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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 10th 2011, 5:34 pm

Andree had set out that day, not expecting to do what she ended up doing. Well, she had planned to find her Dad but she decided to try to impress him. So she followed him for most of the day, using various disguises. It was tough trying to avoid being spotted by the King of Stealth but she had managed pretty well for most of the day. It was a pretty warm day out so Andree was wearing a black tank top, a long sleeve, red plaid button up shirt with the buttons undone and a pair of jean shorts. Eventually her Father had decided to go home. Oh, perfect. Andree thought to herself, she had been curious where he lived. Her feet moved quickly along the pavement, she had slowed herself down so that she was running at about average human speed. She pushed some of her brown and blonde hair out of her face when the wind blew it in front of her eyes.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 10th 2011, 9:40 pm

Rey Miller smiles softly to himself having loved the day off, well super-hero wise normal lawyer Rey had won two cases again. He chuckles as he adds up all his winning cases, in Chicago alone it adds up to around 200 add that in with Atlanta and New York, he has won a perfect 1,000 cases in only two years a feat never thought possible, and far exceeding the old perfect record of 200 held by mighty ducks original coach Bombay back in the year 1997. As he turns down the corner to his street Rey yet again sees something out of the corner of his eyes, for the fith time today, he gets the feeling as if he's being followed. Being the worlds greatest lawyer has it's downsides so he must allways be weary but it is odd that he'd need to be followed, most hit men would simply wait till he came home to do the job. Shrugging it off as nothing he walks into the driveway and up to the front door, once there he places his hand ond the lock sensor and waits for it to register before opening the door. Once done he catches sight of something again and mutters under his breath, he pulls out a tazer, yes a tazer whic h he hates but is required to keep with him when on 'duty' incase a crazy person comes after him. Turning around he calls out, "Look I know someone is there so if you want an auto graph or to kill me just come on out and lets talk about this like civilized beings!"

The Ranger
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 10th 2011, 10:05 pm

"All right Dad. I don't need volts of electricity going through my body. Funny thing about tasers, originally they were made by a NASA scientist and they weren't called tasers; He called it The Thomas Swift electric rifle. And I'm rambling again, aren't I?" Andree asked as she hopped out of her hiding spot and into her Dad's view. She tended to ramble when she was frightened. Smiling weakly she continued, "By the way, nice record. What is it in this time period? Four thousand? Two thousand?" she asked, trying to make idle conversation and to get the taser lowered. "I'd appreciate if you would lower the taser, I'm not a fan of having that pointed at me for fear of your finger slipping and my muscles contracting due to the stimulation of my sensory and motor nerves." She continued rambling her hands making slight motions as they happened to do sometimes. "You can't blame me for following you. If my memory is correct, and it almost always is, you were following me a couple weeks ago."Her fingers were twitching at her side as she spoke to him.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 11th 2011, 5:43 am

As soon as he hears the voice of Andree, his supposed daughter from the future, the taser is droppped to his side and returned to his pocket. Seeing her here only makes him chuckle slightly and then she starts rambaling and randomly moving her hands; the hand thing even he does. "Andree....please stop talking, that is all very interesting to know ut how about we come inside and talk?" He says trying to ignore her last statement abouyt him stalking her, though it may have been true he wasn't necissarily stalking her as he was observing and trying to figure out, yet it seemed only to work a little until he had to save her life.
((sorry it's short))

The Ranger
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 11th 2011, 1:39 pm

"Gladly." Andree muttered to her Father's offer to go inside, disappointed that her mouth had once again gone off rambling. She let him lead the way up the driveway and to the door. Once Rey was inside she came in behind him, feeling as if she was intruding. But she had this feeling every time she was at someone else's house. The feeling that she was unwelcome, which she sometimes was. She followed him inside continuing to feel awkward. Stop it, it's his house, he invited you in. There's no need to feel that way. Her brain told her body to no prevail.

((sorry it's short))

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 12th 2011, 5:42 am

Rey chuckles slightly as he places his stuff down by the stairs leading up to the second floor of his four story house, he waves for her to follow as he wanders into the living room. Once there he takes a seat on the couch and motions for her to take a seat on any of the furnature in the room. "Now, tell me Andree, why exactly did you choose to follow me all the way out here to my quite little home in the subburbs,hmm?" He says grinning softly as he leans back in his chair waiting for an answer to come from the girl who pleads that she is his daughter, and though she may know things no one else does the story doesn't fly with him for many reasons. Though those reasons are few they are still enough to make his super genius mind weary of the story presented by the female infront of him, the most obvious one is that if time travel is accesable in the future why haven't we learned of it yet? For surely if something that powerful was around then everyone would have learnt about it by now, there is no way to hide something like that.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 12th 2011, 9:18 am

"I was wondering where you lived around this time. And this is in no way little. If you want to see little you should see my apartment." Andree said, thinking back to the mess of papers and weapons that was her apartment. Taking a seat, she continued. "You still don't believe me, do you?" She asked ,remembering his persistence to not believe her story. "Mom actually believes me more than you, I didn't expect that to happen." A small chuckle escaped her throat. "I'd be happy to provide more evidence if it would help my case." She asked, a bit desperate for him to believe her story. "What part of it seems a little far fetched for you. It's 31 years in the future, things change." It was true, things do change. How stubborn is he? He'll come around eventually, I hope. "Just curious, if you don't believe my story what exactly do you think I am? Delusional? Insane? A liar?"

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 12th 2011, 5:19 pm

Rey chuckles slightly at what she said about his house not being little, but compared to the one he was offered first when looking for a home. "Yes, that is true. I do not believe you, it just does not add up in any logical way." He says sighs softly listening to everything else she says, only to shrug. "Thirty-one may be a long time true, but I do not see how me and Theresa, or The Huntress, could come on even temrs or even fall in love and have a child." He says as he thinks 'Not necissarly all in that order, yet it would be best if it was.' Thinking over what she said he smirks slightly, "No, I do not see you as any of those; just a person, whom is very smart, wishing to believe what they have etched in their mind. Yet, if you could show me physical, or scientific proof that time travel exists I will consider it."

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 12th 2011, 7:45 pm

"Better than crazy I suppose but that perception still isn't good. Well, I wouldn't expect any less from someone as stubborn as you, no offense intended. My time gauntlet I used to get back here is broken and I can't repair it without parts that I don't believe this time period has. So I can't prove that to you. However, I do have another idea. A Paternity DNA test." Andree said confidently. "Would that help you believe? I'm one hundred percent positive that it will come up as a match." Smiling a bit, she thought over the plan for a moment. Where would you get a Paternity DNA test done? "Do you know where you can get one of those done though?" She asked him, it wasn't something that she had studied to know or expected to ever need. During this whole conversations, her hands were fidgeting around on her lap.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 13th 2011, 4:09 pm

Rey listens to what she has to say about the time gauntlet and millions of ideas run through his head in matter of seconds. It would have been more if not for what she says next stops him dead in his tracks at her obvious belief that she is his daughter, willing to even take the risk of a DNA quiz to prove it. After considering it for a while he shakes his head, "no a DNA test would not prove well, for it might show things that are not supposed to be in average human DNA because of our obvious superhuman speeds and whatever power, if any, you have as well. So because of this the option of a DNA test is obviously out of the question." He says standing up then thinking a bit to come up with another idea and comes back upon something she recently said that now sparks an interest to him. "Tell me things about myself that no one else accept my closest family members would know, things that no one else in the world shouldbknow unless they were my daughter."

The Ranger
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 13th 2011, 5:21 pm

"I do have powers. Speed and superhumanly high intelect. And I can hear and smell better than most people." She informed him. "Sure." Andree said, thinking about what to tell him. "Well, you have the same powers as myself first of all. You studied at Harvard, not sure how well known that is. You were born in Atlanta. Your parents were..." She gulped at this part. "Murdered. The killers name was Phillip. At some point before I was born you. You. I'm sorry I'm not going to say this part in fear that it sounds like i am blaming you." She finished. She didn't want him to think that she was calling him a murderer. She knew he wouldn't kill if he had a choice. "Do you want more?"

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 13th 2011, 10:31 pm

Rey listens to everything she says thefirst three , or four are all prettu obvious and well known besides the powers part, and the same powers part is off by one. Unlike her though he does not have heightend senses, he is able to become invisible and move along without being heard; the later part of his power he can never seem to turn off. Though the next few parts do surprise him for the fact that he as Ranger accidentally killed Phillip James is known only to two living beings not including himself and they are Black Arrow and Elena Marie, Malice does not count as human to him. "You have my attention now but not enough...not yet....three more things and I'll decide for three of yours were well known by all who knew me."

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) TheRangerFinishedResize-1
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 13th 2011, 10:48 pm

Three more eh? Andree thought to herself, realizing she failed at the powers thing. "Three more, three more?" She mumbled to herself before speaking a bit louder, "You're Catholic, not sure how well known that is. You like your coffee with honey in it. You're a good singer." Andree decided to throw a few more in for good measure. "You were an A student in school. You were at one point Captain of your Hockey Team. You played Lacrosse." Smiling, she asked him "Would that be enough?" Her fingers had stopped fidgeting on her lap and instead fidgeted on the arms of the chair she was sitting in.

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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by The Ranger December 14th 2011, 7:32 am

Rey listens to what she has to say moving his fingers up and down in a fluid motion before shrugging and standing up. He walks over to her and walks around her, seeing some of himself in her and with all she's presented it could be possible she is his daughter but it just isn't something he can trust. He sighs leaning against the wall mummering inaudible nothingness as he runs the possabilites through his head and everything seems to add up except for how he and Theresa ended up together and had a child. "So, I'll give the ideea; say I am your father than tell me this, how did me anf the villainess end up together then?" He askd looking up at her an small spark of interest in the lawyer's eye though it quickly disappears as he catches himself.

The Ranger
The Ranger's Stuff
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This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger) Empty Re: This time, I'm following you (closed to Ranger)

Post by Mockingbird December 14th 2011, 9:11 am

Andree's eyes followed her Dad to the wall. After some almost inaudible murmuring that she tried to decipher, Her Dad asked the question she knew was coming at some point. How did they get together. "You guys told me that you met at Harvard. That's obviously a lie though. You both also hid the fact that she is a killer from me." She said, sounding a little hurt that she had been lied to. "So, I don't know how you guys got together for real." Her fingers were now moving in a fluid wave-like motion. "She found me the other day." She muttered under her breath, possibly barely audible to Rey. But he might be able to hear it. As one of her hands was moving in a wave, the other one was running through her hair.

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