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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Polly Pocket January 11th 2016, 9:59 pm

Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Tumblr_nqf83800oV1tdr1qyo1_500

Blonde tresses pulled back into a tight ponytail, the little dynamo stayed concealed atop the hill, peering through her high speed binos. She'd  been to the South, North, and East of the building but now she sat West. Not a single pulse seemed to resonate in the abandoned warehouse miles from the outskirts of the city. For 7 hours Polly had prowled to note anything of significance. Not a peep. Not a car coming or going. No signs of movement. If this was some sort of trap, whatever bad element in there was pulling their hair out by now.

The anonymous tip had seemed promising though. They sounded genuine in their worry. In short, something nefarious was happening at the old warehouse that time and everyone else for that matter had long forgotten. At first she didn't bite on it, but then again what better place for some evil doers to hole up and run amok? A vacant, un-monitored building. Exactly. For all she knew there was probably some asshat mad scientist on the verge of blowing up himself and God knows what else. In the end, definitely worth checking out.

Polly was growing impatient though. She was starting to build a reputation as one of the few humans that could stand against a metahuman. The elite young woman was even interviewed by several TV stations and recently made a guest appearance on the Late Show. If she could tackle whomever or whatever was in the warehouse, it would boost her resume even farther. This lead her to refrain from notifying the proper authorities. At least for now. She would get closer soon, when darkness came, and play it by ear then.

A little more boredom ensued before the sudden flicker of dim light in the upstairs portion of the warehouse caught her attention. It had just passed from dusk to night, no time better than now. Clad in her skin tight blue suit--of-many-neat-capabilities, the nimble lady put on her night vision/darkvision shades and stealthily arrived at the western wall of the facility. She skirted the wall until she came upon a small, locked window. She peeked inside real quick and noted that there was some old pipes and lumber laying around but nothing foreboding.  

With fast hands like that of a level 20 Rouge, she searched for any traps on or in the window before expertly unlocking it. Being ever cautious, she slowly pushed it inward and crawled inside, then landed with the gracefulness of a cat and scanned her surroundings. There was a funk in the air; a pungent odor that had never before graced her sniffer. It wasn't suffocating or anything so she pressed on, placing a hand on each hip where her slew of gadgets and weapons were stashed. At the first hint of trouble, she would do what she does best... if need be.

to be continued by Raindrop.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Raindrop January 12th 2016, 11:42 am

The Legion of Rainclouds was anything but organized, every localized group was its own little organization, which often times was a cluster of experimentation, random information, and chaos. Most Raindrops and Rainclouds just kind of went on their own directives, their own curiosities, never really having much of a job appointed to them. What fun was there in keeping with a structured plan? Rarely did they have some sort of order from a "higher ups", if you could really call any one Raindrop a higher up, except perhaps the original Raindrop. In the end, despite the lack of structure, everything ended up working out toward the greater goals of the organization, as if they were subconsciously in cooperation with each other. A laid back network of cloned family of sorts, they just did things to pique their idle curiosities, with the original Raindrop currently the one waiting in the building which Polly Prigano was entering. As far as Dr. Praxton was concerned, he was no more valuable than any of the others, if he were to fall the next senior Raindrop would probably take over the legion, as if any of them would care to tell the difference.

"Not surprising, but a pleasant show to see that our guest has decided to use a side entrance is it not Ms. Lily?" It was a pleasant evening to have a hot drink at the least, a pleasant chill breeze, a young lady climbing the side of your warehouse. Lily, another Raindrop in the lounge responded with a light giggle as she took a sip of her latte macchiato.

"I wonder how long it'll take for her to reach the lab? I do hate waiting for our guests..." Lyle ignored Lily's impatient statement and continued sipping away at his drink, squirming around restlessly in his comfy bean bag chair as he directed a quizzical look toward his clone. He began to wonder how long it'd take for Polly to find the entrance to the basement of the seemingly abandoned warehouse, maybe a little help was in order, individuals did have a habit of getting lost sometimes. Sometimes a simple tip wasn't enough to lure individuals in, there needed to be more cheese for the mice, a little bit of drama and action! Lyle knew it was a foolish and impulsive move to lure a woman like Polly, who'd been on television and in the news onto the network of the Legion of Rainclouds, but he desired more to his life, to spice things up, get some laughs in.

With a quick whistle Lyle addressed the other Raindrop in the room, "Hey Lily would you be so kind as to escort our guest Polly to the lab, I'd rather we get to work on investigating her sooner rather later." As soon as he'd asked, Lily had taken her preferred human form of a young female secretary and began skipping towards the elevator a puckish grin stretched across the corners of her face. Lyle maintained his preferred aberrant form using his additional heads to devour a box of cookies as he watched the show Lily was about to put on for Polly from the many hidden cameras surrounding and within the warehouse.

The Raindrop known as Lily had begun leaving a trail of polymorphed cells that resembled human body parts leading towards the elevator she'd come from. The little Raindrop's she'd produced were releasing a mixture of chemical odors and decaying flesh as if some bio-hazardous monster had mauled them off her body. Lily returned to the elevator, spraying a couple sheets of her cells across the elevator doors and the interiour to assume the guise of blood and left her main body laying in the elevator to take on the form of the mauled corpse that the trail would lead to. Lily was filled to the brim with excitement as she laid in the elevator motionless, it was like being both an actor and a prop in a B-list horror film. She let out several panicked screams alongside the roars of a large monster as she laid in the elevator, before returning to her position as a dead body.

"Help! Somebody please save me!"


Status :

Quote : "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Land of Endless Pie Crusts
Job : Royal Tear Inspector
Humor : None
Registration date : 2015-01-30

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Polly Pocket January 12th 2016, 10:31 pm

Polly Pocket continued to skulk around the place, keeping to the shadows and making mental notes of every little nook and cranny of the building.  The further she got into it, the more it looked like there was activity going on. Recent tracks were on the moderately dirty floor, although she couldn't quite figure out what they were. The prints were small and sometimes human size, but nothing bigger, and seemed to go around in random directions. A faint smell of some type of coffee, perhaps Starbucks blend, was mingled in with the foul stinch of whatever that smell was that greeted her upon entry. She could tell she wasn't alone. She also had that creepy feeling that a thousand eyes were watching her.

She put her forearm over her nose to alleviate the smell and continued on, paying close attention to any areas that might have had security cameras in place at one time, with the obvious thinking that they were in use now. She found some around various corners and took them out with her silenced pistol as she stayed hidden in the shadows. it wasn't long until she was at the east side of the warehouse and finally gained some ground. Signs were still up from long ago, pointing arrows to the dock, the press machine, the basement. Yes!" She whispered to herself. The basement. If anyone was up to no good in a place like this, the basement was always a good area to hit up.

On her way there, though, she came upon the remains of someone. It was godawful. She immediately drew out her pistol and followed the trail, the odor getting thicker to the point it made her tough tummy churn a little. That's when she heard the roar of a monster and the screams of its unfortunate victim. Without thinking, she hurried toward the noise, abandoning her stick-to-the-shadows routine, but then again it was pretty dark in there even with her darkvision/nighvision shades on. After a quick jaunt, she approached a corner and peeked around.

What fell into sight sunk her heart. Some poor woman lay dead or at least badly injured in an elevator, the doors of the devise opening and closing repeatedly on her foot. The urge to rush to her aid was almost overwhelming, but Polly had learned from mistakes in the past, and knew this could be a trick although she highly doubted it was. Moving her hands swiftly, she removed "trinket" from her utility pouch and sent him on his flying journey. The hockey puck size devise was an affliction detector of sorts. It was synced in with Polly's shades and fed her real time readouts on the health, life, death, and degree of injuries one might have.

"Trinket" flew silently and buzzed around in a circle above the prone form. It scanned the entity below it and started feeding back the readout to Polly. Entity Origin: Unknown. Deceased: Negative. Life: Positive. Injuries: Minor. Polly frowned. She could tell from the light provided by the elevator that the blood, if it was real and belonged to the woman, was far too much to be labeled as a minor injury. To vex her more was the readout saying the entity's origin was unknown. To her, it looked like a human woman or a metahuman woman.

The Cutest of the Cute pressed the button on her belt and "trinket" flew back to her. She stowed him away and narrowed her eyebrows, mulling for a moment. This was fishy. Most likely some kind of trap. She knew one good way of calling someone out on a thing like this, though. Smirking, priding herself on not falling for the 95 percent sure trap, Polly pulled out a devise the size of a golf ball. It was studded with many, many electro-prongs. Once it was thrown against a solid object such as a wall, it would act sort of like a grenade except instead of lethal shrapnel exploding everywhere it would be taser like prongs packed with electro-charges.

The elevator was the perfect area to put it into action. If the woman didn't budge, make at least a little movement,  or make a single sound during the barrage, only then would Polly rethink her skepticism. She also figured this would draw the attention of that monster she heard. She was pretty damn certain that thing was legit. If she could make it come to her then all the better. Without missing another beat, she spun around the corner and hurled the nifty devise down the hall and it smacked against the back wall of the elevator.......

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Raindrop January 13th 2016, 8:55 am

A twitch of annoyance was triggered throughout Lily's cell network as she made note of the little drone that had begun to circle her. Most likely sent out to check the state of the unfortunate woman she was masquerading as, and most likely returning with information not befitting her portrayed condition. Common knowledge between the Raindrops by now was that they could only fool the sensory limits of living organisms, machines, especially more advanced tech had a way of detecting past those faults. It was tempting for Lily to snatch the drone while it scanned her body, not only for the technology they were after that was encased within, but personally she considered it as rather rude. Regardless she needed to make her move soon, lest she risk her own safety, after all many technologically advantaged heroes went around using lasers, electrical, flame-based, or explosion oriented weaponry, all bad news for a Raindrop.

A tinge of regret filled Lily's mental network as the calculations of the elevator being an unfortunate casualty of tonight were laid out before her. Lily's plan would include making a small hole for evasion, but from the looks of it, Polly would be doing a greater job of damaging it anyways. It didn't take long for Lily to prepare a tiny pool of acid directly below her body, hidden away by her mock corpse. As it ate away at the floor silently she observed as Polly gave several perplexed gazes towards her findings, Lily needed to act now, it was obvious that the ruse was up. Lily needed to act at a specific moment to carry out her plan, the answer Polly was looking for was for Lily to destroy her own cover. There was unfortunately no way around that at this point, the most she could do was prepare an ambush with the results Polly was looking for. Movement of her cells through a hole in the bottom of her body, she hollowed most of herself out using the hole she'd made in the elevator, keeping a silent system of myriad movements between her cells as she maintained cover. Lily continued to plan, curiously awaiting the impending outcomes of the hero's actions.

A golf ball sized device, most likely explosive in nature was lured out from Polly's belt. Starting the evening with an exciting sacrifice, a smirk painted itself upon the remaining cells of Lily's face, the end of the line for some cells, but leading to a chain of enjoyable outcomes for others. It was unfortunate, but the survivors would continue to remember and live on for the cells that would give their lives for the whole. The mass of cells located underneath the elevator would swing away and into the concrete shaft, climbing far below the impending explosion and to observe from what they estimated to be a safe distance. The last thoughts of the Raindrop cells still in the elevator were of how much they hated scanning equipment and explosions, some of their oh so ponderous weaknesses. The Raindrop in the elevator was expecting an explosion, but instead they got an electrical shock that sent a wave of paralysis through their body for a limited time, including the cells located on the elevator doors and floor. Not quite what they were expecting, but nonetheless a painful experience. Oh how they wanted a change of plan, but doing so would unfortunately come at the cost of their cover being blown.

As far as any onlookers could tell, there laid the twitching body of a lady, dead, but jerking every so often due to the shocking of electrical prongs. The Lily below the elevator, hidden within the elevator shaft began formulating where to go next with this hero. The electrical tasers eventually came to a stop, but it was a painful experience for the cells still in the elevator, one they most certainly did not want to redo and which took every ounce of willpower to keep to the plan. The original Lily was definitely owing split-off Lily something after all this, perhaps front row seats for when they finally captured their guest...


Status :

Quote : "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Land of Endless Pie Crusts
Job : Royal Tear Inspector
Humor : None
Registration date : 2015-01-30

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Polly Pocket January 14th 2016, 1:00 am

The reaction Polly received from the lady wasn't what she counted on nor liked. Polly was so sure that it was a trap. It had all the marks of one.  Yet the lady in the elevator didn't try to crawl away or scream or react violently when the hero's nifty little devise did its damage. Now she was surely vexed. Still airing on the aide of caution, she whispered "Sentry Alpha and Bravo, post." and two six inch long metal cylinders  spun to life from her belt and rose silently into the air.  

Their bodies, smooth at first, quickly peeled back to show several port holes which were lined with rays of enfeeblement ready to blast away if a foe was to engage their master.  They were strong enough to incapacitate a medium to large adult male  and a light to medium metahuman. Monsters, however, like the one lurking somewhere in the vicinity, were something they needed to be tested against. The two devices hovered above her about two feet, one to the right and one to the left and scanned for anything out of the ordinary as Polly slowly made her way forward.

The hero wasn't stupid. She made her approach at an angle, keeping just enough of the corpse in her sights as she finally closed the distance and placed her back against the wall next to one of the repeatedly opening doors. Sentry Alpha posted a readout across her shades. Elevator infrastructure fail. Floor hazard. Concealed by unknown origin entity. The Cutest of the Cute wasn't about to just prance on in the elevator. Not now. Not ever.  Polly growled and abruptly grabbed the dead woman by the ankle and pulled her from the elevator.  

That's when she saw the hole in the floor. Polly quickly stepped back out of view in case the monster she heard earlier had ventured down the hole and was seconds away from shooting large tentacles out from the hole to try and grab her. Polly wisely kept only part of her head visible to the hole from outside the elevator. After a few seconds of contemplating, Polly ordered Sentry Alpha to enter the hole and investigate, then ordered Sentry Bravo to perform roaming patrol down the hall to her left then to her right.

It was starting to don  on Polly that the dead woman was probably used by the monster as bait for her or god forbid someone else who may not be as formidable as the blue suit clad hero. Looking to hopefully connect some more dots, Polly turned to where she had slid the poor dead woman.....

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Raindrop January 14th 2016, 7:45 am

This hero really liked to keep her searches thorough, drones upon drones in that suit of hers. Perhaps Raindrop ought to remove some of these targets, even if it meant destroying some of the tech they were trying to recover. The body still mimicking a corpse, continued to do so as Polly approached the elevator, still needing to maintain her cover to make the plan work, plus she had no idea what these two new hovering cylinders were capable of. They were following her and scanning the area, in the elevator, probably looking for signs of movement and aggression, things she would refrain from right now, despite the strong desire to get revenge for the electrical shock. The hero had noticed the escape hole located in the elevator and had grabbed her by the ankle, pulling her out of the elevator, now was her chance to make a move...

It was the perfect moment to leave behind a thin coating of cells from her body to the hand of her target during the moment of contact. Raindrop left behind a few covert cells which were already camouflaged as blood from the woman's body, leaving behind just a viscous layer of gore resting on her outfit. For now they would remain dormant until faced with an attempt to be removed, in which case they'd burst in a pool of acid, perhaps later buying some time for the two main Lily bodies skulking around. The mock corpse continued to lay still in the spot it'd been thrown, pooling up acid in its hollow center, taking note that the girl seemingly hadn't noted how lightweight it was, perhaps the suit provided super strength to the young lady and she hadn't given it second thought. The corpse was filling up swiftly however, turning into a human sized bag of acid, in preparation for an assault that would hopefully move the plan ahead.

The Raindrop that had escaped through the hole in the elevator floor had taken it upon herself to make haste in her movements upon seeing a face through the hole in the elevator. Camouflaged to match the surroundings of the elevator shaft she laid in, she shot out a rapidly moving tentacle to attempt to hit the hero, and unfortunately missed by a hair, a bit too obvious of an attack she thought with regret. She needed to get away from a counter attack and await the signal from the other Raindrop. Lily had shifted her body away from the bottom of the elevator passageway slipping through the cracks of the shaft to end up on top of the elevator, waiting on the other side of the emergency hatch and producing a pool of powerful acid within the bowels of her body.

Polly had sent her flying sentry bots down the hole, no doubt to try and locate the Raindrop that was wandering the elevator shaft below. The corpse was making its own move as the hero preoccupied herself with the hole in the elevator. The corpse had begun secreting the large pool of acid from its body, and begun manipulating it into the surrounding area as scores of acidic orbs which floated through the air. Their objective? Boxing the target to a limited direction, the elevator. The Raindrop hadn't forgotten about the sentry sent out to roam the halls however, and used several orbs to pursue and attempt to dissolve the floating cylinder. Within that moment the corpse of the woman was no longer laying dormant and took the appearance of a complete woman, no longer missing her limbs and such, which had jumped up and attached themselves back onto her body, alongside the other cells laying on the walls and ground. As Polly turned around to check up on where the woman's corpse used to be, Lily was prepared to hold a conversation with Polly using the no longer decaying body.

"Good evening Polly, can you guess who your anonymous tip was? Now I'd love to continue playing cat and mouse with you, but we have more pressing matters at hand. We at the legion would like to talk with you, about a certain business agreement, perhaps have a pleasant cup of coffee with you in the lounge below. Now my goal isn't to cause you bodily harm, but we can certainly do so if you'd prefer that method. We're here for your company as our guest, not your melting corpse. I would not recommend touching the floating orbs, although I'd love to damage your pretty face at this point, my employer has other plans, if you understand, please step into the elevator and click the button leading to the basement."


Status :

Quote : "The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 12
Location : Land of Endless Pie Crusts
Job : Royal Tear Inspector
Humor : None
Registration date : 2015-01-30

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Polly Pocket January 14th 2016, 9:47 pm

Polly nearly jumped out of her skin when she turned and found the dead woman alive and well, with all of her appendages attached, looking sprite and a bit cocky. With eye blinding speed Polly unholstered her pistol and aimed it at her. "Don't f***ing move. Wh... wh... what the hell? H-h-how?? Nevermind, just stop right there." Polly was utterly mind blown. Luckily for the hero, the mysterious lady wanted to talk instead of die, so Polly let her have her say in order to buy time. It was, in effect, a stall tactic on Polly's part.

Meanwhile, Sentry Alpha carefully scanned the underside of the elevator but noted nothing of importance until it calculated some slight movement in the cracks. The cylinder zeroed in on the faint source that it had dubbed hostile and fired off several rays of enfeeblement to render the source incapacitated or dead. It worked, or so it seemed, and the sentry began to sweep further down. Its counterpart, Sentry Bravo, had the unfortunate hand in all of this and wound up running into some acid orbs on its trip back to its master. Doing as it was programmed to do, it fired some rays at them.

During all of this, the lady continued to speak as Polly slowly lowered the gun and seemed to be genuinely interested in what the woman had to say, it was as if Polly was hanging on every word the lady said. Of course this was not really the case. Polly was merely plotting a ruse. As she slowly lowered her gun and maintained good eye contact with the woman, the hero stealthily procured a black colored egg size item out of her belt-of-many-things. "If your boss wanted to speak of a business arrangement he could have simply contacted me by the many ways you can on social media. His people could have called my people and we could have had brunch." Polly slowly shook her head in disappointment. "The fact that he has stooped so low as to make an elaborate trap means the only business arrangement he wants is one in which he gets what he wants and I get not a damn thing out of it, except maybe to live, right? I mean, that's usually how these things go."

Polly noted the floating orbs milling around but wasn't too concerned. Her suit may not be acid proof but it is pretty resistant to such things and would allow her some time to get deconned if her suit was overloaded with them. That obviously meant she would have to escape first. The Cutest of the Cute was starting to grow emboldened now. The lady had not tried to attack her although she easily could have when she was preoccupied. This meant one of two things. 1: the lady was scared to fight Polly but was playing it off really good or... 2: She was under orders to not kill Polly even if she had the ability and motivation to.

Polly was essentially in a win win situation as odd as it sounded. Polly's initial jumpy reaction vanished and a smirk rolled over her pretty features. "And, uh, you hurt me? Melting corpse? Harm my pretty face?  Are you talking hand to hand combat? HA! Do you even lift? Puh-lease. You sad, misguided imbecile.  That's the thing with you metahumans and meta-whatevers. All these crazy powers and you think you're some sort of demi god. Your arrogance so often betrays your flaws, however small those flaws might be. That's how I have and will continue to defeat bigger and badder foes than you, ma'am. Take right now for example." Polly placed the gun back in her holster, making sure the lady eyed it as she did so. With her other hand, though, she extended it over the hole in the elevator and held the egg shaped device by two fingers, threateningly.

"You were so wrapped up in your little comments that you had no idea about this little joker did you?" Polly head motioned to the black egg shaped device. "G4JU8. New explosives combination my parents were working on before they perished. I completed it. This little booger can, upon impact, vaporize an entire first floor of a building without harming the other floors. Now, if memory serves me correctly, you just instructed me to take the elevator down to the basement. So clearly your boss and probably more... errm... things like you are lounged around down there. If I drop this, they die. Plain and simple. Correct?" Polly released the egg device for a split second but then caught it with the same fingers and smirked mischievously at the lady who rose form the dead. "Uh oh, almost lost it there, hehe." The hero felt so in control.

"So here is how it is going to be. You are going to back away from me, call off these floating things, then you and your goons and your dweeb of a boss are going to flee. Meanwhile, I will be walking out the front door, where I will promptly call in a few fav-" Without an iota of warning, Polly hurled the egg shaped device at the lady's feet. It exploded into a huge, all encompassing thick black fog that engulfed the hall, them, and the elevator. It made seeing impossible. Even Polly with her advanced dark-vision shades was blind. The Cutest of the Cute had been bamboozling the lady the entire time. Now was her chance to escape whatever insane cult like activity she had bumbled into. Having great navigational sense would hopefully prove fruitful. She went low and somersaulted and rolled. If her coordination was right, she'd wind up at the corner of the hallway where she first caught sight of the dead lady in the elevator. Then it would be a foot face that she would easily win.

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2015-08-09

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Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop) Empty Re: Strange Encounter (Tag: Raindrop)

Post by Polly Pocket January 23rd 2016, 4:44 am

As fate would have it Polly was correct in her estimation and wound up coming to a stop at the corner of the hallway. She didn't miss a beat as she ran as fast as she could, retracing the steps she had took to get there. Before long she was at the window she had used to gain access to the warehouse and she slid through it. She'd never run so hard and fast in her life.

Her powerful legs tore the ground up in her wake as she separated herself from the perilous situation of the warehouse. Once she finally created enough distance and got to her vehicle she produced her cell phone from her belt-of-many-thing and called the authorities. She knew it would take awhile for them to spin up a unit to pay the warehouse a visit, but it's all she could do at that point.

Not wanting to stick around for any more surprises, she put the keys in the ignition and punched the gas, getting the hell out of dodge.

End of Thread.
Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket

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Registration date : 2015-08-09

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