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Salad Lad

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Salad Lad  Empty Salad Lad

Post by The Duke of Nuts November 6th 2013, 5:14 pm

Salad Lad
The Tofu Kid

Basic Biography

Real Name: Jack Mackenzie
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Salad Lad
Title: N/A
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 4' 6''
Weight: 65 Lbs
Blood type: 0 +

The Looks


The Legacy

Salad Lad is upfront and personal when it comes to saving the human race and it begins first with veganism. That's right what is central to the young mans mental agenda is to end the cruel consumption of meat and replacing it with Tofu lest he have to use his To-Fu (Vegan kung fu) on you. When not talking about the benefits of veganism or it's lesser (much lesser) cousin vegetarianism, Salad Lad is often making scrumptious vegan treats like celery coated in peanut butter with raisins on it.

Salad Lad is as spastic and energetic as an eight year old on coffee and often attempts and fails to tone that energy down by twitching, jumping, shadow boxing, beat boxing, and generally talking peoples heads off. Often Salad Lad has nothing useful to contribute to the conversation, but will say something anyway. While most of his talk is to convince others to abandon crime and their meat eating ways he does reserve some talking time for snappy one liners that if applicable would end with a ba dum tsh.

Still young and innocent Salad Lad believes everyone can become good, his dad once ate three steaks a day and now hes a salad chugging fool. So armed with that enthusiasm, a costume, and his To-fu crime fighting style, Salad Lad eagerly bounds into the night.  

Jack Mackenzie was born in Ireland in a hospital, he was born slightly premature, his mother joked he was simply to eager to begin living. Luckily with modern medicine he was completely alright after being injected with a special experimental drug.

Unbeknownst to his parents, the drug doubled as a test serum in a vast experiment to cause sudden death of meta humans that would activate when the afflicted consume meat. What the shadowy group didn't count on was the young babes reaction to the serum.

As he grew off of breast milk and jars of baby food and began to be presented with more grown up foods, Jack relished in the chance to eat spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, and bananas, but he was an incredibly picky child throwing away hot dogs, turning his nose up at ice cream, and feverishly picking off meatballs from his beloved spaghetti always making sure the sauce was Marinara. His parents figured it was just a phase, but it was one the boy never grew out of.

In school Jack had to deal with a group of bullies commonly called the meat heads, this was because they always stole every students meat from their lunch trays to fill their own gullets. As Jack never had meat on his tray, he was bullied for his lunch money instead. Always fighting back, but almost always losing the beat up young man found sympathy from the lunch staff who never seeing the beatings just assumed he was poor. Setting him up with unlimited access to the salad bar, Jack never went hungry.

One day the meat heads were being particularly cruel to a girl who like Jack wasn't eating meat. Knowing he could get off scott free today and use his lunch money to buy some sweet fruit with his salad Jack shook his head and walked determinedly up to the three massive boys.

What transpired next occurred so quickly to the young man that he thought he may have fallen into a coma, his eyes tightly closed from fear slowly came open to reveal the three bullies splayed on the ground moaning and begging for mercy, the young girl mouthed a thank you before running off so she didn't get in trouble.

After that strange incident Jack was home schooled, but that moment never left him as he grew so did his desire to help people, people like him, the thin and non meaty always oppressed by the large and bulky. So one day after joining a production of Peter Pan in his local theater group he found himself inspired by the costume choice.

Using fabrics of his own he created a costume and on that night set off to spread his vegan message. Out in the cold of Ireland he met many meat heads like those at his old school and using his aggressive To-Fu fighting style he soon brought them to their meaty knees.

With a smile and a dash he became Salad Lad defender of wholesome people and a wholesome heart diet complete with a few nuts to fulfill protein requirements!    

The Powers

Power 1: To-Fu: When Salad Lad comes into a fight he eats his handy dandy tofu, when he does the serum in his blood meant to kill him activates in the opposite sense as tofu is the opposite of meat. Supercharging his sense, Salad Lad becomes quicker, smarter, and faster in reaction allowing for quick foot and fist work and parkour level movements

Intelligence: 6
Occult: 0
Strength: 3
Speed: 7
Durability: 4
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 6
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 1

The Duke of Nuts
The Duke of Nuts

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 4
Location : In my pocket
Age : 31
Job : Archivist/ Student
Humor : Like the lonely cannibal I am always full of myself
Registration date : 2013-11-05

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Salad Lad  Empty Re: Salad Lad

Post by Arcana November 6th 2013, 5:31 pm

Approved until stated otherwise

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2493
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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