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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 14th 2011, 9:11 am

Andree's eyes followed her Dad to the wall. After some almost inaudible murmuring that she tried to decipher, Her Dad asked the question she knew was coming at some point. How did they get together. "You guys told me that you met at Harvard. That's obviously a lie though. You both also hid the fact that she is a killer from me." She said, sounding a little hurt that she had been lied to. "So, I don't know how you guys got together for real." Her fingers were now moving in a fluid wave-like motion. "She found me the other day." She muttered under her breath, possibly barely audible to Rey. But he might be able to hear it. As one of her hands was moving in a wave, the other one was running through her hair.

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Post by The Ranger December 15th 2011, 5:30 pm

Rey listens to everything she says with slight interest only to raise an eyebrow at the last thing she says. Though he says nothimg on the topic because it is not his place to dweal in those matters even if he is her father that is in the future. For now she is simply a girl his age whom in thirty-one years will be the same age and he fifty. As he hears his stomach slightly growl he chuckles, "you must be hungry from your busy day of stalking, come Andree." He says striding into the kitchen and opening the fridge, and though he isn't the best chief he can still make some pretty damn good food when needed. Looking up at her momentarily from observing the fridge he asks "What would you like to eat and drink?" once the question is answered he nods and looks back in to see if he cn find what she desired.
((sorry it's short...))

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 15th 2011, 8:17 pm

Following her Dad into the kitchen, Andree answered her Dads question "Im not hungry actually but a glass of water would be nice." Her right hand was fidgeting against her legs, continuing the wave pattern. Falling and rising, falling and rising. "So, how was your day Dad? Or would you prefer me to call you Rey?" She asked, unsure what he would prefer. She was still a bit unsure whether or not he believed her but had the feeling that he was either warming up the idea, her or both. Ask him if he does already. No, no, that may annoy him. If I want him to believe I dont want to nag too much. "Any Phantom stuff going on? Ive always wanted to join, just dont really have the confidence to ask, so any info as to what you guys have been up to lately would be nice to hear."

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 19th 2011, 2:08 pm

Rey nods as he grabs himself a pice of bread, and the peanut butter, he turns and puts the bread in the toaster starting it up. As thats going on he fills up a glass of water for Andree and hands it to her listening to what she says he replies, "Rey would be better if you don't mind." He waits for her to carry on with whatever topic she likes as the toaster dings signifying that his toast is done, he turns around taking it out and applies the peanut butter. After taking a bite and swallowing he answers her new question, "Hmmm nothing important I can tell you, Black Knight is off doing whatever it is he does, Arrow was away on a mission a couple days ago but besides that it has been just me doing the random hero stuff that the cops can't handle by themselves." He says then taking another bite of his toast walking to the other side of the kitchen and sitting down in one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen table, making sure not to get any crumbs on the floor.
((sorry its short, lack of creativity right now))

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 19th 2011, 2:55 pm

"Hmm, so the usual work you guys get up to." Andree told him between sips of water. She didn't realize just how parched she was before but certainly did now. She licked her lips as she looked back up from the counter. After setting her glass down once she was finished, her fingers began fidgeting again. They were just doing whatever they could to keep moving. Sometimes Andree swore she had ADHD because of this. What do I do now exactly? Andree thought to herself, she had ran out of topics she could think of right now to discuss. Best just let him take the lead. She could just follow his lead in this conversation, it wasn't like she had anything interesting to say.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 12:27 am

Becca was waiting at the counter of one of her Chinese stops in Chicago. She had just gotten back in from New York to visit Rey. They were sort of a thing, or something. She hadn't really figured it out yet. She was makeup free, and she wore a simple graphic t-shirt, and a pair of pants. She also wore a pair of flip flops rather than converse. She had ordered a shit load of food. More than the two of them could eat, possibly.. but she was planning on staying the night. She even had a bag of clothes in the car, along with a toothbrush and deodorant. She rubbed her nose on her wrist and smiled. She had dyed her hair all white, considering it was grown out to her shoulders now. It was a bit choppy and she had bangs. She was looking more like a girl, rather than some punk chick. She couldn't depart from her lip ring, but Rey didn't mind that. She still had pink streaks in the front of her hair, so her Paine image wasn't lost. She had her hair pulled into a short ponytail, the pieces that fell out framing her face. She gathered the bags and exited, heading to the taxi. She had the taxi drop her off a block away. She didn't want Rey's house to be a popular place for the paparazzi.

She kinda skipped, but was careful not to let the Egg Drop soup spill out of it's container. She had gotten chopsticks, about four sets, considering Becca loved pulling them apart. She walked up to the house, moving all the bags to her left hand while she bent down. She moved a rock over and grabbed the spare key, thinking it would be better to have it than not if she were to just walk in. She had her bookbag over her shoulders, about four bags of Chinese food in her left hand. She unlocked the door and walked in. "Rey! I'm here with foood." Becca said, calling out so he could hear her if he was in another part of the house. She walked toward the kitchen, placing the bags on the coffee table in the living room on her way there. She walked into the kitchen and blinked, seeing Rey, and a girl. She was jealous for a moment, but noticed the awkward tension in the air. Must be that futuristic daughter of his. "Am I interrupting anything?" she asked, raising a brow.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 12:40 am

"Yea...I guess it is the 'usual' line of work we do." Rey mummers softly to himself as he suddenly feels the situation become very awkward and starts to tap his fingers on the counter waiting for something exiting to happen or anything to break the tension really would be good. Of course then what he didn’t want to happen at this point in time has to happen, oh of course he would love to see Becca any other day of the week but right now with Andree, his ‘futuristic daughter’ that isn’t even hers? That just has to suck but then again her bursting in did break the tension at least a little bit Smiling slightly he turns around and walks up to her putting an arm around her waist, “No, not really…Becca, this is Andree my alternate future daughter I told you about…and Andree this is Rebecca, my ahh girlfriend.” He says hoping she doesn’t freak out on Paine or something like that, because that would not be good at all. Tension between two super powered females , especially these two, would be something he would like to avoide and with the prospect of food, if Andree really is his daughter, might lessen that tension because the wonderful smell is now reaching their noises.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 21st 2011, 12:53 am

Andree could feel the situation get more awkward. The two of them had run out of stuff to talk about. Andree wished nothing more than for something exciting to happen or for her Dad to talk about something. The person who stepped into the room was not what she had expected. She didn`t recognize the girl which put her on edge further. Her hand was over her container of pepper spray in her back pocket when her Dad introduced this woman in front of her as his girlfriend. When what he said sunk in, she felt a bit of spite towards the girl. She didn`t get why she was feeling it though, everyone dated. But still, it stuck, over protectiveness she guessed. Attempting to shrug it off wasn`t being helped when her Dad put his arm around her waist. Oh shit, this just got much more awkward. Biting her lip and removing her hand from her pepper spray container, she stepped sideways and said "Umm I think Im just going to go home." The smell of Chinese food may have been tempting but the feeling that she was intruding overrode the thought of food.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 11:45 am

She smiled, but it fell once she took a look toward Andree. Becca felt a little bad. She gave Rey a quick hug, pecked his cheek, and then went to grab plates and silverware. She bustled about the kitchen for a moment, breaking up the silence. She then looked to Andree after she said she was going to "go home." "No. Stay, please. I've actually been curious to meet you!" She smiled, her lip ring pressing against her lower lip a bit from the tightness of the cheesy grin. She relaxed, though, and moved the plates to the table in the kitchen. She went, grabbed the food, and then started setting out the boxes and containers of soup, noodles, rices, mixed vegetables and meats along with Egg Drop Soup, and about six fortune cookies. The cookies were Becca's favorite, of course. "So. Andree, how old are you?" Becca rose a brow and looked toward the girl. She was petite, soft features. The hair was almost a negative flip of her own, minus the slight color different. Becca pushed a few stray hairs behind of her ears, her feet slipping from her flipflops. She was trying to make this mood a little lighter.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 12:34 pm

Rey smiles slightly and watches Becca go about setting the place up before hearing want Andree said, turning on his heels to face her once more. “No, Andree please don’t go why don’t you stay for a bit maybe this way we can get to know each other better and I know your still dying to get me to fully believe you.” He says then laughs slightly “that and if you truly are my daughter you can’t resist the offer of free food.” He says hoping that if she really is his kid from an alternate future or even this one that she acquired his love for food, and with the superhuman speed she has its more than likely possible that she did on the sole purpose that she would need to eat a lot to keep up her metabolism just as he does. “So, will you stay?” He asks looking at Andree with a questioning, yet asking look.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 21st 2011, 12:49 pm

Oh lovely. Andree thought to herself sarcastically. Normally she would love this invitation, free food and all but she just hated the feeling that she was intruding on a date between her Dad and this other girl, Rebecca. It made it even more awkward by the fact that she was his daughter from the future which from some perspectives would mean they didn`t end up together. They very well could and she would still be around, or at least she hoped. Maybe I should check that. But there was no way out of this, she was trapped like a deer in headlights. Hoping to sink into the background and leave but brought to the foreground unwillingly by an external force, in this case Rey and Rebecca. Despite the fact that they insisted that she stayed, she knew that she was still going to have a sick feeling in her stomach. There was no way to get around it in her mind, she was just in the way. "Um, okay." Andree said uncomfortably to their requests that she stick around. "Nineteen, yourself?" She replied to Rebecca`s question. From the fact she was with her father she could guess at least a 3 year age range. The hair and lip ring were consistent with this train of thought. Her best guess was eighteen to twenty years old.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 1:09 pm

Becca was looking at this as three adults, enjoying some lunch. She was going to attempt to be a bit nicer than normal, but found it easier to keep quiet for the time being. She looked between Rey, and his futuristic-daughter. She tilted her head a bit, examining their faces. They did kind of look alike. Once Rey convined Andree to stay, it made Becca clap her hands and she grinned. "All right! Let's eat then! Oh, and, I'm nineteen, too." She slipped into a chair, sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce, her hands going for chopsticks. She snapped the wood apart, making sure to have it be even. If you snap chopsticks apart and it's uneven, it brings you bad luck.. or so the tradition say's. Becca used a fork for lo mein, beef broccoli and rice, general taio's chicken, and then looked to Rey. "Oops. Could you grab some bowls?" She looked over to Andree and gave her a small smile and nodded toward her. It was like saying "It's okay, life is just weird sometimes."

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 1:27 pm

Rey smiles slightly noticing the awkward tension in the air and sighs as he waits for the two girls to sit down before he himself takes a seat in the chair and quickly says a silent prayer. Although the two in front of him don’t seem to be Christians that doesn’t mean he can’t practice his religion in his own house. When he finishes he hears what Becca says and nods, “yea of course,” he says getting up and striding over to the cabinets where he gets out three bowls placing them down in front of everyone before returning to his own seat. While he was up getting the plates he also grabs some napkins and a glass of water for himself having never been interested in any type of pop, or soda whichever you prefer to call it, and had slightly forgotten to mention that to Becca. Or if he did mention that fact then he himself forgot that he did, he may have a super brain but his memory isn’t the best when it comes to short term things like that.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 21st 2011, 1:41 pm

"Oh cool." Andree said to Rebecca as she told her that she too was nineteen. Maybe I might get along with someone her own age for once. She thought to herself before following her Dad in a short prayer after sitting down at the table in front of them. Smiling back at Rebecca, Andree thought over if she had met her some time in the future or at least seen her. No one came to mind. Well, people look a lot different in 31 years, I probably wouldn`t recognize her anyways. Hell, I wouldn`t recognize Dad if i hadn`t seen pictures. Did I see pictures of this girl? "Thank you for letting me eat with you two." She said as Rey brought back some bowls. The food looked good but the sense of her intruding was still there. Ignoring it, she broke apart a pair of chopsticks. She had never learned to eat with them, it was pointless in her opinion when you could just use a fork, but if they were using them she was just going to have to learn quickly. "Like eating with a pair of number two pencils." Andree muttered under her breath as she watched to see how they ate with them. The closest she had gotten in the past was giving up and using it as a spear. Hopefully the two in front of her didn`t notice that she was watching or her extreme lack of experience with them, or at least they wouldn`t mention it.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Paine December 21st 2011, 1:55 pm

Paine had been using chopsticks since she first came to Earth. She liked eating with the wooden utensil's rather than a fork. The sound of metal against her teeth bugged her, plus wood just felt better in her hand. She held one stick, alike to a pencil, between her thumb and middle fingers. She then rested the other against her middle finger, but beneath her pointer finger. She picked up part of some chicken and then ate a bit of low mein. She chuckled at Andree's comment and nodded. "You're right. It is kinda like that. I prefer them, though. Metal bugs my teeth." thinking about it, she was being almost hypocritical, considering her lip piercing was surgical steel. She brushed that off and looked to Andree. "So.. I heard you came back in time to join the Phantoms? It's a good group of people. I'm looking to join along side my father, Pain." She took a bite out of an eggroll, having picked it up with her chopsticks, too. She looked to Rey and gave him a sort of stare that said, 'just talk.' Becca kind of hated being over here right now, but she was hungry, and meeting new people was going to happen no matter the situation, plus Rey looked like he was drowning in his own desperate need for something else to happen to clear the tension in the house.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) - Page 2 Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 21st 2011, 2:19 pm

Rey grabs a fork and pushes some of the chicken into it along with a bit of rice and low mien, chuckling at Andree’s comment he shows his fork, “exactly why I don’t use chopsticks and just stick to the fork or spoon.” He says then after hearing Becca’s own comment he raises an eyebrow and nods toward her mouth “someone one is a hypocrite, if metal bugs your teeth so much why wear the lip piercing?” He says teasingly because she knows he actually likes her lip piercing, before taking a bite out of some of the low mien and looking between the two of them, slightly happy that so far they seem to be ‘hitting it off’ or getting along nicely. “So, Andree do the Phantoms exist in the future you came from? I just have to ask because if so then it would make more sense of why you came back to this time to join up with us instead of just joining up in your time.”

Last edited by The Ranger on December 21st 2011, 3:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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