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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 26th 2013, 10:42 pm

The door opens slightly, to reveal a balding middle aged man, with thick glasses. He looked at Noah a bit cautiously, hiding behind the door.

"Yes may I help you?" He asked.

Seeing that the immediate vicinity was relatively safe, Shauna went to the door herself to speak with Sarah's father.

"Evening mister Jackson. Did Sarah arrive home earlier tonight?"

"What? she's been here all night, having a movie marathon with her boyfriend..." He said sounding confused.

"Boyfriend-?" Shauna's heart dropped at that. She peered past mister Jackson and peered into the living room, zooming in to see Sarah sitting in Johnny's arms.

"Oh Crap. He's already here!" Shauna said, looking at Noah as she said so, the worry in her face evident. Shauna was beginning to think that this wasn't just some dumb vampire.

The Nekromonga
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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 28th 2013, 8:00 pm

Noah could see that Shauna was distraught by the fact that Johny was already there, sitting down and enjoying a movie with Sarah which according to her father had been all night.  Some sort of mind manipulation which historically has been a trait in vampire lore for years, at least Noah guessed as much. Vampires over the centuries have evolved a bit but one thing for sure was that they didn't sparkle. As of that moment the strangest thing at the household was Noah and Shauna showing up unannounced. 'How could I be so stupid, vampires are still pretty much considered myth so how else could have they made it this far without such an ability.'

"Mister Jackson we're sorry to intrude on your night but we saw somebody lurking outside your home while we were out. We thought about calling the police but Shauna here suggested that maybe your daughter was just coming home from some sort of outing." Noah hoped Shauna could play along well enough to sell his excuse, he only had one or two more ideas which weren't really idea's necessarily. "...if she was home all night than maybe you could let us in so we can notify authorities of a suspicious person lurking the area. I left my phone God knows where and Shauna doesn't believe in cellular technology."  It was far fetched, but considering mister Jackson had his mind tampered with already than maybe he was more susceptible to lies.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 28th 2013, 8:17 pm

Mister Jackson didn't really argue. He simply nodded. There was a faint light in his eyes, Sarah's father not seeming to be in the right. "Alright then. It's so nice to know Sarah has such a teacher like you, miss Masters. Cares about the kids, not just grades." He opened the door for them and ushered them in. He then went upstairs, in a half-trance state.

Shauna looked at Noah, worried and afraid. She made her way into the dark living room, Johnny using the remote to mute the program. He turned his attention to the new arrivals.

"Look who's here my love." He said, in a sickeningly sweet voice to the girl beside him.

"Oh hi, miss Shauna... Have you met Johnny..." She said, now truly enthralled by some otherworldly force. Worse, Johnny had his arm about the girl's shoulder, his finger on her throat. It was clear he held the cards here.

"Sarah. Snap out of it! You're better than this! You have a future!" Shauna said, trying to reach out to her student, unable to turn Johnny into roast. Sarah simply giggled, and kissed Johnny on the cheek.

Johnny gestured them to seat in the sofa. "Please have a seat, miss Masters.  You too, boy. Let's talk. I think our game is finished. There's no need for either of you to get involved. Sarah is just one random american child among millions. I don't see why you'd care if she disappears. Especially you boy. You should just walk away and we'll never have to see each other again. You don't know this girl. You don't even know this... woman... this Shauna Masters, do you? Do you even know of the company she keeps?"

Shauna took her seat very slowly, meeting Johnny eye to eye, visibly angry, but saying nothing yet. It was clear Johnny wasn't going to make another move without bringing Sarah.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

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Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 28th 2013, 8:41 pm

Surprisingly, Noah was right in assuming that her father was under some sort of spell. It was dead obvious as he just let them in without any questions asked which is what any liar would prefer but it all just seems to easy to the novice hero. The house was of modern and homey which reminded Noah of his own parents home. His parents thought he got some sort of big break job working at CRDI but in all reality he gets paid accommodated for aiding Connor in his world wide war against crime but lately it seemed that more bothered Connor about the world that just crime alone. That was made clear when he attempted to make his own private police force only to lack the funding to keep his business a float and properly equip his little army. That is why Noah and Nicole are the only ones left in the their little crime fighting group, that and Nathaniel had been near beaten to death by a meta human on a mission.

Johny suggested they take a seat on the sofa, and judging by the fact that he had his nail against Sarahs' neck Noah could only assume Johny could easily slit her throat. Noah sat down a head of Shauna and got comfortable. Sarah was obviously deeply under johnys' control and Shauna was already trying to snap her out of it but Noah wasn't sure if breaking her out of the trance was to intelligent. Last thing they needed was Sarah panicking and struggling.

"I don't think the world would miss one random American vampire either but you never know." Noah said out loud shaking his head, "There is no part of this that ends well for you. You see while I may not know Miss masters very well or what company she keeps; I do know that if you harm that girl you won't live to see another day. If you are in fact lucky enough to die from what she would have in store for you if you harmed sarah."

Noah sat forward in the sofa from his comfortable laid back posture, "Now Johnny, listen good because I think I know a way you can get out of this alive...well, undead or what ever it is you are." Noah placed his hands on his chest, "Take me instead. Miss Masters has no idea who I am and why should she care if I die but if you kill Sarah Miss Masters will kill you and we'll have a huge bloody mess on our hands. Take me, Sarah lives, Miss Masters is happy and you get some delicious, healthy blood and can move on in one piece. You can just use your jedi mind trick to make Sarah and her family forget about you, no foul. what do you say?"

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
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Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 28th 2013, 9:01 pm

Johnny let out a slow, hearty laugh, as he applauded Noah. Shauna looked at Noah, dumbfounded. He had just reminded her what it meant to be a hero, after so long.

"I... You... you would do that? Of... of course you would... you're one of those types aren't you?" Shauna didn't say the word hero. She couldn't. How could she, when she no longer deserved that title?

"An interesting offer. Someone as strong as you will have... an interesting flavor of blood. Come on then, boy. You'll get to meet my sister at least." Johnny stood up. "...What's the matter, miss Masters? is that shame? you're letting a complete stranger throw away their lives, and now you no longer care?"

"Just... just go... and leave Sarah." Shauna said, unable to look Noah in the eye.

As they would leave, Johnny snapped her fingers, releasing the mewling Sarah Jackson from his thrall. Sarah was left on the living room floor, sitting on her lap, the spell apparently broken but she was still in a trance. Shauna instantly moved to her, trying to snap her out of it.

"Try anything boy; activate that armor of yours, call for help, or whatever, and you're dead." He threatened, though it was out of practical reasons he had Noah within arm's reach- the second he didn't have a hostage... ZAP.

They would begin walking towards the exit.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 28th 2013, 10:32 pm

'sister?' Noah thought to himself, his original idea was to just beat the living crap out of the johny after he let Sarah go but if he had the chance to find the lair to these monsters he could end this at the source.  "Alright enough chat and lets go." Noah took off his belt buckle, the source to his armament and tossed the advanced piece of technology on the ground. Taking a pocket knife from his pants pocket, Noah cut himself. "You have no idea how special my blood can be." The cut bleed but shortly stopped and then the cut itself started healing rather quickly.

"I hope your right about that girl having a bright future, because im giving my chances to her." Noah followed Johny out the door to where ever it is he was leading him to. Meanwhile, from a great distance Nicole was watching through the scope of a sniper rifle. After Noah hadn't returned any of her texts via phone she went back to the bar only to find his phone abandoned, his car broken, and a few witnesses who said he left with Shauna. AIVAS had given her the last known location which was conveniently near Sarahs house which was just before he removed his suit.

"Vampires, kid super heroes all grown up...what have you gotten yourself mixed up in." She figured Noah had some sort of plan or at least she hoped. Nicole had thought about contacting Connor but considering Noah hadn't done this himself meant that he didn't want to involve the most seasoned of their group. Tapping the equip on her belt, she was suddenly suited up in a similar suit as Noahs only purple. Violet had to admit, Noah had balls trying to do this on his own but she would be sure to be there for when he gets in way over his head but first she would have to talk to Shauna since she had the most effect anti vampire weapon at the moment.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 28th 2013, 11:23 pm

A deep fog envelops Noah and Johnny as they slowly distanced themselves from the Jackson residence.

A fast moving shadow zooms by, and zooms by again, making the fog spread faster.

“Aya! Hold it right there with the Gaijin, onii-san!” A strange figure indeed leaps over the duo and lands in front of them, a 5 foot tall Japanese girl with her hair in pigtails, one pigtail neon purple, the other neon blue. She strikes a genki pose... and the absurdity of the situation had just ramped up. Any sane man would think this was some kind of really bad dream.

She seemed familiar, and if one happened to watch Japanese Game Shows, this lady was a high profile teen celebrity in Japan who vanished five years ago. Rather than a foam lance though, she was now carrying a rocket launcher on her back, of unusual design and unknown origin.

“...Megabeth. What. Are you doing here?” Johnny asked, hand on his face, infuriated with this former Japanese Roller-blade maiden. Why she was chosen, he never understood.

“Hoohoo! He’s a cute one!  He’s one of those um... superheroes, right?” She asked, not really paying attention. She rollerblades around Noah a couple of times, touching him in “places”, like inspecting cattle. Her speed was inhuman, much like the other vampires. She finishes by getting into his face, playfully pinching his cheeks.

“Yes. He uses those human toys like you do.” Johnny said, sighing, satisfying her curiosity. Johnny paced around, not wanting to stand still while they were where they were.

“Still, you’ve made the sun bringer angry. Very, very angry. You should let him go.” She suddenly said, being already fond enough of Noah and giving him a hug. She gives him a smile and climbs into his arms, wanting to be carried. “...I like you. Wanna be my consort? We can play videogames for days on end! ” She mockingly tries to kiss him too. “Mwah mwah mwah...”

“What? You can’t tell me what to do!” Johnny protested.

“Oh not me, but he can.” Megabeth cheekily sticks her tongue out and thumb points to the fog.

Another figure emerges from the fog, or rather, the fog was centered around him, expanding to conceal the trio and Noah. This character was leagues different from the rollerblading Megabeth.  Megabeth’s attitude seemed to detract from the fact she was a very fast vampire in rollerblades packing a rocket launcher, but this one oozed menace.

Standing a few inches shy of six feet, the figure was clad in full samurai armor, with tasteful gold trim. His mask was a terrifying demon mask with a long white moustache, typical of samurai. His eyes glowed with evil red. He made no expressions, and said no words, but his was the palpable aura of someone of terrifying power, striking fear into all who would look upon him. All sounds seem to fade away, and there was nothing there but his immense spiritual power. He gripped his sheathed katana, and even Johnny was visibly gripped with hesitation to speak out.

The dark samurai took one step towards Noah, and it would feel like an icy claw gripped Noah’s throat. What more would a mortal feel if they dared to make eye contact with him?

"Tell me your name." It was difficult to describe how 'he' spoke. Words came out of his mouth, but words also came from all around; and the words echoed in Noah's mind, and in the place that may have been his soul, like many voices, speaking with one will. Even those who possessed heroic resolve could feel the words like cold talons clawing at one's mind. It was not a request, but a command.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 29th 2013, 3:38 pm

'Fog, really, fog? I swear mother natures just loves making things dramatic for me.' Noah thought as they distanced themselves from the Jackson residence. 'To be honest I kind of hoped Shauna would come to the rescue but...' Noah cut his thoughts off as something was zooming around the area. 'Damn now what.'

Suddenly a shrill voice called out, obviously that of a younger woman who was roller blading around with blue and purple pig tails. "I take it that is your sister?" Noah stated, slightly annoyed but amused making it sound as if he was mocking johnny. "Here I thought she'd be some sort of..." Suddenly the girl who Johnny called Magabeth started circling him and attempting to touch him at different spots, most of which he avoided by slight body movements but still disturbing considering what her apparent age might have been. She stopped dead in front of him and pinched his cheeks. 'Damn she is fast, faster than the previously ones back at the bar.' She hugged Noah, not that he could really physical fight back against a vampires strength but she then practically leapt into his arms like a Scooby doo episode. Noah would amuse her for a bit to buy himself some time to figure things out but when she started trying to kiss him he set her down and took a few steps back.

"I don't play video games darling sorry." Noah said, actually sounding apologetic. It seemed like she and Johny weren't the leader of this little merry band and that somebody else was but before Noah could probe for any more information a dark presence entered the vicinity. What seemed to be the source of the fog emerged, the very air Noah was breathing in thickened as he drew nearer. Noah had never felt such a presence in his life, never. The most he ever fought ended up either being hired goons, petty criminals or a few mercenaries but this guy was on a whole other level. 'Ok, now I wish I didn't ditch suit.' He thought as his entire body tensioned up. The figure became visible and was that of a red eyed samurai adorned in golden trim, and a demons mask.

At first there were no words, Johnny and Megabeth were completely silent which meant this guy was the big boss. Taking a step forward, he spoke, or rather he communicating in some form or matter that Noah couldn't even begin to describe. He was asking for his name. Never had this question been hard for Noah. Either he'd answer with the truth or make up a lie but in this case either could get him killed. If he told the truth, they might track his identity to Connor and blow the lid off his operation and if he lied, well, this guy could be telepathic for all he knew and he'd know if Noah lied. The plan was to vanquish these monsters but Noah was starting to doubt he had the ability to do such a thing. He was dead, one way or another it seemed.

Mustering up his courage, Noah replied, "I'm sorry but isn't it common courtesy to introduce yourself first before requesting somebody else's." Noah was ready, if he was going to die it would be  with a fight at least.

Meanwhile, the fog obscured Violets view of the situation and she wasn't just about to lose Noah just yet. She crept closer but stayed far away enough to not be detected, Violet then closed her eyes and started focusing on the surrounding tech. She hoped that maybe somebody within the group inside the fog had a cellphone on them that she could access.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 29th 2013, 6:57 pm

“I am Harada Katsumoto. You have shown your worth as a warrior, and thus you have earned the choice. Join us in our curse, or die with honor, in combat, or in seppuku. I swear your body shall not be defiled.” It appeared that for all the samurai’s evil presence, he believed in some kind of “honor”.  His two vampire companions seemed to quietly groan at this, though they kept their objections to themselves considering who had the mystical katana.

“...Heh, you should count yourself lucky, boy. The Dark Samurai usually cuts people in half, no questions asked.” Johnny said, with a sly smirk.

“Please join please join please join please join...” Megabeth muttered under her breath, fingers crossed, hoping she and Noah could be undead friends with benefits.

It would hardly be a choice for Noah though, as his equipment belt was suddenly tossed by Shauna to Noah’s side.

“GET AWAY FROM HIM!” It seemed Shauna had a change of heart about giving up Noah, and those laser beams came in at full force, forcing the fog to condense and fall to the ground as water.

“Ah! The Sun Bringer! Everybody get away!” Megabeth said, firing off a rocket from her launcher, only to have Shauna intercept it with a laser beam- so precise she disarmed the warhead rather than detonate it. This was enough to scare her off; she starts picking up speed, intent on flanking Shauna. Johnny had the sense to run, ducking behind another house.

“BRING IT!” Shauna said, her tone practically challenging the Samurai, and of course, he would not refuse. Shauna fires another beam, rather than emit a continuous one. She would come to regret it as the samurai reflected the attack as he drew his sword, the mirror polish of the blade enough to bounce it back at her feet. “Crap, I hate that!” Thankfully this wasn’t the first time her attacks were returned to her, and she avoided her own deadly attacks, melting a hole into the street.

The Dark Samurai slowly advanced on Shauna, deflecting or reflecting her attacks, making her walk back. The vampires' attention was now on the 'Sun Bringer', and hardly considered Noah a threat at all.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 29th 2013, 10:25 pm

"Sorry Katsumoto but I am going to have to decline." Noah looked over at Megabeth and smiled. "Sorry honey, looks like your stuck with boring ole' Johnny as a consort." Taking in a deep breath, Noah prepared to try and blast the samurai away with all his might but suddenly from the Jefferson house came none other but Shauna!  Johny ran for cover, 'typical Johnny' Noah thought, dodging the eye beams of death so that they would impact the samurai but the samurai managed to deflect the blast back at her but she avoided it effortlessly leaving a smoldering pile of asphalt. "Hey Megabeth how about you leave Shauna go and come play with me. I got a game we can play, its call tag and quess what..." Mustering up power, Noah used his push abilities to flip a car at her. "'re it!"
Having bought himself adequate time, Noah attached the 'equip' to his belt and tapped it. "Ladies and gentlemen please hold your applause until after the show." Shimmering white light from head to toe began to cover Noahs body as digital data was converted back into matter to form his body armor. The HUD booted up instantly and connected to AIVAS via satellite. "Mark Shauna as a friendly and start recording data on these vampires so we can a full idea on their abilities. Oh what is this, it seems like Violet has joined the party."
Elsewhere, namely behind a random house, Violet snuck up behind Johnny and tapped the vampire on the shoulder with the barrel of her sniper rifle. "Hey, Johnny, have any last wishes before I send you to hell?" Her finger was on the trigger and the barrel of the high caliber rifle pointed at the back of Johnnys head.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 29th 2013, 10:45 pm

Shauna had been reduced to cursing and swearing in english and spanish, as the Dark Samurai deflected her attacks. Shauna blasting at the road where he stood only locked them into a stalemate- the Samurai was unable to attack, Shauna unable to assist the others.

Distracted by Noah talking to her, Beth could barely react in time and had her leg pinned by the flipped car. "Hey no fair!" Beth found it prudent to aim her launcher and fire a rocket at Noah.

Sensing one of his comrades in danger The Samurai's immense skill with deflecting Shauna's attack allowed him to eventually to send a beam towards Johnny's thigh... the less capable vampire trickster couldn't dodge it, and , probably Violet's knee would suffer too. Shauna promptly stopped using her laser beam, as it was really going to end up hurting somebody else.

"...Your power is a two edged sword, Sun Bringer..." The samurai stated, holding his sword at the ready. Shauna had to consider another tactic, entering a fighting stance.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 29th 2013, 11:06 pm

A shimmering light of death glimmered in Violets peripherals, it looked like she would have to cut her fun short. Pulling the trigger, she let out a round and jumped backwards away from Johnny dropping the sniper rifle and tapping the equip she pulled out her loaded cross bow. It was a rigid design, easily used as a blunt weapon in close quarters combat and thanks to the quick reload feature she could waste bolts like crazy if needed.
In swift movement Noah waved his hand in front of the equip, took hold of a throwing disc and tossed it at the rocket. He'd been practicing a lot considering Connor stressed the accuracy was the key to using the discs as an effective tool. So Noah couldn't help but feel awesome when the disc impacted the rocket and set it off mid-air but he wasn't finished yet.  Another lesson from his mentor, Red, was to be unrelenting because his opponent would be the same. He couldn't allow Megabeth to reload the rocket launcher of hers so he ran into the after shock of the explosion, using his own force push to push his way through the shockwave, through the fire, smoke and debri so the he emerged right at Megabeth.
Seeing her caught beneath the car, Noah couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. She was human once, probably abducted and turned into this monster. "Listen we don't need to fight, I know people who can help you. We might be able to even make you human again." Noah offered her his hand, "Join me and you WILL live."

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 29th 2013, 11:20 pm

The laser beam promptly caused Johnny's leg to crumble to ashes, but unlike his bar lackeys, Johnny was resilient enough to scream in agony, while  the round explodes his head. Since it was the bullet that destroyed him, Johnny turned into mist, and fled, practically indistinguishable from the unnatural fog that returned.

The Samurai, seeing that they were now at a disadvantage, tossed a handful of dust and bones at the feet of the of the Sunbringer; Shauna choked, her eyes closed off by the irritating dust and conjuring up skeletal Bushi- warrior-peasants in life, now minions in death, to engage Shauna. Shauna rolls and ducks, getting cut by ancient swords an spears, and was definitely now in trouble. It seemed the Dark Samurai's tactical acumen allowed him to come up with a counter to Shauna's strengths.

"Uwaaah..." Beth looked up at Noah, his offer sounding too good. "...I can't... I don't have a choice..." She said, sadly resigned to her curse of undeath.

Moving with that inhuman speed, the Dark Samurai came to Beth's rescue, his sharp blade going for Noah's arm below the elbow. It was more a threatening attack, but a slow man would likely lose a limb. Beth pushes the car off her, not lacking in strength at all.

"Pursue us, or save your Sunbringer. Choose well, warrior."

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 29th 2013, 11:57 pm

"You always have a choice!" Noah called out, Shauna was in danger and the Samurai was approaching at inhuman speeds to slice at Noah. "You have nothing to fear from this guy and it isn't to late for you." Turning his back on Megabeth, Blue began to focus power into his arms. "What makes you think you have such an upper hand over me!" With all his might, Noah sent a mighty pushing force out into the dark Samurai.
Violet could see things were escalating and while she wanted to help Noah she couldn't very well leave the other woman who jumped in to save him get killed by the skeleton army. Charging straight into the heap of things, Violet shot off a few arrows at the ones closest to attacking Shauna and then bashed the butt of her gun into the head of another. "You, me, back to back these bone heads go down. Understood?" A bolt automatically reloaded into her cross bow from the equip on her waist, it was obvious she was a friend of Noahs'.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 30th 2013, 12:22 am

Beth stood up and looked at Noah."We are cursed warrior. Robbed of our free will. There is no choice." She pulled out a flash grenade and chucked it at Violet and Shauna, before fleeing to their origin point- from within the unnatural mist. Shauna barely got to her feet, taking the abuse of her opponents, when the loud BANG deafened her and sent her reeling once more.

The skeleton warriors, lacking sight or hearing, press their attack, with sword and spear. The crossbow bolt proved to do nothing, as they lacked organs, but the head-bash caused another to crumble.

The Dark Samurai had one more trick up his sleeve, as he pulled out a strange, small artifact that appeared to be a feng shui mirror, in response to Noah's attack.

"Reversal Mirror." The hand mirror glowed with power, and Noah's powerful telekinesis was absorbed- and turned back upon him! Then the Dark Samurai flees as well, into the Mist.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 30th 2013, 1:47 pm

Noah jumped and curled into a ball as his attack was reflected back at him. Like a cannon ball Noah was blown away and ended up landing on the asphalt, sliding for a distance before stopping. His body was in pain but the suit prevented any series injuries from occurring and because he didn't tumble nothing was broken. However, the flash bang Beth threw would do harm to his friends. Recovering as quickly as he could, Noah charged into battle since his powers would be most effective against these skeletons. Using his push ability he tried blasting the skeletons closest to Violet and Shauna away. "Get down!" He called out, centering himself in the skirmish and lifting his arms. He took a deep breath and let out more waves as he spun around trying to knock the rest of the skeletons away to give the other two a chance to recover. Violet of course obliged by Noahs commands and ducked low to avoid his attack, hopefully shauna would do the same.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) - Page 2 Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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