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Step into The Void

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INV ONLY Step into The Void

Post by Hyperion October 7th 2024, 7:43 pm

The world beyond the portal was different than could have been expected, considering the massive gaping maw of darkness. He stepped through first, beach attire giving way to wicked looking jagged armor of blacks and reds, the head covered by a helm that fit the style.  Nyx however remained same in appearance, hands rested on her hips and eyes examining the world around them.

It was a world without color.

That was the best way to describe such a domain. Comparable to modern Las Angeles or maybe even New York, yet the color had been bled from it. Leaving a dispassionate realm with no light. The sun was high in the sky, yet it appeared more like a brilliant grey circle. They were the only splashes of color here, with people walking around them as if they simply did not exist. Erebus looked back to Kade, his eyes silver pinpricks in the darkness of his visor now.

”Welcome to our world. This is where you will meet him.” His voice was tinny, as if bouncing around the interior of his helmet. ”I’d say be on your best behavior’ll do what you want to, right?” His tone took on an amused tint to it.

”I’d suggest you not egg it on.” Nyx spoke up, dark eyes narrowing on the armored figure before seemed to shift to their guest. ”We should leave the terms to the one giving them.”

Erebus simply shrugged, stepping around a pedestrian walking down the sidewalk. They didn’t even seem to recognize the existence of the three of them. As if they didn’t exist or maybe the people simply couldn’t recognize what was right before them.

”Should be on your best behavior. Some tolerate disrespect but I don’t know if he will.” The two led him into what looked to be a cafe, the facade bearing no brand name known to the world they had come from. The smell of coffee filtered through the air and his the nostril quite notably. Words spoken in unknown language, almost as if they were nonsense rose in the background to mingle with conversations not meant for them.

Erebus approached the counter and cleared his throat. The gray barista looked up and acknowledged him. He spoke in that same unknown tongue, she nodded and stepped back to prep a drink. ”Really? Ordering a drink now?” Nyx questioned, sounding not entertained by the concept.

”Trust the process newbie.” He turned to Kade, the helmeted head cocking to the side. ”So, if you had all of the power in the world what would you do with it?”

Shael Atterrius
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Registration date : 2011-05-24

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INV ONLY Re: Step into The Void

Post by Fae7 October 8th 2024, 11:53 am

Kade was many things, dispectful was one of them but he was not dumb. He never expected this world to have a cafeteria. Still he was thirsty, and he wanted some coffee. Something to remove that hang over. Though he mainly wanted coffee as the hangover was gone." Get me a coffee please." He said with some degree of kindness." What would I want? Hm, I will like a harem of men who give me pleasure every night. I have my own world technically so I don't need that. The humans like me well enough, well most so if I wanted, I could have some. If I had the power, I will usher the world into a new age of compassion and peace. There will be no more crime, no heartache, no more war. I know you two likely wanted some edgy answer. Oh Kade why not enslave humanity, or wipe them out, or kill all gods." There was a tiny bit of mockery, just a bit.

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2024-07-20

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INV ONLY Re: Step into The Void

Post by Hyperion October 8th 2024, 5:59 pm

”Edgy?” Erebus questioned, sounding more amused than anything else.

”Considering the many sharp edges to your armor, maybe he’s making light of you.” Nyx was quick to respond, seeming to step up and order something before looking to him with those same almost judgmental eyes.

”Maybe. Always saw it as more...intimidating.” He stayed silent for a few seconds, before motioning and the armor seeming to melt away in black shadows. Revealing a more human appearance. Short black hair, brilliant silver eyes with flecs of a neon green. He was dressed a little formally, a black three piece suit with a dark purple tie, strange indigo runes like vines curling around his neck and face.

”Are you sure that’s wise?”

”Trust the process.” His smile was obvious now, he sipped his drink and looked up to Kade. ”So, some kind of world peace? Would you make a Utopia for all of mankind? What about those that aren’t human? Do they get peace or just the sword of peace?” He arced a brow, keeping eye contact with the young man.

Nyx seemed to be staring at him, an unspoken judgment stuck on her lips.

”How would you wipe out war? Would your radiant power simply make the people kneel before you? Would you replace the human drive to dominate with a desire only to help one another? Of all the people who have come here, I don’t think I’ve quite heard the answer you gave me.” There was no mockery or judgment in his voice, simply a desire to know what he was thinking. ”I don’t care if your answer is edgy or smooth as silk. It’s your answer, I’m just satisfying my curiosity before you meet him. So what would you be willing to do to achieve this age of compassion you desire?”

Shael Atterrius
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Registration date : 2011-05-24

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INV ONLY Re: Step into The Void

Post by Fae7 October 10th 2024, 7:25 pm

Kade looked at him, somewhat happy that he could say his master plan. He took in a deep breath and looked at both of them." I will simply make them happy. Appeal to their emotions and keep them happy. I will take in all.of their pain where they can only feel happiness. Humans, aliens, and vampires. Vampires food again, no need to prey on their fellow man. With that, I will usher in a age of compassion and kindness, a thousand year long era of peace. My vision will help everyone, humans will hug the meta humans, meta humans will make society better."

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2024-07-20

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INV ONLY Re: Step into The Void

Post by Hyperion Yesterday at 1:48 am

Erebus looked at Kade, watched him with a certain expectation. He said nothing, kept eye contact and waited for the answer to his question.  Silence persisted from him a minute after he got his answer, his brows furrowing as if trying to work through difficult thoughts. He then threw his head back and began to laugh.  It was a loud, harsh kind of laughter that echoed through the cafe. A laughter that shook his chest, drew little beady tears at the corner of his eyes.

Nyx looked to him, almost confused but didn’t say a thing. He laughed for a good three minutes, beyond the time that a person should have breath in their bodies to laugh. Eventually he managed to calm down, wiping the back of his hand across his eyes and focusing that glance back on him. ”Is that so? Everyone will just get along because you give them what they want?” His voice was still hoarse, broken up with the small chuckles. ”Just sing kumbaya and live happily ever after! Oh this is gonna be fun.”

”Are you done?” Nyx questioned, looking to Erebus with a frown.

”Yeah yeah, we can get moving.” He gave a beckoning motion. ”Follow me then. We’ve got someone you have to talk to.” So long as he didn’t argue against it they would be lead to a second floor and the balcony that connected out from there. It overlooked the gray streets down below, and one person sat at the table.

He was dressed in a black flowing cloak, one with a hood that rose and shadowed his face. Revealing part of a skull mask and a human jawline with hints of brown facial hair and a burn scar.  Eating one after another croissants from a large pile set on a plate in the middle of the table.

”We brought him here.”

The being hmmmed to himself, eyes pinpricks of pink in the shadows of his hood. ”So, this is the one. Sit have a croissant if you want. Some are plain, some have fillings. It’s a surprise really. ” He grinned, pointing to the chair across from him before biting into the one on his which dripped chocolate sauce. ”So I heard you wanted compassion and peace for the world. Tell me more about that. Let’s talk about world peace, you and I.” He offered a charming smile, licking the chocolate clinging to the corner of his lips.

Shael Atterrius
Posting Master
Posting Master

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 427
Registration date : 2011-05-24

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INV ONLY Re: Step into The Void

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