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Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka

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Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka Empty Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka

Post by keblinky October 30th 2013, 9:04 pm

Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka

Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.
Basic Biography

Real Name: Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka // James Orwell
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Mathemagician
Title: N/A
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: Age is a concept not within Row-Echelon’s processors // On falsified documents: 32
Gender: Row-Echelon is not a creature of biochemical assembly // Appears to be male
Race: Thaumoarithmetic Construct, Mathemagical Construct, Math Thingy (choose one xP)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6’0 ft
Weight: 175 lbs
Blood type: None

The Looks


The Legacy

Row-Echelon has less personality, and more programming. Though due to recent events some of this was frazzled, and has started to grow on its own. For one, he loves math. Mathematics is what he lives on, and without math he would be essentially useless. Intensely in love with his subject, he wishes to spread his knowledge as far as possible. He was programmed to be helpful after all, and teaching is the best kind of help there is!

He’s kind, but not to some Saintly extent where he adopts hobos. No, he’s simply been told to assist biological constructs, and so he does. There isn’t a matter of morality behind it, he just is. Lately he’s taken a particular shine to helping those unfortunate children in need reach their full potential through education.

His views on crime-fighting haven’t been particularly well-developed, he lives in Chicago where most of the criminals are ground into mincemeat by the Watch, and he has full confidence in the police. Their programming would dictate that they protect, and so they should, right?

Row-Echelon loves to ramble, and it’s quite the sight when he starts talking about the mathematics behind quantum physics while teaching fifth graders. His speech is extremely formal, as he learned all the languages he knows out of dictionaries and other such resources, but he can communicate well enough. He does have trouble relating to certain human issues though, such as jealousy, greed, lust, rage, and any other inherently biologically driven emotion.


Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka was created in a place very far away. A few solar systems over, a particularly insane mathemagician decided that he needed a construct. And so Row-Echelon was created. He would serve as a slave, a tutor, and anything else that was required of him. His very nature made mathematics and magic second nature to him, and he could cast spells extremely well. Mathematic spells that was. In his infancy he was a creature of pure logic, but as his existence progressed, more and more data was computed by his brain. He would learn to do some basic mental legwork, and could even innovate.

Working out on Firilliax 3245, a space station where robots and mathemagical constructs were sent after their employers either died or decided they didn’t need them. Row-Echelon typed at a console all day, making the station work. It was pleasant work, and the order of it all pleased him. He even had some intriguing conversations with the other mathemagical constructs.

As all good things do however, this came to an end. A thaumomathematical accident left the station torn to shreds, and as Row-Echelon hurtled through space, everything seemed to explode in his head. With a blinding flash of light, the leftover thaumomathematical energies rocketed him into a small planet known as Earth.

His first few days were confused stumbling, but he eventually found himself in a more comfortable position. Using a few of the bits of technology he had left, Row-Echelon set himself up with basic housing, a false identity, and some faked credentials. The thaumomagical field that had left him on earth also warped his body into a humanoid form, he passed easily as your everyday fellow.

Having acclimated to human society, Row-Echelon, now known as James Orwell, decided on a career. He would teach at one of the local public schools. He teaches a group of mathematical subjects, and has an afterschool club where kids can come in for study help, or just discuss math. Most kids come in for study help, talking about math is something kids don’t like to do. But Row-Echelon is sure to change that!

The Powers

Superhuman Intelligence- Row-Echelon is a creature of mathematics. He knows math inside and out, and his brain processes information at speeds which would make most humans completely delirious.


Intelligence: 8
Occult: 0
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Durability: 4
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 1
Magic: 8
Spells: 5
Flight: 0
Wealth: 1

Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "quantity has a quality all its own"

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 163
Location : Albany
Age : 24
Registration date : 2012-05-05

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Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka Empty Re: Row-Echelon Cuboctahedron Eureka

Post by Zell October 30th 2013, 9:14 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

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"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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