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Michael the GodSword (complete)

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Michael the GodSword (complete) Empty Michael the GodSword (complete)

Post by Nathaniel A. Lincoln December 5th 2013, 5:23 pm

"You see yourself above them and this is your greatest sin!"

Basic Biography

Real Name: True name is unknown by everyone but him.  
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Michael
Title: The Godsword
Alignment: Divine (Holds the greater good in mind but can do evil in its name.)
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Celestial being(Inspiration behind the Archangel Michael.)
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'6/6'2
Weight: 233
Blood type: Unknown

The Looks

Archangel Form:

When in human form however, his long hair retracts into a stylized semi-short fashion. And his armor morphs into a black shirt,jeans, and leather jacket, with a pair of cowboy boots. His size is also reduced muscle taking on a smaller shape. And shoulders becoming not so broad.

Height in human form: 6'2

Archangel height: 6'6

The Legacy

Michael is complicated. Known as an angel of war in the past he does indeed fit this persona. Though he also a being of great mercy and holds this mantle up equally. In fact the attribute of equality sums him up rather well. A being of power and weakness. Of knowledge and ignorance to his past. Of duty and of self service. Overall his outward personae can be described as overly curteus and quite humble. His presence invokes a feeling of wonder it's almost as if his age radiates forth from him alerting those around him of his great mantle.

Michael, the leader of God's heavenly armies. Controller of infinite powers, inspirations for infinite pantheons of God's that only once were and now never were. At what point does something become immortal, all powerful? And how can you define the divine? Questions that perhaps Michael only holds the answer to out of all the living beings of the multiverse. Or rather once held, for you see even though this so called divine creature holds amazing powers, and even greater knowledge the exact details are lost to him. And for creatures that measure their life spands in abstract numbers approaching the level of infinity time truly is something to be feared.

He suspects that his eroding memory is the result of him taking on an earthly avatar. His new form no doubt waning over the millennium. And for all his struggles he still can't recall any way to return to his once heavenly form. For all that the humans know about God and the great shepherd he recalls very little. Even the most recent of the biblical stories are nearly lost from his memories. In the form of a first person account that is. For he has read and memorized all known religious texts. Unfortunately this also leads him to question whether or not he is skewing his memory of the actual events with his memories of the holy texts.

Michael is an ageless beast one which can no doubt withstand the test of time and beyond. Although withstanding and thriving are words distanced by worlds themselves. Even Michael's once magnificent omnipresent powers as they are presented in the Bible have worn thin into disrepair and destruction. Leading this great Angel to house only a shell of his former magics. Unlike his powers however his amazing technology is neither worn nor decayed. His great arsenal including a blade vengeful fire, which can be called upon in his times of need and worry, plated armor that can take the guise of any clothing be it modern or archaic, and varius other relics and items of technological wonders that have been in the possessions of gods themselves and his oldest possessions perhaps in the hands of the God himself.

For all his struggles Michael has strived to gain his most precious possession back. The very thing that held his core together, his divinity. He does suspect that what he now barely holds on to is a scrap of what he once wielded. And he also fears that as it has degraded thus far, it will eventually erode into complete and utter disrepair causing his seemingly eternal life to be cut shockingly short. And it is with this terrible suspicion that he has quested throughout the countless ages and searched to once again claim his seat at whatever throne he once belonged to be it God's or another creators seat.

The Temple of the GodFlare

Where does an Angel derive his power from? Where do the divine magic's hide? And how can the wielder know the answer to none of these questions and yet still wield? Michael ever searching has thus far into his quest made an amazing leap in the past few centuries. What had been a game of gaining ground and losing it over countless years had seemingly ended. Michael has searched the Nile and the Euphrates before, and found nothing. Only when he located the remnants of a dead river did he find what he was looking for. Parting the waters he raised the waves of where the oceans met the Nile and started a steady descent into the blackness of the deep desolate abyss.

What would have been an agonizing amount of time for a human was seemingly nothing to the the eon old Archangel. Eventually finding that which he sought, the fossilized remnants of the fabled Garden of Eden. As he approached the trees and even the fruits seemed almost unblemished by the frigid waters, thriving just as easily in the sun as in the abyss.  
As he neared the center the sight of a great tower, built in a style unbenounced to men and not utilized for centuries by the likes of those who were in no way men. Standing strong mere seconds before  Michael approached the dazzling tower he began to feel dizzy, a feeling unknown to an Archangel. It continued far enough to allow him to barely hold himself up as he passed through the archaic archway of entrance and caused him to fall to his knees following only a few more nearly drunken steps. Attempting to raise to his feet only proved to show how terrible his condition really was causing him to collapse into blackness, and the black water that had previously been held up by his will alone was soon ensnaring him and Eden once again.

“Michael, you have returned to a place in which no man should ever enter again, and in doing this you have broken a convenient bound to every living being in existence. And for this reason you shall not be allowed to re-claim your divinity.” This seemingly familiar thundering tone played throughout Michael's dreaming mind causing his conscious mind to soon come into his dream.  He knew who was speaking even with his memories in the disrepair that they were.  

“But brother you of all the Angels of all of God holy order know I am no mere mortal man, I am our Father's sword and shield. The defender of heaven and earth. What wrong have I done to cause this?”

“ You were those things my brother, you have been bound to the form of that which was once  held in the possession of Elijah, his soul however no longer holds true to it. And it was the only vessel pure enough to retain your divine fire. Although it seems that even it has failed in that regard for you are not the Archangel I once knew. And you by coming here with it in tow you have broken divine law. No man shall ever be permitted to enter Eden again you only made it thus far because as you said you are not entirely a man.” These words brought forth nothing. Michael could not recall any of what his brother was speaking of.

“But how could this come to be? Why has our father forsaken me and cast me down to the level of a mere mortal man.” He felt betrayed and this no doubt showed in his voice. Why was he being punished. He was the first born of the angels, an Archangel, to say that he was not allowed in Eden was absurd!

“It is for that reasoning that you have been cast down Michael. You see yourself above the humans, as the great betrayer once did! You have been placed in this form to learn humility and until this comes to pass you will never reclaim your place by our Father's throne. Be thankful for you have not been cast down to the level of your other brother. And instead have been given a chance. This makes it especially painful for me that after all these centuries you have learned nothing! Be gone from this place and know that your divine flame rests here in Eden and will be obtainable to you at the appointed time and the appointed hour!”

And with a thunderous tone. Michael's dream state was left in the void of it's own mind. And the blankness of his mind was soon gone as well. He awoke to his body now burning in the morning sun instead of the chilling cold of the waters.

Actual OOC History

Michael is a member of a race of astral beings titled the Communion who mingled with modern man during the early ages of civilization. Although not the only other race on Earth at the time, they were certainly among the most powerful easily outclassing the so called pagan spirits of earlier civilizations, and the ruling class of human beings who closely resembled modern meta-humans. Their only weakness being that they derived their power from a sentient combination of all their minds. And thus were forced to create a code of conduct if you will that specified what they could and couldn't do. If one were to break this conduct then the other parts of the network would become in conflict with each other. Causing the powers to be cut off if enough of the beings broke off or decided to withhold on decisions.

This also lead to many of the more rebellious beings to be cast down from the network, thus the inspirations for the "demons" and the reasoning behind why they were so much weaker in comparison to the "angels".

They also tended to try and force these beliefs upon the less intelligent creatures of the physical realm. Going as far as to establish bases on Earth and other worlds from which they could project physical forms. Their ultimate goal in doing this is unknown however.  It is to be noted however that they did indeed destroy other less compliant worlds in their intergalactic quest.

The temple of the Godflame

Basically what Michael interprets as Eden is really an advanced base from which the Communion projected their will. And the Godflare is a rare opening between the physical and astral realms which leads directly to the place from which the Communion spawn. Possibly the reasoning behind why the Communion themselves found Earth and it's uncivilized inhabitants in the first place.  

The beings themselves.

The beings themselves are powerful all on their own. Each one is sentient and each one contributes their powers and intellect to the communal mind or pool of energy referred to as the Communion. Those with the backing of the communion do have enough power to project their will upon the physical realm. And the level in which they can do this can become quite a spectacle. Although those alone can only do minor things if anything at all. Their is however another option. These beings can bind themselves to a physical form powerful enough to hold them. This makes them considerably weaker however seeing as most of their power is used in keeping the connection stable and open. Most of the time however a human host is not compatible with their energies. Michael's binding to a human is a rare and possibly the only case in which this has happened. Generally they would be bound to non-sentient items such as mountains or books, or even boxes.


Michael knows nothing of his past and believes that he is actually the Michael of christian texts.

A war in heaven?

The Communion upon the arrival on Earth set forth on a killing spree. Eliminating both pagan gods and other astral beings on Earth at the time. Michael was a general of the Communion at the time. A reference to a war in heaven was probably a reference to the inter-stellar and astral wars of the Communion and other races. Michael being the warrior "Angel" was most likely the inspiration for the Michael of the Bible.


Is Michael immortal?
Michael is presumably "immortal" meaning he can not age. He is still susceptible to mortal weapons and can still die like a mortal. Although his body and spirit will reform at a latter date.

Can he be contained without killing him?
Yes, Michael can be trapped in a circle made up of crushed blood-stone and the blood of an innocent. This has been depicted in various ancient drawings and texts. And anyone with high enough int or occ could decipher these depictions and figure this out. Or just anyone old enough to remember.

He can also be trapped of his own will. Basically if he submits to another person be it god or man. Then they can contain him until they relinquish this control. Once it is forfeited however then it must be given again or they retain no control over him for any further duration.

Another way is seemingly similar to the last. By knowing the true name of this archangel you may have complete control over him. The only known inscription of his true name is essentially forged inside his sword. Providing a spiritual connection between him and his weapon. Although it can not be seen by the eye of humans or spirits. Still it can be seen if a spirit or sorcerer is great enough and is also pure of spirit and body ,then they may glimpse the inscription.      

How old is he?
He has described himself as the first born of the angels meaning he may be older than the Earth itself. Although the knowledge of his creation is lost to him. And so is much of his divine intellect. Making his exact age hard to place.

Does him existing mean God is in this universe?
Perhaps although Michael knows nothing regarding this. And he only assumes it to be true. It could even turn out that him and his angelic brothers were simply the inspiration behind judeo-christian belief.

Does he have contact with other angels?
The last time he had any divine contact was roughly one hundred years ago during the event described in his back story temple of the godflare.

Where does his power come from?
What has been titled by him as the Godflare. It presumably rests in Eden considering Gabriel spoke the truth. Of course seeing as he is an Angel this is most likely true. Although Eden is unreachable by men. And is now off limits to Michael until he proves himself worthy. The Godflare is the source of his divinity. And he suspects his powers have been slowly funneled over the years back into it. Causing the deterioration of both his powers and memories.

Divine intervention?
There have been a number of cases where Michael has interceded on behalf of the humans. His most famous act of benevolence towards the humans was when he lifted the black death. Although he was considerably stronger back in the middle ages these last few centuries being particularly damaging to his health and powers.

Advanced tech or magic?
A good question although it would be considered a trick question by many. For it is through a combination of these that he gains his powers.  

An alien angel who is a magic vampire?
His character does sound rather odd. But Michael has been forced to take on the role of a "magic vampire" his powers recently started to deteriorate at a rapid pace. In order for him to retain enough power to continue his quest he had to use resort to something. As for alien he is technically an alien for not originating from Earth. Although the astral realm of the Communion is very closely linked to the physical realm of Earth.

Powers, Skills, and Abilities

Power 1: Unmatched intellect

His memories may be faded but he is still millenniums old, these eons giving his mind quite a bit of time to reach the current level.
Power 2: Flight

Expected of an angel true, although his wings are more of a novelty, him being able to propel himself effortlessly all on his own.

Power 3: Magic Tech

Michael's weapons manipulates a rather odd form of magic. It allows for the control over the light of the world which he has deemed as the Godfire, the unreachable source of his powers. That he is drawn to but can never reach. And which he has only been allowed access to a portion of.        

Power 4: Agelessness

He obviously does not age. And although he can die he has been known to reform in the somewhat near future. But for all intensive purposes if you kill him he's dead for the rp and gone for quite some time.

Power 5: Multilingual

He is able to draw from the experience of multiple centuries allowing him to converse with any human on the face of the Earth.

Power 6: Historian

Able to recall that which he has lived through. And remember that which he has read, easily. This creature can talk abstractly on any subject pertaining to the history of nearly any age.

Power 7: Technology

His own tools are weapons of immense power far more advanced than any modern tech.

Power 8: Willpower

His willpower is that of an heavenly being. Making it almost limitless.

((OOC, just give me a green lantern ring I dare you XD.))

Power 9: Unquestionable Faith

Although not a technical power his faith allows him to be courageous and not fear that which would make a mere man quiver.

Power 10: Telepathy

Michael is able to make a mental link with any willing participant allowing him to speak, enter dreams, and share memories.

Power 11 Allies

As most immortals he has amassed a network of allies. Subtracting the percent that have already died and adding in family this still makes quite a large system of info. He has held many positions throughout his eons. Including officership in both Germany and America during WWII, belonging to the sides of the Greeks and Romans. British and Patriots. And many others. He took these sides for reasons known only to him.

Power 12:Relic Absorbtion(Rp Mechanic)

Recently Michael has discovered away to keep his powers from deteriorating further at least for the moment. He absorbs ancient sources of astral energy or other forms of energy that are non-sentient. He can not however absorb magic cast at him. His new found ability to absorb ancient astral powers has become somewhat of an addiction. Causing him to become rather irritable without a steady diet of power.

Rules and why it's an rp mechanic and not an abl.

1. It does not make him stronger.
2. Can not absorb magic attacks.
3. Can not absorb magic used to heal him or anything else like it.
4. Can not absorb other player's items.
5. Can not absorb Npc's items.
6: Can not absorb other player's or npc's magic.

Total: It more less as I said a rp mechanic and that is why it has no abl in it.

Intelligence: 3
Ability:1 (Telepathy/1/)
Fighting Skills:4
Flight: 2


1:Michael is ambidextrous.

2:Michael can ride horses expertly.

3:Animals generally adore him pacify even the most rabid dogs.

4:He does have somewhat of a sense of humor. Although it is quite odd.

5: Demons can usually tell who he is. His people went on a murdering spree killing off most of the Pagan God's and demons on Earth at the time of their arrival. Most of the demons are usually fallen Communion members or members of those Pagan groups. And seeing as Michael was utilized as a general of the Communion at that time they definitely know his face. Any other demons are most likely Astral beings and can sense him as another one.

Last edited by Nathaniel A. Lincoln on December 6th 2013, 9:39 pm; edited 8 times in total

Michael(Hunter Form):
Nathaniel A. Lincoln
Nathaniel A. Lincoln

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Humor : They say everyone needs an Arch villain but I keep killing mine because its so satisfying >:D!
Registration date : 2013-11-24

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Michael the GodSword (complete) Empty Re: Michael the GodSword (complete)

Post by Nathaniel A. Lincoln December 6th 2013, 8:05 pm

Bump for completion.

Michael(Hunter Form):
Nathaniel A. Lincoln
Nathaniel A. Lincoln

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 56
Humor : They say everyone needs an Arch villain but I keep killing mine because its so satisfying >:D!
Registration date : 2013-11-24

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Michael the GodSword (complete) Empty Re: Michael the GodSword (complete)

Post by Arcana December 7th 2013, 3:09 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
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Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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