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A brilliant reveal (Closed)

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt April 8th 2016, 12:53 am

Chicago's crime rate had rapidly escalated as metahuman criminals moved from their usual haunt of New York, and some even remained when the city was rebuilt. With the increase in crime, the heroic population appear to increase as well, something that a few people took notice, especially those that tended to write less than flattering articles about heroes would note. It was this night that Alexander planned to join in on this heroic crusade that had been spreading like wildfire, especially considering that one of the more beloved heroes seemingly returned from the grave. Admittedly that was the thing that ended up pushing him into the crime fighting business, but then again maybe it was just something in his blood. A cool breeze blew over the city, sending a tingle down his neck as he  tapped away at the touch screen that composed his phone's front.

For the moment he was in civilian clothing, a pair of blue jeans with a muscle shirt covered by a warm hoodie. As always. He had his super suit on himself, hidden away in his little backpack, ready to be worn should he need to do something vaguely heroic. Night had just begun to fall over the city, soft glowing electric blue eyes taking everything in around him. He could practically feel the electricity around him, exciting a sensation within his very cells. He had a good feeling about this night. That was when his phone began to vibrate, someone calling him on the other end. "Oh, hi there mom." he said with usual chipperness, deftly stepping around people as he continued to walk along.

"Isn't it a little late for you to be out?" She would ask, annoyance slightly obvious within her tone.

"Not really." He mentally rummaged around for an excuse, though one came easily enough. "It's like...sevenish I think. Still got plenty of time." He said with a shrug, though the motion itself was likely something that they could not see considering the whole cellphone thing. "Besides, I have a few things with some friends to do. I'll be home at ten or whatever. I mean, i'm almost eighteen after all. Can't baby me forever." Having strict parents was...well annoying but apparently he could just fix that when he was eighteen, granted that wasn't too far away. That seemed to work, as conversation from there seemed to go pretty well and soon enough she hung up, leaving him to return to whatever he was doing.  

His ears caught what sounded to be sirens blaring through the streets, something that more than anything did catch his interest. Looking around, Alexander would duck into the nearest dark looking alleyway and with superhuman speed change into his heroic persona. Dressed up in what looked to be slightly metallic armor, something flexible enough to allow rapid movements he would dart of at high speeds. Like a blue streak he was running along, making sure not to break the sound barrier in the fear that the collateral damage would be too great. To him, it felt more like a casual jog rather than the quick speeds it would have seemed to someone else. The destination was that of a bank of all things, something that...well it looked like a start for heroics.

Making sure to stay far away enough that he could get a quick view of things, it looked like there were a few hostages and that was something that he could easily remedy. Moving quickly, he dashed through the front door of the bank, door shattering under the force he used to open it as he began to rapidly pick up any hostages he could, quickly relocating them outside before stopping in a mostly hostage free bank. "So much for holding hostages huh? Give up now boys and I might not have to rough you up."
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew April 8th 2016, 8:22 pm

For a place called the windy city, the air was rather calm tonight. Johnny sat looking at a fountain in a beautiful park. His long black hair sat still, waiting to be swept by a breeze. He wasn't very large in terms of muscle, however he was a tall man. Zenthian's weren't exactly known for being muscle heads. Then again, Zenthian's weren't exactly known for anything now a days.
He watched a young boy pass while arguing with what seemed to be his parent on the cell phone.
"Appreciate it young man. One day you will not have such a safety net."

He looked down at his cellphone. His phone exploded with notifications. People chatting about the return of The Phoenix.
"He is a good man. However, I do not think he would wish for this much publicity." he typed back to many people.

Walking back to his car he heard the faint sound of sirens buzzing closer. He quickly popped his trunk, and grabbed his weaponry. Popping open his shirt he revealed his costume.
He followed by taking his sweat pants off.
He was now in full hero gear.

Crossbow stretching his back, daggers in each boot, and his sword sheathed upon his hip. Throwing stars lined the inside of his belt. Prepared to chase the police into the night. He hopped into his front seat and tossed on a pair of sunglasses.

Upon arriving at the scene of the crime, he noticed the man carrying out civilians had beat him there. Leaped over the barricade he dashed for the bank. Walking in and pulling out his crossbow. He looked to the other hero and nodded.
"He's right. Give it up. There's 10 of you and 2 of us. Do not mistake what you don't know. Much like I will not mistake you."

Paradigm fired a bolt that went through one man's shoulder and pinned him to a wall. No way a normal human was pulling that out of himself. "Let's discuss logistics. You all give the money back you have stolen. You turn yourselves in..."

Paradigm fired another bolt and a man's leg. it ripped through the flesh and bone, pinning him to the floor.
"And I don't have to give each of you holes."
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt April 9th 2016, 1:27 am

Alexander felt an overwhelming pride in how he managed to deal with these crooks so easily, and yet that was only part of the work. Glowing eyes darted over the men before him, all tense now that they had been disarmed within the blink of an eye. Honestly, if he was in their position he would be just as afraid as they were now. Regardless, now he would have to get through with the arresting them portion, but that was stopped when someone else stepped onto the scene. Something about their manner of speech was something that felt off. It might have been how matter of fact they were, but that just did not sound like something a normal human being would say. Could've been that they were just either really form or crazy, not that he would judge them for that. People had their ways, and his parents did teach him not to sweat the small stuff. Well, there was the fact that this guy talked a little weird and that they were a giant.

That being until a bolt flew through the air, slow enough that he could keep sight of it and yet he didn't react fast enough to stop it from sinking into that poor person's shoulder. Quicky the high of a successful heroic venture faded away into shock at seeing someone get shot into, even if it wasn't a fatal shot. Within the span of seconds, two people were now pinned to the floor, bleeding but likely not dead yet. That left him with likely eight more and yet he was still fretting about the thing he had witnessed. "Woah woah woah big guy, don't need to fill them with any....more holes. I'm sure they get their outmatched...right?" He would then ask, looking to them as if expecting them to just give up.

Instead what he saw was someone whipping out a gun, aiming to shoot the one that went all badass on them. Time slowed down from there, as the bullet would begin to inch through the air with him standing where he was. Everyone else looked to be slow, unable to move and then within an instant he was in motion. All he would look like to those around him was a blur, but within less than a second he would be standing before the person holding the gun, bullet held between thumb and forefinger as he glared at the person firing off their weapons.  "Okay, bad." He said, giving them a swift punch to the jaw that sent them crumbling to the ground. It took a cursory glance, but he did notice that they were still breathing, so that was all good within his book.  

Things looked to be wrapped up in here for the most part, well if you counted the downed criminals being downed as things being wrapped up. Letting electricity crackle around his left hand, he looked to the others as his eyes peering through the slits within the mask would light up. "Anyone else want to pull a gun?" He would then ask, casually kicking the gun that had fallen from the unconscious man's hand further away. They fell into line, kneeling as the sight of someone holding a bag of money would appear from the safe room. It looked a little too heavy for any normal person to be carrying and they didn’t even look as if they were trying. "Look, another of your friends." He noted, as they  let the bag of money settle down and then...charged them.

Well, they weren't smart.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew April 10th 2016, 1:49 am

And so it seemed Johnny's kind offer would go unnoticed. "What a shame. This could have ended with no further injuries." he spoke as he fast friend caught a bullet. From there things continued to boil. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. As far as these guys were concerned Johnny didn't have any super power.

Johnny looked down the site of his bow, and pointed it around the room.

Bullets began to fly. There were no hostages or one would be hit for sure.
"Think quick."
Johnny made a dart for the teller's station and slid placing his right foot high. As he reached the wood panel he booted it in.
His momentum carried him. He had reached the other side of the bullet proof glass. There was an opening where the teller were before, and had made their way out. However no enemies were visible through that line of sight.

As quickly as he thought that, a man carrying what looked like a heavy bag walked out of the back vault.
Johnny aimed down his site and fired two bolts back to back at the back. The first one ripping it and startling the man.
The second one pinning it to the wall as he dropped it.

"I see no weapons upon him. It is time to make my move."
Paradigm put his cross bow on his back as quickly as he could.
Pulling out 4 throwing stars, he was ready.
He got a running start and launched him self at the large man.
He pointed his legs out for a drop kick and connected with the man's face.

Quickly turning his attention back to the gunmen, he threw all 4 stars at different hand guns around the room. Connecting with all four and knocking them loose.
However, Johnny wasn't falling towards the floor as he anticipated. He was dangling upside down. The large man had got him, and didn't seem to the feel the effects of your everyday drop kick.
"That should have severed his jaw, I do not understand." the Zenthian thought before his worst fear came to life.

The muscle head slammed Johnny into the ground creating a dent in the floor. Blood was coughed out as he felt the impact.
The man then got on top of Johnny and began punching his chest area. Suddenly the man nature selected felt his powers kicking in.

In an instant his body was as harder than steel. The man beating on his let out a yelp of pain before taking a mean right hook from Johnny. Paradigm was still on his back as his punch connected and sent the man tumbling backwards.

"That was a lucky shot, you hero types are so quick to dive into action. So quick to get your selves..."

The sound of skin severing and blood hitting the floor was what came next. Johnny holding his sword, it had extended and cut right through the man's left side. It continued onward until it slammed into the wall behind him and Johnny let it stop growing.

"Do not generalize all of us hero types. This will not kill you, however if you struggle it will be your own death. I am not responsible for your fate. Tell your men to stand down."

A bullet bounced off Johnny's back and shot straight up through the ceiling.
Johnny didn't take his eyes off the man. His sword was not fully active. The vibrating function was not active, and he had no plans to do so.

"Like I said." The man had blood dripping from his mouth and stomach.
"You hero types are never prepared."

From right above him, a twin of the large man came crashing down through the roof, connecting with Paradigm.
The sword retracted and Johnny went crashing into one of the armed men, easily breaking the criminals legs, not on purpose though.

"So there are two of you?"
"Three actually. And we're not even all this operation has to offer. Like our brother said. You guys are never prepped correctly." The third man said walking out from the vault with an additional three bags.

The Paradigm looked to his new friend for help. Perhaps the two of them had bitten of more than they could chew.
Standing up, he held his sword tight.
"Well, I suppose I will have to fight harder."
His skin reset back to normal, ready to mutate however nature saw fit. This was going to be difficult to say the least.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt April 10th 2016, 2:38 am

Alexander prepared to deal with the next problem that was barreling towards them and yet the really tall guy began their own manner of counter attack. This came in the form of a flying dropkick towards their jaw, something that looked like it should have done some damage but instead it did not look to do anything. ”Well, that’s one way of doing things.” He muttered to himself, not really annoyed by that considering that they were there to beat the bad guys up in the first place. Still, that was only one problem that they were dealing with considering that there were likely more than just the muscle bound oaf around. Unless of course these guys were stupid enough to actually just try to rob a bank in a hero rich area without any kind of support.

Bolt would continue to think that over within his fast thinking head, while things would seemingly go slow for him. This in the end gave plenty of time for him to think out multiple courses of action, beyond just punching things. He made notice of the weapons falling to the ground, people now without their precious guns. Well, that proved this guy was pretty damn good when it came to combat, but then again when it come to actual superpowers, he had yet to see anything of note. If this was just some really tall guy that could fight, well he would be fine with that. Way to prove you don’t need powers to save the day. That was when the guy that he was working with seemed to be thrown down, fists crashing down on them rather mercilessly, hits that should have killed the regular person and yet there they were taking them anyway.

There was blood, meaning he would have to do something before it was too late, and yet he heard the sound of a gunshot. It collided with the back of his head, causing Bolt to stagger forward as a sharp pain blossomed through his neck. It hurt like a bitch and yet he knew he would be fine. Didn’t seem like they were using anything high caliber, just some handguns. That much he could be thankful for anyway.

Whipping around, his eyes trained upon what looked to be someone holding the weapon trained upon him. They were female in shape, wearing what looked to be a leather outfit with a mask, sections of armor obvious within it’s design. Within blinding speed, he closed the distance between them and hit them in the face, not full strength but enough to knock a normal human out. The only result from that was their head jerking to the side, them not even seemingly moving from the strike. ”My my, these heroes really don’t know how to treat a lady these days.” Then came the blow, something that he narrowly managed to dodge. The tip of their boot scraped past his nose as Bolt darted a few feet back from the unknown woman.

Well it was obvious that this was no ordinary person, and yet something else happened as another person appeared on the scene. Well it looked like they were dealing with three of the brutes now. ”Well, this is just….brilliant.” He said with a growl, rolling his eyes as he mentally calculated what he was dealing with. Three brutes that likely would take more than one punch to take down, some chick with unknown abilities and who knows what else. His only ally being some guy that also had unknown abilities, which made strategizing nearly impossible, or actually just impossible.  Quickly taking off, he broke the sound barrier with a resounding boom as he aimed to clock one guy in the jaw with around maybe half his strength, which was still pretty hard.

If they didn’t go down, well he would then unleash a flurry of punches at their stomach, followed by an uppercut.
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew April 23rd 2016, 12:00 am

Looking at the the three large men in front of him, he felt a bead of sweat drip down his forehead. Perhaps he was in over his head. However, he was not one to falter. He was not one to quit. Above all else he was certainly not one to let bad guys get away with their wrong doings. "So you seem to have us outnumbered. I suppose that gives you all misplaced confidence. Misplaced certainty?"

Johnny let his sword retract and he tucked it back into it's sheath on his side. He pulled out one of his Striker revolvers. Specially made to harm low durability meta humans. A direct head shot would kill any of these men as he had experienced their ability to withstand hits when his body morphed previously.

He looked at the three men, and then the woman's voice sounded behind him. He didn't think much of her.
He was focused. Just as he was prepared to start his attack, Bolt came in a blink and cracked one square in the jaw.
"Nice one."he thought as he pointed his gun at the leg of one of the remaining men.
"This hurts more than my crossbow. At least going in."
Paradigm's body morphed to become incredibly strong. His bones getting dense, his muscles swelling, becoming significantly larger. He pulled the trigger twice, and the man dropped to one knee.
The man pulled out a grenade from his belt.

"It did not have to come to this, I am truly sorry."
Johnny punched the grenade ready man straight through the chest. The man's eye's widened. A gaping hole was left where his lunchbox sized fist was prior.
The man healed over and died instantly.
"I do not kill unless I am given no other option. That grenade could've killed many people in this room. Including myself. As well as my fast friend."

Paradigm noticed that Bolt had unleashed a series of punches on the man his initially attacked and finished up with an uppercut.
Johnny pointed his gun at the chest of the last meta.
"Stand down. No one else needs to die. No one else needs to be injured. No one else needs to.."


Johnny was nailed quickly by a punch in the mouth by the final man before he could even react. Blood dripped from his lips, and a crimson trail lined his chin.
"Strong and fast." Johnny spoke from one knee.
The man then charged him and kicked the gun from his hand.

The man leaped atop Paradigm once more. Punching him repeatedly in the face, eyes begging to swell shut.
He had one move or he was dead.

Reaching into his boot, he pulled out one of the daggers, and rolled the man over with all his might.
He shoved the blade through the man's hand with his super strength. A scream was let out. Three kicks to the villains face left Johnny gasping for breath as he was a bit battered, bruised, and bloody. He turned back to the woman who was clapping.
He pulled the knife back up through the man's hand and shoved it into his boot once more.

He picked up his revolver and pointed it at her, Bolt was finished, he was finished. It was time to find out what this mystery woman was all about.
"You ready my new friend?"
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt April 23rd 2016, 12:38 am

His fists collided with the meta-human, the impact something that reverberated through his body with each strike. This was something that he could tell would do some damage, especially by the look on their face with each impact. Each strike wore away at them until the final strike was the one that sent them falling to the ground, a seemingly loud thunk as his knuckles ached from each attack. ”Looks like you guys just weren’t tough enough.” He noted, cracking his knuckles as that seemed to release some tension. Mentally, he went over the guy that was helping him but he had a feeling they could take care of themselves for a little while. At least until he took down this unknown party jumping into things, one that apparently made the thugs actually pick up the slack. Looking down to the metahuman he had beaten down, Bolt would then turn towards Paradigm to see their next move.

The first thing he took note of was their improved physique, something that made them look...well like they were stronger. Then there was the grenade being pulled, followed by a fist ramming through their chest before they could do anything. His eyes were wide open in an abstract horror as the blood spurted form the open wound. ”Well look at that. We got us a proper vigilante up in here.” Within the span of a second the voice intoned rather close, Bolt turning to see a foot collide with his face and send him flying into the wall. ”Well that does save us some money, so i’m fine with it.” She then added, shrugging as she turned towards the other hero.

With as much finesse as Bolt could manage, he pulled himself from the hole within the wall, a section of his suit cracked and flaking to the ground. It felt like this woman wasn’t messing around, she could probably kill him if she got serious. Licking his lips, Alex could taste blood, meaning that his lip was split too. ”Ready as i’ll ever be.” He responded,  wiping away a tiny trickle away with the back of his hand, keeping an eye on any move that the woman made.

”You guys...should probably run, I’ve seen all you could do and well, you’re not that impressive.” She noted with a shrug, obviously trying to taunt them and it was working mostly for him. His mind was still on the image of a man dropping dead and yet he couldn’t...well he couldn’t focus on that right now. Now that he didn’t see why they did it, but it resonated poorly with something within him. ”You’re out of your league.”

”We’ll see about that.” Faster than the blink of an eye, he was racing towards her at his full speed. A deafening boom echoed through the room, shattering any window not already broken. Anyone with enough perception would have likely barely been able to follow him, as one moment he was standing there and the next his fist was slamming into her face. If she had enough strength to hurt him, then likely she would be able to take a hit from him.

Bolt felt the impact, putting a bit of strain upon his fist as she was thrown backwards, slamming through the front of the bank. The woman would fly until she collided with a police vehicle, causing it to dent inward, and slide back a few feet. All of this took less than a second and he was standing where she was, fist still extended. ”I think we’re pretty equal Blondie.” The officers would hide behind vehicles, before surrounding the woman with guns pointed. Seemingly undaunted, she would rise with a rather painful looking mark on her cheek.

”Okay, I underestimated you guys.” She admitted, cracking her neck and slamming a fist into an open palm, glowing golden eyes looking to the people around her. ”Guess i’ll take off the training wheels now. Just don’t blame me when I break a few bones okay?” In a blink, she would move and then the cops were down, taken down by what looked to be a shockwave that released from her, throwing them all back.

”Now, you two. Come at me with all you got.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew April 28th 2016, 3:38 pm

Johnny was impressed by the fast man's speed. However it was palpable that he had disdain for the actions Paradigm had taken.
"Listen. I respect all life. However, I will not let one man kill many without doing everything I can. In the future I will let you use your speed in those situations. My apologies for upsetting you."

Johnny cracked his knuckled, as he body reverted back to it's normal size. Putting his revolver back into it's holster. He Pulled his sword back out after the woman was sent through the building.

"My goodness. You are much stronger you appear my friend."
he spoke to the Bolt smiling.

The woman stood back up after being sent into a police car.
"Apparently she is as well."
Johnny stepped forward and pointed his sword at the woman. It changed form and it was now longer and a faint buzzing sound resonated from the blade.

Dashing at the woman, he put both hands around the handle like a baseball bat and prepared to swing. Upon nearing her she uppercut him and sent him tumbling backwards. Standing back up he leaped at her, and let out some words in his language no one would understand.

His sword extended and wrapped around her three times.
The damage on his body had finally gotten to him.
He dropped to one knee and the sword retracted.
"Not now."
Johnny's eye's glowed bright as he grew to be 15 feet tall, and much stronger.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt April 30th 2016, 1:14 am

Paradigm would take their shot at the woman, charging with the intent to cut them up and only ending up being knocked back with a powerful punch. Bolt winced upon seeing that, his eye following the guy in their arc through the air before returning attention back to the female that had done so. ”Well, these guys sure know how to take their punches.” She noted, almost amused by everything going on as her attention snapped back to Bolt who was already thinking of a way that he could actually do something about her. That was when the idea hit him, and so he rolled with it. Massive sparks began to leap off of him, playing off the ground and causing s few light bulbs to shatter violently as all available electricity coursed straight to him. If he wanted to deal with this woman, then holding back was not exactly something he could afford to do.

Electricity formed around him like an aura, crackling violently as he turned to look at Paradigm one more time. They looked a little rough, but then they began to change size, becoming….well taller. ”Wow, that is...pretty cool.” He admitted with a chuckle, unleashing a massive bolt of lightning towards the woman. This energy shot forward at amazing speeds, making actually avoiding it almost impossible for her as it collided with her body. She let out a cry as she was thrown backwards, the smell of burning ozone palpable within the area. A brief feeling of fatigue fell over him, and quickly passed as his lips curled into a smile.

”Hope I didn’t overdo it.” He said, cautiously watching the smoldering crater she created upon impact. The police themselves waited a few seconds, backing further away upon seeing the impressive display that had happened before them. With a burst of speed he went to investigate the scene, looking for any sign of even a body. What he did not expect was a hand reaching out from the rubble, the strength behind it enough to feel as if it would break the bone.

”That hurt you damn brat.” She growled, quickly rising upwards and slamming an impossibly powerful fist into his stomach. This knocked all of the air from his lungs, leaving Bolt gasping for air as a few more strike collided against his face then his ribs, leaving him disoriented. He could tell that his suit was shattering from the sheer force, as he was lifted by the throat and hurled through the air, aimed towards Paradigm.

At this point his body was feeling pretty sore, and he knew that if he were any softer, well he would have likely been killed by that.

”You’re next big guy.” She said, the signs of scorching on her clothing obvious, as well as the sight of burnt skin.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew May 3rd 2016, 3:43 pm

Things would only go from worse to terrible at this point. But hey, that's just how the hero game goes isn't it. As his new friend attacked the woman Johnny cheered in hopes Bolt would finish her off and end this brawl. No such luck. This woman was tough. Much tougher than she looked. But so was Bolt, and so was Johnny. The two could make a wonderful team.

He looked in horror as his partner was sent flying towards him like a rag doll. Taking a slight step to the right, his foot crushed in on the cement, and he caught Bolt in his hand.
"You're going to be ok my friend. I assure you this. As for her. It's time to make sure she ends up in the back of one of those police vehicles."

Paradigm put Bolt down gently and began to shrink.
"Yes it appears I am next."
He was now back to normal size, not that his normal size was small.
His body began to grow weird scale like texture, and it would be incredibly hard.
"Ah, I have been prepared by nature to withstand your attacks Miss."

He stepped forward and gripped his blade tight.
"This time I will not bend to your strength."
He spoke dashing at her once more.
As he approached her, he let one hand off the sword.
She went to throw a punch and Paradigm put his left hand on the ground pushing to his left to dodge.

In one fluid motion, he turned and his sword extended, ripping through the woman's arm a bit. It almost seemed to be dangling off.
"Oh that is disgusting." he spoke with a frown.

She dashing at him and threw a punch to his chest. This sent him tumbling back. As he skid across the pavement, he let himself hit a curb to bounce a bit. As he shot into the air, his body morphed once more, a pair of wings shooting from his back. They weren't feathered. They resembled more those of a bat. He let them begin to flutter and then he zoomed towards her. Jamming his sword into her shoulder, the remaining flesh and bone ripped apart.

Blood began to fill the street, and she screamed in pain.
Johnny put his sword back in it's sheath as it too returned to it's natural state as well as him. Walking slowly towards Bolt he went to check on him. He squatted down.
"Hello, please tell me you are alive." he said holding the man's head.
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

Warnings : Banned
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Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt May 3rd 2016, 4:56 pm

The hit itself appeared to knock the sense out of him, reducing him to a confused mess as he collided with Paradigm, though they were able to catch him. He let out a small groan as the pain that blossomed through his face proved to be the most annoying, and his mind was too addled to actually let him search for any source of electricity at the moment. Next thing he knew, Bolt was being placed down as the cool concrete came to meet him ads he lay there for a few moments to reorient himself. Okay, now my everything hurts. He thought to himself, his eyes focusing upon the starless sky which looked pitilessly down upon him. There was a vague awareness of the fight going on, but that was mostly something that served as background noise to him.

Maybe this guy was dealing with the bad guys or maybe they were not, all he knew that he could not afford to let that mask of his get removed by anyone. Then someone was screaming, sounded feminine so maybe he wouldn’t have to worry about her. ”Damn you!” he could hear the woman curse, roaring angrily and loudly as they likely prepared to do something. Bolt rolled over to see the tail end of what was going on, which looked to be her...swearing vengeance and making their leave. Wow, they were pretty fast for a person, granted he was pretty fast too. Finding any movement a bit painful, he let his body lay against the ground for a few more seconds before he remembered that the building behind him was likely now full of electricity. He only really responded when Paradigm knelt next to him and asked if he was okay.

Blinking a coupe of times, he looked up to them with a smirk. He only responded after a couple of coughs. ”Yeah, i’m a little harder to kill than that.” The smirk blossomed into a toothy grin. Their was a hand supporting his head, likely in case he was suffering some manner of damage, though...well maybe there was some internal damage. That lady hit pretty hard, enough that maybe a few organs were suffering some damage. Well, he wasn’t spitting up blood so that was something anyway. ”Though i’m a little beat up. You wouldn’t mind...taking me to somewhere with a lot of electricity would you?” He asked, hoping he wasn’t a terrible judge of character. While he could gamble with the building, considering how much power he already drained, he may have fried some things and made actually drawing from that well impossible. There were likely a few power transformers around that he could draw from.

He adjusted himself to where he was sitting up with an elbow but  running would have been painful, extremely so for him.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew May 4th 2016, 6:38 pm

Letting a smile show, he was relieved the man was alright.
"You certainly are a difficult one to keep down."
He looked around at the crime scene, cops were making their arrests on the people inside. It wouldn't be long before they found the man with a piece of his chest missing. All in all, this was a successful stopping of a robbery. Paradigms first real encounter with methuman criminals.

"A place with a lot of electricity you say? Yes I know where we can get you one of those!" Wings once again grew out of his back. "This is certainly a neat ability." the vigilante thought to himself.

Picking up Bolt, he took off into the sky. Wings this time resembling more of a bird like texture. "We will have you there in no time. I'm right to assume this electricity will replenish your heath?"
Bolt just laid in his arms, Johnny made sure to hold him tight. They weren't going at fighter jet speeds, but they were cruising right alone.

They came across an electric power plant Johnny had seen a few days ago on a drive.
"Ah, yes, this is the spot."
He had a bit of a bumpy landing as he wasn't used to flying. His powers were always sort of randomized so he could never tell what would happen and therefore couldn't exactly practice.

He continued holding on to Alex until they reached the center of the power plant. Johnny took two steps back and awaited to see if his hypothesis was correct.
"Please be ok." Johnny was nervous, as he bit his lip down deep in thought.
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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Number of posts : 619
Location : Beantown
Age : 29
Job : Vigilante
Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt May 4th 2016, 7:07 pm

They lifted him from the ground, Bolt making a mental note that they were pretty strong and then they were flying. It was a strange feeling, breaking from the earths shackles gravity and flying through the air, even if it was by proxy in someones arms.  They apparently knew a place and so they would take him there, leaving him with the whole waiting until they were actually there. All he had to do was turn his head to see the city fly past beneath him, the buildings moving in almost a blur. ”Yeah, it does.” he said with a small nod when inquired about if this would actually heal him. With that, he returned to breathing, each breath resulting in a small lancing pain as if something were pricking his lungs or maybe something else. Honestly, he wouldn’t know unless he went through the trouble of getting an x-ray.

Their landing was a little rough but nothing that he couldn’t handle. From there, they would be lead to the center of the power plant where likely the most energy could be drawn quickly. Alex could feel it, the radiating energy around him as if it were whispering to him. A sensation that he occasionally felt, and yet never to this magnitude, ranted he hadn’t been in a place with so much energy being produced. Upon reaching this center, he would be set down, and then Alex could go from there. ”Might want to take a few steps back there big guy.” he said, grimacing as he forced himself to stand up as best he could, resting his palms against a transformer. With a few nervous breaths, he began to will the electricity to enter his own body through the hands, rocking through each cell rapidly.

All at once his pain faded, melting as he felt his body growing stronger. Energy began to gather from every source around, creating what looked to be a field around his body as the wounds themselves began to heal at an incredible pace, and within the span of a second the place was filled with light. Once that light faded, Paradigm would likely see him standing there, all damage visible done having faded, save for the small amount of blood from his split lip still there. His eyes still glowed from the excess electricity, turning them into a strange neon blue, almost white. ”okay, I feel a lot better after that.” He said with a sigh, followed by cracking a wide grin.

”So how about we get outta here? I’m pretty sure someone saw my little light show.” in a flash he would run, using his impressive strength to life Paradigm and move them somewhere else, a secluded looking part of a park near his home. It all took around a few seconds, but then they were there. ”Wow, wasn’t expecting to work together with someone on my first bank robbery but it was nice. We should do that again sometime.” he said in an almost exuberant fashion, excitement palpable within his voice.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by Andrew May 6th 2016, 12:56 am

Paradigm watched with a smile as the young man displayed an impressive power. "It seems his body has some adaptation too?"
Honestly Johnny had never seen anything like it. It was always interesting to see what kind of powers others had. The young man was certainly a tough cookie. Johnny applauded him on that. Even after getting his clock cleaned he was up and about ready to go.

Before Johnny could even say yes Bolt had picked him and and dashed off. The speed was incredible. "You are certainly quick my friend." he laughed. "I am glad you are feeling better. In fact. You had me a tad worried. That's the term right? A tad worried? I've heard people say that to one another."

He realized the two made a damn good team.
For some reason a feeling of happiness resonated inside of Johnny. He wanted to find out more about this Bolt character as well as share more about himself.

"You seem trust worthy." He pulled his mask down.
"I am doctor Johnny Cobalt of Cobalt Industries."
The young man probably didn't know who he was, but that was ok. "I would like to work with you again. My office is on 5th and Mt.Vernon. Also you can have my cell phone number. I own 4 or 5 of these things. So I'm not sure I may answer right away."

He realized Alex had left him not too far from his car.
"I look forward to our next meeting. And please keep my identity hidden from the public. For safer meetings I can take you on as a patient if you feel safe telling me who you are. If not, I understand. We do work quite well as a pair."

He awaited to hear Bolt's answers before running off into the night. He tossed his gear in his trunk, and prepared to drive home.

"late again?"
"I am sorry. I was held up with a new friend."
"When are you gunna start talking like a human?"
"What do you mean?"
Johnny frowned.
"I am just trying to learn the language. These people don't understand our native tongue brother."
The two laughed and shared a glass of wine by the fire place.
"It sure feels good being a hero." he thought to himself.
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Quote : "We Fight For Those Who Can't."

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Humor : Franklin Guidaboni, Grown men who argue with teenagers, Adam Paxton, and Dominus
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A brilliant reveal (Closed) Empty Re: A brilliant reveal (Closed)

Post by The Bolt May 6th 2016, 1:30 am

It was obvious this guy didn’t talk like a normal person and yet he had no idea why that was. He felt like asking why that was the case and yet asking felt a little too intrusive for his tastes. ”Yeah, I think that’s it.” He said in response to the question about if he were using the correct phrase, though honestly the semantics of language were something he didn’t put too much stock into. What he had not expected was them to pull their mask down, revealing their face without a worry in the world. Was it some kind of blind faith or something else entirely?

Regardless of the answer, Alex was pleasantly surprised by their actions of nothing else. They had some trust within him to do that, something that he didn’t expect from someone he had just worked his first unofficial heroic gig with. They were apparently some kind of doctor, which made him slightly impressed that they could juggle both heroism and that in what he assumed was a busy life. If the life of a doctor was anything like his mother painted it to be anyway, which did not sound like something he would want to do. If someone else could deal with it, more power to them in his mind.

”I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll be cool working with ya.” He said with a smirk, making sure to give out his own number should they want to contact him. Granted it didn’t occur in his head that someone could track him through his number, that was just Alex being the trusting type, and luckily it didn’t seem that would bite him this time. He would watch them run off into the night, thinking over their little team yup before looking down at his phone. That was when he realized that he was….well almost late and that would not bode well for him.

”Oh crap. They are going to skin me alive for this.” He muttered, and took off at his usual blinding speeds, dashing through the streets and yet his mind was still on how much he enjoyed this night.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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