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Opal Duval

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Opal Duval Empty Opal Duval

Post by Artemis October 12th 2014, 12:31 am

Opal Duval
"And for my next trick! Well.. uh... I guess I'm going to make you very very confused."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Opal Duval
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Copycat
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Black with a purple highlight down her left bang
Eyes: green
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 126 lbs
Blood type: A+

The Looks


Her costume isn't a costume per say, it more of casual clothes with a jacket and a mask. Her costume consists of:
A black mask:
A red leather jack with the initals CC on the back written in black:
A black tank top with the initals CC written on the front in red :
Black cargo pants:
Combat boots:

The Legacy


Opal is a genius. Her IQ is off the charts, but she is really unfocused. Opal constantly will be jumping from project to project, a good amount of the time not even finishing them. But despite being seemingly scattered brain she is actually very good at picking up small details people tend to miss. She has tendencies to speak before her brain tells her if it's a good idea or not, often resulting in strange or awkward moments. As a result she tends to try and dumb herself down for the sake of other but most of the time just ends up as sounding condescending even though she doesn't mean too. She really doesn't have many friends per say. She has a very small group of friends she hangs out with and  they aren't the best people to be with. She has plenty of acquaintances, a lot of them where people who met through her mother's work. Opal also has a history of substance abuse, more specifically drugs. Although not many people will sell to her and those who do seem to disappear. Her mother has caught with alcohol or drugs on a couple of occasions but her punishment in the end was never the severe. Mostly ended up with her mother worrying about her. And despite being extremely close to her mother every time she gets caught she feels her relationship with her mother becoming more and more distant.


Opal grew up only knowing her mother and grandfather. However she rarely saw her grandfather due to the fact that he worked almost 24/7. She always wanted know what happened to her father but when ever she would go ask her mother about it she refused, saying she was to busy at the moment or that it was to painful to think about. In school Opal always excelled in school but noticed something was off. She could pick up on things really quickly. Not just in the class room, but if she saw someone throw a punch she could copy how they did it perfectly. Not only that but she could see but not with her eyes. She knew where people around her were and when she had direct contact with the earth she could see even clearer. But even at this age she knew her mother's stance on meta humans and from what she over heard she was scared that she was a meta human, so she hid her abilities from her mother. Opal was scared that it would drive a wedge between her and her mother if she found out. They were always really close, but she never knew that Natalia already knew about her powers.  That was until her life till she was 13 years old. Natalia sat Opal down and finally admitted what had happened to her  her father. She learned that he was dead  and that he died in a tragic car wreck.

Shortly after Opal picked up magic trick as a hobby, mainly because her mind was always on the move, never able to really focus on one thing. The simply tricks and slight of hand helped her focus, not to mention that she caught on to how it was done extremely fast. During school talent shows she would have wonderful performances that wowed the crowds and Opal loved the attention. It made her feel important, even when her mother would be unable to show up. Opal was never at a lack for friends though... kinda. Her mother made sure that she was able to get out as much as possible to meet new friends and play with old ones. Although she only considered a majority of these people acquaintances. At the age of 14 she had graduated from high school and starter to go to college. But soon after tragedy struck and Her grandfather died, killed in the crossfire of a gang war. Opal lost herself in projects to deal with it. But it was never enough. One day she was walking through her college campus, usually since she was so young she had a bodyguard follow her around so she would be safe, but Opal was able to duck away. On this day a woman approached her and quickly made friends with Opal who was still trying to get over her grand father's death. All it took was a little convincing and Opal started to go to parties, drinking and taking drugs. Over the next couple years Opal's grades never really dropped but at the same time Opal wasn't going anywhere. Every time she got close to finishing a degree she dropped it to start over with a new one. Drugs slowly where taking over her life and she would skip classes and her other responsibilities. And then her mother found out. Natalia was furious but did an ok job on not getting to angry with Opal. Once Opal promised to get her life back on track Natalia let her off relatively lightly. However Opal originally didn't plan on actually stopping. But whenever she would approach the people she usually bought from they would either refuse to sell to her and not tell her why and the ones that did sell to her seeming disappeared.

After that Opal slowly began to recover and focus more on school, but still had problems with substances. When she could get a hold of them she couldn't stop herself. By the time she was 18 she has finished all of the degrees she had started but never finished. She even started to get job offers from multiple different companies for who wanted Opal in there company, for her skills and for the fact that her last name had now become well known. But every time she got a job offer she shot it down. Despite all her knowledge, money and time she couldn't find something she could enjoy doing. She knew her mother's expectation to take over the company at some point. But yet her life left a bit empty and it annoyed her that she couldn't fill the gap. And then one day she was walking home and saw a purse get stolen. She chased after the thief and tackled him to the ground. Sadly what she didn't know was that the thief was a meta human possessing super human strength and he beat her up rather badly. As Opal recovered in the hospital Natalia used her position to hunt down the meta human and have him arrested. While her mother held another one of her 'why meta humans are bad' conferences, Opal couldn't help but remember the rush she had while she was fighting the meta human. Shutting off the TV in the middle of her mom's conference she began to think about what she did wrong and what she could do better.

Once Opal recovered she began to create a suit she could wear to hide her identity. While she was creating the suit she had the news on as white noise but a particular  news story caught her attention. There had been a break in at a jail, yet no one had escaped. Instead there was a single causality. The man that had beat her up was found dead in his cell. At the time Opal thought nothing of it but as time went by she started to wonder. Was this man's death connected to the disappearances that kept happening during her college years?


The Powers and Weaknesses

(All characters can be as powerful as they want, as long as they are balanced with proper weaknesses.)

Power 1: Seismic Sense:  Like Natalia, Opal can pick up even the slightest vibrations through physical contact with the ground. Opal can use this to see her surroundings as precisely as normal sight. Opal can sense the structure and materials of solid substances, including the presence of caves, material changes and structural weaknesses. This can also be used to detect lies (with permission on playable character) and to see and sense dangers that she could normally not see with her standard vision. This power works best her she is directly touching the ground or solid object and the sense is distorted when on lose substances like sand. Anything that is not touching a solid surface can not be seen through this sense.

Power 2: Super Human Reflexes: Opal has extremely potent reflexes

Power 3: Genius level intellect: Opal is really really smart

Power 4:  Photographic Muscle Memory:  Opal can perfectly copy a physical action after viewing it once. This can include acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. Opal can also learn how to aim properly and master it just by watching somebody aim and shoot.

Weakness 1: If she is on loose earth like sand her vision that is granted through seismic is blurred. It takes a while for Opal to get use to the loose sand and see clearly.

Weakness 2: Opal is not able to copy superpowers and what she can copy is limited to psychical acts she can see. For example she will be able to follow and copy the fighting style of a pyromancer but not be able to create the fire.

Weakness 3: Opal is not the best with interacting with others and she tends to try to dumb down what she is saying. This makes her seem really condescending when she is not trying to be. Opal is also extremely cocky while fighting.

Weakness 4: Opal has had a crippling addiction to drugs and alcohol for a couple years now and even though she is on the road to recovery she tends yo have moments where she slips back into her old habits.

RP Mechanic(s):

Physical Priority
(You are to put these physical attributes in order from 1 to 4. 1 is the highest priority, 4 is the lowest.)
Agility 2
Endurance 4
Reaction 1
Strength 3

Last edited by Artemis on February 24th 2015, 5:42 pm; edited 13 times in total
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Opal Duval Empty Re: Opal Duval

Post by Entei October 14th 2014, 1:46 am


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Opal Duval Empty Re: Opal Duval

Post by Forceaus February 19th 2015, 3:02 pm

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Opal Duval Empty Re: Opal Duval

Post by Artemis February 20th 2015, 6:34 pm

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Opal Duval Empty Re: Opal Duval

Post by Forceaus February 20th 2015, 10:16 pm

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Opal Duval Empty Re: Opal Duval

Post by Chellizard February 24th 2015, 5:50 pm

Approved and moved!

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