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Captain Incredible!

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Captain Incredible! Empty Captain Incredible!

Post by Quote September 25th 2014, 1:56 pm

Captain Incredible!
The Golden Age Ghost

Basic Biography

Real Name: William Bastion
Hero Name: Captain Incredible
Title: The Golden Age Ghost
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 103
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Freedom White
Eyes: Patriot Baby Blue
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 185 lbs
Blood type: Red-blooded American

The Looks

William is tall and broad, with well-groomed short white hair and blue eyes. His costume is white spandex with a Blue uppercase "I" emblem on the chest, with a long white cape.

The Legacy

Personality: William is friendly, but serious. He is consumed by a passion for justice, and can be very single-minded. He believes that being a hero is about sacrifice, and is always willing to put himself in danger for others. He believes in doing things right, and has no patience for those that won't do things his way. He doesn't understand kids these days, or hip-hop music.

History: William was born in 1917 to a lower-middle class family in New York. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1935, and achieved the rank of Lieutenant by 1938. He would have likely enjoyed a successful but uneventful military career if not for the events of December 7, 1941. William was shipped overseas to fight in the trenches, and his valor in service to his country combined with a high officer mortality rate won him the rank of Captain in 1944. It was near the war's end when William helped lead a company of men to take a fortified castle in the German mountains on a highly classified mission. The mission seemed to be going impossibly well, until the entered the heart of the fortress to find an unworldly violet crystal feeding unnatural power to the first in a line of Nazi super-soldiers. William's company was to be used for a test run of Hitler's greatest weapon, and indeed it seemed hope was lost. Bullets were useless against the impervious titan. Desperate to stop Hitler's scheme any way he could, William quickly gathered all the explosives he could, saluted his men, and threw himself upon the crystal with grenades active. When the smoke cleared the crystal was gone and every soldier on both sides was dead...except Captain Bastion. He found he felt better than ever, with strength far beyond what he thought possible. The energy of of the crystal had infused itself into him, giving him command of an energy top Allied scientists could only call an "Incredible Force"

Thus, Captain Incredible was born!

Captain Incredible used his new powers to fight the Axis menace wherever it threatened peace, liberty, and the American way. After the war ended, with no more Nazis or Japs to pummel, the good Captain continued to use his powers for good as a founding member of the Liberty League of America. The LLA was a group of costumed heroes dedicating to protecting the nation, and sometimes the world, from the forces of evil. They were much-loved by the public and Captain Incredible was on of the most recognizable and powerful members, but in 1966 he was married to Mary Carroll and retired from the hero life. The LLA continued for a few years, before eventually splitting into smaller groups and being absorbed into others. The days of hero-worship passed, and most superheroes were forced to become vigilantes or work for the government. New superhero groups came and went, as well as new villains, each seemingly more powerful than the last. Wiliam kept his promise to his wife to put away his costume for good, even after he outlived her. A side effect of the Incredible Force that gave him his powers, William found he aged much more slowly than a normal person. Indeed, he would likely have never aged at all if the source of his power hadn't begun slowly fading over time. As he aged, he found his powers weakened or were lost entirely. Even so, he possessed strength far beyond that of normal men, but still he kept his promise to Mary. Even as the world went crazy around him, super-powered individuals fighting constantly with no regard for the safety of civilians. Then New York was attacked. His neighborhood was farther from the destruction, but still he watched as him home of more than a century was destroyed. The heroes of this new age fought off the menace, but they could not protect their country. Life moved on, but nothing changed. Every day the news featured a new destructive battle between metahumans. William could hardly tell the heroes from the villains. One day, he visited his wife's grave like any other day. This time, he came to apologize. To keep promises he had made long ago, promises to keep his country safe, he would have to break his promise to her.

The world needed Captain Incredible again.

The Powers

Power 1: Incredible Force
The source of all of Captain Incredible's power, the Incredible force is an invisible energy that surrounds him constantly. Though it's power has waned with age and he is no longer able to manipulate it to the effect that he once did, it still grants him awesome powers. It gives him super strength, able to lift several times that of the world's strongest man, as well as super speed. It makes him nearly invulnerable to damage, surrounding him and his clothing with a nearly impenetrable invisible barrier. It also grants him the power of flight, and absorbs kinectic energy allowing him to perform incredible feats like catching people in midair at top speed without injuring them.

Strength: 8
Speed: 4
Durability: 8
Fighting Skills: 6
Flight: 2
Wealth: 1


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 7
Location : Relative
Job : Real life roadie
Humor : Dry
Registration date : 2014-07-13

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Captain Incredible! Empty Re: Captain Incredible!

Post by Jason Masters September 25th 2014, 3:13 pm

Captain Incredible.

I fear for the day he leaves us again, for our nation needs him oh so desperately.
Jason Masters
Jason Masters

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 49
Registration date : 2014-08-09

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