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Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn August 29th 2015, 3:46 am

Giving Madeline a sweet, innocent smile. "Going to each and every hideout is boring, would it not be more fun to have them group together and handle them all at once?" That being said, Q7 goes through the pockets of the two boss thugs, the ones that actually had power. Holding both of their phones in her hands, she goes through all of their contact information, finding one number that comes up the most between both of them. Winking at Madeline, she dials the number, holding it up to her ear. A short conversation later, ending with a clear death threat, Q7 drops the phones and steps on them, breaking them. "Okay, he should be freaking out about now, those two seemed to be rather powerful in this organization. Shall we go meet our dates now?"

It actually didn't take them that long to get to where they needed to go, Q7 having 'borrowed' a car from someone who left the keys in it. Let's not ask where Q7 learned to drive of course, seeing as how that was her first time behind the wheel. She wisely didn't mention this to Madeline, figuring that it would make her feel better if she didn't know. The two vigilantes were currently out of sight of the easily two dozen people gathered around the entrance of the main base, not even attempting to hide the multiple melee weapons that they had out and ready. Though Q7 did see a couple firearms peeking out of the jackets of a few of them, so they were at least trying not to get swarmed by cops before everything went down.

Turning to Madeline, she gives her a pat on the shoulder. "You can go home if you want, this is a battle I started and I will not look down on you if you do not want to fight." Q7 then turns and just starts to walk right for the large group of people, who notice her and start to spread out, a little worried about someone who could handle not one, but two of their more powerful members. Widow and Weaver were already in the area, having already connected to Q7 and are giving her two extra viewpoints for the chaos that was about to unfold.

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia September 1st 2015, 2:03 am

Madeline just simply nodded and agreed to everything Q had to say, as far as the gang was concerned. She had a point, gathering them all up in one place as a large group, would make taking them out extremely easy, the only issue was, neither Madeline or Q had any idea as to how many people they would be dealing with once they arrived at their destination. As the two reached their destination, it was clear they were going to have their hands full, at least it seemed that way, but Madeline was a demon queen, and Q was a highly sophisticated and lethal android.

Madeline felt a small pat on her shoulder, turning to catch Q looking dead into her eyes. She explained that she wouldn’t blame Madeline if she wanted nothing to do with this fight, But the demon queen gave her friend a small smirk ”Why would I want to leave now? Think of all the fun we’re about to have” she said with a smile before watching Q head into the lion’s den. There was a sea of angry faces before them, anger that seemed to be mixed with confusion as Q approached them.

The group of thugs began to spread out, thinking they were cornering or getting a position advantage over Q, what they failed to realize was that she was not alone, and spreading out only made them easier targets. A low rumble filled the air and shook the ground slightly, suddenly a bolt of blue lightning struck one of the gang members, sending his lifeless body crashing to the ground. This freak occurrence would happen to two other members, causing the mass of thugs to become slightly freaked out, not knowing if the small girl approaching them was the cause of the lightning, or something else entirely.

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Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
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Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn September 7th 2015, 9:33 pm

The slightly freaked out thugs couldn't keep their cool at all, with the random bolt of lightning landing around them and what seemed to be an increasingly disturbing girl just ignoring all of the death and strolling towards it. That was why one of the thugs just went for his gun, drawing it out in a hurry and aiming it right at Q7, the fear clear in his eyes. Only, Q7 wasn't there anymore, instead standing right in front of him, looking up with a hint of amusement in her eyes, seeing as how his weapon couldn't even cause any damage, no matter how many rounds that was fired at her.

Seeing how she was suddenly so close, one of the bat wielding thugs just cracks her in the back of the skull, laughing when it connects. Of course, it didn't last long at all, seeing as how Q7 didn't even flinch, just turned her head slowly to look at him, then the bat he was holding. "All of you are too weak. Fighting you will not be fun at all. Of course, none of you can be spared either, so I guess I will just have to bare with it." She pauses for a second, her finger tapping on her chin. "Is that the right phrase? Bare with it? Ah well, I can just ask father later."

It was almost as if a switch was flipped, a gun appears in Q7's hand suddenly, barrel right on the nose of the thug that hit her with a bat. "Now if you gentlemen would just stay still, I will make this quick." A trigger pull later, the thug was on the ground, bleeding from his brand new hole that Q7 was nice enough to give him. Seeing as how the thugs that had her completely surrounded were just backing off without even trying to fight, Q7 could only frown. Just killing one of them was enough to scare them off? Q7 wasn't really counting the random lightning bolts, seeing as how she was not the one to put them down.

Q7 looks around at all of the thugs surrounding her. "Was he the only one willing to try anything? Madeline, no need to waste energy on those unwilling to fight. We can clean them up later." With that, she continues through the petrified crowd, having told Madeline to stop firing the lightning bolts at the scared stiff thugs. If they weren't going to fight, there is no reason to just slaughter them without a care in the world. It was just a waste of energy after all and they had bigger fish to fry. Of course, the moment she cleared the crowd, they seemed to have gotten their fear under control, or figured that they had something worse to fear in the people she was heading towards, going active again and changing her all at once.

Easily sidestepping a wench being swung at her head, she gives him a return gift that consists of a bullet, taking out three other people close by with quick, precise shots. "This is more like it." Q7 gives the thugs a small smile, one that tells them that they done fucked up.
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia September 9th 2015, 2:31 am

Madeline watched on, as the lightning continued to strike random thugs, it seemed like the freak lightning storm had frozen some with fear, that was until she saw one swing a bat at Q. Now given the circumstances Madeline might have flown off the handle again, but she noticed that the swing didn’t faze Q what so ever. She smirked a bit, her friend knew what she was doing, but still, despite this one’s courage, the others still seemed hesitant. It wasn’t till Q but a bullet in one that it seemed the thugs had had enough.

Knowing now that a fight was about to break out, Madeline raised her hands to the sky, forcing a fiery portal to tear open in the sky, shortly after, two very large demons fell from the portal, crushing a few thugs underfoot. Deciding she didn’t want to miss out on anything, Madeline placed her hand by her chest and began to pull it away from her, causing a sword to be drawn from her body. Once the blade was out, Madeline rushed forward at a group of the thugs, waltzing between them with a flurry of elegant and deadly swings of her blade. Meanwhile her demons tore the thugs around them apart, soon after the very ground Q and Madeline were walking on began to take on a sick shade of red as thug after thug hit the ground lifeless.
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn September 27th 2015, 2:44 am

Q7 was about to take another shot which would have given one of the thugs another hole in his head when something flashed by, knocking the gun off track and sending the bullet flying off into the distance, hitting a distant building. Spinning in place she starts to track the speedster, only for something to slam into her, knocking her off balance and flying through the air. Q7 rolls on the ground and lands back on her feet, managing to put a bullet into a thug rushing towards her before trying to aim at the leader that was preparing another bolt of energy to slam into her, only for the speedster to, once again, knock her aim off, the bullet flying wide.

Turning her head to look towards Madeline, wondering why she wasn't helping out, Q7 sees two people doing the same trade off on her, keeping her just as busy as Q7 was, she tries to take a shot, but sees the bolt of energy flying at her and shifts to block it instead, not risking hitting her friend with a stray shot in an attempt to hit one of the more powerful thugs that arrived to deal with them. "Madeline, do you need assistance?" Q7 calls out to her friend, trying to decide which threat she should focus on first, the one after her or the ones after Madeline.
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia September 28th 2015, 5:13 am

No sooner did the carnage begin, did the gang feel the need to bring out the heavy hitters. Within seconds Madeline and Q had torn through a good number of thugs with ease, this prompted whoever was in charge of the gang to unleash some muscle of his own. A set of four powered thugs had entered the fray. A speedster and an energy slinger were sent to deal with Q, but Madeline had yet to meet her opponents, that was until she swung her sword and was met with a resounding clank of metal on metal, and the shock of hitting something incredibly sturdy. Madeline took a few steps back, partially shocked that someone was capable of withstanding a blow from her sword, she was once more caught off guard by the sound of her demon’s grunting in frustration as she saw a group of men climbing all over them.

The group of men however, wasn’t a collective group of individuals, but the work of a single person who appeared to have the ability to multiply himself, giving the thugs the numbers advantage they needed to frustrate and occupy the two demons. Madeline looked back at the metal monstrosity before her, gripping the handle of her sword tightly. Just then she heard Q’s voice call out to her, asking is he required assistance. Madeline thought for a moment, it seemed as though the powered thugs that had appeared, did so as specific counters to Madeline and Q’s skills, which initially prompted Madeline to think that swapping foes was a good idea but shrugged it off. “Were going to have to work together on this one. My demon friends can keep the multiplier busy, but the odds still aren’t in our favor” she said, with her gaze locked on the metal thug, not wanting to give him a window to retaliate against her or her friend.
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn September 28th 2015, 6:31 am

"That will prove to be a problem." That was all Q7 could say while trying to dodge energy beams while fighting off a speedster. She managed to dodge the third beam heading her way, only for Speedy to be exactly where she was going to appear, tripping her and forcing her aim off again as she flipped to regain her balance. The moment that she landed on her feet another beam slams into her, knocking her back down. Instead of trying to stand up, Q7 just tries to point the gun at the energy thrower, only for the weapon to get knocked out of her hand before she can even get a shot.

"It seems that I am the one who needs assistance." Q7 rolls out of the way of a foot coming down on her face, getting to her feet in one smooth movement. Figuring that the pattern was going to be the same, she manages to sidestep the next blast of energy, then instantly using her speed to end up beside Madeline, putting three bullets into the metal man's torso, however ineffective the attacks were.

"...We both might need assistance."
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia September 28th 2015, 6:57 am

Thugs continued to close in on the two girls, it seemed as though they had found their lost courage now that the gangs heavier hitters were on the field. Madeline felt compelled to let her inner demon come out, but had flashbacks to the carnage she had done earlier in the day, and immediately the thought faded from her mind. Maybe it was for the best she thought, after all, with this many people around her she ran the possibility of hurting Q in her blind rampage. It was then, that she snapped out of her trancelike state as the sound of bullets ricocheting off of the metal thugs body rang out.

Madeline took a step back, not know what to do in this situation. The demon queen’s foot made a decent splash as it fell into a small puddle of blood. A small sinister smirk came over the girls face as she raised her sword to the sky. There was a thunderous boom followed by a cascade of lightning bolts that struck all of the dead bodies in the area, and within seconds Madeline found herself in control of a small army of dead thugs, willing to act at her every command “Think that’s enough assistance?” she asked Q with a bit of sass in her voice.
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
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Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

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Registration date : 2015-07-23

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn October 1st 2015, 7:55 am

Q7 saw the undead, she also saw the crowd of people funnel out of the building and crash into them from behind, quickly outnumbering their sudden burst of reinforcements without any real issue. She blinks twice before looking over her shoulder at Madeline, giving her a small smile. "No, I do not think it is enough." The metal covered thug slowly moves in on them while the other two make sure that they can't run away or set up any real counter attacks, all three of them chuckling to themselves, figuring they have this in the bag.

Granted, they might have been able to if it they focused down the girls one at a time, instead of trying to take them both out at the same time. "Keep the one on the roof busy and I will take out the speedster. The other ones seem to be too slow to be any real threat." With that, Q7 was off, fully expecting Madeline to be able to handle it, having complete trust in her. The fight between them traveled around the area, some of Q7's missed gunshots managing to clip a thug every so often, adjusting to the fight quickly and setting up the shots when she can.
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 2nd 2015, 4:58 am

Madeline watched on as the numbers advantage she had given Q and herself was completely nullified by more gang members pouring out of the hideout. Undead clashed with the living as the thug reinforcements went toe to toe with the small army of corpses Madeline has amassed. The two girls looked like they had dug themselves into a hole they possibly couldn’t climb out of, but Q seemed to have a plan of some sort. Madeline nodded in agreement with her assignment, the only issue was, how she was going to get on the roof to go after the pesky energy thug.

Madeline turned and whistled to one of her demons, which was still having a hard time shrugging off the multipliers clones. The demon charged at Madeline with a palm outstretched. Quickly Madeline jumped into the palm of the creature and the demon tossed Madeline into the air with great force. The energy user didn’t seem found of being singled out, and began to flight blasts at Madeline as she flew through the air. She did her best to deflect what she could with her sword, the ones that she couldn’t just flew harmlessly past her. With a loud thud, Madeline came gracefully crashing down onto the rooftop a few feet away from the thug.

She peered over the edge to see the carnage going on below her. Q chased the speedster around firing several rounds at him, each one missing their target but hitting another thug instead. The undead thugs mindlessly marched on against their living comrades, and her two demons were engaged with the multiplying thug and the metal thug. The demon queen stared down the thug with great intensity, as she tightened her grip around her sword. Images of the hideouts basement from earlier flashed through her mind, and it made her blood boil, she was ready to slice this man apart, but felt he needed to suffer.

Removing one hand from her sword, Madeline clinched her fist as it became encased black flames, before she threw her hand forward causing a burning chain to lash out at the man. The energy slinger dodged the chain throw and retaliated with a barrage of blasts, each one landing on their mark, but only searing Madeline’s flesh as it hit. Madeline let out a savage roar before fainting a chain throw before bull rushing the thug down. This caught the man off guard and the girl made him pay by slashing him across the chest. It wasn’t enough to kill the man, but it was enough to cause him pain and that was exactly what Madeline was after.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
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Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

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Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn October 12th 2015, 7:38 pm

It wasn't long before the speedster got tired of being the one chased, turning and engaging Q7 in melee range, not yet understanding exactly what she is, A dozen slashes in a second more or less just shreds her clothes, Q7 only able to dodge a few of them with her bursts of speed, of course it wasn't long before she abandons the defensive, using her faster speed to catch the arm of the speedster, flinging him into a wall and spraying a row of bullets where his legs are, landing a couple of hits and disabling the speedster.

Turning to see that Madeline was busy taking care of everyone else, and that the normal people are busy fighting off what is left of the horde of zombies, having figured out how to remove them from play by now, she sees that she has some breathing room. Turning back to the speedster, she grabs him by the front of his shirt and drags him up so they are eye to eye. "You will tell me how many people you have and I will make your death quick."

The guy stares at her in shock, then starts to laugh. For a minute he just kept going, which was starting to annoy Q7, before he stopped and gave her this weird smile, one she had never seen before. "Boss man scares me more then you do." With that, he cuts his own throat, ending his life before she can even try to extract any secrets from him. Dropping the now cooling corpse, Q7 slips past the large mob of thugs that had finally finished off the zombie horde, disappearing into the building and letting Madeline clean up what is left outside, figuring she could handle it. Plus her two spider tanks were in place now and waiting for the order, she had support should she need it.
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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 16th 2015, 1:43 am

Madeline towered over the energy flinging thug, with a menacing glare, and sword pointing firmly at the man’s heart. Despite the little effort it took to bring the man down, he showed no fear in his eyes, at least not of her. “You think I’m afraid of you?! You aren’t shit compared to our boss little girl. You stand NO……” his words fell upon deaf ears as Madeline plunged her sword into the man’s chest before using her necromantic powers to revive him. She stared his corpse in the face for a few seconds before letter out a small chuckle.

She turned her gaze from the zombie, to the battle that had pretty much subsided below. The gang had all but dealt with her reanimated army, but in the time she had taken to kill the energy thug, one of her demons had slain the multiplying thug and had moved on to attacking the normal thugs, while the other demon had been engaged with the metal thug. “Enough! She shouted, causing her demons to freeze in their tracks before they burst into flame and vanished.” Madeline had gone from being upset about what the gang had done to those innocent people in the other hide out, to being focused on the fact that these common life forms didn’t find her threatening at all.

An unyielding rage overcame her heart and she let out a loud cry before a large burst of black energy shot out in all directions, taking out a few unfortunate thugs before the flames subsided, showing off a full demon Madeline. The sudden swap of appearance was enough to make a few of the thugs wet themselves in fear while the metal thug saw it as an opportunity to prove himself. Madeline Raised a hand to the sky causing several pools of black fire to form underneath the remaining groups of thugs, searing them instantly and reducing them to ash.

Madeline’s attention shifted to the metal thug, who seemed to be egging her on, which was something he was going to soon regret. Madeline launched into the air before using a mighty flap of her bat-like wings to propel herself at the thug. When the two collided there was a loud boom and the ground around them seemed to vaporize from the sheer force of the impact. The thug retracted his arm before throwing a punch at the monstrous Madeline before him.

Unimpressed with the thugs choice in attack, Madeline grabbed the man’s arm and pulled it towards her, her elbow came crashing down on the metal thugs arm with so much force it ripped right off. The man recoiled in pain letting out a cry of pain, before being silenced by another sensation. He looked down to see the source of the new pain to find both of Madeline’s hands embedded in his chest cavity. With all her might, Madeline began to pull apart her hand, before letting out a blood curdling roar as she ripped the thug clean in half. The rage fueled Madeline then made her way to the hideouts door, before ripping it clean off its hinges, she was now focused on finding this so called leader of the gang, so she could put an end to his pathetic life.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn October 20th 2015, 4:35 am

Q7 had closed the door behind her, locking it to make sure none of the weaker thugs could follow her in easily, knowing that Madelin could just rip the door off of it's hinges without any real issue. Constructing a pistol as she walks through the lower level of the building, she scans for traps, having seen enough movies to know that it was way too easy getting inside of this building if they had their full fighting force. What they had was enough to maybe make the local police thing twice about raiding it, but anything bigger could do the same thing they just did, though maybe taking on a number of loses as well, but it was squishy humans she was talking about.

Q7 went through the lower floor, her pistol leading the way into each room, slowly clearing it. Her wariness only increased as she continued to find nothing. No gang members, no weapons, nothing. Every single one of the rooms was bare, stripped down, like it was all moved before they got here. She spots a door leading downstairs, but with the lock on the floor beside it, instead of one the door where it should be. Ignoring it for now, she instead heads upstairs, figuring the boss was going to be up there, waiting for them to either get defeated to work their way through all of the grunts and get to them.

It was on the second floor that she actually found people waiting for her, just barely dodging a anti-tank shell from a rifle that was pointing right at the stairs, using her speed to duck back down before popping out and putting half a dozen bullets into the shooter, not giving them a chance to fire again. Quickly moving up the stairs, Q7 takes out another gang member who was trying to use the rifle, quietly scanning for any more as she makes her way over to it. Seconds later, she picks it up with one hand and then it was gone, deconstructed by her ability and memorized for future use. Besides those two gang members, there was nobody popping their heads out to take a shot at her, either figuring that it was pointless or that those two were the only ones left to guard the upstairs. It didn't really matter though, seeing as how Q7 had just found the boss, who was looking out the window at the fight between Madeline and the people left, ignoring her completely.

Q7 frowns a bit, already getting annoyed at the fact that he was ignoring her, she hates it when people ignore her. "If you surrender and tell me where the rest of the gang is, I will make sure Madeline does not torture you too badly." Almost like she wasn't even there, the man just keeps staring out the window, having already decided that she wasn't a threat to him, while Madeline had a chance to do some damage, though beating him was a whole other ballgame. Frowning harder, if that was even possible, Q7 crosses the room and attempts to pistol whip the back of the guy's head. "Do not ignore me."

She saw the pistol head towards the back of the man's head, she felt contact, like she hit him, then Q7 was flying out the window and slamming into one of the gang members, confused as to what just happened. She looks around, wondering exactly how she managed to end up back outside before the gang leader jumps out of the window that she was used to break, landing easily on the ground and smirking slightly. He makes a come at me sign at Madeline, clearly not believing for a second that either of them could do anything to him at all, which was completely true. He was out of their league, at least how they stood at this very moment, and as such, they were about to get their asses kicked.
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Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 25th 2015, 1:38 am

Madeline stood in the doorway of the hideout huffing and puffing seconds from tearing anything and everything apart. She took one step into the hideout when she heard to thuds on the ground behind her. The demon queen turned her head to find Q and a well dress man, he looked way to prissy to be the Boss of the gang, but Madeline Didn’t care who the man was, to her, he was just another obstacle to be ripped apart.

With a harsh grunt, Madeline launched herself at the boss, the impact of her kick off the ground, caused it to crater behind her. She brought her fit back ready to deliver a crushing blow to the man, but instead found herself flying in the opposite direction, as the mob boss landed a punch on Madeline’s exposed and unguarded face. Within seconds of getting hit, Madeline slammed into the brick wall of the hideout, and before she could recover, the boss’ knee came crashing into Madeline’s chest knocking the air out of her and pushing her through the rest of the way through the wall.

After swiftly dealing with Madeline, the gang leader turned his attention to Q, he maintained a cool demeanor and showed little expression in his face, like if all this was just business to him.

Meanwhile, Madeline struggled to regain her breath and dig herself out of the pile of bricks she was currently buried under. This was definitely a new sensation that the demon queen had ever felt in this form. Normally the fights were very one sided, but this seemed like a battle she could potentially lose.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Quinn October 27th 2015, 1:20 am

The well dressed pretty boy just started to chuckle, seeing that the people who decided to attack him were a pair of weaklings would had trouble with his four shitty bodyguards, not that he needed them of course. Q7 was on her feet, firing wildly at the person, only for him to ignore her bullets, like one would ignore a bug, just walking through them like they didn't even exist. Q7 attempts to change gears, appearing beside Madeline after the boss had crossed the distance, trying to quickly get her out of the rubble so that they could make their escape, this was not a battle that could be won at this time.

The boss, however, had other plans, grabbing the back of Q7's neck mere seconds after she had started to move a second rock, tossing her across the road and through a window, a ball of what looked to be energy following her in. Seconds later the building is rocked by an explosion, causing it to start to shake and crumble around Q7 as she scrambles for a way out. Managing to just barely get out before she gets trapped under a building that was starting to burn, Q7 manages to get to her feet and look around for the boss. Turning around, she finds him already right there, and managed to, barely, dodge an uppercut that would have sent her flying.

The boss chuckles again as Q7 gets even more distance, wondering if Madeline was even still alive after taking a combo from this rather strong person who clearly was holding back even now. "Madeline, are you still alive? We need to leave." Q7 calls out, trying to find out if her friend was still there while mentally commanding her two tanks to move into place for her trap. They may not be able to deal with this man, seeing how freakishly strong he is, but they stand a far better chance at holding him off and then getting away then she does. Plus Q7 isn't that strong, so her speed will be seriously reduced if she has to carry Madeline out of the battle.
Post Adept
Post Adept

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 340
Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Today was a bad day. (Madeline) - Page 2 Empty Re: Today was a bad day. (Madeline)

Post by Queen of Arcadia October 29th 2015, 5:50 am

Madeline could hear Q’s muffled words through the several layers of brick that she found herself buried beneath. It wasn’t so much the bricks blocking out Q’s words, but rather Madeline’s own thoughts and swelling rage. This sensation was new to her, she had never been on the receiving end of a beating before, let alone the fact that it wasn’t a demon or some monster that did this to her, but rather a meta human. Black flames began to escape through the small spaces between the bricks, before a violent burst of energy blasted the rubble in all directions.

Madeline had leapt to her feet, slightly hunched over and still struggling to catch her breath. Her gaze was met with emotionless eyes as the mob boss seemed to shrug her off as a threat. Madeline flew into a rage because of this, launching herself at the man with reckless abandon. She closed the gap between her and the mob boss with blinding speed, and began to throw punch after thunderous punch, only to find that the Man was simply blocking each punch with one hand like it was nothing. The Gang leader, clenched her fist tight after catching her last punch, he then pulled her towards him with a violent tug of his arm, as Madeline’s body came in close he brought his knee up into Madeline’s midsection once again successfully knocking the air out of her. He then tossed her aside as though she were a used napkin he had just whipping the floor with.

Madeline’s body hit the ground with a hard thud as it rolled several more feet before coming to a stop. Her coughing echoed off the nearby buildings, she was in extreme pain after just that one attack, and could barely move, only clenching onto a handful of dirt and her stomach.

The Characters
Queen of Arcadia
Queen of Arcadia
Post Mate
Post Mate

Status :

Quote : "I'm the devil, damnation dignified."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 130
Registration date : 2015-07-23

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