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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 14th 2015, 2:49 pm

Later that day:
12:38 PM, Beurex Ave. and Third St.

Coronel is a person meant to be feared and looked out for, but most idiots can find the time to read, watch or listen to the news. They are too busy making themselves more money. But yet he is a walking disaster.

Millions have paid the price in getting in his way or doing something to aggravate said person. A while back in California a news reporter had seen his face and made coverage of the emergency they were about to face, but after a little while he had disappeared and no trace of Coronel was found. Los Angeles had placed a city wide message saying be on the look out for a dangerous meta. It made Coronel happy that he was well known, but this was a relaxing day and he felt as if he could take some time out and mind his own business.

He had been walking around half the day eating and site seeing the city. Other times he had been here he was fighting and destroying things. He liked walking around on the top of some of the buildings and also like going to the beach, but it was a lot of people there and soon it felt over crowded. Though he would not let that get him down; he trucked on to a couple local place near the beach like one which was a nice Tiki Bar. Going in there was a party of people who seemed to be celebrating an vacation. Yeah I'd like something Mangle with a good kick to it. Again another person dose not watch TV and just nods at him. He gets some mango flavor juice, ice and a bit of vodka and begins to mix in a flask.

He shook it all around in the air and begin doing tricks like spinning it on his finger and rolling it down his arm. He was very good at entertainment and after he poured his drink it also tasted great. He sit there with the glass in one hand drinking as he watched the people danced and listened to the music. He was getting the most of his day just by being in the bar...

Too bad it would not last...

It was 4:02 PM

Now he was trying to do something else, but ran out of ideas. Coronel was minding himself and walking down the street when a guy held out his foot and purposely tried to trip him. It worked and he hit the floor before his mind caught what happened. Turning around he seen the people laughing as the walked down the street. Why did they do it... Was it because he looked different than the locals or was it because he looked small and they figured he wouldn't fight back. What ever it was it signed their death warrants and they now had his full attention.

They continued to walk down the sidewalk until they froze in place. They were talking and panicking on to what was holding them in place.  With a shift of his hands they spun around facing Coronel looking him dead in the eye. He was pissed and they were not going anywhere.

You've done fucked yourself and you will now pay. It is because of people like you that no one is safe in the world.
Come on man let us go. Please it was just a joke.
Yeah man we were just foolin around we meant no harm
You should have at least apologized then and maybe it would not be so bad, but you kept walking and laughing.

The two were scared and almost started to whimper, but Coronel stopped that and ripped the first guy who tripped him into. People on the streets went into panic trying to get away and others who were around followed unknowing the danger. The other guy broke out in tears not wanting to die. He should have stopped his friend. Again the same thing happens; he ripped him apart with his ability and sent blood flying in all directions.

He was not going to stop there. He started his stroll down the street killing people and destroying random objects. He threw cars around and tore down buildings. He was a bit frantic and let no one around him survive, and all thanks to people who made this world rot.

So now... To stop a villain you need someone just as powerful as that villain...

Last edited by The Perfect Sandwich on October 14th 2015, 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator September 15th 2015, 11:51 am

Helia had been through a lot in the past couple of weeks.  She had been attack by some creature from another dimension and during the fight that she thought she won...something happened.  She had abruptly woken up in the hospital with no recollection as to what happened to her, but she knew nothing good would come of the endeavor that transpired.

She was aimlessly walking through Los Angeles with her red hair flowing in the wind as she tried to piece together that time and what would happen now.  Hers along with her friends attack had all been reported on the news since it was all at the same time. She was walking in her normal long sleeve crop top with a hood on the back.  It was an awkard looking design she had custom made.  She wore that with a pair of grey sweat pants and grey and white high tops.

She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice the people who began to scream and run past her.  It wasn't until someone hit her and then was split apart she realized something was wrong.  She looked around and noticed a boy walking through the streets pulling everything apart not just people.

She rolled her eyes as she sang.  It was obvious this boy wasn't bout to stop anytime soon and as such she knew it was her best option to just whale on him.  The fog rolled in with a loud hum shrouding the immediate area.  She then began to walk out into road and in the way of the man.

"Hey what are you doing?"  She called out hoping the guy would stop and say something.




Karah (Renegade)
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by Carden September 21st 2015, 7:03 am

Carden tossed the last bottle, the last bottle of whiskey he had stashed in the car. He had finished off quarter of a bottle and didn't even feel drunk! It seemed his super physicals just burned off alcohol.. After realizing that he had nothing better to do and felt a tad peckish, Carden stood up in his wool trench coat design and dark jeans, accented by a scarf around his neck, he treaded along and gazed at the sky and surrounding area. Watching pass by him on the side walk. Once he saw no one in sight to be able to see him. Carden looked up at a lamp post and transformed into pure electricity, jumping into the powerlines he flowed through them and exited once he was at his destination. Upon jumping out and reforming, he heard screams and was bumped into as someone ran into him.

Time to investigate. Carden strolled down the street, weaving past the people running past him. He saw a man stand and just tear people apart, why? No idea, but killing wasn't the issue, it was that a normal human wasn't capable of doing something like that, he noticed what damage was done as he neared the scene, watching for the time being. Once he was close enough he stood at about 50 meters away from the suspected jack the ripper. Carden was intrigued by the next set of events and spotted a girl stand on the street and seemingly stand up to the guy. Brave, but.. Foolish, doing that is like throwing a bull in a cage with you alone in there with it.

Carden looked at the girl and said calmly, "Don't go in head on, take your time, size him up."

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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich September 21st 2015, 2:20 pm

It was getting a bit intense and the street was paying for his rage. Why stupid people had to exist in this world was beyond him.

People could easily avoid disasters if they didn't piss someone off or go into confession and blame someone for a hate crime and jump then gun to throw the first punch. But people were dumb and not everyone could have above basic intelligence. As he would rip apart at the street, electrical components and buildings; it gave him debris to use and smash into people and given another few seconds he would have to move to kill more.

Suddenly someone came out. Another meta could be sensed and he knew she was a female. Also a weird mist or fog was rolling around her giving off an entirely different reading like another enhanced being or creature. What was that fog it seemed a little weird for some regular meta to wield. She called out to him but he would not respond. Then he sensed another one springing through the city giving off a fair share of power to show his presence. He felt the other guy closing in behind the woman and seen him say something. Maybe advice, but they did nothing but share words and now it was his turn. They wanted to stumble upon him and try and stop his rage be his guest.

Reaching over to his side he started ripping up a road and the concrete and then the building started to give way to his over barring ability. When you nurtured your ability for thousands of years picking up a building was easy unless you are doomed with low out put.

He managed to get the building off the ground and it was a typical 4 story building and it would fall just like the rest. He got it another 5 or 6 stories off the ground until it just hovered in place. The look and size would make most people's stomach turn by the feeling of someone picking up a building, but to also have it read to squish you was a big let down in life. He swung his hand towards the two sending the building on a collision coarse.

He knew that if it hit them they would more than likely die, but it was an easy feat to get out of the way if they hurry and move.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator September 22nd 2015, 7:18 pm

"Telepath....great." Helia said as she crossed her arms. Her fog darkened and began to hum as she focused her attention on a four story building that was tossed towards her and some guy who was obviously underestimating her, but then again he was right she was rearing to fight without knowing what the boy could do.

Helia looked back at the guy and noticed something pretty normal to her. It was something she began to do when she was near unusual amounts of electricity. This guy sent a strong surge of danger through her body and she knew he had some control of electricity, probably the worst partner to have when it came to her.

She turned back towards the building and stepped forward as she shot her left hand out as if she was reaching for the building as you would a rose. "Stand Back if you're not going to fight." She said as three large tendrils of her fog shot from around her and towards the building. They then began to spin into themselves and created metallic looking buzz saws that would slice the building apart and send it into the surrounding objects.

She took this time to let her fog wrap around her and she lept high into the air. The fog wrapped around her hand and as it elongated it hardened until it made a solid silver chainsaw that was about as tall as her. It had two chains laced with jagged edges ready to shred into anything it would come in contact with.

An evil smile began to spread across her face as she slowly began to roll in the air until her feet faced the ground. Her chainsaw began to roar with energy as she hardened the fog around her as well as tightened the grip it had on her so that she'd fall faster. She then swung with all of her might towards the guy and there was a loud click and the two chains slipped off of the chainsaw and rushed towards the guy.




Karah (Renegade)
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 14th 2015, 9:03 pm

It was a good try but it seemed this meta human also possessed strength. As his building was cut in half the fog had pushed it aside allowing momentum to take it's toll having it crash into random buildings. He could try another building but one was enough and he could try out other things later. It seemed she was equipped with some mist fog thing that could harden and pull of some crazy stunts like the chain say he sees before him. The chain saw reared and a small click the chains spun around closing in on Coronel's location.

He held his hands up just dodging the first one and used his ability to stop the next. He had no control of the fog so he would let it fall from his grasp instead of use it against her. He pulled a car off the ground and turned part of it into a long blade. Sort of like a great blade but with a cooler look to it. It was enhanced by telekinesis and it felt weightless to him. The rest of the car was unneeded an he just used it as a projectile after again changing its form to that of a missile.

After letting the missile fly it had every property as a regular one, and he followed behind with his new sword at a safe distance ready to slash at her.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator October 15th 2015, 10:11 am

Helia scoffed as she watched her attacks miss in some way or another. She pulled the chain back and let the chainsaw roar as the chains connected and spun around the silver discs. She watched the boy pull a car into the air and take a piece of it off. It formed a sword which she had to say looked impressive and dangerous. He then shot the rest of the car towards Helia who somewhat saw that coming.

The fog flew next to her and offered her a footing as the car was crunched into the shape of a missile and began to shoot towards her. She jumped off the side of the fog as she descended to avoid the immediate attack from the meta below. "Nerfram Go!!" She called and the mist surged forward in an attempt to skewer the meta below.

Helia rolled across the ground and once on her feet charged at her target with her chainsaw in hand ready to swing around when she got within range.




Karah (Renegade)
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 15th 2015, 6:57 pm

Fighting was calming him down but then pissing him off more since there was no one dying anytime soon. Why couldn't people just behave on the streets and shit like this would not happen often.

As the car type missile all most made contact it would serve no actual purpose to what he intended to do. He busted through the air with the sword in hand. He took hits from the fog trying to skewer him, but it would not be enough to stop his rage. He bolted across the road destroying and cracking it as he would move along the street. Everywhere the point of the blade ran across was cut like butter. His own ability gave it about 10 more feet form the 8 foot sword it already was.

As the neared each other he would swing then boost the swing making it faster and stronger. It had a awful ring as it speed through the air clashing with the chain saw. He began to use his ability to push weight on her to force her back and get the edge.(

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator October 15th 2015, 7:40 pm

Helia wasn't fully ready for the attack that she was brought against. She stood against it for a few seconds but then all of the weight from the sword increased and began to lay upon her. She smirked as she realized what was about to happen. She sighed as was sent flying back down the street.

The boy didn't seem to notice tha while he was charging her he was being somewhat coated on his leg by the fog itself. As she flew back she reached into the fog next to her and snatched on a thick thread of it yanking on it hoping to pull onto the boys leg and sling him into the buildings next to her.




Karah (Renegade)
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 15th 2015, 8:27 pm

Good the blow connected, but to what advantage. He could sense the fog holding his leg and running in a jagged line back to the girl. It would not faze him as he reached down cutting off his foot above the ankle. He made a mimic foot using telekinesis which worked like nerve endings, but this time if she tried cutting off the same foot he would feel it since it would be cutting power off of him, and that is what kept him alive.

As his soulless eyes stared the girl down he swung his sword sending a wave of telekinetic force at his opponent. There was so much debris that it made a giant wall of crap that raised like a giant mud tsunami. He dashed right keeping to the side so he would not be seen, but he was becoming unsure as how the fog was reacting with out her sight sometimes. It must be its own entity.

As he slid to a halt he swung one more time but this on was precise and cut everything it his in to. The tsunami most upper half was cut out and sent flying through the air and the bottom picked up speed, unending to pick up more excessive weight. He would start not to repair his foot and it was easy. A minute in this fight was a few seconds to him.

Coronel's Advancements
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator October 15th 2015, 9:08 pm

"Okay lets take it up a notch." Helia whispered to herself as she slammed into a car briefly after trying to toss away the TK Psycho. Her fog wrapped around her and lifted her high into the air giving her a moments respite so that she could summon her second ally. The chainsaw vanished as her red hair began to float in the air.

A dark blue aura appeared and spilt from her covering her body as she began to sing in a tremendously low voice. A large hum erupted from the fog as it began to twist in a violent spiral. Darkness formed a sphere around her and shrank down into her hands wrapping them in black gloves and chains. Her hair fell back down, but the the fog continued to twist around. It then parted into several tendrils and swung around the pillar in an attempt to attack the being.

She followed the attack up by covering herself in her fog and shooting around several buildings for cover as she went to strike the being from behind.




Karah (Renegade)
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 15th 2015, 9:35 pm

She was now getting a bit more serious thank god, and now he could turn it up bit too. He finished regenerating his foot and was ready to go on the offensive once again. It was nice to see a meta like her but they all come crying and dying in the end. He placed a hand on the ground as both the tendrils and Helia would get near him. He could sense both of them and it would not be any trouble to counter.

He looked around as he seen the girl gliding through the air and the tendrils get closer. So the fog did have a life of its own, but what could the new found ability be. It did not matter. He was sure he could get ready for most abilities no matter what it was.

Soon a giant poof sounded off sending dust into the air making it hard to see Coronel but he could say the different the other way. Using his ability he watched the tendrils stab at the cloud, while he dodged and looked at the girl. But he was sure neither the tendrils or her knew where he was. Soon the dust cleared in seconds and Coronel out came like a rocket swinging the giant sword at her.

While he was in the cover he had his blade on the ground absorbing and compacting elements into it to make it much more heavy. With it enhanced his first blow should be enough.

Coronel's Advancements
The Perfect Sandwich
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator October 15th 2015, 9:49 pm

As helia grew closer it seemed the boy had another trick up his sleeve. He knelt down and sent out a rush of dust obscuring his current whereabouts to helia as well as her fog, but that wasn't much of a set back. She guessed the boy would try a sneak attack instantly for that's what she would do.

Her body darkened and a black colored clone of herself appeared and rushed into the smoke in front of her as she stopped and released the chains around her arms. They enlarged around her hands creating odd gauntlets that left a single chain hang just over the ground.




Karah (Renegade)
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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by The Perfect Sandwich October 17th 2015, 6:13 pm

As he readied the sword it seemed she made a clone to fight him in the dust, but he would clash and run past it. He continued the swing just so he didn't loose the power he had in the sword.

With his swing it had connected to something, but it was new and it seemed to not last for long since he tilted his sword and kept rushing. He drew the sword and swung it at the woman. A small pop was heard and that was the ability making the sword swing faster using the arm as a pivot point.

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To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED) Empty Re: To stop a villain you needs (CLOSED)

Post by creator October 17th 2015, 9:01 pm

Helia bent herself backwards avoiding the boy's swing. He was becoming a annoyance and Helia was about ready to destroy everything in the area if it meant he was gonna be down for the count. She swung her leg up in an attempt to kick the boy in the jaw as she flipped backwards to gain distance.

"Nerfram Wicked tree line." She called and the fog rose in the air like a cloud above them.

Helia created four clones of herself that would zoom towards the target as a diversion as she took a dance stance. The fog suddenly sent several small tendrils downwards aiming at the boy and what seemed like helia herself. The fog impaled the ground creating large rods around both helia and the boy. It would continue to send large spears of itself towards the boy.

Helia leaped forward and began swinging from the poles sending her legs flailing around in precise kicks.




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