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Artemis Empty Artemis

Post by Artemis February 26th 2011, 9:33 pm


Basic Biography

Real Name: Artemis
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Shifter
Title: The Elder Spirit of Beasts
Alignment: Renegade
Age: 24
Race: ½ Spirt, ½ human
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124 lbs
Blood type: AB-

The Looks


The Legacy

Feral is the best way to describe her personality. She is self-serving unless she counts you as one of her pack. She can be kind to others if she chooses. She sees things in a different light. Not believing human culture should be the way it is. She is very pro-animal and things the world should be more like the wild. Artemis does not understand the concept of personal boundaries very well. Often she will get right up in people’s faces and invade their personal bubbles. This goes double if they have her new favorite love of cooked food on their person. Artemis has recently developed a guardian complex. She feels the intense need to protect those she is close to and is pained when they get hurt. Artemis has a respect for power and if anyone can best her she will usually stand down from them and be submissive to said person. But there are times where if she feels like she was cheated from her victory she will strike back.

Artemis was literally raised by wolves.  From what the wolves told her she ran away from her parents while exploring a camp site she was at when she was 4. The wolves took her in and protected her. A year later she learned she could shape shift into other animals. She for the longest time believe she was  born with but her powers and it just never revealed it’s presence until then. Artemis never really questioned the powers existence. It gave her pack an advantage while hunting and allowed her pack to expand on their hunting grounds. Even though she never lead the pack, she felt like she belonged and that she had what she would learn other humans would call a ‘family.’  That was her life till she was 18, while in hawk form felt like something beyond the forest was calling her.

So Artemis flew east of the remote forest she called home and ended up in finding a city. She landed and spotting a outdoor house cat, decided that the form of a house cat may be the best to fit in with. She transformed and began walking. She had never seen so many humans in her life. Other then what her pack told her about humans and  the occasional hunter that entered the forest, she never had much contact with humans. Even then, she rarely approached the hunters that came into the forest. The amount of humans so close together astounded her. They stayed so close together, unlike how animals in the forest were. People just shoved past each other, never giving the other a second glance.

But a few things confused her about these humans. They wore strange looking furs and strange things on their feet. Artemis had always assumed it was a isolated thing with the hunters. But even then the strange furs they wore looked like the barely kept them warm. And Artemis couldn’t understand what they were speaking in  it sounded so different then the howls and grunts her pseudo family used. Artemis wandered around the city for most of the deck, still disguised as a common household cat. She couldn't read or talk but she watched and listened intently. By the end of the day she was able to mimic some of the words she heard other humans say. She watched multiple strange magic boxes through a strange invisible wall. After an hour of sitting in front of the strange place, learned it was a place where people bought things, also known as a store. Artemis also learned that those strange magic boxes where called TVs. Artemis had become enthralled with the human world. It was so mysterious and new. But when she noticed the sun was setting, she turned into a hawk and returned to the forest she called home.

Her pack wasn’t to happy with her little adventure into the city. She had neglected her duties to the pack for a day to go off and play around among humans. But that wasn't the first time she went to the city. Over the next two years she traveled to and from the city, learning all she could. She picked up more and more English  with every travel. And after a while got her English to the point were she could be understood by others and ask about things. Although Artemis’ lack of clothing usually scared people off. But that didn’t stop her from trying to expanding her knowledge of the language and what was called ‘civilized life.’ But at the end of the 2 years her pack had enough of her little travels and she was kicked from the pack. Artemis felt heartbroken, unable to deal with her emotions she shifted into a hawk and took off, past the city she spent two years learning all she could about the strange language humans spoke. She flew as fast and as far as her wings would take her. She was going away from her pack for a while. She hoped that she was able to find a good mate that would contribute to her pack she would be allowed back in. But until then she would have to live among humans and try to live in the strange world filled with others that look like her.

As days and months past by Artemis felt less and less like returning her to pack. She had made what humans would call ‘friends.’ She had fallen in love only to get her feeling trampled over. She met those of great strength and one who could best her. But in her defeat which nearly led to her death she found some truth, the origins of her powers. She was not born a ‘meta’ as other humans called her. In fact as a child she had been one hundred percent normal and that Artemis would not of survived her first year in the wild. But the Elder Spirit of Beasts known only as Fera took pity on her. For it was Fera that lead the wolves to Artemis with instructions to protect her and treat her like their own. Fera had given her the ultimate gift she could give, The gift of Survival. Fera fused with Artemis, lying dormant in her body. Slowly  Fera’s powers had begun to leak through. But after some amount time this power was noticed. And Artemis was attacked by a villain known as Elena Vexus.

Vexus ripped Fera from Artemis’ soul, leaving her powerless and the spirit greatly weakened. But with the help of her friends, her new pack Artemis was able to survive the ordeal. But it wasn’t all positive. The Elder Spirit Fera was weakened beyond healing. So she granted Artemis one final gift, the greatest gif a spirit could offer. She declared Artemis the next elder spirit of beast and once she died Artemis would gain her full power as a spirit. But until then she was to live among humans. Fera became one with Artemis again, but this time Fera wasn’t just covering Artemis’ soul, she became one with it and Artemis became what is known as a half spirit. Artemis was reborn after that, feeling much more alive and feral then before. She swore that if she every encountered Vexus again that Vexus would not walk away from it. But until then Artemis returned home with her friends, her pack.

After that Artemis’ life calmed down significantly, it made her restless, but in that time she apparently became the mother of two children. One was name Shael, named after a friend of the father’s and the other was named Fera, named after the spirit Artemis owed so much to. But Artemis wasn’t the ideal mother. She never had the children. How they came to be is still a bit confusion to her and to this day, there is a bit of doubt that they are hers. But she has grown attached to the both of them, regardless that one of them hates her. But the death of one of her children hit her hard. And she is still going through the consequences of that.

The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Power 1: Enhanced Animal Shapeshifting: Artemis being a spirit of nature is able to take the form of a variety of animals and has perfected the art of animal transformation. While taking the form of various animals she is granted certain benefits that are inherently acquired by these animals. However, being a spirit of nature these animals  are much stronger and faster by their regular counterparts. Like birds and dragon can fly, snakes can produce venom, cheetahs can run fast, gorilla's have higher strength and wolves have an extremely good sense of smell just to name a few.

Power 2: Heightened Senses: Artemis has enhanced senses two times greater then a normal human.

Power 3: Animal Domination: Being a Elder Spirit of Nature, normal animals  obey her will

Weakness 1: Artemis can only turn into animals she has seen. Since she has lived with dragons she can change into a dragon and breath fire. However she has never seen a T-Rex or any other extinct animals she is able to turn into them as she is unable to see how they live and act.

Weakness 2: Artemis has the intelligence of a talking sack of potatoes and doesn't understand the concept of personal space or manners. It is a miracle she can talk in complete sentences.

Weakness 3: While flying bad weather can effect her flight.

Weakness 4: Animals can resist her will, especially if they see a particular person as their master or have been mutated at all.

Weakness 5: Sharp and loud noises can hurt her ears and disorient her. The same can be said with strong smells.

RP Mechanic(s):
Animal Communication

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Strength: 1
Agility: 2
Reaction: 3
Endurance: 4

Last edited by Artemis on February 24th 2015, 10:43 pm; edited 35 times in total
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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Pain March 1st 2011, 7:55 pm

State in your history that you were born super human, but you didn't discover your powers until later on. Also, since you were raised by wolves, how did you learn to speak English? How would you be above average intelligence? How would you even be able to interact with humans? Or even act like one? I think average or below average intelligence would better suit this character; 2 or 1.

I suggest that you limit or pick the amount of animals you can transform in to since it is difficult to work a universal shape shifting power like yours with our grid system. Each animal form would get to have different powers and it's own powergrid, but they'd all be limited by your base grid, which at the moment is 21.

Your human form needs to have high EP in order to be able to transform like that, and with high EP your transforming would be very quick. However you should only be able to shape-shift while in human form, so you cannot go from animal to animal, you must revert to human form before shape-shifting into another animal. Since you transform very quickly, it wouldn't be too big of a deal, but it keeps your power fair. I suggest setting her up something like this.

Human Form

STR: 2
SPD: 3
END: 2
INT: 2
EP: 6
FS: 5

When you transform you can rearrange your grid however you please, as long as you don't change INT or FS.

May I make a suggestion for your forms? You don't have to use the grids I set up, just figured I'd help out.

Bear Form, your tank form.

STR: 6
END: 5
SPD: 3 (Maybe lower this to 2 and put END up to 6, iunno, up to you)
INT: 2
EP: 0
FS: 5

Wolf Form, this form should be the most balanced form, and it should have a slow healing factor, so it has it's own unique power and is very different from the bear form. If you were hurt, you could shape-shift into this form so you could 'lick your wounds'. If you disagree, you don't have to listen to me. Razz This form could also have the most adept and keen senses, like smell and hearing.

STR: 4
END: 4
SPD: 4
INT: 2
EP: 2
FS: 5

Bird Form, this form should be unlike the others in the sense that they rely on physical attributes. This form would be for quick movement and ranged combat. It should have some sort of energy power. I know it's just an animal transformation, but this is a super hero site, so yeah. Perhaps it could fire energy beams from it's mouth and wings? Or create powerful gusts of wind in the same way. Dunno, just a suggestion.

STR: 1
END: 3
SPD: 5
INT: 2
EP: 5
FS: 5

I think three transformations is good, but if you really wanted one more I'd have to look at it to see if it was okay.

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Artemis March 1st 2011, 9:09 pm

reason she would be so smart is because she has a photographic memory, which i haven't mentioned yet in the bio, she watches and learns really fast but i guess i could drop it down a bit
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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Artemis March 1st 2011, 9:46 pm

F I N I S H E D !
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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by The Black Knight March 1st 2011, 11:43 pm

After discussing it with Sul, I've decided that you're going to have to keep some sort of EP when you transform. Each form should have to keep 2 EP, so that you can quickly revert back to your human state. The forms with higher EP have unique energy powers, your Wolf can regenerate and your Hawk can use wind powers.

You can change any of the animals I have labeled, they're only suggestions, but the grids below are the most fair way to have your forms. You can have 4 now by the way. I lowered the FS because it made it easier to work with the grids. If you'd like, you can tweak the grids however you please, but I will need to okay it.

Bear/Tank = 21 grid

STR: 4
END: 6
SPD: 3
INT: 2
EP: 2
FS: 4

Wolf/Balance = 21 grid

STR: 3
END: 4
SPD: 4
INT: 2
EP: 4
FS: 4

Gorilla/Strength = 21 grid

STR: 6
END: 4
SPD: 3
INT: 2
EP: 2
FS: 4

Hawk/Speed/Flight = 20 grid

STR: 2
END: 3
SPD: 5
INT: 2
EP: 5
FS: 4

"Midway in life's journey, I found myself in the dark woods, The right way lost, To tell about those woods is difficult, so tangled and rough, It's savage just thinking of it now...I felt the old fear stirring, from where my shadows were born."

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Artemis March 2nd 2011, 6:21 am

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Pain March 2nd 2011, 7:15 am


You may RP now. Smile
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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Forceaus April 10th 2013, 11:42 pm

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Forceaus April 11th 2013, 10:55 pm

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Chellizard May 10th 2013, 7:42 pm

Unapproved and moved for edits upon request.

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Chellizard May 10th 2013, 8:17 pm

Approved and moved. (:

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by The Ranger July 20th 2013, 10:28 pm


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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Forceaus April 9th 2014, 10:10 pm

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Forceaus April 9th 2014, 10:30 pm

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Artemis Empty Re: Artemis

Post by Forceaus February 24th 2015, 12:43 am

Approved for new system

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