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Something about Bank robberies and cliche's [Bonnington]

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Something about Bank robberies and cliche's  [Bonnington] Empty Something about Bank robberies and cliche's [Bonnington]

Post by The Bolt February 12th 2015, 5:47 pm

Chicago Illinois, the windy city or whatever else people called it. To Colin, it was just another place he lived, though this time it was simple because Travis wanted him to go to this college that he had said so many good things about. Easy for him really, when he had that superhuman brain of his, and he had to work with a well wired, but still very human one. Luckily, this did not inhibit his heroic passion, which involved beating the snot out of bad guys, and basking in the adoration showered upon him by the people. The containment capsule for the suit would open, glass parting and allowing him access to the item itself. The suit would split open to allow him to step into it, closing around his body almost warmly as it would initialize.

Numbers would flash across the visor, informing him of so many things happening around the city. One thing caught his interest, or rather because it was the only thing that he could really get himself acting upon. A bank robbery was one of the most cliche crimes for a hero to stop, but then again he had too start somewhere. Activating the suits thrusters, Vanguard would take flight into the sky, flying through it at impressive speeds as the city below would become a blur. Distance would close the faster he went, until the suit reached that speed limit built within it. He was closing in, around a minute between him and the destination, which passed quicker than thought. Soon enough, Vanguard would descend upon the scene, bank surrounded by the police, forming a sort of barricade around the front. ”Yesh, tough crowd.” Colin muttered, noting that they seemed almost annoyed by his arrival.

As if the cause of collateral damage had arrived, but then again he could not blame them. Heroes were becoming less liked, for one reason or another. ”Begin scan.” He said only loud enough for the suit to register, as it would begin just that, catching around three criminals within the building. Six hostages, which means he would have to deal with those as well....not good.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Something about Bank robberies and cliche's  [Bonnington] Empty Re: Something about Bank robberies and cliche's [Bonnington]

Post by Bonnington February 12th 2015, 8:11 pm

Air travel was still something that Desmond wasn't fully used to. He always told himself he would never get on an airplane if he could avoid it, and now he had absolutely no use for them. Since he found out he could fly, and do it as fast as he could run, he had been steadily branching out from his hometown and stopping crime in different areas of his state. He mainly stuck to St. Louis as it was the biggest city in his state, and steadily made a name for himself. He had mainly stopped small time criminals or joy-riders in the last few months, and was surprised at how many people would keep shooting at him after the first few bullets bounce off harmlessly. And while some people look at him as warily as they do other superhumans, the thanks of the people he's helped have had far more impact on him that the untrustworthy glances of people he doesn't even know.

Desmond pushed these idle thoughts aside however as he neared the city of Chicago. Slowing himself down to a "cruising speed" as he observes the city. It's a grand city in its own right, but Desmond never really cared enough about it to properly research it, though he had heard enough nowadays. That while Chicago still looked fairly nice, it had become one of the most crime ridden cities in the States, due in no small part to the supervillains that frequented the city.  And the crime is both halted and continued by the presence of  the Guardians' headquarters in the heart of the city. While they are the main force of good in the city and the main reason only the craziest or coldest criminals try anything in this city, their presence attracts all kinds of people who wish nothing but harm on the city. Though from what he's heard about the city, they'd be just about the same, if not worse, were the Guardians to have their base elsewhere. As he flew low over the city, thinking idly to himself, Desmond had been looking and listening closely for any signs of major crime activity. After all, he didn't necessarily come here in full costume just to see the sights.

He didn't have to look for long though, as he heard numerous siren close by, and flew to their source. Reaching the point and hovering in the sky far overhead, Desmond looked down and saw a line of cop cars forming a loose barricade around the entrance to a building, and naturally many citizens were crowded around the area to observe the situation. As he descended for a closer look, he saw a figure that easily stood out from everyone in the area, on account of the high-tech suit the guy was wearing. At first, Desmond was worried that this guy was the reason for all the police, but saw that none of them were aiming at him, and that the tech suit guy was facing the building and not the cops. As he came down, he landed with a thud a short distance away from the tech suit guy, leaving small crack laden craters where he landed. He could easily hear the gasps of the people as he landed, and the guns of the cops making clicks and such as their aim was shifted to him. He was still wary of the mech-man, so Desmond cautiously approached him. "Are...are you another hero? If so...i'm...well...i'm Megaton. A hero." Desmond looked around at the cops who looked nervous as they kept their sights on him, and looked at the building to see that they were standing in front of a bank. Well this seems fairly cliche, he thought as he turned his attention back to the mech-man, waiting to see what would happen.

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Quote : "Visit for a free quote."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2
Humor : Isn't that a bone in your body?
Registration date : 2015-02-08

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Something about Bank robberies and cliche's  [Bonnington] Empty Re: Something about Bank robberies and cliche's [Bonnington]

Post by The Bolt February 13th 2015, 8:04 pm

Okay, now that he had all of the tough parts of the heroics done, now he had to do the whole bad guy beating up part. Luckily, the cops had recognized him, if only because of his association with The Guardians. True, Colin had no idea what they thought of them, but then again he did not care, he was here to protect people, not to make people love him. However, something would change within this equation, in the form of what looked like some form of metahuman making contact with the street with a resounding boom. It did not take a genius to guess what their power was, unless it was something else, then he would be guilty of assuming. The sonic boom and the damage done by their landing suggested speed, as well as some kind of superhuman strength.

”Yes, I am a hero.” Not the best, but Vanguard liked to think he was a somewhat competent hero. The cops did not trust this person as much as he did, which made things more awkward. ”I came here in response to the bank robbery, I assume you did too.” If he answered like Vanguard thought he would, he had a feeling that these cops would calm down somewhat, even if only a little. Either way, he wanted to get this done quickly, as likely soon they would have more of a problem than before with these now desperate criminals.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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Something about Bank robberies and cliche's  [Bonnington] Empty Re: Something about Bank robberies and cliche's [Bonnington]

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