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Broken words (Yoffie)

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Shadowoof September 30th 2015, 6:09 am

The feel of the metal boot kick down on his chest wasn't that painful, his wounds ever slowly healing as shadows formed over them and the encrypting voice that haunted his head. These were truly horrors of a time for Shadow. His thoughts back on the humans gruelling six years he had dealt with this, how did he deal with this when he was just a child. Don't forget your a child as well. Stop acting like your a demon and face it. The voice chided roughly inside his head, making him bring his hands to his mask as it disintegrated in his hands to nothing. His fingers tracing his face as he looked towards the angel who was bounded by shadows, the complete opposite of what he intended. Was their another being with control over the shadows here or was it the human. Maybe I did, Maybe I didn't. But in the end what does it matter? J was what Dark had called you yes? Well then, I don't see you being here much longer.... J Marcus teased the Revenant with his words, making tears form in Shadows eyes.

Shadow curled into himself and began mumbling, he had let the human do what the human would have never allowed. He thought he had broken him but in turn he had broken himself and all the realisation came forward. Why Dark was more and more distant, why the human called Shadow human as well. "I had just come, I don't want to go." Shadow said before hearing a faint laugh different to Marcus's but similar in memory. It was Darks.

Dark's laugh stopped with a sigh towards J in his own little way. I don't want to go too but he won. The demon won the moment we were formed. And just like that, an internal struggle that no one ever really knew, and those that did had very little care for the proceedings of what went on in this broken mind of the young man but in the end he had won his own private war. The demons he had wanted to rid of all his life were finally gone. He was alone for the first time in seven years, alone. Marcus looked to the angel of fire that practically hopped her way to him, set on ending his life and if it wasn't for the smell of flesh on his breath then he would have called her crazy but in this case she was right for a moment.  

Getting up to his knees and wiping the tears of another man from his cheek, Marcus for the first time in a while looked up, to the dazzling angel of fire with apologetic eyes. He had one too many sorry to say to one too many people but at least he could start with her. "I'm sorry Angel, but I'm going to be breaking my word on you killing me if I ever went mad. For I'm the only demon left." He remembered the angel wasn't too bright on simple world objects and possibly wording but that was a while ago, of course it would help with she remembered his face for if she didn't with the mask then he was in trouble. He also expected Dark to give a small chuckle to this impromptu surrender but the silence inside his head was deafening.

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Fiery Soul October 19th 2015, 2:18 am

Yofie found herself no longer entangled in the darkened mess of tendrils. Righteousness swelled within the fury of her no liberation. "I would take pity on your soul, but being a creature of pure darkness, you would not be able to understand the sanctity of my words or appreciate the appeals to righteousness. So, I will merely free your worldly shell from the husk of darkness you find yourself encased within." But something happened. Yofie's heart grew two sizes that day. And so did her brain. "You are still a creature of darkness that will undoubtedly inflict harm on others are you not?" Yofie's blade rested above his head, ready to come down with resolution. "You may die in whatever way you seem fit, but you have an inner fight within you. How can you fight any creature of darkness outside, when you cannot master the darkened creature within. No, you must die."

Yofie's blade crashed down, breaking against the obsidian edge of Sorne's blade. Sorne pressed into Yofie's guard, delivering a blow to the angel's cheek. Fire and feathers tumbled towards the ground. "Sorry about that. She likes to talk." Sorne put her hand on Shadow's shoulder. "How about we get out of here. I bet I could show you some things you'd love." The dark angel smiled all the light away from her face.
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Shadowoof October 24th 2015, 1:22 am

This next moment for Marcus felt confusing but then again he went though a process that maybe two people knew about and he still had a confused feeling about everything, he also felt that these two lady's would be at their most what the? Then the angel spoke some more and it give Marcus some time to think on her words. Pity, creature of pure darkness, was that what he truly was? Or was it a title like dark one and light one, was he a creature of darkness yet a light one, maybe but Marcus realized he needed to talk more or at least get others to talk more but then again. This woman was a level of her own. But it was her question that caught in his mind, he was something of darkness that would indubitably inflict harm on others but those others would be those who deserved it much like how she thought Marcus deserved the end of her holy blade when they first met.

But it was the last few words that stuck him like an ice cold can of soda on the back of his neck, the first person that acknowledged he was fighting something deep down inside him, being a tad bit late on he wasn't fighting anymore, was he? Marcus was brought back to reality when he heard the sound of metal on metal and looked to see a blade of fire blocked by the sheer obsidian colored blade of this fire angels foe and in any form Marcus found this confusing, didn't they both want to kill him a bit ago? That's when he heard her voice and felt a hand on his shoulder followed by an offer that J would have ignored and tried biting her hand, Dark would have gleefully accepted without pause yet they weren't here, not even to pester him. Marcus was alone on a choice for what felt like years... And he already knew his answer.

"ok Angel of darkness. This might sound confusing but the fellow you met just before was well not me." Marcus would say as he stood himself up and turned to Sorne. His mask slowly forming over his face once more. "And I'm Shadow, very different from the fellow that summoned a cone of fire on you earlier and I'm about to make you a deal. Leave, or Angel of fire and I will proceed to kick that pretty face of yours. For now I'm the lesser evil." Marcus would threaten as his mask formed completely and his left hand came ablaze with hellfire, not feeling very comfortable standing this close to the evil angel while she carried a sword and hoping to god the good one didn't stab him in the back right then and now but hey, at least it was him she would be stabbing, not some other personality.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Fiery Soul November 15th 2015, 3:16 am

"You think she'll help you?" Sorne laughed at the poor thinking coming from the man who managed to reclaim himself. "You would be better to deal with me, but if you wish to retain your soul- actually, I don't care. You and her can do bad all by yourself." A pair of black wings broke the fragile nature of the air. Sorne lifted herself from the room, leaving the hapless soul to his prize.

"You dare consort with evil!" Yofie slammed her boot into the ground, summoning up a holy assortment of wrath and vengeance. "I wished to give you another chance, but you have proven you are without- I can't think of the word." Her sword continued to point down with a stayed wrath. "Not mercy. Not savior, that is a noun." Yofie continued rolling through her brain, keeping her blade and fires from shooting out towards Marcus. "You there! Thrall! What word are you without that will require me to kill you for lacking? You must know as you are a poor soul, without hope!" Her blade descended. "Hope! That is it. You are a creature without hope, and as such, must be destroyed because without hope you cannot achieve anything of benevolence within this world!"
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Shadowoof November 15th 2015, 3:58 am

Marcus stayed his ground as the black angel spoke, choosing to keep silent though and though till finally she left, a small sigh escaped his lips as she flew from the room. "Good riddance." Marcus quietly said before cracking his neck and turning to Yofie, the angel of fire was sure to be something after that. In all odds, Yofie was rather scary, the way she spoke and how her power flared, like it was a extension of her feelings of anger, vengeance.  

He stood and stared as Yofie delivered her onslaught, her words making sense to no sense in righteous fury but there was one thing he had caught on to and that was the past she spoke of and he refused to think of it as the present. When she was finally done with her words, Marcus took a deep breath in for what felt like the first time in forever, her words had impact, negative thoughts could have been easily brewed by her words but Marcus had seen worse done with his body, he wouldn't break to words. "You say I have no hope?" Marcus would retort with his demonic voice which also reminded him to dissipate the fire that rested on his hand. "Your quite mistaken." Marcus finished as he began walking towards the angel of fire.

"Hope is what kept me from dying, hope is what brought me back. I had hope from the moment I came back from the dead." Marcus would stop at arm's each of Yofie, his eyes staring at her. "I can't think of what else to say to you So I'll just talk. We've met a total of two times and each time you say that their is no hope for me but Look at me! I won, I had hope though every battle.  And I, have, won. I am, my own Darkness. I am, my own demon. No one else controls me but me. And... I'm sorry. For the thing that attacked you earlier.  That was weakness, my... Weakness. But not again. I am not a thrall, I am not hopeless. I'm a man turned demon. And by god I'll be a better demon then I was man." Marcus finished, knowing that this woman was resilient, relentless but he managed to talk it over with her once before, he could again. Of course before their was a shadowy creature he helped her  kill. This time he would not be so lucky. "I won't fight you. But I won't let you kill me."

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Fiery Soul November 15th 2015, 2:18 pm

"Your words show conflict. I do not remember ever meeting someone as dark and tortured as you, but I must do my sworn duty and remove the darkness from you in whatever way I possibly can. You win over darkness today, but you are not always in control. Then, you hurt others. It is for the best you die. But, you must do so in a way that should save you." Yofie still held her blade towards Marcus, ready to strike at any moment. "You must go find some penance to- wait..." The fire in Yofie's eyes rekindled. "I told you to do this once. Now I remember. You tried to make me forget with some mind control, but it did not work. You will always succumb to this darkness! You will never be in control!"

The time were words fell empty. Now the time for Yofie to take matters into her own hand would come forward. "I will give you one week to prove yourself. You must seek out shadow monsters and kill them, otherwise it will as the old ballbase saying goes, 'three wrongs and you are dead.' Is that clear?"
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

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Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Shadowoof November 15th 2015, 5:25 pm

Marcus's eyes twitched a little, it wasn't from her word's, it wasn't from the feeling of complete idiocy. Actually that was a lie on both ends. Well, one thing was for damn sure, she was determined. He wanted to ignore this quest of hers, he had only just gotten back his mind and lost a friend at the same time and because she believed he would succumb to darkness again? He had to hunt down shadow like monsters when he didn't even know how to do that or even find the buggers at least. "Look, lady. Mind control isn't a part of my powers. Nor that I would even mind control people if I had it." It was a half truth in sense, if he had the power he would use it but only when facing down  attackers.

Marcus gave one more sigh and allowed his mask to disappear from sight, revealing somewhat tired eyes left from the day's work of talking and watching and mentally fighting, he just wanted to sleep for once. "I can't succumb to the darkness anymore. It's currently not possible. I am the darkness, but a good one. I will kill, any shadow monsters you speak of. But in my own time, I have a life I need to get back to. One I miss even if it isn't grand. It's mine." Marcus turned around and began walking but stopped when he remembered he had something to ask and tell. "Names. Marcus by the way. Never caught yours?" Marcus would ask the angel of fire her name, feeling like this would not be the last time they met, even if it took some time. It was also the first time he shared his real name in a very long time, it felt strange, not asking powered individuals to just call him Shadow.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Fiery Soul November 28th 2015, 11:49 pm

"You continue to speak with words, but all I hear is you speaking in demonic tongues and developing fabrications of reality such as 'you', 'control', and 'darkness'. You cannot control any darkness. No one can. You are stupid and as a stupid person, you will die a terrible death. You will bring pain to others and will bring delight to yourself in such deeds." Yofie could still feel the blaze of her wings flapping behind her. Shadows still existed. This would need a remedy.

"This building must be cleansed of the shadows you brought to it." Yofie looked around with her blade pointing towards the ground. Her flames grew in intensity. Her resolve would only end in one way. "If you wish to do any good in this life, you must tell me of your intentions now. Otherwise, you will burn."
Fiery Soul
Fiery Soul
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Quote : This Girl is on Fire

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 103
Registration date : 2015-02-26

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Broken words (Yoffie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Broken words (Yoffie)

Post by Shadowoof November 30th 2015, 6:08 am

Marcus could say he felt like his brain cells were slowly taking their lives, one by one, this is why he never got in religions when he was younger, funny, a demon that had no religion. Brushing some locks of hair away from his forehead as he rose several tendrils of shadows behind him and attached them to his back before making them coil around him with speed and seemingly grace. "Darkness, my inner darkness, the darkness you see right now being 'controlled', I don't need to know your name or explain this. I'll just call you the bloody angel of fire for now and forever. And I'm done, I am tired of talking to you when you remain this... Persistent. I'll See you around Angel oh and my intentions... My intentions are to live."

Marcus wouldn't give her time to talk back or do anything of the sorts, turning his head to the opening that was blown up when he first arrived he would blow up in a array of shadows before appearing on the road outside and walk away, he was tired, done. He wanted to eat and sleep for the first time in what felt like a very long while.

The characters that my mind decided up because of various reasons easily gotten to for all of you people who like being lazy.

Characters of the wolf:
Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator

Status :

Quote : You know........... This is just kinda pointless

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1508
Location : Right behind you
Age : 24
Job : I write and occasionaly mod
Humor : Gotta change this every few months
Registration date : 2014-10-18

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