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Sweet home Chicago

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Sweet home Chicago

Post by Coffinhunter July 1st 2011, 3:06 pm

(This Chicago thread takes place in the current timeline any hero or vigilante in Chicago is allowed to participate.. The thread started in California called Hunter's moon will be a year in the future from this point. This will provide my characters back story chronicled in the beginning of 'Hunter's Moon" to make sense. Meaning that my freedom is guaranteed until then. You may apprehend me but be forewarned I will escape. If you wish to my further pursuit after this threads conclusion, you'll have to pursue me to California. )

(Please feel free to open a separate tab and listen to the theme music provided at this link below while reading this thread!)

"Come on, baby don't you want to go
Come on, baby don't you want to go
To the same old place, sweet home Chicago

Now, one and one is two, two and two is four
I'm heavy loaded baby, I'm booked, I gotta go
Cryin' baby, honey, don't you want to go
Back to the same old place, my sweet home Chicago

Come on, baby don't you want to go
Com on, baby don't you want to go
To the same old place, sweet home Chicago

Now two and two is four, six and two is eight
Come on baby, don't you make me late
I'm cryin' hey, baby, don't you want to go
To the same old place, sweet home Chicago

Come on, baby don't you want to go
Com on, baby don't you want to go
To the same old place, sweet home Chicago

Two and two is four, four and two is six,
keep stayin out late at night you gonna get your business fixed.

Six and two is eight, eight and two is ten
She double crossed you one time
and she gonna do it again.

I'm goin to Chicago, two thousand miles away,
Boy won't you tell me that you'll be my friend someday."

The Cannibal whistled the guitar solo while singing in the olde-timey music in growling, throaty tone. He loved Robert Johnson ever since he'd met the poor colored boy back on US49 outside of Clarksdale back in the 1930's. There was just something about him that the Cannibal couldn't put his finger on. It may have been the man's odor which had brimstone aftertaste that kept the Cannibal from eating that man. It was as if he was promised to another.

The Cannibal; or Jimmy Rhodes, the moniker he was currently going by; had just arrived here in Chicago last week. His current residence was an abandon building co-inhabited by random vagrants, hobos, and drug addicts. It was a dried up factory building on the wrong side of the tracks, which just happens to be the 'right side of the tracks' for ol' Jimmy. He cordoned off a medium sized room in the rear of the abandoned facility, which used to be a metal works if he wasn't mistaken.The room was secluded and he'd upped the security of it by pulling one of the large pieces of dust covered machinery in front of it's entry way to further detour any nosy 'looky-lou's'.

He kept a low profile and blended right in with the other dregs of society. He wore a dirty green trench coat and stained 'wife beater' under that and his wore trusty knapsack on his back. His lower portions were clothed in a brown pair of cargo pants with worn thin work boots, a piece of folded newspaper filled the hole in the bottom of the right boot.

He'd killed one man since arriving in the Windy City, and his food stores were starting to run on the low side. The mutilated rib cage and spinal column that hung in the rooms corner was now almost devoid of any real meat , soon he'd have to go hunting again. He thought long and hard, all day about what sort of meal he was in the mood for and when he finally decided it was that of a well fed female. She must live somewhere near by because Jim had seen her power walking in tight spandex around dusk while he was panhandling during the evenings. He'd marked her as a main-course when he'd first laid eyes on her, and tonight he'd have his feast.

That evening Jim sat in the dark alley way fantasizing about how tantalizing the sweet meat of the woman's ample thighs would taste. His mouth watered and his eyes dilated with every passing minute. It was then his amplified ears heard the hefty rhythmic thumping of a jogger approaching. His nose pulled a deep whiff of the polluted air and under it's disgusting stink he picked up on the female's own body odor. It seemed she'd had intercourse recently and neglected to shower, "all the sweeter" he said to himself.

He timed it perfectly, his unnaturally strong arms shot out at just the right moment. One snatching her around the throat and wrapping up around her startled head to clasp over her mouth; the other latching on , like a vice around her plump midsection, his fingers digging into the soft belly fat. He didn't keep a hold for long though, as he flexed his muscled snatched her into the shadows and then he hurled her up against the brick wall. This was a sound method he'd used countless times, the victim rarely had time to react and the concluding smash against the wall usually knocked them out cold, but not this time. This woman was hearty and after the initial shock she quickly regained her senses. One thing became obviously apparent almost immediately as she brought her knee up into her attackers crotch, she was trained in some form of self defense and was more than happy to use it. The blow to the Cannibal's groin struck home with enough force to lift the 210lb man off the ground, if only for a brief second,still more than enough to catch his attention.

The next shot was a stiffened palm directly to the bridge of his nose and there was no hesitation, the bone underneath gave way immediately, blood began to pour from Jimbo's nose. With the space created in between the two, the woman backed away, she would have like to make a run for the street but her attacker was blocking it now, hunched over and holding his spurting nose. Instead she began to frantically look around for an exit, but found none in the dead end alley. The scared woman went on the defensive and began to dig in her fanny-pack for something.

Jimmy acted hurt but he wasn't, he was simply toying with his prey, the truth was his nose had already clotted and with a slight adjustment he snapped it back into place. With that out of the way Jim swung back around to regarded the woman whom now stood in a defensive stance with a canister of mace held at the ready. The Cannibal's eyes were now fully dilated and the black pupils took up almost the entirety of his eye. His teeth bared at her they were now surrealistically long, not fangs but just long skinny nightmare versions of what teeth should be.

"RAPE!!!!! RAPE!!!!.....wait.....I mean...FIRE.....FIRE!!!!.....FIRE!!!!!! Someone Help!" she began to below.

Jim couldn't understand why she was yelling "Fire" but he knew he didn't have long and plunged head long ,through the fog of aggravating pepper spray at his target. As he pounced on her ,his teeth found a hold on her neck and bit in, his hands clamped down around her wrists and they both went tumbling to the ground.

The Spartan
Sweet home Chicago  SpartanPG

The Samaritan
Sweet home Chicago  Burppy

Tesla\\\'s Doll
Sweet home Chicago  Dolly
Post Adept
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 391
Location : New York
Age : 47
Job : Tattoo Artist/professional writer
Humor : smart
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Coffinhunter July 1st 2011, 6:16 pm


The Spartan
Sweet home Chicago  SpartanPG

The Samaritan
Sweet home Chicago  Burppy

Tesla\\\'s Doll
Sweet home Chicago  Dolly
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Number of posts : 391
Location : New York
Age : 47
Job : Tattoo Artist/professional writer
Humor : smart
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Coffinhunter July 5th 2011, 5:47 pm

Elaine Cabbage opened her eyes several hours later to two immediate senses. Once was that she was hanging upside down and her right leg was aching horribly. The second was the enticing smell of some delicious food being cooked near by. Her memory was foggy and as she tried to clear it her vision was restored. She was indeed upside down, and there in front of her was the back of a hunched figure cooking something in the other end of the cement room.

It was then that her head started to clear and the memories of being attacked by some psycho rapist came flooding back. She moaned with pain and tried to reach out with her hand to feel her injured leg, but quickly found her hands tied behind her back. "uuugghhhh" was the only sound she could make through the gag in her mouth.

Realizing that his prey had awaken the Cannibal hopped up and spun around to look at her. There in front of him was the source of the food cooking. At his feet was a small Coleman gas grill that had several pieces of red meat cooking away on it. Jimmy held a knife in his hand and perched on it's tip was some of the meat.

"Here.....You'll need to keep your strength up young lady!" He said in a happy tone as he reached forth to ungag her and hold the chunk of meat up to her lips.

"ppppp....please.......just let me go......pppplease.....I won't tell anyone..." She started to mumble.

" I know you won't tell anyone dear.....I know.....but I have other plans for you and I am afraid I can't let you go just yet." He said as he grinned and showed the spookily long stained teeth in his mouth. He then pushed the rare meat into her mouth and held it shut so that she was forced to swallow. With that out of the way he returned the gag to her mouth and went back to his grill.

She was weeping and sobbing letting the tears role up and over her eyebrows as he sat and happily munched away at his meal. She wanted to scream but the gag did it's job and muffled the call. Her leg was absolutely ravaged by pain and she swung her self up briefly, in order to get a better look. The Cannibal began to laugh when he saw her effort. It was then that the realization of what she'd just eaten sunk in. The meat on that grill was from her own thigh, which had been butchered by this fiend . Her cries and pleads went on , as muffled as they were, the rest of the night until she passed out again.

The Spartan
Sweet home Chicago  SpartanPG

The Samaritan
Sweet home Chicago  Burppy

Tesla\\\'s Doll
Sweet home Chicago  Dolly
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 391
Location : New York
Age : 47
Job : Tattoo Artist/professional writer
Humor : smart
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Van Helcraft July 6th 2011, 6:59 pm

Warren just smiled at his luck he had been hired to hunt done a cannible and the guy just attacked a woman on the street below the building he was on. "Hey Sha-La-La track him and see if he's the target will you?" It was confirmed that he was the target as he cut her thigh and cooked it. "Master Warren we should help now." Sha-La-La said. "Yes, yes your right lets get on with it you head around back or come through the roof i'll go more directly." He told her. She took the roof the thrusters in her legs firing up silently and shooting her up to the roof. Warren pulled out his two custom colt revolvers and checked to make sure they were loaded. He put on his coat and mask then completely blew away the door handle in one shot. "knock knock mister cannible." He called out walking into the room pointing his guns at the womans bindings and shooting her loose. " i'm sorry i was so late getting here sweetheart," he told her," but hey atleast your alive which reminds me you should be bleeding by now!. He shouted unloading the remaining five shots at the man, death was to good for this sick freak so Warren was going to make this last.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Coffinhunter July 6th 2011, 7:29 pm

Jimmy was finishing the last of what he was going to eat tonight, when he smelled some stranger lurking outside the door. 'an Intruder' he thought to himself, 'how fun'. The Cannibal acted as though he was completely unaware of the smell of the gunslinger outside his door or the silenced booster rockets of what ever was ascending toward the roof, but the truth was his senses were firing on all cylinders and was ready for what ever was about to happen. He could smell the oil of the guns to the point of knowing when last they were cleaned.

The door burst open and the idiot shot the girls restraints, dropping her onto her skull and snapping her already damaged neck. Elaine would have died one way or another and one would guess that it was better this way, in her sleep, then slowly and under the blade of the fiend that had captured her.

Jimmy stood straight up and almost couldn't help but laugh when the do-gooder dropped the girl on her head. When the fool began to monolouge, the Cannibal burst into laughter out right. It was cut short though as hair-trigger vigilante opened fire with his six-guns again. Jimbo didn't move, he took all the rounds directly to the chest. The concussion knocked him back a step but not over. Jim looked down at his chest as blood leaked out of the five holes in his torso. When his face turned up again, it was that of the Wendigo monster that resided within. Huge dilated black pupiled eyes and elongated teeth stretched into a wide smile. The blood had already stopped pumping out of him and the holes began to shrink. His belly was full of meat and he had all the power he needed to dispatch the good samaritan.

"Nice shot" he growled and then leaped for the man, his claws bared in one hand and the other held the shank. His mouth agape and saliva and blood drooled out of it as he lunged. The Cannibal was running at full steam .

The Spartan
Sweet home Chicago  SpartanPG

The Samaritan
Sweet home Chicago  Burppy

Tesla\\\'s Doll
Sweet home Chicago  Dolly
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 391
Location : New York
Age : 47
Job : Tattoo Artist/professional writer
Humor : smart
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by XxRedxX July 8th 2011, 6:40 pm

'Be quick, but take your time...' Continued to run through Noahs' head as he and AIVAS tracked down the missing female. Reports of screams from an alley way and some witnesses had narrowed down the possible hide outs in which the kidnapper could have taken her. The womans name was Elaine, she was a 24 year old Nurse who was single and also a blood donor which is why the blood samples Noah found in the alley made it all the easier to find out who she was. Blue was working his way around the block over roof tops when he suddenly heard gun shots. 'Could be a coincidence but I have to check it out.'

Changing his direction, Noah made his way over to what seemed to be an abandoned building. He sat on top of the ledge, switching his helmet to thermal vision to see what sort of things were inhabiting it. There were some faint heat signatures but three which stood out the most and a bright spot which seemed to be some sort of a fire. What ever was going on down there it seemed like the source of the gun shots. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Noah said to himself as he made his way over to the corner of the building.
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Registration date : 2011-03-13

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Van Helcraft July 9th 2011, 4:18 pm

Warren laughed as the wendigo charged him. He slid to the ground right under it and took of at an impossible speed to the girl Elaine. " lets see here he said pulling out a syringe this should take away all of the damage but some mutataions will most likely occur i haven't profected this stuff yet." he said jamming the syringe in her as Sha-La-La opened fire from the roof at the wendigo tracking him through the roof with her thermal deteion eyes. Her AK-47's unloading through the roof at the wendigo. Warren doubted the fight would last long but his main concern was that the girl woke up. her legas were almost completly healed and her spine was realigning but as he feared she was developing a high fever with her low level of immune system it was only natural so he threw her over his shoulders and went looking for a backway out.

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
Post Mate
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 178
Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Coffinhunter July 12th 2011, 10:18 am

(What...I said she was dead your heores profile says you cured cancer.....not bring reanimate corpses for god's sake! please edit your post predator).

The fool was actually trying to recessitate a dead girl. In the middle of a battle, he was ignoring his target and kneeling. What ever was on the roof was throwing down some fire but it was easily dodged with the speed at which a creature such as the Cannibal could move. As the heroic fool tried to pick the dead girl's body up and make a run for it.

The Cannibal waited and then pounced, landing squarely on the idiot's back and latching in tight. Better yet now that he was on the helpless heroes back it's companion had stopped shooting, to concerned with hitting it's friend or the dead girl he carried. The cannibal smiled it's creepily wide grin and then licked the side of the man's head. The canibal was stronger and just as fast as 'serum- boy' all of these things it could tell from the information that it processed when it tasted it's next victim. It could also process the pheromone change when Warren was about pull his one free hand up and try shooting the Cannibal off his back. The cannibal's stronger arm would simply wait until the fool tried it and then turn the gun on the man's self

"I'm going to eat your soul....." Jimmy spat and then set to work gnawing at the man's neck.

The Spartan
Sweet home Chicago  SpartanPG

The Samaritan
Sweet home Chicago  Burppy

Tesla\\\'s Doll
Sweet home Chicago  Dolly
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 391
Location : New York
Age : 47
Job : Tattoo Artist/professional writer
Humor : smart
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Van Helcraft July 16th 2011, 5:38 pm

Warren smiled right before the man bit into his neck warren flipped slamming the cannibal on his back then as the beasts grip broke he slipped out and sat the girl down. " If thats the way you want to play lets play." Warren spat pulling two knives from inside his coat. "this will be over way to quick." He said jumping back as Sha-La-La opened fire at the cannibal once again. Warren jumped onto a crate waiting for the cannibals next move.

(you never directly stated death, you stated snapped neck, you can live from that kind of injury with immediate help.)

Schnieder Van Helcraft/ The King

I don't know what you're looking so arrogant about, you're just another pawn for me to move as I please.
Van Helcraft
Van Helcraft
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Location : Near Paterpie
Age : 31
Job : King of Whales
Humor : ummm.... I laugh at a lot of things
Registration date : 2011-03-24

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Coffinhunter July 17th 2011, 10:40 am

(1 I did state that she died, READ IT AGAIN! 2. if what I did was God Modding by jumping on your back then what you just did by flipping and slamming me to the ground is equally God-modded. My speed is more than enough to leap off your back as soon as I felt you start to flip, not to even mention you were holding a DEAD woman at the time. 3 IF you are on top of me and you She-le-le is firing from above then the bullets would strike you. You really don't think before you write do you, young man?)

The Cannibal let the fool stick his little knives in, apparently he hadn't learned his lesson yet. Jimbo felt the blades enter his chest cavity and one of his far stronger arms reached across and held Warren's arms down against the Cannibal's own chest. It trapped the idiot were he was and made for an excellent shield against the raining gun fire from above. Whom ever was up there was certainly not doing this do-gooder any favors.

"You bit off more than you could chew, little boy!"

The Spartan
Sweet home Chicago  SpartanPG

The Samaritan
Sweet home Chicago  Burppy

Tesla\\\'s Doll
Sweet home Chicago  Dolly
Post Adept
Post Adept

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 391
Location : New York
Age : 47
Job : Tattoo Artist/professional writer
Humor : smart
Registration date : 2010-11-19

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

Post by Danger July 17th 2011, 2:56 pm

This topic is locked until everything I put in the roleplay planning section is addressed. You can't just keep on godmodding coffin. Predator used an auto hit in his last post, so if it comes to it, I'll just delete the past few rounds of posts.

But before you try and say that Predator is just as guilty as you, he used the auto hit in response to yours. I'll type up everything wrong with this thread, and then I might unlock it.

Status :

Quote : "Totally saved Sadie."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 541
Registration date : 2011-03-01

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Sweet home Chicago  Empty Re: Sweet home Chicago

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