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Ragnar Lothbrok (Done)

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Ragnar Lothbrok (Done) Empty Ragnar Lothbrok (Done)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios December 2nd 2013, 3:42 am

Ragnar Lothbrok
"You go right on ahead the path that you believe is correct and I'll go ahead on the path I believe is correct"

Basic Biography

Real Name: Ragnar Lothbrok
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Deathless
Title: The Eternal Warrior
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: Nine hundred and seventy seven years.
Gender: Male
Race: Mutant
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: Five foot, four inches.
Weight: Two hundred and five pounds.
Blood type: A positive.

The Looks

Normal appearance: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Ragnar is a rather normal looking man, there are no special markings, no odd hair colors, no scars, nothing really he just appears to be like everyone else other than his impressive muscles. Though he stands at only five foot four inches Ragnar is in no way small, his muscles are quite substantial and visible even underneath clothing making him formidable, thanks to his regenerative healing factor his muscle are at their peak level constantly healing and getting stronger.

He appears to be in his late thirties though he looks far from old, long brown hair falls down to his shoulders and back, a small part on the right side braided together a bit intricately in a way that most have never seen, the rest looking wild as if never properly brushed or combed. His face hardly mentionable with a full bread covering it, a slight red tinge given to the brown hair there from his mother's side of the family only noticeable if looked at closely. His eyes a simple combination of brown and green creating hazel though it is not the color that strikes people it is the look in them, nearly a thousand years of experience upon this earth has given him a piercing gaze that few can hold, he seems to understand anything he looks at.

Hero Appearance: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

The Legacy

Personality: Ragnar is a complicated man to say the very least, with nearly a thousand years on this planet he has seen the best and the worst in people, even now he isn't completely sure that the human race is worth saving or destroying he is still judging. As a person he can be best described with three words realistic, obsessive, brilliant which is not the best of combinations, for Ragnar the world is not black and white completely but neither is it as gray for him as others see it. There are very fine lines that some must not cross in his opinion and as a result he will take action against those he believes deserve it, to him those that are willing to take a life without regard for the suffering they cause deserve to die. As a result he has killed many people and it has not always been favorable in the eyes of the people but Ragnar does not care what people think of him, he has a set of standards and will do what he must.

Ragnar is highly analytical finding the weak spots in anything and everything in case he ever needs to use such information, he does the same with people learning their traits, their body movement, their weaknesses. Even if that person is an ally or friend he will do this in case he ever needs to fight against them for some reason, trust is not a word that Ragnar uses very often because he finds it very hard to trust others completely. While he may entrust someone to a certain task or fight beside them this does not mean he will trust them will his life because he feels there are too many variables out there to do that, after all a hero may be blackmailed into crimes or even killing if their family or people are taken hostage. Ragnar prefers to fight alone even against multiple opponent because he feels others can also get in the way, of course there are a few exceptions where two or more people can fight together exceptionally well he does not anticipate this happening very often thus most of the time he will form his own plans regardless of other plans, it is one of his character flaws.

Another possible character flaw of his depending on your view is his apathy, Ragnar has developed a rather lopsided way of seeing things believing that one person or even a few thousand do not take priority over stopping the bad guy. As a result if say a villain were to plant a bomb and then flee Ragnar would pursue the villain rather than attempting to stop the bomb or save the people around it as he believes stopping this person will prevent more casualties from ever happening. Some might view this as wrong but to Ragnar it is the best choice, Ragnar also does not believe in the current justice system that humans have and incorporates his own justice system from the old days though in some ways less harsh. If Ragnar catches a thief he will break the hand or hands that he stole with, if the thief runs Ragnar will break his legs as well, if he catches a murderer he will not hesitate to kill them rather than turning them into the police. While many view this as criminal Ragnar believes that it is more justice than locking them up only to let them out so that they may kill again, there have been several times where Ragnar has had to flee the police because of his vigilante actions. Ragnar is not completely emotionless he just finds it very hard to get close to others or feel anything after having seen so much wrong with the world, not only that but with his healing factor he will outlive most people so that would only hurt him as it has in the past.

Ragnar is also quite intelligent as he has lived for a long time, though he is not intelligent in the sense that he can solve anything no his intelligence is more suited to making things and combat though he is far above average in other fields as well. As a fighter and a strategist he is able to pick things up very quickly turning the tide of battle rather quickly, his mind constantly thinking up ways to defeat someone or something in case they ever fought it never shuts off as it is second nature to him now. Because he knows that he is not the strongest, the fastest, or the most durable he never overestimates himself and he never underestimates his opponents, this makes him quite dangerous as he will use every bit of his power to bring down the enemy regardless of their threat level. Ragnar does speak many languages, he speaks Japanese, English, Russian, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Latin, and of course his native tongue old Norse.

Now though he can be rude, blunt and sometimes very harsh or dark Ragnar has a lighter side to him as well it is just wrapped up in the hardness that he has become to survive in this world. Those who can actually claim to be his friends or loved ones will find a man that will go to extraordinary lengths to protect them, but at the same time if it came down to them or the world with no other choice he would choose to save the world over his friend or loved one. Everything Ragnar does is for the greater good in his opinion but if there is any other option he will exhaust his resources, his body, and his mind in order to save them if he can.

When seeking something Ragnar can be quite manipulative using people's own actions against them making them believe that they were actually the cause of the problem all along. With little apathy he can easily befriend someone and then betray them in an instant if they become a problem to what he believes is the greater good, everything is done with calculated precision even the smallest of moves for him is meant for the bigger picture. He predicts as much as he can and thinks of every variable that is possible keeping back up plans for even his back up plans so that he will always have some sort of defense against whatever is coming towards him.

History: Origin Arc: Ragnar's history is a long one that starts in the year 1036 in Scandinavia during the Vikings age, Ragnar was born to Erik and Hild, Erik was a prominent warrior due to his size and strength standing a massive six foot eight and weighing close to three hundred pounds. There was great hopes for Ragnar but over the years the people and Ragnar's father found themselves disappointed as Ragnar was much smaller than his father had been, Erik was not happy and it was evident in the way he would teach other children how to fight over his own son. Being smaller than the average viking child made it harder for Ragnar to fight like they did, the more he tried to win with brute strength the more he failed getting hurt worse each time, eventually Ragnar found himself thinking of ways to fight that didn't involve brute force. The answer came to him while he was cutting up an apple which he could do very quickly, rather than using full sized swords he would use short swords.

When he first showed up at the practiced grounds with such weapons he was laughed at until he showed what he could do, his smaller size made him quick and he could get in very close to where those swords couldn't reach. It was at this point that Ragnar's father actually began to pay attention to him, he saw his fighting instinct inside the boy with the way he moved and reacted, even though he was smaller than the others he could become a great warrior. Years on the practice ground finally paid off as he was going to fight side by side with his father, their battle was much easier than Ragnar ever thought it could be as they tore through Englishmen like they were children with toy, Ragnar could see the fear in their eyes as he drew in close. As quickly as it started it was over, there was nothing to be done except pillage what they wished from the defenseless town now, years continued to go by and Ragnar continued to prove his warrior instincts and though he was shorter than most men he was a very stout man. It wasn't until the year 1066 that Ragnar fell ill, he was thirty at the time and he seemed to be dying of whatever this sickness was, many believed he wouldn't make it but within a few days the sickness seemed to pass and Ragnar felt better than ever.

He recovered just in time to join the invasion of England, it was a massive invasion unlike the rest it seemed they brought every available warrior to the front in order to take over Britain. He was in one of the front ships which was hit by a boulder thrown from a trebuchet it quickly began to sink taking many with it, Ragnar managed to get ashore just barely with a few comrades and they charged against the enemy by themselves tearing into the foe with all their might. It wasn't long before Ragnar was the only one surrounded by the enemy who mobbed him viciously, Ragnar hacked at them without restraint taking wound after wound yet the man did not fall he just continued to hack and slash his way deeper into the enemy lines. Finally the archers arrived and one arrow after another pierced his body yet even when there were over twenty arrows in his body Ragnar would not fall, he howled like a beast and charged the enemy once more blood spilling from his wounds as he went into a beserker state. He used whatever he could as a weapon even pulling arrows from his own body and stabbing them into the enemy at one point, finally the battle was over and Ragnar's clothes were cut to pieces and bloodied beyond all belief yet the flesh underneath was completely unscathed as if never touched by blade or arrow.

During the battle when his people had finally caught up they came upon a field of bodies and there in the center sat Ragnar looking to the sky eyes glazed over as if he weren't truly there anymore. The vikings believed that Ragnar was blessed by the gods on that day and hailed him as their new chief, with Britain defeated the vikings took their riches and the women, they returned as kings to their home celebrating for days with food and alcohol. Ragnar did not question why this power had been given to him instead he embraced the role of chief of his village, this went on for years until a plague of sorts rolled through the village killing everyone that Ragnar had ever known leaving him as chief of the dead now he was now alone. His subjects, his friends, his family all were dead and even though he had the power to defy death there was nothing he could do for them, tormented by their deaths and his inability to do anything about it Ragnar stayed within the village of the dead drinking copious amounts alcohol and eating whatever he could find.

He spent a month there before another group of vikings came along to see what had happened to their neighbors, when they came upon the village they found bones littered across the village where people simply just died, the flesh rotted away or eaten by scavengers. Upon entering the great hall they found Ragnar sitting upon his throne a small cask of alcohol which was being poured into his mouth and spilling onto his disheveled form. When they asked who he was Ragnar answered in a tired tone "I am he who does not die, Deathless is my name" his words echoed through the halls eerily yet the men were not afraid of the ragged man that smelled of death and alcohol who sat there drinking enough to down most men within seconds. Ragnar did not stop drinking even as the men drew closer to him, it was not until one of them attempted to take the alcohol from him that he flew into a rage slaughtering them with his bare hands even as they drove their weapons deep into his body, when he was done he found his cask emptied upon the floor so he went in search of more. It was then that he learned that was the last cask of alcohol so now with nothing to drink he began to walk, he had no destination in mind or any thought in mind really he just walked aimlessly as if he were nothing more than a corpse.

Purpose Arc: If you asked Ragnar how long he walked for back then even now he would not be able to tell you, could have been days could have been weeks, could have been months or even years he had no sense of time or life he just walked forward only stopping to eat or drink we he absolutely had to. It wasn't until he walked off a cliff and fell into a river that he stopped walking but even that did not wake him from his stupor, he just floated in the water barely able to stay afloat until a man and woman pulled him from the water, they were part of a tribe that he did not know. It wasn't until he saw the woman's face that he spoke for the first time since he began to walk, he spoke the name of his wife before passing out but this woman was not his wife so she did not understand instead she and her husband dragged him to the village and placed him within a free bed. When he awoke he found a child of about seven staring at him with curious eyes as if he were something new and exciting that she couldn't quite figure out yet, he ignored her and came out to see the village, it was a prosperous village clean and organized. The few people that saw him whispered and Ragnar could hear them mentioning his horrid appearance and smell that emanated from him yet he ignored them for the most part.

He learned from the couple that rescued him from the river that this was a more civilized people than his own, there were soldiers but only enough to protect the village they did not raid or pillage others they kept to themselves. For someone who had been raised to fight and kill it was something to take in as he never believed that such a thing would work, when he asked where they got their resources from the couple told him they grew all of their own food. The lands that Ragnar lived on were completely unsuitable for growing any kind of crops thus why the vikings would raid other places in order to get resources, farming was something he had no knowledge of, when they showed him the fields they had full of vegetables and fruit he couldn't help but be astounded. The amount of food this small village produced was more than enough to feed it and possibly two or three other villages without worry, though this place was new and Ragnar was safe here he began to walk again rather than staying. It was when he neared the edge of the village that the couple who saved him caught up to him asking where he would go and if he would be okay, Ragnar shrugged to the first question and the second he answered with 'somewhere' because he truly had no idea where he would go at this point.

The couple did not believe it best for Ragnar to go on the way he was they decided to offer him a place in the village and their home, Ragnar could not believe the generosity of these people not only had they saved him but they offered him shelter and food. If it had been Ragnar or Ragnar's people they would have left him floating in the river because it was not their problem, he could not understand these people and their generosity thus his curiousness and their offer kept him within the village. Adjusting was not easy for Ragnar he was by nature and raising a violent person looking to settle things with violence rather than his mind, whenever he messed up something or couldn't figure out something he would get angry almost right away. It took years for him to become more mild and even more years for him to actually integrate himself completely into the village, during the years the village's farm lands grew larger creating more food and making the village more prosperous. But this was not a good thing for the villages nearby became jealous of Ragnar's new village and banded together to take the prosperous land from the hard working people, there soldiers banded together outnumbering the one village four to one.

The village had around two hundred people but only about twenty five of them were soldiers because the rest never needed to be more than farmers until now. The army that was coming was going to destroy their forces without a problem this much was obvious thus they began to evacuate, Ragnar knew that he alone had to do something about this, he had the power of the gods on his side he believed so he set out in the night by himself towards the enemy. Little did Ragnar know that he was being followed by the husband of the couple that saved him, Ragnar reached the camp quickly and then began to cause an uproar killing soldiers with each sweep of his short swords, he attracted all of them to him and declared they were naught but cowards. He claimed he could best any of these men with nothing but his fists and that they needed numbers to win a fight, he taunted them declaring they had no more honor than a backstabbing thief in the night riling the enemy up until their champion stepped forward to face Ragnar. He was a massive man that towered even the biggest of men in Ragnar's old village, he swung with arms as thick as a tree trunk and enough force to cleave Ragnar in two with every strike , Ragnar dodged constantly hoping to tire the man quickly but it appeared that would not happen.

Ragnar decided it was time to end this and charged forward at a stab impaling himself on the blade, the enemy roared with triumph until Ragnar's hands wrapped around the giant's throat as he was still impaled upon the blade. Even as the man moved the blade around inside of Ragnar's body he continued to choke the man to death within seconds, from the shadows the husband watched astounded and terrified with what he saw from Ragnar. Ragnar then pulled the blade from his body and threw it into the ground proclaiming that he was the guardian of the village and that those who wished to take it would have to go through him, unfortunately Ragnar's plan did not work as with great numbers came great confidence and they mobbed him. As wound after wound was inflicted upon his body Ragnar turned into the man or beast as some would say that he had once been, there was no hesitation, no fear, no mercy he killed all those who came against him. As the battle began the husband slipped away running back to the village to tell the others what he had seen, skeptical of course the soldiers joined him and came to the camp, what they found was a camp of corpses and at the center was Ragnar covered in blood just standing there like a statue. His clothes shredded and the corpses all around him yet none could see a single wound thus they knew the story to be true this man could not die, but not all saw this as a good thing some proclaimed him to be a demon.

Once the village learned of what he could do they feared him, even the couple feared him especially the husband who had seen first hand what Ragnar could do. Ragnar no longer had a place amongst the village even though he had saved in, he could hear whispers of people believing he should be killed, others suggested they use him as a weapon, others just wanted him gone and so Ragnar decided that it was time for him to leave before things became violent. As he packed his things the village gathered around to watch him leave, the daughter of the couple came forward just before he left and offered him a flower while saying 'some of us know what you did was for us and we thank you' that was enough for Ragnar to forgive the villagers who he left behind with a smile. Though he had been forced to abandon his new home Ragnar found a purpose and a reason for this power of his, he was to set right the wrongs of the evil and protect those from the darkness, Ragnar believes that he can be a shield against darkness because he knows what it feels like to be darkness.

(Now due to Ragnar's extensive age I stopped here but if asked I will provide more Arc's or at least note worthy moments of his past.)

The Powers

Power 1:  Regenerative healing factor: An accelerated healing process that enables him to regenerate damaged or destroyed tissue with far greater efficiency than an ordinary human. He can regenerate greatly damaged or destroyed tissue with few seconds. Arian's healing factor is so powerful that he can heal severe burns, missing eyes, even fatal wounds within mere seconds,(At the proper level) it has kept him alive through numerous violent encounters over the years. His regenerative healing factor has also decelerated his aging process incredibly as he is nearly a thousand years old yet he appears to be a normal male in his late thirties, it gives him immunity to all known earthly diseases/infections and chemical resistance meaning a dose that would work on a human would not work on him it would require a large amount to affect him.

Power 2:

Power 3:

Power 4:

Intelligence: 6
Occult: N/A
Strength: 4
Speed: 2
Durability: 4
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 6
Magic: N/A
Spells: N/A
Flight: N/A
Wealth: 1

Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2013-05-27

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Ragnar Lothbrok (Done) Empty Re: Ragnar Lothbrok (Done)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios December 3rd 2013, 1:44 pm



Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2013-05-27

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Ragnar Lothbrok (Done) Empty Re: Ragnar Lothbrok (Done)

Post by Arcana December 3rd 2013, 10:35 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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