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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 29th 2011, 11:55 pm

The Black Arrow smirked at her cocky attitude. Now he just really wanted to see if she could back up those words. ”Lets see whatcha got.” Arrow kept his feet firmly planted on the ground, and held his stance, while The Frost Archer began preparing herself. She took out her bow, and covered it completely in ice, most likely so it would be more durable, and more useful as an offensive weapon. Which wasn’t a bad idea at all, especially since The Black Arrow’s bow was designed to be extremely durable and probably would have broken Sasha’s if they had clashed too many times. Then The Frost Archer began charging. Even with her sprinting straight for him, The Black Arrow didn’t move a muscle. He kept a perfectly still stance until the last second possible, when Sasha’s foot had already left the ground.

The Black Arrow used his right forearm to block the high round house kick. The second it made impact Arrow could tell there was a lot of power behind her kick. Not only because his entire body was forced to slide to the left just from blocking it, but also because he could feel the pressure behind it and it made him glad that he was wearing the Phantom armor cause that kick would’ve hurt a lot, maybe even fractured his wrist bone. The Black Arrow was able to process all of this, and plan out his next move in his head all in less then a second. Directly after Frost Archer's leg collided against his forearm, Arrow moved his arm slightly up, then swung it down and around Sasha’s leg, gripping it tightly making sure she wasn't going to get free. But as soon as Arrow was able to fully get a grip around her leg, the Frost Archer sent a chain of ice directly at his face. The only thing he could do was duck and lean forward, but the ice still skimmed the top of his head, which pushed his hoodie down and almost took off some hair with it. Then, The Black Arrow quickly attempted hook the end of his bow around Sasha's ankle. If he was able to get his bow situated before Sasha moved, Arrow would attempt to pull his bow back and trip The Frost Archer. If all went as planned, Steven would let go of her leg and stand straight up. Letting his hair and cape flow with the wind.

The Black Arrow
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Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 30th 2011, 12:11 am

Her attack some what work, but this guy was fast. Worse part is she made a Rookie mistake and the result was her getting tripped. Her bow went flying out of her hand to the edge of the building, but thankfully there was a small wall border which it collided with. She swept at his legs before getting up. A blue icy mist surrounded her hands. If she could touch him at all she could temporarily get ice on him, and she would be careful enough the ice would stay above the skin to prevent serious damage. She started her barrage of attacks, mostly aimed for the joints, where if those froze moving would get really hard. "What are you afraid of? A little ice doesn't hurt anyone." taunted Sasha

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Excalibur

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 30th 2011, 2:04 am

Everything panned out just as Arrow planned. He was able trip The Frost Archer, while avoiding getting hit by her blast of ice. The Black Arrow stood tall, but the fight was far from over. Just when Arrow was about to lean down and help The Frost Archer up she went for a sweep kick. Since he was caught off guard, Arrow got his feet kicked right out from under him; However, while falling back he placed both hands on the ground and did a backwards hand spring. The Black Arrow then landed perfectly on his feet and got back into his fighting stance. Meanwhile The Frost Archer had already got back to her feet, and began coating her hands in the same icy blue that her arrows got after she powered them up. Then she started too charged forward again. The Black Arrow knew about her freezing power, and that if he got touched by either of her hands, she could easily gain the upper hand in this fight. So Arrow did the smart thing in this situation and began taking small jumps back to avoid each strike. As she took each swing, Arrow took another step back, he was able to just stay one foot ahead of her at a time. ”Having trouble keeping up?” He teased back at her. Arrow was able to keep playing this game for a couple seconds longer, until he reached the end of the roof, and had no more room left to back up. Once The Black Arrow was at the very end of the roof he knew he could only do one of two things. He could jump off the building and end up perfectly okay, but that would most likely end the fight, and he was actually enjoying this battle, which wasn’t something that he got to say often, since most the people he fought against were ruthless killers. So The Black Arrow took one last stepped back onto the cement railing of the roof so he could get some height, and just before The Frost Archer could place her hand on his chest, Arrow lunged forward into the air and did an aerial flip.

The flip sent him over and past Sasha. He landed in a crouching position facing The Frost Archer’s back. Arrow wanted to do something nifty, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to get to her in time before she turned around, so he decided to go with something more planned out. The Black Arrow then reached into his utility-belt and pulled out two smoke bombs. He immediately popped both of bombs and then threw them at key points on the roof so that the smoke would cover as much room as possible. Then Arrow started walking backwards, disappearing into the smoke. Even if The Frost Archer did turn around in time to see him, there is no way she would have time to stop him from disappearing. Once The Black Arrow was completely surrounded in the smoke, he flipped into thermal vision so he could see and then walked over to the other side of the roof, and picked up The Frost Archers bow, then slid it across the ground at her feet. "Now let's see how you deal without one of your senses." The Black Arrow said in a hush tone as he began walking in circles around Sasha. He wanted to see if she could use only her sense of hearing to find and hit him.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on July 1st 2011, 7:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 30th 2011, 2:01 pm

He had evaded her and cut off one of her senses by hiding in smoke. It would be dangerous ggoing in there, he probably had some kind of infrared tech that he used to see in the dark. An idea hatched in her head, if she could get him out of the smoke before he could remove the infrared tech he would be temporarily blinded by the instand light that would come from the sun. The problem was locating him and getting him out. She created to walls of ice, which extended as high and as wide as the smoke wall. She tshot her hands at the walls, which shattered and flew towards the smoke ffeild. She sent them with the point down, she only wanted to rush him out of there. She ran after The ice, she would need to tackle him while he was blinded and put him in a hold.

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Excalibur

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow July 3rd 2011, 3:44 am

The Black Arrow started pacing back and forth not far in front The Frost Archer. He waited a moment for either her move into the smoke, or for the smoke to move to her. But unfortunately from the way the wind was blowing it didn’t seem like the smoke was going to reach her, and she clearly didn’t want to rush into the smoke blind. Even though Arrow would have taken an easy on her, he understood why she wouldn’t want to be at that disadvantage. Besides, after Arrow thought about it, she probably had a better idea in mind. She could control ice after all, it would make sense for her to have something up her sleeve. So Arrow just waited for her to make the first move. She would have to come at him sometime, or find some other way to get him out of it. It wasn’t long until The Frost Archer started doing something. It was hard to make out exactly what she was doing, but it looked like she was creating a huge wall of ice, separating herself from The Black Arrow. At first he wasn’t sure if it was just a defense mechanism, or if she had something bigger planned, so he just kept waiting. He was trying to see what she could do after all, so letting her go through with her plan wouldn’t hurt.

Just when it seemed she was just stalling time, The Frost Archer shot both of her hands forward at the wall of ice and with all of her power she shattered the wall and sent all of ice flying through the smoke cloud. The Black Arrow was able to see this coming so he put up his guard, but the blast still pushed him back. He was pushed back far enough that he was out of the his cloud of smoke, and it was then that Black Arrow figured out what The Frost Archer’s big plan was. When Arrow was pushed out of the smoke, the sun’s bright light blinded his vision. Immediately after he was blinded he heard her footsteps, charging at him. He knew he would get hit by her initial attack, so he did the only thing that he had time to do, which was flip out of thermal back into his normal vision. The second he did that, and was able to see The Frost Archer was already in his face, and tackled him to the ground. She tried to put him in a submission directly after the tackle, but there was one thing she never counted on, something that most people never saw coming. The Black Arrow wore a special suit of armor that can absorb any attack, but then has to recharge. So when Frost Archer tackled him, he didn’t feel a thing, which made it much easier to react.

The second The Black Arrow hit the floor he grabbed onto The Frost Archer’s waist and attempted to use his super human strength and all the momentum from being tackled, to make both him and Archer roll back. If it planned out how he saw it in his head, he would end up on top of The Frost Archer rather then the other way around. Had this actually all gone in his favor, The Black Arrow would then stand up, and lower his hand to Frost Archer to help her up. That is, if she didn't attack him first. ”That was a good move, you almost had me there.” He said in a charming, and polite voice. Black Arrow thought she had some skill. The Frost Archer was able to come up with a good plan in the short amount of time that she had. A plan that more the likely would have worked on some body else. Even though he was able to get out of it, The Black Arrow knew that his armor helped him, so he gave Archer the credit she deserved.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow July 29th 2011, 8:00 am

The Black Arrow took Frost Archers hand and helped her get back to her feet after the series of attacks. She had already proved herself a well trained fighter, even if Arrow showed superiority he was more then of aware of his skills, and he knew most people didn’t of lasted nearly as long as she did. So it was decided then. The Frost Archer would be an ally of the phantoms on their mission to take down Project Perfection. Where she would go from there would be her choice, but Arrow got the feeling a useful ally revealed herself today. Then, The Black Arrow’s communicator started going off. "Arrow come in. There's a group of super-human drones in Downtown Chicago. I got most of them, but one managed to run away. Cut him off, while I finish up here." The Black Knights voice said as Arrow moved his wrist closer to his face. He then flipped open a hidden pouch on the base of his forearm, and clicked in one of the many tiny buttons. Static buzzed for a second, then Arrow began to speak. "I'm on the way." The Black Arrow then closed the pouch and looked back up at The Frost Archer one last time. "Duty calls for now, but when I found something I'll contact you." Arrow then dug into his utility-belt for a moment then handed her a small remote device, capable of sending off a signal alerting The Black Arrow in case of emergency. "Hang on to this just in case, and watch your back out there. I'll cya' around Frost Archer." Black Arrow then turned around a sprinting off the edge of the tall rooftop. As he began to plummet to the ground, he spread his cape out wide and started soaring through the air towards downtown Chicago.

(Topic End.)

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) - Page 2 Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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