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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Artemis February 26th 2015, 11:54 pm

She had sent a letter to her mother a week ago but she wasn't sure if she had made it here before the letter. Part of her thought she might of since when the taxi arrived in front of the mansion no one was there to greet her. Milla figured after being legally dead for years that her return would be greeted with warmth. She grabbed her bags out of the back of the taxi. The rest of her stuff would be arriving later on in the week. Although she wasn't looking forward to telling her mother that She was walking around in Jace's missing body. It would take some explaining. She only brought a single large suitcase with her, inside of it where some survivors for her mother and remaining siblings. She remembered her mother always liked the oriental style so decided to pick some things up. Walking through the grounds she final made it to the entrance. Maybe people where waiting for her on the inside. Pushing open the door she walked in and there was no one, not even a maid to greet her. Milla felt her heart drop. Maybe she did get here before the letter. She doubted it since she put a rush delivery on it though. Maybe they didn't believe her. She remembered her original body was brunt but one would still be able to tell it's her.

"H-Hello? Mother? Brandon? Aaron? Anyone?" yelled Milla, her voice echoing through the house. Her voice cracked slightly. Part of it was to real. She was home, yet no one was here to greet her.
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Hyperion February 27th 2015, 2:12 pm

Arianna hadn't believed the letter herself upon first seeing it,  one signed by her daughter whom she had assumed was dead long ago nontheless. Granted she had known a few individuals who had returned from the dead, it involved some manner of foul necromancy and Milla's body had been untouched from what she could tell, and Arianna was rather thorough with that much at least. It had been a week since the letter arrived, and Arianna had hoped to push that unpleasant moment out of her mind, no one else had been made aware of the note except for Aaron, who took it as he took everything really. It was a great day however, the sun was shining upon Chicago, no an absolutely unlikely day really. Brandon was doing his usual thing, sitting in the living room and strumming on his bass guitar lightly, probably fine tuning his skills or something along those lines.

Brandon was also the first to hear Milla step through the door, though he was not quite expecting to have anyone over at all. So someone suddenly opening the door and calling out some of their names was a surprise. Wait, the voice sounded familiar to the blond but he could not quite place why that voice sounded so familiar. It took him a few moments to think it over, until he could place a face to that voice. Setting the instrument down, Brandon made his way to the entrance of the mansion, only to meet face to face with a face he had not seen for a long time. ”Milla?” he paused looking at her confused. ”You're not like...some kind of zombie are you?”

Typical Brandon anyway.
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Artemis February 27th 2015, 2:48 pm

For a moment Milla felt heart broken. They really hadn't believed the letter. A part of her couldn't blame them. If they dug up her original body it would still be in it's casket. She was about ready to leave when she heard some commotion. Out popped Brandon. Or at least she was sure it was Brandon, he didn't seem that much different then before, maybe just a bit taller. Milla couldn't help but tear up when she saw her brother. She ran to him, pulling him into a hug.

"Yeah, it's me." said Milla, tearing up a bit. And then an awkward question popped up. To tell the truth she had no real idea. She pulled out of the hug. And laughed awkwardly.

"Uh... technically no, I am not a zombie. If you where to dig up my grave my body would be there. Once I see Mom I'll explain everything. It's weird being back here though. It's been what? Five years or something like that?" said Milla, trying to get off of the subject of what she was as far as humanly possibly.

"I-I need to see mom, I know the location of Jace's body." said Milla, if everything had remained the same she would figure that not being able to find his body would of been taxing on her Mother.
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Hyperion March 2nd 2015, 10:11 pm

The Milla zombie pulled him into a hug, though Brandon couldn't help but unconsciously hug his sister in return, even if he had not seen her in forever. She had said something about her not being a zombie, but that made sense considering that she was dead, yet now here she was. ”Ummmm...I think mom is around here somewhere.” Brandon said still thinking that she was a zombie rather than whatever she thought she was. Regardless, his sister was home and that sounded like enough of a reason for him to be happy. ”Aaron is probably around too.” he added in before motioning for Milla to follow after him, burying his hands into his pockets.

”Hey mom, you here?!” Brandon shouted  a little loudly, the noise capable of  reaching throughout the entire mansion. The house was silent for a second, before Arianna Hale seemed to materialize from nowhere, looking to Brandon with a raised brow. ”Hi mom. I think we have someone here to meet you.” He noted motioning to her with a wave of his hand, eyes turning towards Milla with a raised brow before a sort of realization swept over her.

”So, you're not dead.” She said softly, enveloping her daughter within a tight hug.
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Artemis March 2nd 2015, 11:21 pm

"Lead the way." said Milla, grabbing her luggage and trailing behind Brandon. Milla couldn't help but get the feeling Brandon still thought she was a zombie. And to his credit Milla wasn't one hundred percent she wasn't but she didn't want to eat brains so she imagined she wasn't. She smiled when Brandon mentioned Aaron was around. After this Milla would need to hunt down her other younger brother. Milla jump when her mother just seemed to appear out of no where, she forgot her tendencies to do that. Heck Milla was used to not living with magi at this point so she imagined it would take a bit to get used to it again. She waved awkwardly at her mother when she looked over at Milla. She was happy when her mother seemed to realize that it was her and the letter wasn't just some ruse.

"Hey Mom." said Milla smiling as she hugged her mother closely.

"I've missed you, I've kept tabs from a distance but once the ashes cleared so to speak I was living comfortable in Tokyo and I didn't want to uproot my life. I've tried to write so many times but I felt it would complicate things." said Milla. She pulled away from her mother, a look of guilt and slight confusion on her face when her Mother said she was still living.

"Ehh... yes and no. I think. The body would found up from was my body and Jace disappeared the day you probably discovered my body." said Milla. As she spoke she turned around and searched through her bag, pulling out a old beat up leather bound book.

"Well Jace died that night, I shot him before I died. That night I also learned I am not powerless. You see after I shot him he fell on top of me and I kinda took over his body. So in a way I am Jace, well I am his body at least." said Milla, handing the book over to her mother. After Arianna took the book Milla stepped back and bit and snapped her fingers, a small flame igniting over her thumb. She opened her hand and the flame disappeared. It look Milla longer then she wanted to admit to get that trick down.

"When I took over his body I gained his powers, while traveling I found that book. It describes a man who would take over the corpses of the dead. He soon was called the corpse jacker. And... and I know from experience that all the powers that are mentioned in the book are the same powers I have. There are a few things they don't mention, like it took a week for Jaces body to become what you see now." said Milla, looking a bit disgusted with herself. After a few seconds Milla broke down and started to cry, falling to her knees.

"I feel like such a monster. Not only did I take someone else's body, I didn't tell you what happened to Jace's body. You must of been sorry stressed when you couldn't find it. That's not even the worse part I... I.." cried. Milla unable to finish her own sentence.
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Hyperion March 3rd 2015, 4:57 pm

His mother seemed pleased to have her daughter around again, or so the sudden hug had suggested, since those were not something that were thrown around often. ”All of that doesn't matter now.” Arianna said pulling out of the hug, smoothing out a few wrinkles within her shirt. Then came the whole business about Jace's body, though Brandon had for a moment forgotten all about who that was. It took the blond brute a moment to remember that was once his elder brother, one of the not so nice ones that were always so quick to tease him about his inability to use magic. Well, he was one of those that teased him and Sean about that anyway, though Luke always seemed to swoop to their defense as he always felt like the eldest had to. Her explanation about where that body was interested Arianna more than him however, because she seemed to nod and occasionally mhmm about something.

”I have heard of similar abilities within my time as a mage, but never have I encountered one.” he noted thoughtfully, wondering if it were some kind of possession. It sounded like it, considering that she took over the deceased body, but at least now she knew the state of two of her children. She even had her brothers pyrokinesis, or rather as Arianna called it, his fire magic.

Milla crying however, seemed to cause a look of distress to crawl across the hale matriarchs expression, as she offered a compassionate hand upon her shoulder. ”Calm down Milla, i'm sure its not that bad.”
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

Post by Artemis March 3rd 2015, 5:56 pm

"In the book I got to a chapter that had a great battle in it." said Milla, holding back her tears the best she could.

"The book explained a great battle where the man known as the corpse jacker would cheat death by eating the flesh of other people. When I was living in Tokyo I got stabbed and I was bleeding out and I killed the man who stabbed me and by the time the ambulance would arrive I would of bled out so I... I ate his flesh to heal myself." said Milla, starting to cry again.

"I feel like such a monster. It was disgusting, I felt so sick afterwards and I kept having nightmares."
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Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon) Empty Re: Wait, aren't you dead? I was at your funeral! (Brandon)

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