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Annie Taylor (Firefly)

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Annie Taylor (Firefly)  Empty Annie Taylor (Firefly)

Post by Scratch Board January 10th 2015, 8:19 pm

Annie Taylor (Firefly)
"I hate fighting, but even I think that there are a lot of people in this world who need their asses kicked."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Annie Taylor
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Firefly
Title: Subject 116
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Meta-Human, British
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown. (Red when insect vision is activated)
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130 lbs
Blood type: A+

The Looks


The Legacy

Though she may seem small, beneath Annie's exterior is a fiery spirit. While she tries to be generally nice and polite, once her fuse goes off she isn't afraid to knock some heads. Annie likes to stay on the morally good side of things, but she does what she can to survive. As such, is liable to steal, hurt and kill if absolutely necessary.

Once, there were two scientists who worked for a company based in the UK called "Mathis Genetics", a genetical research lab. These two scientists fell in love and soon married, and, as is done when two people are married, wanted a child. Unfortunately, there was a problem. Due to a rare disorder, no matter how hard the two tried they couldn't make a baby. There was depression, of course. The two didn't know what to do if they couldn't have children. It was then that the company they worked for reached out to them. They had made a breakthrough. They could give the couple their baby. But there was a price. If the child was born with a meta-gene, then the parents would have to give the child to the company. The couple took the chance, and, as promised, they were gifted with a beautiful baby girl. They named her Annie, and loved her with all their hearts. But bad news came on the day of the baby's first checkup. The doctor informed the parents that Annie had dormant, but nevertheless still there meta-gene. Worried at the thought of some scientists experimenting on their daughter, the parents instead decided to try and hide the meta-gene. The parents were successful for ten years on Annie's young life, even telling Annie herself that she had no meta-gene. But then one day the door of their home was kicked down. The company had had intercepted a blood test, and found out the Annie's parents were lying to them for ten years. They gave them the chance to hand over the child willingly, but the parents refused. They would protect their daughter to the death. And that's exactly what happened. Annie's parents were killed before her very eyes, and she was dragged down to the lab. The poor girl didn't even understand what was going on. They took a blood sample and deduced that she could be able to fire sharp toxic needles out of her hands. They took her to the testing room and, after some physical torture, she was able to perform the task, surprising both her and the scientists. She was also able to switch he vision into an "insect mode", allowing her to spot targets from afar. The next seven years of her life would be spent both training to be a killer and on experimentation. The scientists were able to alter Annie's cells so that she could grow insect-like wings from her back, allowing her to fly. She hated it. Every day was spent trying to plan an escape. Not of vengeance or death, but simply escape. She has spent years planning it, and now it's time for escape.

The Powers

Power 1: Poison Needles: Able to fire small but painful needles covered in a toxin that will disorient and nausiate enemies.

Power 2: Insect Vision: Annie can activate an "insect vision", which is similar to thermal vision. This is useful for finding distant targets and in limited visibility.

Power 3: Flight: Annie may use her insect wings for free flight.

Power 4: Peak Fighting Skills: If there's one thing Annie captors did well it was teach her how to fight. She can handle herself in just about any situation.


Weakness 1: Low durability: Annie's small frame makes it hard for her to take a hit. She can be taken down relatively easily.

Weakness 2: Flimsy wings: Annie's wings are very similar to that of an insect's. As such, they are susceptable to fire, water, and really anything strong enough to pierce paper. Luckily, they grow back.

Weakness 3: Behind on technology: Spending most of your life confined in a lab can reasonably put you behind on the times. As such, Annie doesn't know how to work many modern devices and often resorts to smashing them until they work.

Weakness 4: Hot-headed personality: Annie is quite prone to anger, and is quick to get physical with someone. Even some simple teasing can set her off. This can get her in trouble, getting into fights with much larger opponents than herself.

Physical Priorities
1. Reaction
2. Agility
3. Strength
4. Durability

Last edited by Scratch Board on March 2nd 2015, 1:00 am; edited 3 times in total

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Scratch Board
Scratch Board
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Annie Taylor (Firefly)  Empty Re: Annie Taylor (Firefly)

Post by Forceaus January 11th 2015, 12:10 am

You don't need 4 points for the insect vision. 1 will do. Also you should mention the durations for the poison.
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Annie Taylor (Firefly)  Empty Re: Annie Taylor (Firefly)

Post by Forceaus January 11th 2015, 12:55 am

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Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Annie Taylor (Firefly)  Empty Re: Annie Taylor (Firefly)

Post by The Bolt March 1st 2015, 10:40 pm

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The Bolt
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Annie Taylor (Firefly)  Empty Re: Annie Taylor (Firefly)

Post by Silus March 2nd 2015, 1:31 am

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