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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Ember_Fangs April 26th 2012, 2:18 pm

Gracie was watching Sachin when the film ended intently. She had really enjoyed the film so she wasn't looking forward to the prospect of him slaughtering it. She felt a cushion to her chest, waiting, and sighed in relief when he gave it above a 9. Actually it was a pretty damn high score for Sachin. There had only been one other movie which had scored so high. Gracie stretched out her long legs once Sachin got up from the chair and stretched, arching her back over the arm of the chair till her fingers brushed the carpet where upon she flipped her legs over and landed, knees bent and back straight. She then lazily roamed towards the kitchen to scout for some more food. Gracie could eat all day long in all honesty.

Her ears therefore perked up at the idea of more food. Though fancy sounded .. daunting. Gracie wasn't a fancy eater. Give her a burger or something and she was away - knives and forks just got in her way. She slid onto the side and snatched a orange from the side.

"How fancy is fancy? Would Andree have to wear a dress!?" this excited Gracie more than the prospect of food. She had just brought the girl the most adorable dress in the world and was waiting for her to wear it.

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Mockingbird April 27th 2012, 12:03 am

At Nathaniel's mention that he needed to spend time with his sister, Andree replied to him, jokingly. "As long as she doesn't eat anyone." Though it was a joke, she meant it. If Chelle even tried to bite one of them, Andree would be up and fighting with her if she had to. No one was allowed to hurt her friends except for herself. "Oh, Gracie, what is with you and trying to get me to wear that sort of stuff?" She asked, genuinely curious why Gracie took such an interest in her choice of clothing. Though a small part of her hoped for it, the rest of her hoped that Gracie wasn't thinking of the dress that Andree had been avoiding putting on. She was a bit thankful that Nate had loosened his grip a little bit so she could get up. Despite it just being a short distance away, as soon as she got up from the couch, she sprinted full speed to the washroom. It was just faster and wasted less time that way.

Quickly, she did what she had to do in there and freshened up a little bit so her eyes didn't look so dull. Most girls used makeup while freshening up, Andree on the other hand, just splashed some water on her face to make her look more awake and alert before wiping herself dry.

She darted back into the room and sat back down next to Nate. Her shoulders rolled back as a deep sigh escaped her throat. It was at that moment that she realized how dry her throat felt.

Posting Master
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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Chellizard April 27th 2012, 1:39 pm

The ringing in his ear did not hinder his ability to keep up with the conversation about him. Tea didn't sound so bad right now; he hadn't had a nice cup of it in only god knows how long. "I'd love a cup, Sachin." A soft chuckle passed his lips when Andree mentioned his sister eating someone. "I doubt she will, she's probably had a snack by now; 'dead' blood." she said this quietly toward Andree, trying not to startle Gracie and Sachin with his sister and her bad habits. He was about to hang up and redial when the phone was answered by his sister's smooth, sweet voice. He rolled his eyes at her greeting, "Well, hi there Natey-poo." Now he really regretted throwing the phone on speaker. He wanted to smack himself in the face, but sighed and just replied in his deep, bass-like timbre of a voice. "Sis, are we on for dinner? I'd like Andree and some friends, Gracie and Sachin, to come if so."

He gave Andree a smile while his sister spoke. "Well, of course. Dinner is on me, by the way. We'll have it somewhere splendid. Something with a somewhat private balcony. Don't pick some play cheap, Nathaniel. I'd like to see that adorable girlfriend of yours in something nice." Chelle's tone changed just a bit from sweet and carefree to stern and then very smooth and politely sweet when she spoke of Andree. Nate rose a brow and chuckled. Maybe his sister did like her. "Well, we'll have to come on over. I need a proper set of clothes, then. These jeans just won't do." "Well, bye then Nathaniel; see you soon." "You too, sis." He then snapped the phone shut and smiled toward everyone. "I guess we're having a fancy dinner where Andree has been personally asked to get dressed up." He smirked and dipped down to kiss her forehead, smiling all the while.

-My DeviantArt-
Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
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Retired Moderator

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Guest April 27th 2012, 3:13 pm

(Just skip me.)

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Ember_Fangs April 27th 2012, 4:30 pm

Gracie listened to the conversation in obvious amusement. The nickname Natey-poo was officially her favourite nickname for the boy who had apparently snagged Andree's heart and played her strings like a harp. She swung her legs over the counter while listening to the details of which the man's sister - Chelle? - dictated to 'Natey-poo'. Chelle's nickname was not the only thing which made her smile - adorable and Andree had never been heard in a sentence outside of this flat and it was usually Sachin or Gracie teasing Andree, not a stranger using it in what seemed like an obvious compliment. The smile grew when she said 'something nice'. That meant a dress. Swanky places in Chicago always meant dresses. Nice dresses. Gracie had never been one for dresses but she had learned to appreciate the item of clothing when it came to men. It was also a way to dress up, escape the grubby crime world she both embraced and fought against. Dresses made her a different person, a different class. It was as if she were making up for the childhood dream of 'daddies princess'. Watching other girls in pink dresses, sitting on their fathers shoulders, laughing and joking, had created a hole in Gracie she didn't like to acknowledge. Her Achilles heel. Arizona had proved that. Dresses filled that hole just a little bit. A tiny bit...

Gracie slid from the counter and rescued Andree from Nate's arms with an apologetic but bright smile.
"I'll have her back with you in just a tick, Angel!" Gracie tugged Andree into the bedroom and shut the door behind her, leaving Sachin and Nate alone while the girls got ready. Not concerned with herself, Gracie stepped into the wardrobe and began shifting through silks and satins to find Andree a dress which would turn her from 'adorable' into 'sexy killer'. Although Gracie teased Andree, she didn't want others thinking she was a push over or easy to beat. No. Andree was tough and beautiful and Gracie would transform her into that tonight.

"So what's his sister like?" she asked while hunting for the shoes to match the dress. "Here let me help you with that," she hummed and paused in mid shoe hunt to help Andree into the dress she was staring at with her mouth wide open. The dress was a liquid midnight blue colour, appearing black but when the material moved the light revealed it's true, rich colour. Gracie un zipped the dress and then slid it over Andree's head, running her hands smoothly over the material which pooled slightly around her feet. Surprisingly the dress was not constricting at all, it moved like water over her body meaning if the need arose she could sprint and fight in it. The dress itself was an absolute wonder. It created danger through the taunting colour, but the cut is what gave it that sexy edge. It was not a tight material but it hugged Andree's slim waist and emphasised her figure. The dress was backless apart from the halter neck clasp at the back of the neck. The neck line was a low plunge, stopping before that it turned into a slutty cut but revealing enough creamy skin to contrast against the dark mysterious colour. The dress was simplistic, sexy, classy and Andree. She whisked the girl into a seat and began on her hair and make up. Soon her eyes were what Gracie liked to call 'smokey' and mimicked that of a cats, her lips became a deeper red but not scarlet, and a faint blusher brought some colour to her cheeks. Her hair was just as simple, twisted into a bun with thin tendrils escaping the loose bun pinned up with diamontee jewels, framing her face and speaking of rich tussled sheets. To finish it off Gracie donned a simple drop diamond necklace starting with a big gem, the third stone down being near microscopic but causing the eye to linger when it glinted.

"Ta da!" Gracie uncovered the full length mirror, showing Andree her handy work.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Mockingbird April 27th 2012, 6:20 pm

A smile danced across Andree's lips and a giggle slipped past at the sound of Chelle calling Nathaniel "Natey-poo". She knew Gracie was going to love that little nickname. Being called adorable by Chelle she knew was a compliment, but she didn't like it and wanted to shrink into the couch. Gracie would have a field day with it. Was I supposed to take being eyed up like I was a piece of meat at the grocery store in a good way? She asked herself sarcastically. The groan passed through her lips at the prospect of being dressed up. As expected, she had a polar opposite response from Gracie's. To Andree's lack of surprise, Gracie was already over at the couch, taking her from Nate's arms and whisking her away to the bedroom.

Andree watched Gracie shift her fingers around all the dresses that she had made her buy. Her eyes watched the glimmer and shine of the silk and satin. Sitting on the bed, she fell backwards onto it. The black covers made her just want to lie there forever but she slowly brought herself back up to a sitting position on the bed once she heard Gracie ask her about Nathaniel's sister. "Well, I met her for less than five minutes and was eyed up like a piece of meat the entire time. So, I can't tell you much more." She told Gracie, standing up next to her now.

Andree looked at the dress that Gracie had passed to her. It was absolutely gorgeous, her mouth slightly agape as she admired it's beauty. Though she would never admit it, she really liked the dress. She allowed Gracie to slip it over her. It felt wonderful. The non constricting, soft, delicate material. The beautiful colour that shifted in the light from black to a rich, deep midnight blue. Some of her flawless skin was visible, notably along the arms, back and neck, just a bit above her breasts. The neck strap looked as if it may have been uncomfortable but once it was on, it felt perfect. It was a simplistic dress. To call it beautiful was an understatement. Gracie's makeup job complimented it perfectly with the smokey eyes, deeper red lips and slight blush on her cheeks. Seeing herself in the full length mirror, her exterior of hating it broke down a little and she turned to Gracie. A smile was on her face as she hugged her friend tightly. Gracie, I love it." She said happily.

Posting Master
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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Chellizard April 27th 2012, 7:47 pm

He chuckled and watched as Gracie swept Andree away. Nathaniel then sat himself down on the couch after grabbing his shoes. They would all have to stop at his place so he could snazzy himself up. He was sure he had something in his closet for Sachin as well. He accepted the tea that Sachin had made and sipped it. Heaven. "This is.. damn good, Sachin." Nate said, happily sipping the drink again. Sighing with some form of happiness, he flipped open his phone and scrolled through it. "Sachin, if you don't own a suit, which I'm sure you do, I have one for you." His phone had a digital copy of his closet and he was skimming through it, looking for his own outfit. Nathaniel was not one to dress so casually. He loved to look dapper, and did it with style. Some would call him metro-sexual, but in reality, he just lived by the suit. Prada, Gucci, Louis, and Fendi were only a few of his favorite brands when it came to fine clothing.

His pocket screamed at him, well really it was his cigarette case. His lungs were begging for a taste of the sweet nicotine. He decided to step out for just a bit while Gracie transformed Andree. He went up to the roof, and surprisingly the rain had calmed down and the sun was seen just barely dipping on the horizon. The sun of this year was not so much as yellow, but a more golden color. The gorgeous sky was lovely to admire while he relaxed, taking long drags from his treat. Finishing the cigarette, he dashed back to the apartment and found a lifesaver candy and popped it into his mouth to wash out the clove taste and smell. He was about to check his phone when Gracie and Andree were presented from the creak of a door hinge. He smiled and just let his eyes take in all that was Andree. "Breathtakingly gorgeous... Gracie, you should make this a profession; at least part-time."

He gave the woman, Gracie, a smile and then held out his arms and extended a hand. "Come here, Andree," he said, his voice like a dream on a cloud. He took her hand in his and spun her gently, then pulled her into him. He swayed his hips, moving in a slow little dance. He whisked her away into a little world where it was just him and her. "You look beautiful; but you know I thought that before the dress, the jewelry, and the makeup, right?" He gave her a lop-sided smile and then released her hand. "Well, I flew me and Andree here, so is there a car that we could take to my place? Or will we have to taxi it?" He was fine with a taxi, but much preferred to drive, or ride without a "stranger" behind the wheel.. even though Gracie or Sachin would still be a "stranger" at least he had enjoyed a movie, and a small portion of the late afternoon with them. Now they would be having dinner, and with his sister of all people.

-My DeviantArt-
Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Guest April 27th 2012, 11:20 pm

Sachin grinned when Nate complimented his tea. The young Indian man always loved getting compliments, stroking his ego. But most people did, which was his general justification of his prideful nature. He reflected on the man in front of him. Seemed trustworthy enough, and had Andree wrapped around his finger. Of course, Sachin fully expected Gracie to use her friends to keep track of Nate to make sure he was safe. Sachin also was able to bet that Nate could only be watched if he wanted to be. So they'd just have to trust him. If Andree trusted him, so did he.

Speaking of Andree...holy shit, the girl looked good in a dress. Not as good as Gracie, but quite good all the same. He clapped, a genuine clap of approval. "That dress is perfect on you!" he exclaimed. He turned to his own girlfriend, giving her a thumbs up. "Beautiful. If you make a career out of this, you'll make more money than I do." he joked.

It was a beautiful dress and looked great on Andree. Sachin pulled out his phone. "Alright, let's gather around. I'm taking a picture."

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Ember_Fangs April 28th 2012, 3:47 pm

Tears formed in Gracie's eyes and she clapped her hands together in glee. Andree's happiness just made Gracie's experience all the more gleeful. She kissed her cheeks and then jumped on hearing Nate's voice from... the window. Gracie jumped nearly half a meter in the air and reached for her gun, only to remember that it was not in the back of her jeans - it was in her room. Thankfully of course she didn't need the gun though maybe Sachin's healing touch after near heart failure. She slid into the main area of the apartment with a shake of the head and a happy smile. She herself was not dressed just yet but she was glad the others liked her work. Especially when Sachin said she could earn more money than her. She stuck her tongue out at his teasing comment but headed towards him, to stop him taking the photo of her with messy hair and in plain normal clothes.

"If gang life fails I'll think about it," she pushed the camera away and scrambled to delete the photo before handing ii back to him. "Let me get ready first, god" she rolled her eyes and then dashed into the bedroom she shared with Sachin before he could snap another picture and proceeded to get ready herself.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Mockingbird April 28th 2012, 9:50 pm

A smile curved across Andree's lips when Gracie kissed her cheeks. Quickly, this turned to shock when she heard Nathaniel's voice from the window. Oh God, I hope he hasn't been there long. She thought to herself, biting her lip as he gave her a compliment. At his request, she walked over to him and allowed him to take her hand and lead her in a small dance. It was wonderful. It was so wonderful, in fact, that Andree nearly forgot about Gracie and Sachin. Despite the fact that it seemed she had already melted inside a gazillion times, Andree's insides seemed to reform just so they could melt again at his next compliment. A deep red blush spread through her cheeks and she smiled gently. Then the sound of Sachin taking a photo snapped her back to reality.

Thankfully, Gracie deleted the photo. Andree really did not want another thing that could be used as leverage against her. She wasn't sure why it embarrassed her to have pictures taken of her with her new boyfriend. It was probably because it was taken while she was dancing horribly.

Posting Master
Posting Master

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Chellizard April 29th 2012, 5:08 am

(I wasn't in the window! >_>; I demand my post be re-read! He was on the roof, smoking, and was back in the living room; waiting for both Gracie and Andree. Where in the world in my post does it say Nathaniel is at the window? O.o;)

-My DeviantArt-
Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 JiLqjv0
~Main Characters~
Naomi | Skyler | Nate | Chelle | Tyuki | Gerard | Miri | Uzma |  Malus | Vihaan
Anna | Girl Alive!
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 5018
Location : The Internet
Age : 31
Job : I Work Full time/Artist/Charizard Enthusiast
Humor : [18:47:50] Spirit Corgi : Dear mods, I need my apps unapproved. If you don't do it an orderly time, I will compare you to nazis and tell everyone how you are stiffening my creativity, yours truly, a loving member of the site.
Registration date : 2009-11-15

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Ember_Fangs April 29th 2012, 11:06 am

I thought it said window hinge sorry. >_>; Imagine we said door and carry on xP

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1303
Location : England
Age : 29
Job : Cleaner; swim instructor; waitress; journalist
Humor : Russell Howard AKA taking the piss.
Registration date : 2009-09-01

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Chellizard April 29th 2012, 2:56 pm

He was lost in Andree's touch, smell, and just pure essence. It took Sachin bringing up taking a picture to bring him back to reality. He posed quickly, but held his hands up covering most of his face, his hair shadowing his face. He was very thankful to know that the picture would be erased. Glancing about, and getting no answer at the car, he watched Gracie scurry off to get herself prettied up. Nathaniel re-buttoned his shirt, considering it was off a button. He had lazily buttoned it during the movie. He tucked it in and rolled up his sleeves. He then checked his phone once again and dialed his sister. "Bring a car, and one of my suits. Preferably something that will match midnight blue. I want my Prada shoes and that black tie with the white deign on the lip. Oh and, make sure the car can fit you, me, and three other people." Finishing his conversation with Chelle, he hung up and dialed a more classy restaurant, but one with a private back room for parties and meetings. "Hello there; this is Nathaniel DiMartino I'm calling to make a reservation for.. oh, let's say.. thirty minutes or less? Yes? Is there an open table on the main floor? Oh? Good. I'll take it, then. Must fit five people, maybe six. Ah. Okay. Thank you, signor. Arrivederci." He hung up and smiled toward Sachin, and Andree. Now they waited for Gracie to pamper up and for his sister, Chelle, to arrive.


Chelle had been leisurely sitting about her room at the Chicago house. She had finished a small pint of ice cream; mint chocolate chip. The TV was on, and she was just watching the news with herself tucked into bed. Her phone rang with a sort of abruptness. She was hoping it wasn't anything important. She answered it half expecting it to be Nathaniel. It was. He had called about dinner. That perked her up. She greeted him with his nick name and then conversed a bit more. After being hung up on, she peeled herself out of the covers and stood up, stretching. She immediately stripped out of her pajamas and rummaged through her closet. A lot of last seasons gowns were in here. She loved tiered gowns, though.

And her closet was full of them. She wanted something flowing, and cute; yet also stunning and breathtaking. She pecked through her closet and found a Vera Wang styled wedding gown; except to Chelle, it looked like another piece for an evening out. She slipped into it, the folds and lazy layers all cascading to replicate a white rose with opened petals; and lots of them. This gown was beautiful, and made Chelle look like a sort of queen. Imagine that. She pulled her hair up and placed it into a simple bun, pinning it with a decorative hair pin. She then found a matching hand bag and shoved all of her mentionables into it, along with three different cell phones. One for business, one for emergencies, and one for close relatives; mainly Nathaniel.

She then received another call about his needs for a suit, and for her to arrive in a car. By car, he meant limo. She smirked and nodded, but he couldn't see that so she 'uh'hmmned' while zipping up the back of her gown. She stepped into some stylish heels that made her about 6'2" and then examined herself. She touched her face with a bit of blush and then painted her lips dark red. She gave herself a smile and winked then got what Nathaniel needed and grabbed three ties with the white design on the tip; each was a little different. So, with that, she made a call for a limo, gave the driver the address, and was on her way. Once there, she stepped out of the car, gathered her dresses skirts and made her way up to the apartment.

The dress.

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Guest April 30th 2012, 4:09 pm

(Skip me again.)

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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Ember_Fangs May 1st 2012, 2:18 pm

Gracie's dress was an utter contrast to that of Andree's. The red dress looked and moved like a flame against Gracie's dark chocolate coloured skin. The bodice was strapless but fitted her curves like a glove, emphasising her breasts and wide hips while drawing in her tiny waist. The fabric was not actually as tight as it looked, Gracie could move easily within the fabric - something she had made sure before buying it. Every piece in her wardrobe was designed so that she could fight in it if the need occurred. As the fabric reached her hips the fabric was cut into a million different flame shaped pieces which were layered upon one another so that when she moved the flames moved with her, almost appearing to come to life. The different shades within the layers only added to that, if you looked really closely the oddest tints of pink, yellow, red and orange only added to the depth of fire illusion. It was when she walked that the new feature of her dress became apparent, the split at he front of her dress widened to the floor revealing sections of her long slim legs and a rather sexy pair of stockings with black lace around the top. It wasn't for show, the stockings were there to hide and hold up her gun which were stuck to the side of her thigh though it was hidden by the flaming skirt of the dress. Gracie finished the look rather well with black lace heels, the lace along the sides of the shoe actually appeared to curl up and form vines along her feet.

Her make up only added to the dangerous, temperamental look she had already achieved - red eye shadow in a similar style to Andree's made her bright eyes appear both lighter and darker; lighter in thee sense it brightened her chocolate brown hue colour and darker in the sense it made her eyelashes appear black and voluminous, creating a dark illustrious look. Light blusher enhanced her high cheekbones and her red lipstick, a more natural shade, all added together to make her face stand out within the halo of black glossy ringlets she had tamed her hair to form. Usually her hair was straightened but today her hair spoke volumes, bouncing as she moved and grazing her skin like a secret lovers touch. In the dress Gracie's personality was shown - a wild flame that was quick to burn when touched.

She stepped from the room in a way that showed she was not aware of the fact she looked like a fiery goddess, slipping the necklace which held her ring from her father over her neck again so it hid between her cleavage. She moved to Sachin and placed a red tie in his hands with a small wink.

"So we match Handsome," she slid her hand to his and twined their fingers together.

Scarletta Carleen Jones

Gracie Marie Daniels

Arabella Katrina Montez
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Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity) - Page 7 Empty Re: Didn't think I'd see you here (closed to unrealistic.entity)

Post by Mockingbird May 2nd 2012, 12:44 am

Andree listened as Nathaniel made the call, her eyes stared up into his own. Even though he wasn't looking into hers, her eyes were getting lost in his. She wasn't usually like this, no, she usually was much more in control. But, she didn't really mind now. Her mind was practically mush right now anyways. Her mind, which usually drove her, had taken the back seat to her heart.

Her heart melted a bit more as he returned her gaze once he had finished his phone call. The lock that seemed to hold her eyes to his shattered as Gracie came out. Her eyes rolled over to look at Gracie in her dress. She was gorgeous. Absolutely stunning in it. "You look great, Grace." Andree told her with a smile.

(Sorry it's short, tired)

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