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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 26th 2011, 11:08 pm

The Black Arrow was sitting in the front seat of his bike; Red Scarlet, going up an underground elevator that lead to the top floor of The Phantoms Lair in Chicago. Black Arrow had just finished suiting up and getting his bow and arrows together to head into Downtown Chicago to investigate a bank robber. The police who reported the robbery said that the robber was a highly dangerous mutant, and that they needed back up immediately, so Arrow took off. The elevator doors opened wide and Black Arrow blasted out into what appeared to be like any other warehouse. He drove through the warehouse and out the back door onto a two lane road, then he started picked up real speed, and flew down the road going near two hundred miles per hour.

It wasn’t long before The Black Arrow could see the bank at the end of the road in front of him. It looked as if no one else has tried to engage the mutant yet, so he made sure he was prepared to make his entrance. Black Arrow grabbed his bow and swung it over his shoulder, then started to reduce his speed. Once he was down to about fifty miles per hour, Red Scarlet completely turned a ninety degree angle and the top part of the bike opened up. The second it did that The Black Arrow leaped out into a front flip. Red Scarlet then did another ninety degree turn then started driving itself back the way it came. The Black Arrow managed to do all this, roll forward out of his jump and instantly get back to his feet in less then about two seconds. He was a trained professional after all. Then he began to sprint up to one of the police cars stationed outside the bank.

When The Black Arrow ran up to the police car, he was greeted by the chief of police. The chief told them all they knew, but it was nothing that Black Arrow didn’t already know himself. ”Alright chief, keep your men out of there and I’ll deal with these guys.” Black Arrow said before he took a peek over the police car to see what was going on inside. This bank was fairly big, at least two stories high and had big glass windows in the front that took up most of the wall space, while the two side walls were mostly made up of cement and only had a few windows placed high up on the wall. Inside Black Arrow saw a man dressed in red, with flames around his hands. He was ordering several of the workers there to bring bags of money from the vault to a room in the back. Then The Black Arrow started to sneak around the side of the bank, making sure to keep hidden from view of the windows. He made his way to the back of the bank, and when he got there he was surprised. There was no truck or any thing there to transfer money. ’Hm, this doesn’t look like a planned robbery. It looks as if he thought he could just showed up and walk away with bags full of money.’ It was kind of strange to Arrow, but it wasn’t going to hold him back.

The Black Arrow looked at the two back doors. There was one the left and right side of the wall, he just had to pick the room that wasn’t having money shoved into it. Arrow then flipped into heat vision, and saw a group of restrained hostages in the left room, while the right room just had a few people walking in and out, just dropping off the money. Arrow approached the door on the left and pulled out a standard arrow from his quiver. Without wasting anytime Arrow cut the lock on the door and opened it slowly and quickly. When he opened the door he whispered to the hostages to keep quite and run to the police. Once everyone was out, Arrow stepped inside the bank, and slowly walk over to the door that would surely lead into the main part of the bank. Arrow slightly opened the door and saw the man in red again hovering in the center of the room with flames surrounding his feet and hands. ”Come’on slowpokes move faster! I want all the money in that back room now!” He yelled as fire surged all around him. The Black Arrow took his bow off from around his shoulder and lined up two ice arrows. He then opened the door fully and stepped out, ”Yo hot-head, take this!” He yelled out then released the arrows from his grip. ”What th-.” Was all the mutant was able to say before the two ice arrows hit both of his colar bones and froze over half way down his rib-cage up to his nose. The mutant fell out of the air and hit a table trying to break free from the ice. During the short time Arrow had, he escorted the remaining hostages out the same way the rest went, then when he stepped back into the main part of the bank, the mutant was standing there waiting for him. The mutant was soaked, meaning he must of used his own fire power to melt the ice away. ”You little runt! You think you can just take away all of Mr. Inferno’s puny workers! I’ll make you pay for that!” Where Inferno’s only words before he started blasting a wave of fire at Black Arrow.

( Mr. Inferno’s appearance and powergrid
Int: 2
Str: 4
Spd: 3
End: 4
Ep: 6
Fs: 3 )

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 26th 2011, 11:26 pm

She stood on a roof top across the block. The building as about twice the size of the bank. She got on her stomach and inched up towards the end and aimed her bow but did not grab an arrow yet. Someone else had got in and gotten everyone else out and was now facing the fire man. She smirked, the main in the bank had used arrows as well, arrows that shot out ice. However they were quickly rendered useless. "Pathetic, those didnt last long.' said Sasha to herself. "Maybe this will show you true ice arrows." She reached back and took 3 arrows and knocked them on her bow. She pulled back the arrows and breathed slowly, icy mist came out as her breath. Soon the arrows where surrounded with the same icy mist. With a slight twang the arrows released. They broke through the bank windows and hit inferno square in the back. For a while nothing happened. Surprise cause a second delay and in the second inferno broke out into a scream. Ice shards were protruding out of his body seemly randomly. However that was not the case, all of his vital organs and veins were unharmed, the shot was to mane not kill, however since he used fire he would be back ready to fight soon. She got up and with a running start jumped of the building. She shot an arrow downwards which turned into a block of ice in mid air. She landed on the ice till she was level with the two who where on the second floor currently. Once she was eye level she jumped into the building, breaking into the window next to mr inferno. She rolled and in a flawless movement got back to her feet about 4 fet away from black arrow and pulled back and other aimed at Mr. Inferno.

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 27th 2011, 3:29 am

The Black Arrow held his ground threw Mr. Inferno’s speech. He just waited to see what this guy could do. Then the second Inferno started blasting fire at him, Arrow grip a hold of a nearby table leg and lifted it off the ground and placed it in front of him shielding him from the flames, for now. Then there was a brake in the fire for just a split second, and a couple seconds later all the flames together stopped. The Black Arrow kicked the table down and saw Mr. Inferno on his knees, screaming. Black Arrow was a little surprised. On his back, there were three arrows. Arrow smirked ”Hm, another guy with a bow?” All of them glowing an icy blue, then out of the tip of the arrows ice shards started spiking out. Arrow stood there for a moment and watched as these ice arrows worked, they were different then his own, but still pretty damn effective.

A couple of seconds later, a lady in white jumped in through the window wielding a bow, revealing herself as the other mystery archer. She rolled in perfectly, the way only someone trained could do, just the way he would have. She stood a couple of feet away from him and held her bow out aiming another one of her icy arrows at Mr. Inferno. The Black Arrow looked back over to Mr. Inferno and lined up three of his own ice arrows onto his bow. ”Now.” Right after saying that, The Black Arrow and The Frost Archer launched there barrage of arrows. Mr. Inferno was still on his knees from the early attack, and he had no way of dodging. Frost Archer’s ice arrow hit Mr. Inferno in the dead center of his chest, while two of Black Arrow’s hit each of Inferno’s biceps and the third hit just below his throat. When all three of thee arrows spread down to his forearms, and up past his eyes Mr. Inferno was completely frozen solid. After all this, plus the effects of The Frost Archers addition arrow hitting him Mr. Inferno was bound to be out for awhile. The Black Arrow walked over to Mr. Inferno and made sure he wasn’t moving, then he turn to meet The Frost Archer. ”Thanks for the help stranger. You’re pretty good with that bow there.” The Black Arrow said, then swung his bow over his shoulder, and waited for her to respond.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 27th 2011, 11:25 am

Sasha smiled as she looked at the now frozen guy. He was one of her fathers agents so she wasn't done with him yet. "No problem, I'm surprised to see another archer. But now if you'll excuse me I have some business to attend to. She walked up to the ice statue and free him from the neck up. She then thrust her forearm into the man neck, pinning him against the wall, her other hand of his forehead in case he did anything funny. "You have 5 minutes before the police grow a pair and finally come in here to retrieve you. You have two to tell me where he is." Mr. Inferno, despite the obvious fear on his smirked then spat on her cheek, which wouldn't normally hurt expect this guy spat lava. His tighten the grip on his head and if froze up again. She grasp for something to wipe the lava off and grab and cleaning cloth and got it off her face. She bit her lip so she wouldnt let out any tears of yelps. She reached up and touched the part of her face where the lava had landed, if was majorly burned and hurt like hell. Her hand glowed with the same icy mist the was on he arrows, creating a make-shift bandage out of ice.

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 27th 2011, 9:58 pm

Mr. Inferno lay on the ground unable to move, with a barrage of arrows stuck in a block of ice covering most of his chest and face, when The Frost Archer lifted him off the ground and used her power to remove the ice covering his face. Once he was free to breathe and speak, Frost Archer pinned him up against the wall by his neck and started demanding the location of someone. Mean while The Black Arrow stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and just watched as Frost Archer dealt with Mr. Inferno. He didn’t really mind letting her integrate this guy. He just recently had to go through some trouble to find someone himself so he was more then understanding of her situation. The only problem was she was trying to get information out of a Project Perfection test subject, and odds were that any memories this guy had were completely wiped from his brain. As blood dripped from Inferno’s mouth, he smirked at The Frost Archer and spat at her. ”I have no idea who you’re talking about hot stuff. Maybe a kiss would refresh my memory though.” Mr. Inferno said in a smart ass tone, clearly trying to piss Frost Archer off.

Right after Inferno spat at Frost Archer, The Black Arrow walked up behind her, and was about to help her, but she made herself a nifty bandage out of ice that would work to cover the burn for now. Arrow then stood behind The Frost Archer and placed his hand on her shoulder. ”You’re wasting your time with this guy, he doesn’t know anything, and even he does he wouldn’t tell it to you. I’ve dealt with many of people just like him, he used to a human just like anyone else until Project Perfection got their hands on him. Now he’s not even the same person, he’s whoever they wanted him to be. Whoever you’re looking for, you won’t find him here, but I may be able to help if I knew who it was that you’re seeking.” The Black Arrow then took his hand off of her shoulder and waited for her to respond. He usually wasn’t so eager to help a stranger out, but since she seemed to be stuck in the same situation that he was in not to long ago, he felt like he almost needed to help her.

Last edited by The Black Arrow on June 28th 2011, 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 27th 2011, 10:29 pm

Sasha turned towards Black Arrow, her make shift ice bandage reflected the light in the room. "Project Perfection?" asked Sasha. "Well I don't what you mean by that but this guy worked under a Russian crime lord who located himself in the states about 22 years ago. Look I can tell you about this more later, but first i have to get out of here and get this burn treated. Besides I not sure if I trust you just yet." She picked her bow up and walked up to the window. "If you want to know more your going to have to work for it." teased Sasha. She then jumped out of the window and shot multiple arrows which froze into ice bricks which she used to jump up to the next building. She eyed a Skyscraper not to far away and She bolted for it. Once She go to the top she didnt see the other archer right away. She wondered if he even cared or even went after her. She decided she would give him a minute or two before leaving. If this guy wanted to help her she wanted to make sure that he is at least determined.

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 28th 2011, 2:35 pm

As Sasha turned to The Black Arrow and began speaking, Mr. Inferno was dropped from his pinned up position against the wall. Since he was still mostly frozen he couldn’t hope to move, but he tried to struggle and only caused himself to tumble over and smash into the floor. The Black Arrow listened to Frost Archer, and she seemed to know what she was talking about, but Arrow knew for a fact that Mr. Inferno was a member of Project Perfection. It was more then likely that the people Sasha was after were Project Perfection, just using another one of their many names. After Sasha finished talking about the Russian crime lord she was after, Black Arrow began walking over to Mr. Inferno and picked him up by his throat. As Arrow was walking over to the villain, The Frost Archer kept talking. She said that she needed to get her burn properly healed, then picked up her bow, and walked over to the broken window she came in from and teased Arrow. Telling him he had to chaise her if he wanted to know anything else. Black Arrow raised his eyebrow at this, it was all kind of strange to him. "Ugh..." Then with the little breath he had Mr. Inferno spoke, "Women, right?" Black Arrow simply smirked to himself. "Always on the move..." Arrow was still deciding whether or not to follow Sasha or now. Then he figured if Sasha did have information about another possible Projection Perfection branch, it was kinda worth it to follow her. Besides, his work here was just about finished anyway.

So The Black Arrow began walking over to the large open window space. He dragged Mr. Inferno’s frozen body by his throat behind him, letting his feet trail along the ground as Arrow took each step. Once he stood there in the opening, he looked down at the chief of police who was still hiding behind a cop car. He simply nodded his head at the chief then held his left arm out in front of him, dangling Mr. Inferno out the two story window. Then he dropped Mr. Inferno and began looking around, for Frost Archer. In the street he saw three clumps of ice all leading to the building across the street, but Frost Archer wasn’t on it. She must have already kept moving, so The Black Arrow didn’t waste any more time. He stood on the outside of the window frame and looked up for a second. Then Arrow jumped up, and gripped a hold of the edge of the roofing, and with one simple swing he back flipped up and onto the roof of the Bank. From up here, he could see over the building across the street, and saw Frost Archer on top of a roof a couple of buildings away. The Black Arrow took a few steps back and got a running start then leaped through the air. With his superhuman attributes he easily cleared the space between the two buildings. Black Arrow landed into a roll out of his jump, and instantly got back to his feet and kept moving forward, down the same path Sasha took. The Black Arrow’s speed and agility were truly amazing. He cleared each building easier then the last, picking up more speed as he went along. It wouldn’t be long now until he caught up to The Frost Archer.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 28th 2011, 3:20 pm

Black arrow eventually caught up to her. As a response she decided to get conferable and sit down, leaning her back on a concrete wall. "The crime boss is Victor Kotko, he wanted to use a mutation machine to beef up his crime branch and take over Russia. But due to complications of a unrelated matter he was compromised and moved to the states and continued running his operation from there. This was around 22 years ago. Kotkos' only known family is a wife and a daughter, all three are off the map. Rumor has it is that Victor first tested the mutation machine on his own daughter. They are a hard family to track, even with numerous resources they evade me. They even started micro crime families in U.S. and with your new information I believe they where one of the first major contributors to this Project Perfection and put a good amount of money in to it." Sasha paused. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I am known as the frost archer, and you I heard of you are The black arrow are you not?"

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 28th 2011, 4:02 pm

The Black Arrow ran at full speed across a long flat roof. The building he was running across was at least ten stories tall and very wide. It took Arrow a couple of seconds to get from one side to the other, but when he got there he placed his foot on the edge of the roofs railing and jumped off into a front flip. Black Arrow did three flips as he fell a few stories down to the next building. Then he landed perfectly in a crouched position. When he looked up The Frost Archer was standing there waiting for him. She took a seat, leaning against the concrete wall behind her, then began talking. She informed Arrow on everything she knew about Victor Kotko, and his history. The Black Arrow remembered reading about this man before, but all traces of him vanished when he moved to the states, and that was twenty two years ago. However, if Victor Kotko could possible be one of the founders of Project Perfection, it was worth looking into. There was a short pause after Sasha finished speaking, when Arrow was still thinking back about Victor Kotko. Then she apologized for not introducing herself, then said she was The Frost Archer. She was also even able to name The Black Arrow without him having to say anything. ”Yes, I am. It’s nice to meet you Frost Archer. And I’m glad to see another hero out there working to take down an evil organization like Project Perfection. I think we might be able to help eachother.” It was then that the sun shined through Sasha’s ice bandage, and reminded Arrow that she was burnt. So he held his arm out to her to help her up, then reached into his utility-belt and pulled out a small blue medi-gel shell. ”You’re burn, I can heal it.” Black Arrow then popped the shell in his hand, and spread it across his fingers. ”Do you mind?” He asked out of respect since he thought it would seem a little weird that he was about to put a strange gel on someone who had no idea what it was or what it would do.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 28th 2011, 10:47 pm

"Project Perfection will just be a bonus, no Kotko is my real goal." said Sasha. She did with hold one major piece of information, her identity, but if this guy could help her with her family problems it would be worth holding back that info. "Yes that would be very nice thank you." Sasha removed her ice bandage allowed him to apply the gel with stung at first but then numbed the area so she felt nothing.

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 28th 2011, 11:39 pm

The Black Arrow was a little curious why she was so interested in Victor Kotko, but after he thought about it for a minute, it all seemed a little bit clearer. Every hero has their reason for doing what they do, and Frost Archers probably tracked back to Kotko. Why else would she be trying so hard to track him down? Surely it wasn’t just out of the kindness of her heart. Arrow snapped himself back into reality before he got lost in his own thoughts, and when Sasha removed the ice bandage, he extended his hand and gently covered her burn with the medi-gel. The Black Arrow then flicked his hand, and got rid of all the excess gel. ”I see. Well Frost Archer if it’s Kotko you want, I’ll help you find him. And all I'd ask in return is your assistance in finishing off Project Perfection, for good. My partner and I have gathered a lot of information on them and now that you’ve given us a name, I think we’ll be able to learn a lot more.” The Black Arrow then stopped and thought for a moment, and looked at The Frost Archer."I'm not gonna lie to you though, Project Perfection is gonna be a tough son of a bitch to take down. They've got an army of super-humans at their disposable. I wouldn't blame ya' for saying no."

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 29th 2011, 5:07 pm

"Two birds with one stone, but still Kotko has been getting harder to track as the days go on, he might be scared, he might give himself some powers to protect himself, wouldn't put it past him." said Sasha a bit lost in thought. "I just have one request.... Leave Kotko to me." She knew that made her sound like she was full of revenge but she wanted to deal with her father. "Other then that you have my support and i'll let you know all my current leads to Kotko and indefinitely, this project perfection of yours.''

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 29th 2011, 8:25 pm

The Frost Archer seemed perfectly okay with going up against such terrible odds, which was a good thing. It showed that she had a lot of determination. But what was fueling her determination to find Kotko was still a mystery; However, Arrow figured he’d keep his questions to himself. If it was something that she wanted to talk about she would have told him already. Besides she wasn’t asking him twenty questions, so he should at least pay her the same courtesy. It’s not like he wouldn’t put the pieces together soon anyway. ”Alright you’ve got yourself a deal, on one occasion though. I know that you can control ice and you have some talent with a bow, but if we're going to be working together I need to make sure that you can handle yourself out there. There’s a lot of powerful people were going to be up against, and if what you think is true and Kotko has transformed himself he’ll be one of them. That’s why I want to make sure your prepared for this.“ Then The Black Arrow took his bow off from around his shoulder and stepped back a couple of feet so that there would be a good amount of room between him and Sasha. After that Black Arrow got into a boxing stance. He planted his feet down firmly on the gravel of the roof then he put the hand that was holding the bow out in front, and kept his other one close to his face. ”I want you to come at me with everything you’ve got. Don’t hold anything back.” The Black Arrow then waited for her to make the first move. He had pretty high hopes for the Frost Archer. Mainly because he thought she had potential in her, but he did also like the idea of working with another archer. And a hot blonde archer at that, though he'd never actually admit it. He did his best to try and keep it professional.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by Seer June 29th 2011, 9:50 pm

Sasha smiled. "Always something isn't it..." She took her bow and spun it around in her hand, ice forming on it to make it into a melee weapon. "I won't kick your ass to hard." She charged at him, making a plan as she went. She would sweep at him torso and which ever way he dodged she would extend the ice in that direction, if he didnt react in time he would get hurt by the ice. She mentally smiled at her plan, so far it seemed so good. But just in case she channeled some ice around her, making an ice harness around her under her clothes, giving each side a slight protection, even if it was only a 3 inch wide strip of ice, she could still send the ice out in the direction he dodged if he missed the first. Now it was time to see if it would work.

Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Excalibur

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2011-06-14

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

Post by The Black Arrow June 29th 2011, 11:55 pm

The Black Arrow smirked at her cocky attitude. Now he just really wanted to see if she could back up those words. ”Lets see whatcha got.” Arrow kept his feet firmly planted on the ground, and held his stance, while The Frost Archer began preparing herself. She took out her bow, and covered it completely in ice, most likely so it would be more durable, and more useful as an offensive weapon. Which wasn’t a bad idea at all, especially since The Black Arrow’s bow was designed to be extremely durable and probably would have broken Sasha’s if they had clashed too many times. Then The Frost Archer began charging. Even with her sprinting straight for him, The Black Arrow didn’t move a muscle. He kept a perfectly still stance until the last second possible, when Sasha’s foot had already left the ground.

The Black Arrow used his right forearm to block the high round house kick. The second it made impact Arrow could tell there was a lot of power behind her kick. Not only because his entire body was forced to slide to the left just from blocking it, but also because he could feel the pressure behind it and it made him glad that he was wearing the Phantom armor cause that kick would’ve hurt a lot, maybe even fractured his wrist bone. The Black Arrow was able to process all of this, and plan out his next move in his head all in less then a second. Directly after Frost Archer's leg collided against his forearm, Arrow moved his arm slightly up, then swung it down and around Sasha’s leg, gripping it tightly making sure she wasn't going to get free. But as soon as Arrow was able to fully get a grip around her leg, the Frost Archer sent a chain of ice directly at his face. The only thing he could do was duck and lean forward, but the ice still skimmed the top of his head, which pushed his hoodie down and almost took off some hair with it. Then, The Black Arrow quickly attempted hook the end of his bow around Sasha's ankle. If he was able to get his bow situated before Sasha moved, Arrow would attempt to pull his bow back and trip The Frost Archer. If all went as planned, Steven would let go of her leg and stand straight up. Letting his hair and cape flow with the wind.

The Black Arrow's application,
and Experience[color=black].[/color
Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Thephantomssig
The Black Arrow
The Black Arrow
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 647
Location : With seventy two virgins
Age : 28
Job : Terrorist
Humor : Terrorism
Registration date : 2011-01-03

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Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.) Empty Re: Another day on the job. (Closed to Seer.)

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