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Hospitaller Empty Hospitaller

Post by Johawplastic November 5th 2013, 10:57 pm

The Hospitaller
Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium Pauperum

Basic Biography

Real Name: Martin Valette
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Hospitaller
Title: Auxiliary Volunteer of Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6ft
Weight: 150lbs
Blood type: B+

The Looks

Hospitaller, when in active service, dresses in a white set of army fatigues with a black jacket.  The back of the jacket is adorned with a white maltese cross.  

The Legacy


Martin is, under normal circumstances, a jolly if slightly sarcastic fellow, always ready with a bit of snark or a joke, until he is called to use his abilities.  At this point he becomes all business, with none of the banter his casual persona projects.  


Martin was a normal denizen of Quebec, Canada, going to highschool in Montreal up until his eighteenth birthday.  

On that day, an unstable individual entered his high school armed with an automatic weapon.  Alarms were set off, but tragedy ensued as the gunman went systematically through the school.  Martin was scared at the time.  He didn't want to die, and he didn't want his classmates to die either.  

Then, the gunman entered his classroom.  A classmate attempted to tackle him, and was shot for her trouble.  At that point, instinct brought Martin’s hand up, and a noise not unlike a thunderclap rang out.  A golden beam of light shot out, and the gunman sailed back out the way he had come, and losing consciousness when his head hit the lockers in the hall outside.  

Despondent and not thinking about the fact he just smote a gunman upwards of ten feet, Martin rushed to the side of his classmate.  Once again, instinct dictated he put a hand on her wound.  More light emanated from his hand, the same color as before, but gentler.  Before his astounded eyes, the wound closed up, and a 9mm slug of lead clinked to the floor.  

Finally realizing what he’d done, Martin rushed out of the room to help the gunman’s other victims.  He saved five lives that day, although he wasn’t in time to help them all.  The Montreal Shooting still claimed three victims, but Martin had found his calling.  Rather than work for the government or a similar group, he volunteered his services to the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta, an order of medics and healers based in Rome.  

Since then, whenever there has been a major disaster, from a massive hurricane to a superpowered battle royale, Martin has been there, helping to rescue victims and keep civilians safe.  The media sensationalized him for a bit, calling him “The Hospitaller”, but quickly found more combative heroes to focus on.  So, The Hospitaller fights on, content with his lack of fanfare, fending off untimely death for any and all he can.  

The Powers

Power 1:Healing Hands (5 ability) Hospitaller's primary ability is his capacity for healing.  When he places his hands over or near a wound, a golden glow emanates over the affected area and damage is restored.  This works on anything from bullet wounds to cancer, with the effect draining him if used for too long.  

Power 2:Smite (8 ability) Hospitaller also possesses the ability to project force in a repulsion beam from the palms of his hands.  These beams range in power from a swift uppercut to a steam-powered pile driver.  Despite being described as "holy light", they do not have any alignment-specific component and will hurt innocents as badly as monsters.  

Power 3:Levitation (1 flight) Hospitaller can also hover up to a foot off the ground.  This typically happens when he is using a lot of his power, and allows him to ignore the recoil that would normally result from using Healing Hands over an area or Smite at particularly strong levels.  

Intelligence: 3
Occult: 0
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Durability: 3
Ability: 8 (Smite), 5 (Healing Hands)
Fighting Skills: 4
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 1
Wealth: 1

Last edited by Johawplastic on November 5th 2013, 11:30 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Hospitaller Empty Re: Hospitaller

Post by Forceaus November 5th 2013, 11:10 pm

You need to spend the 4 points in ability for healing. It should look like this:

Ability: 8(Smite), 4(Healing hands)

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Hospitaller Empty Re: Hospitaller

Post by Johawplastic November 5th 2013, 11:19 pm

Righto, edit made!

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: Latter day Knight of Malta
"War is only useful as a means of saving lives; that is, not often."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: Renegade grocer

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Hospitaller Empty Re: Hospitaller

Post by Forceaus November 5th 2013, 11:23 pm

You have 29 points spent. Do you want to add 1 more?

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

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Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Hospitaller Empty Re: Hospitaller

Post by Johawplastic November 5th 2013, 11:26 pm

Indeed. Methinks another pip for Healing Hands.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: Latter day Knight of Malta
"War is only useful as a means of saving lives; that is, not often."

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]: Renegade grocer

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 25
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Hospitaller Empty Re: Hospitaller

Post by Forceaus November 5th 2013, 11:31 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Hospitaller Empty Re: Hospitaller

Post by Sponsored content

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