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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 2nd 2015, 9:07 pm

”You're going out alone?” he could sense the incredulity within the tone, enough so that Alpha could not help but glare at his younger sibling. An annoyed expression that force the male to relent, holding up both hands in an almost surrendering fashion, not wanting to chance the Alphas wrath within this moment. The anger within the grey eyes would abate, turning back to the blinking screen that dominated the room, surrounded by small blinking screens that relayed various types of information, though all of them were on one subject. A corporation that he was more than aware of having their eyes upon his own company, desiring to take his genetic research and use it within their own plans, as well as just taking the massive income that he so enjoyed each year.

”I have Zeta and Epsilon out doing other things, they would be far too busy to do this for me.” Alpha answered after a moment of silence, fingers dancing along keys, releasing their clicking sounds throughout the room. The information displayed upon the screen would rapidly alter, revealing a life feed form of the building that he would be breaking into this day. ”Send Beta out to his personal mission as well.”

”Are you sure he'll be as useful as usual, his emotional state has lately.” He could tell from Omega's tone that this was serious enough, though why he had yet to figure out.

”Then fix whatevers bothering him. You seem to know how to deal with these emotions, so do what you do and fix him.” Alpha stated, growing slightly annoyed but forcing that emotion back in its place. It was with this that he finished, snapping and bringing a small syringe filled with a green liquid to him. It only took him a few seconds to find a vein within his arm, letting the metal needle pierce the skin, and injecting the strange liquid into himself. A way to push off the threat of death for a little longer, Alpha letting the syringe down on a counter and rolling his shoulders. ”I will be out to Chicago, keep things from falling apart while i'm out.” With that, he would leave the large white observation room, changing into the clothes that he wore as Alpha. Black jeans, black shirt, a black leather jacket, leather gloves and a black mask that covered his entire head.

The teleporter would take him to the city within seconds, the safe house as silent as ever. Wit that done, he would step out and into a black vehicle, with a license plate that was sold to a pseudonym, one they could not trace back to him as Travis. He could not feel Omega's presence within his mind, seemingly, The Hive mind had been disconnected and that meant he would have to be a little creative with this. Stopping within a spacious parking lot, he would take note of the large building that rose high into the sky, even higher than most sky scrapers. Slipping through the lit lot, he would have stopped for the guards but then again Alpha found himself with little patience, so when they stood up to stop him, all he did was make a motion of his hand, snapping their necks easily.

EVE transmitted to him a map of the whole building, a sound moving through the building as he move don through. It seemed that the Alarm had been thrown, though what was to be expected of Chronus Cybernetics? Not that they could hope to stop someone like Alpha, as he continued through the building until coming upon the main security room, dealing with anyone within it and turning his interest upon the console. If this sound drew heroes, they would likely be dealing with searching the building before they came upon him. He would begin to tinker with the console, a thick metal door closing over the door that lead into the room, and closing off any direct access to the room. ”Well now, looks like they had a greater amount of security than I thought.” The problem was that he was more than able to reach this room before the cybernetic security could reach him. All he needed was a few minutes, and he could turn them into his own weapons.

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 2nd 2015, 9:28 pm

As he woke up from his nap, Aiden felt his phone alarm going off next to him. "Is eight hours sleep too much to ask for anymore?" he groaned, reaching his arm over and picking up the phone, seeing the red color flow from it. When he answers, he hears a familiar and warming voice "Aiden! Finally you pick up! I got a lead that there's a massive crime rate in Chicago right now!" Joel yelled down the phone. Aiden winced and tried to wake up more, not fully awoke and already listening to his friends babbling.  He got up with his phone and walked over to his work surface in his flat and grabbed a nearby glass and poured some brandy into it. "Whoa, whoa easy there Joel! Are you trying to convince me to go to Chicago to help out with some crime rates? I dont have a place to stay there or anything that I could use there!" He said calmly, afterwards having a drink. "My parents have a place out there and last month I went there and installed a make shift HQ for us! Just do it! Think about the fun, you dont have to be BC all the time dude!" Joel replied, his voice full of excitement.  Aiden put his drink down and reluctantly agreed to his friends request. Joel then sent Ahim off to the airport to use his families private jet to get there. After a short flight and some 'entertainment' with a stewardess, Aiden arrived in Chicago and made his way over to his friends holiday home, soon after visiting the make shift base. Aiden soon picked up the phone and called Joel "This is cool man but wheres my suit?" he asked. "I had it sent over on the jet! I had my Dads staff leave it outside behind the dumpster!". After a brief conversation Aiden left and found a big armored box outside and pulled it into the make shift base, which was just a big panic room inside the house. "Well.....time to sort out some crime rates" he said as he suited up and flew above Chicago.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 2nd 2015, 9:55 pm

Annie's second day in Chicago was proving to be...rather boring, to be honest. She hadn't really done anything all day, besides just sitting around at the Guardian's base and reading a few books. So, as one would naturally be, she found herself bored. It was then that she saw an alert on the nearby television screen.


Well, there was her cue. Annie got up from the couch she was sitting on, and got dressed in the clothes she she supposed she was accustomed to wearing whenever she went heroing. A red hoodie and black jeans. Maybe someday the Guardians would give her a cooler costume. With that, she went out the door, unfurling her wings and taking flight to the cybernetics laboratory that had been attacked.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 2nd 2015, 10:09 pm

The security within itself was impressive, nothing that could stop Alpha but a lesser mind would have been stumped by it. The sound of keys clicking would reverberate through the room as he continued to type, imputing strings of code,m one after another until he was sure that had done everything required. Within a minute and a half, schematics of the various mechanical drones would flash across the screen, drones with machines guns attached to their bottoms and various other defense mechanisms, it would only take another minute to implant his image into their programming as a non hostile target. All it took was a final press of a button, and the first wave would release from their containment pods, dangerous machines that propelled through the air with low light jets, around twelve in total that he now had control over via the Ai chip placed within his head.

Through their optical sensors he would catch sight of what looked like a police blockade around the building, a perfect firing range if he had ever seen one. Alpha would have laughed if this were a laughing matter, but he was about to mow down a good amount of officers. They had paused at the sight of the drones, and with a thought, shots would fire out as a great majority were mowed down with a spray of bullets. Blood and viscera would spray as bodies were torn by high ordinance fire took them down, 65% now nothing more than corpses, as the rest would take cover behind anything that would serve as cover. They had been expecting to stop some kind of break in, but what they were dealing with was the very buildings security taking them down. ”Good luck boys.” The filtered voice would ring through the room as he chuckled softly to himself, barely able to hear the gunfire form the safety of his room.

Of course these machines were only using their secondary weapons, but they would do until something that required more force appeared, and even then he would assume they could only cause so much damage. ”EVE, I want a map out to the main control room for the entire facility.” he would say outloud, though that was not really needed. Getting that was easy enough, once the ai rummaged through the entire databanks of the place, and sent it directly into his mind of all place. Still, he would have to wait for the override of the security door before he could do anything, and considering how well protected he was with all of the building security, Alpha had three minutes to kill until then.

This was almost too easy, but then again, he did love it easy.

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
Age : 31
Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 2nd 2015, 10:27 pm

As Aiden was flying around the city everything was reasonably calm, he had taken down a handful of thugs and a small amount of civilians were now thankful and alive. Then out of what seemed like nowhere the helmets comm systems went absolutely crazy with alerts from a laboratory  only a minute or so away from BC. "Just a little break in? Eh, surely the cops can deal with th-" as he was ranting to himself as per usual, he was interrupted by part of the Comm's catching his attention ^Officers down! I repeat Officers down! We're under heavy fire, alot of our boys are dying here!^. Aiden quickly shut up and flew full speed towards the building, feeling rage for all the officers dead and sadness that he couldnt do anything about it. As BC arrived  at the scene he saw all the Bots and all the dead cops and immediately became overrun with anger. "How dare you!" Aiden saw all the color from the sound of the crowd, the gun fire, the subtle sound from the jets and turned near enough all of it into energy, manipulating it up towards him, a crimson bolt forming. "Shoot this!" He uses the bolt to sweep around the bots that he can see,  herding them all into a contained group before squeezing the energy closer, crushing most of them. Aiden landed at the front door with a thud, absorbing some of the energy. "Now......lets see whos teeth Im gonna kick in" he said angrily.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Number of posts : 14
Registration date : 2014-12-08

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 2nd 2015, 10:56 pm

At last, Annie arrived on the scene. And what she saw....disturbed her. Dead cops, lots of them. Blood splattered everywhere, wounded hiding behind cars from the relentless attack. Annie looked up to see the attackers. Drones. As evil-looking as Annie had always known them to be in her years in the lab.

Anger boiled in her chest. Another waste of life, due to overly deadly robotics that couldn't get a decent enough security measure to keep morons from hacking them and starting this crap. She planned to pummel whichever "supervillain" did this, and afterwards, smack whoever was in charge of this stupid lab for letting it happen. If she found any evidence of live testing on humans, meta or not, then she would be taking them both in. She sighed. Annie really hated scientist types. Except one, but that was a secret to be kept in the back of her mind.

Something surprising snapped her out of her thoughts as a suited man (what was with metahuman heroes these days and exosuits? Everyone seemed to have one.) flew from the sky, screaming, and somehow destroying most of the machines in what seemed to be a blur. Needless to say, Annie was surprised.

"Um...hello there. She said to the man. "Are you here about the break-in? Because...well, that's why I'm here."

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 2nd 2015, 11:07 pm

A majority of the drones had been taken out within an instant, 75% if the visual feed had been correct but even with the four remaining, he would be able to take down anything that had destroyed them. ”I might have to make a direct interface with the door.” Alpha noted, exerting telekinetic pressure upon the security door that had blocked his way, metal groaning as the hinged buckled and bent, forcibly being torn off and thrown to the ground. His drones however would continue with their usual strategy, though they moved to the more effective weaponry. Turning upon the metahumans that had appeared upon the scene, their gun barrels twirling as they would prepare to release another hail of gun fire upon them. While these bullets were only really effective against human targets, they would even bother lesser super humans if they struck, which was hopefully enough for these two.

Four machines spreading out as they would unleash a repressive fire, though they had also been aiming to kill. ”This is easier than I thought.” Taking note of the combat scene from safe within the building, he would only aim to dive deeper into it, while they would likely have to wade through the entire robotic security. Something did tell him that they would have to meet eventually, but that was likely to be on his escape, rather than just them actually catching up to him. Regardless, he had a few plans to deal with the heroes once they reached him, not a second beforehand however. He was following a mental map, one that lead him down a hallway in an almost deliberate pace as the red alarm lights would continue to flash within the hallways. He did not have too long now it would seem, but then again, Alpha did not expect any different.

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 2nd 2015, 11:27 pm

Aiden looks up and see's more bots appear, he wants to deal with them but he wore himself out with that last move, "Stupid" he thought to himself, know that he let his anger get the better of him. He quickly notices a green color trail go by him, Aiden looks to see where its from and see's Annie. He is quickly taken away by her before re-seeing the red color from the sound from the barrels of the guns. He quickly runs to the front door and stands back up against it, using his gauntlets to create sound that he can use against the bots. Although he is firing at them, he keeps missing the drones, still distracted by his mistake earlier. He then quickly remembers Annie just standing there. "Quickly! " he yelled. "Get over here before those things shoot you!". Aiden didnt want anyone else to get hurt.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 2nd 2015, 11:46 pm

Annie quickly snapped back to reality as the man told her to follow him. She did as she was told, flying over to him, before noticing that even more drones had returned. Whoever was behind this, they certainly didn't want the two of them getting in.

Annie decided to show off her own powers by throwing some needles at the drones. They should be strong enough to peirce the armor and disable them. She proceeded to run inside, beckoning the man to follow her inside. Hope that could at least get some heat off them.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
Scratch Board
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 3rd 2015, 5:24 am

”These heroes are doing better than I thought.” Alpha whispered to himself almost amused, but then again he was trying to use low level tech against them, rather than something fantastic like the other things they they kept within this compound. The fact that there was nothing to keep him from hacking into the mechanics was more than enough within his mind to prove his superiority over the CEO and main researcher of this company. The drones had attempted to shoot down the metahumans that had come to the rescue of the police officers, who had managed to see their inability within this situation, and left. Alpha could not blame them for that, as they would have otherwise been killed by their superior killers. Still, now he was likely to be dealing with the metahumans soon, but not before he softened them up a little.

This was when he would draw in the next wave of mechanics as he walked down the now dark hallway. What was once a brightly lit hallway would begin to flicker, as the lights were remotely shut down, allowing the robots to appear. They were smaller in design, but efficient when they needed to be. Spider like machines with eight metallic legs made to pierce flesh, small energy cannons upon their backs and optics made to allow them to see within the dark. All one could see would be their glowing red eyes as they skittered towards them,  around fifteen in total, charging their energy cannons up to fire. The heroes were nearing upon Alpha, but they would need to get through these and any others within their path.

mecha spider grids:

Last edited by Alpha Corgi Fist of Death on February 4th 2015, 6:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 4th 2015, 6:48 pm

(Sorry I gotta make it short guys, College work is a bitch)

"Can one of you please just die already!?" Aiden yelled at the Drones outside as he continued firing small bursts on energy back at them. It almost seemed as if they just wouldnt stop shooting, like a never ending cycle of bullets were coming towards him. Nevertheless  he continued firing until he saw Annie go inside to safety. (Finnaly!) he thought to himself, backing away from the harsh rain of bullets and heat and to the inside. Aiden slouches against the wall and sits down. He then looks at Annie, tilting his head. "Were those wings? Thats really cool and really weird......but mostly really cool......" he says in his tired distorted voice.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Quote : What defines a Hero? His actions or just how the public decide to view them?

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 4th 2015, 10:30 pm

Annie panted as she leaned against the wall.The police seemed to have cleared out. Just as well. They would be slaughtered here. She turned to look at the man in the suit. "Er...yeah. And...thanks." Annie looked around. The room was eerily dark, and admittedly off-putting. "Hello?" She called out into the empty hallway. She had the somewhat disturbing feeling that she was being watched. Annie's eyes turned red as she went into thermal vision mode, as she noticed some things crawling toward the duo in the dark.

"Watch out!" She called to her new found friend as the spider-drones were upon them. Annie opened a nearby door and used it as cover, firing needles at the bots from behind it.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Alpha February 5th 2015, 7:10 am

Several of the drones were taken down by the strange needles that sunk into their exteriors, one of them sinking into the charging cannon and causing it to explode, taking out most of the rest in a boom. What remained were around three of the machines, rapidly trying to regain sight of the heroes that had been within their sights, much to the annoyance to Alpha. They would not be an immediate annoyance, but enough of one to consider taking serious before they did anything that was truly annoying. Soon enough the sensors of the bots would fall upon the heroes, and rapidly their weapons would charge up, unleashing the bright red, deadly lasers through the air with a loud zapping sound.

Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] CjhXQha
Alpha's underlings:

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Quote : I was built with no purpose beyond just to satisfy , the tireless thoughts of these curious minds

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1832
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Registration date : 2011-03-25

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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Fredpool February 5th 2015, 12:43 pm

Aiden quickly stumbles up, seeing Annie tactically use the door for cover why she shoots her spikes. He couldn't help but get distracted for a second by the color coming from everywhere, he was used to it by now but sometimes he would be entranced by it, feeling light and as if he was floating through nothing. Given the situation he quickly grasped back to reality only to be blown back by the explosion of multiple spiders-bots. He hit a wall with a thud and felt an immense pain in his back. He could fly and shoot energy beams from sound but he was still only a man. "This is why I hate spiders" he muttered trying to get back up. As Aiden attempted to stand he saw wisps of red float by him, he looked where they were coming from and saw the remaining Spiders standing back up and preparing to fire. "Ok...." he said sternly. "Enough of this". As the drones fired there guns, Aiden saw the loud noise they made and diverted the energy into himself, charging his cells back to normal. He then stumbled up and used a majority of the energy to charge his gauntlets, firing a loud screeching red slash of sound energy towards the drones.

What Good Is Power,
If You Cant Save Them All?


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Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie] Empty Re: Weapons of mass destruction [Fredpool and Annie]

Post by Scratch Board February 5th 2015, 10:04 pm

Annie couldn't help but smile as she made made some considerable damage to the little bots. However, her moment of triumph was shortlived as the remaining robots increased their fir on the two. She ducked as the blasts shot holes through the door, before ultimately shattering it in half. So much for her cover. The air was hot, the lasers were deadly, and several close calls singed the edge of her clothes. However, with every laser fired by the annoying little things, Annie returned it with a poison needle. Even better was her new friend, who seemed to be doing decent enough damage himself. They seemed to be working pretty well together, for just meeting under these circustances. She was about done with these things.

"Stop being a coward and fight us yourself!" Annie called out into the darkness.

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
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