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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 22nd 2013, 1:58 am

Location: Billy Ray’s Bar
Time: 7:00 pm

Billy Ray’s, one of the few dives in Chicago that has good booze, good pizza and bad company. It was a tough, honest place in one of the seedier parts of town.

“Heya teach!”

A few of the patrons wave at the arriving woman, wearing jeans, boots and a jacket, wearing glasses and carrying a shoulder bag. Waist-length raven hair, and a lightly tanned complexion. Shauna Masters had just finished a long day of teaching at Public School, and was at the bar to cool off and eat her Friday dinner.

Shauna sits at the bar and signs the bartender. A half-pint of draught was passed over to her, and she took a sip. The bartender also came over and slipped her a small brown envelope.

“Your contract with the Don finally pushed through. Your cut.” He said, in a discreet tone.

“Only a month late.” She said rather bitterly, then opened the small envelope and smirked at the contents. $50,000 in hard cash. She slips it into her shoulder bag. At least now she could get to pay some bills.

“Hard to get around with heroes showing up more. Chicago’s getting crowded... Hey you know, I got tickets for sale to the Ultimate Wrestling Show this October. I'll sell you one at cost.”

Shauna gives the bartender a cold stare, then leaves the bar and heads to a booth in the corner, carrying her drink.
“What?” He shrugged, unaware how he had offended Shauna.

Minutes later, her deep dish slice for dinner was served... she took a bite and grumbled at how it was only slightly warm. She placed it back on her plate, looked around to see that no one was looking- indeed, people were too miserable to look anywhere but their own mugs. She heated it up with her heat vision, not powerful enough to generate visible beams. Once the food was better she began eating contentedly, the filling now warm and the crust crisp. She retrieves her laptop and sets up, opening up her Skype... sigh, and her professor was offline again... but at least she left messages, which was also good.

Mom used her powers to feed thousands in the winter... and here I am just barely able to feed myself. She thought.

Shauna shrugs it off and gets to work on her doctorate thesis, on Plasma Theory, as she always does- working by herself in the corner of that bar.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 23rd 2013, 5:29 pm

Sitting around a round table were three more of Billy ray's patrons enjoying an imported brew only served in a crisp chilled bottle. The three composed of two older men, their chins and cheeks covered by rugged beards and a seemingly old woman. Needless to say it appeared that two brothers had taken it upon themselves to take their mother out for a night out in the town. However, these were simply disguises and cover to mask the true intentions of these patrons. In reality, it was Connor Claret, CEO of CRDI and masked vigilante known as Red along with his accomplices Noah Barnes, and Nicole Landal more commonly known as Blue and Violet. A crime element from Connors home city had moved shop into Chicago but has been low key on their operations but it seemed like they were aiming to build power in Chicago and then expand into the recovering New York city.

They needed to gather intelligence and while AIVAS scoured the internet to find any patterns of crime in Chicago, the three decided to hit up the night scene in the seedier parts of Chicago in order to get the latest underworld news.

"Not saying we are wasting are time but..." Noah took a sip from his beer and set it down onto the table. "This place seems kind of dead compared to the other joints we've hit up and I'm sure mom here agrees." He sighed, looking around the room for anything remotely interesting until he spotted somebody slip an envelope to a woman.

"Somebody just got paid handsomely, kind of thinking it might have been dirty work." Noah used his eyes to direct Connors attention to the room who had just received what was most likely a large sum of money.

Connor used his peripherals to look so he wouldn't be noticed checking her out. "Could work for anybody or even be freelance."

"She could also be a high end hooker to." Nicole whispered sadistically at her two friends. "Point is, this little group from your little city seems to be keeping their dirt clean enough to avoid even being noticed." Nicole crossed her arms and sat back in her seat letting out a sigh. "we should have went with my plan."

"No dice, we don't want them knowing we followed them here and the last time I was here I made a few enemies so the last thing we need is for them to bring in any sort of meta assassin. We almost lost Hix because of using to much force." Connor waved over a waitress and ordered three glasses of water. "We'll wait for her to leave, and ask he politely if she knows anything about our man or if she knows somebody that will."

Noah and Nicole nodded in agreement, it seemed like that night was going to be a long one.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 23rd 2013, 8:44 pm

Billy Ray's Bar
9:00 pm

Two hours pass uneventfully, country music playing in the background, drunken laughter from nearby tables, a few people passing out and getting dragged out, though the bar filling up as happy hour was fast approaching. The smoking area was quickly becoming concealed by smoke, and a vent was turned on. Some leather-clad bikers were playing darts in the corner, and Billy Ray the bartender was handing out pints by the dozen now. Shauna was busying herself with dissertation work, skyping with her professor, and wolfing down her roast-beef and green pepper deep dish.

A young, slightly chubby looking latina waitress comes by to ask if the trio would like refills.

Around 8:30pm though, Shauna's irritation was growing when, in the next booth, a young, blonde teenage girl in a sweater and jeans was giggling loudly and fawning over her not-manly-at-all, pale skinned, skinny boyfriend in the greaser get up.

"Oh Johnny... I love you... I want to spend eternity with you..." She said, in a sickly, love struck voice straight out of a horribly written teen romance movie.

"You can't meant that..." He said, acting all dark, brooding and mysterious, twirling a toothpick deftly between his hands.

"I do..." She whimpered in response.

"I'm sorry Sarah, but... it just can't be... there are things about me... I can never tell you..." He said again, looking intently into her eyes.

"I'd do anything to make us work... I'll drop out of school..." She said, and if she could cuddle any harder she'd probably merge with this girly-man of a greaser.

A line had been crossed, and a button had been pushed. Fed up, Shauna slams her table, stands up and walks over to the duo. Now that she had a good look, Shauna's disgust couldn't be more apparent when she saw who this girl was.

"Sarah Jackson?! What the hell are you doing here?!" She asked, eye twitching that one of her students- one of her best, no less, was in the last place she wanted kids to be.

"Oh... and who might you be, oh beautiful flower who blooms within my garden?" He slowly turned his gaze to Shauna, a smug smirk on his face which only provoked Shauna some more.

"This old hag? This is miss Shauna Masters, my physics teacher. Don't pay her any attention, she's an unloved Christmas Cake who can't get a boyfriend remotely as good as you... " She said, giggling again. Shauna's temper was pushed to a boiling point, and she dreamed of splattering the man's brain across the walls by microwaving his head... but this was Billy Ray's, and nobody- nobody starts a fight at Billy Ray's.

"HARRY! WHY THE HELL IS THERE A MINOR IN THIS BAR?" Shauna shouted- screamed really, that a few people stared and stopped drinking. The Seven foot, muscle bound bouncer came over though, whimpering like a runt being cowed by an alpha dog.

"Oh... uh... I didn't notice, Shaundi. Sorry kid, you're out. I'll call you a cab." He said, effortlessly leading out the weeping heartbroken Sarah Jackson.

"...No... no! I have to be with him!" And that was the end of that.

"And as for you, I see you bring another minor in here, one of MY kids, I'm. Going. TO. KICK. YOUR. ASS. SO HARD. YOUR BREATHE WILL STINK OF FART." Shauna warned, like a good parent-figure, to the greaser.

"My, such passion! oh beautiful flower, what sun do you grow under? Your blood... it feels so vibrant...." He said, the Bouncer coming over to escort him out as well.

"OOOUUUUUT!" The young man didn't resist, and even had the gall to wink at Shauna, smirk and blow a flying kiss, before vanishing out the door. A subtle light began to well up behind her pupils, and the Bartender and some others were sober enough to notice.

"Shauna please! Calm down! He was just some player... The kid must've gotten a fake ID... come on..." Billy Ray had to lay some calming hands on Shauna. "He ain't worth it." he whispered, and Shauna only then calmed down.

Shauna get back to her seat, composed... The evening continues, with less drama.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 24th 2013, 8:28 pm

"Well that was interesting." Connor stated, after observing the woman they were keeping an eye on confront a overly gooey couple. He had to admit, those sort of people annoyed him as well but he had a good mind to stay out of another persons relationship. "That woman is a physics teacher, I doubt she has strong ties to the underworld crime element of Chicago." Nicole stated, sipping the glass of water in front of her and sitting back in her chair frustrated. "You two can call it a night, i'll stick around for a few more hours to keep an eye on things."

"Nah man, I'll stay. You've been working double time between work and 'work'" Noah motioned for the Nicole and Connor to go, he was in the mood for a late night. Since moving to Chicago he hadn't been doing much field work and Connor had more work with CRDI he had to accomplish. Noah felt the whole reason he was taken in by Connor was to alleviate some of the work off his shoulders. "Besides, it is still early and you know the night brings out the worst in most cities."

"Alright but don't hesitate to give me a call if anything happens." Connor stood up and helped his 'elderly' mother up from her seat. "Alright honey don't stay to late!" Nicole said sarcastically, following Connor out the door leaving Noah alone.

"I'll take another beer please." Noah said, calling over the waitress. "Same thing from earlier, much obliged."

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 24th 2013, 10:35 pm

Billy Ray's Bar
11:00 pm

The waitress served Noah's order with a friendly smile. The young girl must be working for tips.

Another two hours pass uneventfully, and the bar was now in full swing- loud enough that Shauna deems it time to go. She goes to the bar, handing over her left-over pizza. Billy Ray goes into the back and returns, handing her the bag, as well as another with treats for her cat. Shauna pays her bill and leaves out the front door.

Billy Ray's Bar - Parking Lot

Shauna made her way to her bike - a Harley- and sits down a moment, breathing in the cold air. She contemplated on how she lost her temper... only to lose it again when she saw some gum stuck to her boots. She finds a piece of newspaper littered on the ground and starts wiping it off. She looked around... the parking lot, the whole street was eerily quiet.

"Hello again, pretty flower." A voice suddenly rang out from the dark, as the street lamps go out one by one. The block became very dark, and It was cloudy overhead- while the surrounding city still had lights, the area surrounding Billy Ray's was plunged into darkness. Not that it bothered Shauna anyway.

"You again? And you brought your boy band. Who're you supposed to be, One Direction? Union J? Some kind of multi-ethnic group? if so, you're lacking someone from eastern europe." She said. She was a bit alarmed, as she didn't pick them up on Infrared sight, but managed with Ultraviolet. Not your average boy band at all.

"Oh... she can see in the dark. I like this one. She must bite too." The well-built, model-looks asian man said.

The one called Johnny moved forward and spoke to Shauna. "I apologize if I made you jealous, flower. I... didn't consider your feelings earlier. I want to make it up to you. Please."

"What kind of. Delusional. WORLD. do you ASS HOLES. live in? Do girls really fall for that bad boy charm? It's the most degrading thing I've ever seen." Shaun spoke with venom on her tongue.

"Johnny, She's... not affected... she must have... special... blood..." another member said.

"Let's find out then. Be gentle, guys. We want her to want it... in the end..." Johnny said, then snapping his fingers.

The five slowly close in on Shauna, encircling her. Johnny and his four lackeys were snapping their fingers; Shauna slowly walks away from her bike and her bags, as to not involve them in the trouble. She snidely remarks to herself, "I think I saw this in a music video somewhere..." as she begins cracking her knuckles and flexing her muscles.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 25th 2013, 12:11 am

Hours went by, and besides playing on his cell phone Noah grew entirely to bored. Suddenly, he received a message from Connor telling him to call it a night and head back to his apartment. AIVAS had apparently found some information making the entire night a waste of Noahs' time. Agitated by the wasteful night, Noah took a final swig out of his beer bottle. He savored the amber liquid in his mouth, appreciating the brew and its savory flavor. Placing the bottle on the table, he swallowed the beverage and stood up. His mind and body were slightly buzzed but he had done far worse to his body in the past. Since the night Elizabeth unlocked his latent abilities the world seemed so much larger than before and thinking about how wasteful his life was before.

"Here you go darling." Noah said, slightly southern, as he placed a large tip for the waitress down onto the table and stood up. "Take care now." He passed by the waitress giving her a friendly wink and then headed on out the door. Of course he knew he looked like a creepy older man but he still tried to work a bit of charm. Connor said it was important to maintain proper social behavior. Exiting the door, Noah immediately noticed how dark it was in the parking lot, unusually dark even for a joint like Billy ray's.

"Dang it." Noah reached into his jacket pocket and took hold of the key to his car. Pressing the unlock button, his cars head lights illuminated the parking lot and Noah was stunned at what he saw. Five men were encircling the physics teacher from earlier, she had her guard up but five against one just didn't seem fair. "Hey, you boys best get on out of here before I call the cops." Again reaching into his coat pocket, Noah fumbled around for his phone only to realize he had left it inside the bar. "Idiot..." He whispered to himself in his normal accent. He was planning on just sending a distress signal to Connor and Nicole to come aid him but it seemed like he was on his own for this one.

"Now listen kids, you don't want to make any mistake here now. Just walk on home before you do something you might regret." Slightly nervous, Noah couldn't help but tensioned up a bit. It had been a long time since he was in a fight and he knew suiting up would reveal that Red was in Chicago. Hopefully the idiots would just go away but that was wishful thinking.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 25th 2013, 12:51 am

Two of the vampires broke off from the group to confront Noah.

“You stay out of this, meat. We saw the pretty one first.” He walked over to Noah’s car, and smashed one headlight.

“No. I’m quite thirsty now, and I don’t particularly mind having to drink for an, ugh... male.” He went over and smashed the other headlight with his bare hand, making the parking lot dark again.

“Fine. Make it quick!”

The two men bared their fangs at Red then move with frightening speed, attempting to grab Noah- to hold him down and with the intent to drain his blood... these were Vampires!

Shauna used a take-down move to throw the pale skinned young man who approached her into a wall. She slips out of her jacket to avoid a quick grab from behind, then confronted that one, initiating with Wing Chun, delivering several rapid punches and palm strikes to his face followed by a muay boran knee strike to his face- moves that would be crippling against normal humans. Sadly, this would not be the case.

“Oh... she’s very strong. For a human.” The man who took that violent barrage of strikes only staggered backward slightly against the wall, not even bruised, as he smirks at Shauna. His companion gets up, then effortlessly rips off a car door at the hinge, then tosses it at Shauna.

Shauna weaves under the door turned Frisbee, her boxing stance apparent. “Crap... just my luck, they aren’t regular humans... HEY YOU! GET OUT OF HERE!” She looked over and noticed the man who just had the misfortune toto get out of the bar for his car... too late, now he had a couple of problems of his own, and Shauna was fighting two vampires herself- their leader, Johnny, was just watching.

(x4) Vampire Boys
Occ 3 str 5 spd 5 dur 5 abi 3 (fledgling vampire traits) fs 5

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 25th 2013, 12:23 pm

((OOC)) Noah is blue, not red. For your information.((ooc end))

Two of the punks broken off from the woman and headed towards Noahs' car, it didn't seem like there was any negotiating with them. Their dialect was definitely off, considering they referred to Noah as 'meat'. "Bath salts are not the ans..." The vampire reached the car and smashed out one of his headlights, he then proceeded to talk about how thirsty he was and he didn't particularly mind drinking from a male. "Now come on, there is no need for this!" They then smashed out the second headlight, darkening the alley once again.

The words 'make it quick' were called out, Noah couldn't see in the dark and had no choice but to suit up but before he could even reach for his equip Noah was grabbed. 'How the hell did they move so fast' he thought to himself, realizing now that these were definitely not your every day punks. At least he knew where they were now. Then he heard the physics teachers call out to him, telling him to get out of there.

'And here I thought I was coming to the rescue.' Before anything worst could happen, Noah concentrated and sent out a shock wave from around his body and simultaneously attempted to pull himself from their grips. He managed to catch them off guard just enough that it worked, the two men were sent a couple of feet back, normally it would of been a lot further which worried Noah slightly, however, now that his hands were free he tapped on the equip of his belt and from head to toe Noah was suddenly covered in his suit and he was now his hero persona blue. "and leave a lovely lately such as yourself to fall victim to these perverts strange fantasies. I think not."

The HUD he was now wearing switched onto inferred, which should have easily picked up their presence but they didn't seem to generate any more heat than any other inanimate object. "NV" Noah stated, his vision switching to Night  vision and giving him a glimpse of the two he had just pushed away. Their eyes were particularly interesting, they resembled that of nocturnal creatures and they bared fangs at him. 'vampires?' He thought to himself, taking up a fighting position and readying himself to continue the fight.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 25th 2013, 8:03 pm

Johnny looked at his lackeys fighting the two humans, noting Shauna had exceptional skills, while the newcomer proved able as well, though he was compelled to reveal his secret already. He weighed his options, thinking this was becoming more troublesome than it should be. The man likely had more tricks up his sleeve.

"Aww look. He broke out the toys. Doesn't matter. I'll still enjoy ripping him apart..." one of the vampires fighting Noah said, his hands suffering slight burns before slowly regenerating.

"...That kind of hurts... Johnny! I don't like playing with meat that fights back." The other one said, in a slightly whining voice. He suffered more burns, having grabbed on first, trying to lock Noah in a bear hug.

"Fine... I'm going to turn the girl NOW. Keep him busy." Johnny answered nonchalantly, always in control. He strutted -STRUTTED- over to Shauna.

The two Noah were fighting didn't bother to attack further, but instead barred his way from reaching Shauna, like being double teamed in basketball. Any move he tried to make the vampires would interrupt, while any direct attack against them would put them on the defensive.

Johnny moved even faster than his lackeys, and displayed greater strength- but only once Shauna was thoroughly harassed and worn down by the two she was initially fighting. As hard as she could fight, Shauna was eventually knocked into the wall by Johnny with a sucker-back hand, giving his two lackeys a chance to hold her up. Against their inhuman strength, she couldn't escape.

Johnny came up to Shauna and caressed her by the chin. "You'll make a great slave... We'll have so much fun, you and I. I think I'll make you wear leather when we get home, little flower... Chang, do the honors?"

"Oh yeah... Some latina heat in there, I like em spicy." the asian vampire took a whiff of Shauna's neck, then baring his fangs, slowly moving in for the bite...

"You like it hot eh? THEN BURN YOU SUNUVABITCH!" With no other choice left, Shauna's eyes began glowing, then shot beams of light at Chang's arm holding her, then at his eyes, igniting the undead creature. The very air seemed to shimmer, as the intense heat rapidly warmed the cold night air.

"AAAAAHAHH AAAAUUUUGH! WHAT THE HELL! WHAT THE HELL! MY ARM! MY EYES! IT BURNS! IT BUUUUUUURNS LIKE THE SUUUUN!" Chang, the bodybuilding chinese vampire, had his arm sliced off and smoldering, while his eyesockets were charred black, instantly losing his sight. He was on the ground, trying to crawl away.

Johnny was completely shocked, and jumped back. This girl just emitted... lasers from her eyes, with the same intensity as the sun! Johnny determined that the girl was now the biggest threat to their group- indeed, to their kind. If he stayed, he too would likely get killed.

"Run... everybody run away!" Johnny said, desperately, trying to salvage his crew. The other man, an african american vampire, Mason, stood dumbfounded there, asking for mercy. Shauna causes his head to immolate as she blasts him with another laser beam. Mason did the burning man dance for a few second before falling to the ground.

"We'll see you again, boy... You have to sleep some time. Hahahaha!" the pair that kept Noah busy leapt up onto the roof of the next building, with their leader.

"Goodbye, pretty flower. I was mistaken about you. The sun does not shine upon you- it shines from within, and you..." Johnny was still blowing a kiss and a goodbye speech Shauna's way.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!" was her very apt response, followed by another laser beam. Those things had impressive range.

"Oh crap-" The laser beam nearly connected with Johnny, but, even missing him it seared the part of his arm that it went by. Just like that, they were gone, fleeing into the darkness.

Her eyes still glowing and smoldering with intense heat, Shauna turned her vengeful attention on Chang, who tried to run... but lost his legs when a beam connected with his knees, causing the undead matter there to violently explode and sending Chang face first to the ground.

"What's the matter? I thought you vampires could do stuff like turn into mist? Or regenerate?! COME ON AND GET UP ALREADY! I'M. STILL. PISSED. OFF!" Shauna kicked Chang in the side, wanting him to get up and fight. After all, they were acting like big shots just a minute ago.

"NO! NO! PLEASE! YOU... WHAT ARE.... STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU MONSTER! MONSTER! " Chang definitely gets the award for Ironic statement of the year with that.

"YOU. DON'T. SAY." Shauna would've laughed at the irony, but she was angry- very angry. She very angrily ignited Chang, making him do the lying-down burning man dance, until he was nothing more than a burnt lump of undead flesh. She was stilling breathing hard, trying to calm herself down.

It was then Shauna looked at Noah. She looked like she had something to say to him, or waited for him to say something.

((Depending on how old Noah is, he might recognize the lasers as belonging to a certain kid superhero from the 90's and make the connection. ))

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 26th 2013, 1:37 pm

Noah was only nineteen years old and a child he never really paid much attention to the spectacular lives for which kids with super powers lived so he didn't recognize her. However, AIVAS, which had been recording and collecting data on the fight, was able to identify the similarities. A small vid window appeared within the HUD screen behind the blue lens that was Noahs' helmet. The kid wonder had certainly grew up, and in a grotesque murderous way as she used her laser eyes to mess up the vampires forcing them into a retreat. "I guess Laser Ladette is all grown up now." Noah stated as he approached her and the remaining vampire. She seemed to pay no attention to him as she went after the vampire with no legs. "Hey!" Noah called out, as she went after the vampire trying t crawl away. "Wait don't, we..." She finished the vampire off, turning him into nothing more than ash. "...needed him."

Lady Ladette turned her gaze on Noah, a slightly unnerving gesture considering her ability to roast anything she looked at. "Those things were obviously hungry and hunting for food. We could of used him to find out where the rest were going." Noah thought about contacting Connor and Nicole but stopped just short of ordering AIVAS to contact them. Being the youngest in their group was made apparent, and he wasn't trusted on many mission on his own because of how 'inexperienced' he was. This could be his chance to prove that he could handle things on his own.

"Look, It would appear that Chicago has a vermin problem and you are probably the best suited for the job. Together we can hunt these things down and eliminate the threat." Noah approached her, and held his hand out to shake hers. "So lets say we team up, hunt these bastards down before they can use their corny bad boy charms on defenseless young woman, and put them in the grave where they belong."

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 26th 2013, 8:14 pm

Now that she got a grip of herself again, Shaun realized her error of letting her anger get the better of her. She looked at Noah, and decided against taking a peek under his mask. She had a little respect for the privacy of those in the heroing business. He was right- letting one vampire live to spill their guts was the tactical thing to do... Shauna was getting rusty it seems, always wanting to broil first and ask questions later. "Oops." She muttered, looking at Noah, deciding against shaking his hand. She had... issues.

"Something tells me they aren't quite done yet... shouldn't you be at home? It's a school night." She asked as she got on her hog and wore her helmet, making it her business to ensure every american child gets a proper education. At least, the ones who come under her care. He seemed like he'd be a senior or in college.

He then suggests a team up, based on mutual enemies. "... Yeaaah... seems that way. Hop on. I need to check on that girl, Sarah Jackson. But you go straight home afterward." She spoke with great reluctance, feeling nervous about teaming up, keeping her eyes locked with Noah's. Up close Her eyes had a peculiar property of glowing dimly with changing colors, almost enchanting. Those were indeed Laser Ladette's once famous eyes, but like any other celebrity, she faded from the public view and into the obscure life of a high school physics teacher.

She revs up her hog and hits the road, the sound of the bike and the cool wind making it a very brisk trip. "Oh, you can call me Shauna, by the way. You better not tell anybody about the chick with the hundred-gigawatt lasers for eyeballs." She said, making it very clear she would not have anyone blab about her.

One can only wonder what her reaction would be to being called her old moniker...

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 26th 2013, 8:48 pm

She avoided shaking his hand, and Noah awkwardly retracted his gesture letting out a sigh. "Well, at least there is one less to worry about I suppose." The woman walked over to her hog, throwing out an insult about his age. The woman acted tough, she obviously had some experience in these situations and that was why she could handle herself so well. She seemed to reluctantly agree to allow him to 'tag' along even though Noah was technically the masked vigilante between the two but it didn't seem like she cared to much about people knowing who she was. Noah got on the back of the cycle and placed his hands around her waist carefully, he sure as heck didn't want to piss off a woman who could literally stare you to death. As the speed off into the night she introduced herself as Shauna, which was good because it seemed like she was beginning to trust him but she definitely put out the warning NOT to reveal that she could dust people with her eyes.

Noah was a bit disheartened by himself, knowing that he couldn't give her his own name but only his code name. "You can call me Blue, long sad story don't ask." Not having to drive gave Noah that chance to start doing some research on their targets. There was probably some sort of pattern but Shauna was right to assume that Sarah Jackson would be targeted considering how attached she seemed to the leader at the bar. "Sarah Jackson, she a friend of yours?" AIVAS picked up on the name and began looking up an address, in the event something would happen to him AIVAS would be able to report to Violet or Red on what he was working on.

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 26th 2013, 9:02 pm

Noah's AI would pick up on Sarah easily enough- given her active facebook and twitter accounts. The young, teenaged blonde high school student had the usual selfies, group photos, and location photos. She seemed to hang out with all kinds of kids at school. Anybody could determine where she lived, with a little effort. It was a surprise how kids these days weren't being abducted left and right.

Shauna took the freeway and went into cruising speed, having to speak a bit louder over her motor's engine. "Sarah's one of my pupils- straight A's, doesn't drink or party, working on a scholarship... but still a kid, so makes all the usual mistakes. Says she wants to be an engineer. Imagine my surprise seeing her turn up at a place like Billy Ray's. We're headed to their place now."

Jackson Residence
11:45 pm

They eventually got off the freeway, and arrived in the less than beautiful suburbs of inner Chicago. Shauna stopped at a two-storey house in a large row of similar houses, the only differentiating element being the gate number.

"Go and ring the doorbell. I'm gonna make sure the area's clear." Shauna said, getting off the bike and looking around the quiet neighborhood. She could see in the dark, see through the buildings, and even had telescopic vision- their use reflected only as her eyes shifting brightness and color. As far as she could tell, there wasn't an undead being for yards around...

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by XxRedxX September 26th 2013, 9:46 pm

"Go up and ring the doorbell?" Noah snickered as the two split up, thinking that it would have probably been a better idea if her teacher had gone to ring the door bell instead of the costumed vigilante. Taping the equip on his belt, his suit disappeared revealing Noah wearing normal street clothes and no longer in his disguise. "Red is going to kill me for this I bet." The area was quiet, a bit to quiet for Noahs' liking but then again, checking his watch, it was late at night making this all the more worse. Taking a deep breath, Noah rang the door bell and waited for somebody to answer.

'Ok, my car broke down and I'm a nineteen year old kid that doesn't have a cellphone...or maybe I got the wrong house they all look the same, maybe just tell them psycho vampires are trying to suck the blood out of their daughter.' Noah thought to himself, his hands in his pockets as he waited patiently for the door to be answered if at all. Thinking about everything that was going on, he really didn't have much experience in this sort of thing. Red and Violet always seemed to be thinking several steps ahead and complimented themselves perfectly when fighting thugs but Noah always ended up being the clumsy one. Maybe being a super hero wasn't what he was destined to be, after all the only reason he had powers was because Elizabeth gave them to him. Other wise he would have lived a normal life and probably be getting seduced by female vampire, at least he hoped they'd be female. 'wonder where Shauna went'

You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Picnikcollage
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 287
Registration date : 2011-03-13

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You all meet at a Tavern... (Open) Empty Re: You all meet at a Tavern... (Open)

Post by The Nekromonga September 26th 2013, 10:42 pm

The door opens slightly, to reveal a balding middle aged man, with thick glasses. He looked at Noah a bit cautiously, hiding behind the door.

"Yes may I help you?" He asked.

Seeing that the immediate vicinity was relatively safe, Shauna went to the door herself to speak with Sarah's father.

"Evening mister Jackson. Did Sarah arrive home earlier tonight?"

"What? she's been here all night, having a movie marathon with her boyfriend..." He said sounding confused.

"Boyfriend-?" Shauna's heart dropped at that. She peered past mister Jackson and peered into the living room, zooming in to see Sarah sitting in Johnny's arms.

"Oh Crap. He's already here!" Shauna said, looking at Noah as she said so, the worry in her face evident. Shauna was beginning to think that this wasn't just some dumb vampire.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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