning adaptable network! Or Nolan for short. The shot came from my sniper friend who is watching over you two, mmkay?"

With that, another shot ripped through the wall aimed at the creatures right knee. Jeisen had lined up a shot through the walls again, this time trying to disable whatever the hell that thing is.

Nolan: "Prioreites are getting the civilians to safety. Villian will have to be kept busy. Split up or stick together, doesn't matter. Just get people to safety. Already walking people through evacuation procedures."

Was true in fact as doors opened up on the other end of the hallway, away from the killer. Teachers were leading students away from the danger, looking at their phones for guidance. Nolan was leading out everyone he could safely now.

Nolan: "More of the security detail is on the way. I'm using their comms system to get them to protect the students, but some are still on their way. The creature seemed to be heading to the cafeteria."
Post Adept
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 338
Registration date : 2014-01-26

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Raindrop January 9th 2016, 3:29 pm

What was Raindrop? Was he even human anymore? Maybe he had been at some point, decades ago. He was something different, in a whole other league… at minimum now a legion of his own. The thought merely passed the Raindrop’s mind after the girl had asked the question, running towards a moment’s respite was the Raindrop’s top priority. The scream of his previous weapon of choice whirled through the air as it was hurled at his direction. Paying a moment of notice to the machete and merely ignoring it as he ran. The Raindrop's cells were no longer devoted to maintaining the host's life and had the processing to note that it wouldn't even hit if he continued running along. To his merriment it lodged itself in the wall as predicted in front of his still deformed face. The thoughts of that potentially having ended very poorly tickled him for but a moment, before returning to dire planning needed for the serious situation he was in.

“Missed me!” the Raindrop screamed back in an almost childish manner as soon enough a shot smashed right through the knee of his still human legs. The sniper, the question that irked the Raindrop was how he was tracking him through the building, how he’d arrived so promptly, and whether or not he was calling in more backup. By this point the host had been mostly consumed, he wasn’t going to waste precious mobility for a couple more bits of organic matter and so decided to detach himself from the remainder of the host’s normal human body. The Raindrop hopped off from the waist up, leaving behind the remaining legs of the host, having grown no attachment to the remainder of what had once been his vessel and a human body. From his waist he sprouted thin spider-like legs, continuing his sprint with an urgent skittering.

A large number of humans was headed his way, this was a good stroke of luck for the Raindrop, aiding in the plan he’d already formulated. By the time he’d made his way to the kitchen, the assimilation of the host body was completed to the Raindrop’s glee. Finally, he was no longer constrained by the limitations of his flawed host, the Raincloud had done its job, and began spreading immediately at rapid speeds. The Raindrops in the kitchen began their part of the plan devouring any food and organic matter they could, spreading his body into dozens upon dozens of rat sized tooth filled monstrosities throughout the room, he couldn’t leave all the work to his progeny in the hall. Soon enough the four-eyed, long eared small rat sized bodies in the kitchen had grown to the size of cats, grabbing and attaching knives from the kitchen to the ends of their tails. Each Raindrop that had been spawned from the original Raincloud was now a collection of skinless bodies of mock teeth, mock claws, with whip-like protrusions on their tails that held blades hungrily awaiting the security that was running their way.

The sound of the security was soon drowned out by what sounded like a raging bull headed towards the Cafeteria, the Raindrops were curious, but figured they could better utilize their strength in numbers, exiting the Cafeteria through the edges of the doorway. Hopping along the walls and clambering across the ceiling to avoid the oncoming threat all the while attempting to slash at their target with their bladed lashing tails. The security that'd been knocked to the ground were easy targets and the Raindrops began swarming them. The Raindrops listened as the school’s PA system continued speaking to the two heroes who were apparently out to save the civilians, the plan was admirable, but hadn’t accounted for a swarm of creatures attacking innocents.

Meanwhile the cells in the dead janitor began movement now that everyone had valiantly charged towards the cafeteria. Having consumed enough matter to form higher intelligent thoughts, it combined with the surrounding cells present in the walls and floor, pulling them in and starting its escape, producing powerful legs and forming a body akin to a skinless and headless malformed cheetah to sprint through the halls as it rushed out of the front entrance, producing sensory organs on its back as it did so. Watching from an eye on the back of its tail the Raindrop watched as the young man from earlier turned into a muscular bull-man that raged through the halls, heading toward the Caferteria, the Raindrop however ignored the bull-man, continuing its mission, but couldn’t help but feel a shred of empathy for the Raindrop it’d spawned from. It was outside of the school now, splitting its body into a swarm of bat-like creatures, carefully keeping its surrounding in mind as it searched for the sniper from the sky.


Status :

Quote : "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Land of Endless Pie Crusts
Job : Royal Tear Inspector
Humor : None
Registration date : 2015-01-30

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by Kourage January 13th 2016, 12:33 pm

Okay, now Kylie was starting to get angry. For a moment it had looked like everything would be fine. A voice had broken in over the intercom, claiming that it would lead the students to safety. On top of that, it seemed she’d gained multiple allies in the fight. After all, the energy blasts had to be coming from somewhere, and the boy who had barged in a minute before had somehow managed to become a large bull-like creature. She’d never seen anything like it before. Then again, she looked down at her own skin, still radiating light, she wasn’t exactly normal herself.

Rushing past the bull-man, she reached the kitchen just in time to see the psycho’s torso split off into several rat-like creatures. Seriously, just the torso. It had grown sider legs and run off! If she wasn’t so worried about the others, she would have been thoroughly freaked out. As it was, the kitchen food seemed to have gotten, well… used up, for lack of a better term. Whatever this thing was, it brought decay to everything it touched. If it got anywhere near the people… The rats had left the kitchen now, running down the hallway back toward the fallen security guards. Kylie ran after them, making back to the hallway in time to see them circling the unconscious bodies. She looked around for some sort of weapon, then remembered the machete still lodged in the wall.

Unfortunately, the wall was where the rats were. Kylie shuddered, and then moved quickly to avoid one of the rat’s tails. It had a knife. “Seriously?” she groaned. This was nothing like streetfighting. She pulled the knife out of the wall, finally able to swing back at the rats. Running to the guards, she planted herself between them and the oncoming swarm. The light around her began to intensify, spreading to the weapon in her hand. She hoped the others would be able to stop this thing. At the moment, she had people to protect.

Status :

Quote : "Do whatever you want to me, but mess with my friends... you're in for a lot of pain!"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Age : 25
Job : Sudent/Gamer
Registration date : 2014-06-24

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

Post by superguy1 January 13th 2016, 8:35 pm

'What.' Drake thought. 'What.' Minotaur said. The man split into several other...things. Spider-like creatures, that were quite hideous. People were heading this way, and Drake knew they had to be protected first. 'Stop those things at all cost!' Drake thought. "I hadn't thought of that!" Minotaur thought, sarcastically. He began to try to smash the creatures, his massive fists moving alarmingly quick.

The things were swarming, and Minotaur had an idea. A slight smile appeared on his face. He pulled back his arms, as his muscles tightened. And slammed his hands together with a great force. Papers flew off the walls, and chairs were sent tumbling as a small shock wave tore down the halls, from the pure strength of the Minotaur. He hoped it would be enough to destroy these...whatevers. 'It's not over.' Drake thought 'You saw that thing split in half...I'm almost positive he's up to something'. Minotaur vocalized Drake's thoughts to the woman with the yellow energy, who'd also been fighting the creatures. He tried to grab at one of the things, shaking it violently, before throwing it forcefully at one of it's copies. "So. Do you and you're accomplice have a plan?" he asked, pointing towards the PA system where the voice had come from earlier.




Carl Gator:
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 274
Location : Planet 2-T3x-4g
Age : 25
Job : Student
Registration date : 2011-10-10

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School Days (Raindrop, Open) Empty Re: School Days (Raindrop, Open)

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