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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Bliss June 19th 2015, 11:28 pm

Some odd stench emanated through the halls. Something less than ripe hung in the air like an unwelcome guest. Once Sara entered the room and saw the smoke still rises from the barrel of the pistol, she knew the situation changed into something more- dire. A creature slashed at Sara with the hatred only a bitter death could bring. A flower pot rested in the corner full of potting soil, giving Sara a defense. The soil shaped up and into a ball, blasting the hand of the zombie, sending his hand through the wall.

Danny watched as Zafira took care of the corpse with wind energies. "So, we're not doing anything here are we?"

"Shut up. We have work to do." Sara pushed past Danny, grabbing her wrist and pulling her behind.

Danny and Sara made their way into the garage and pulled up a slew of tools ranging from shovels to a wheel barrel of soil. A creak groaned out in the gears of the door as it lifted. "Did you get the keys for the car?" Sara lifted the wheel barrel full of soil.

"We don't need the car." Such a simple shovel for such a simple job. Danny trusted her choice.

Sara moved the wheel barrel with her hands to block the back of the vehicle. "I'm not pushing this the entire time. Go get the keys."While Danny went back to grab the keys, Sara loaded the fertilizer, soil, and other earthen goods in the back of the truck. "We're off. You can drive yet."

"I got my license last year." The car door slammed behind Danny as she tried to manage the excess fluff of her snow gear.

"Just try not to do your make up in the mirror."

Bliss killed everything. After a long blast of telekinetic blasts, Bliss managed to wrangle all five of the little beasts, gorging one on a rock, slamming two of them together until they broke, throwing one from the cliff, and smashing another countless times with a rock. She got by without as much trouble as the bear, but saw something out of the corner of her eye. A suit she recognized. A suit she would never forget.


Number of posts : 2166
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Carnyveil June 19th 2015, 11:44 pm

Ghost checked his scope again then turned behind him at the ugly things that come for him. He quickly dropped the gun and pulled out his mac-10's and started to blast at them as he went down the hill towards bliss's place with the exploded bear.

He left ammo shells in his wake along with foot prints but the biggest thought on his mind was Thoughs are ugly...and there up here to mercy'! Lets pay Bliss a visit. I'm sure she won't mind rabid fish babies to take care.

Post Mate
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Registration date : 2015-06-14

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by The Nekromonga June 20th 2015, 5:31 am


The duo didn't get ten feet out of the garage when they emerged to a town re-enacting the night of the living dead. At least four recently turned townspeople shuffled into their view, blocking their way- but Zafira was quick to follow her new company, landing on the front yard from the second story window. Then she delivered a blast of wind via spinning roundhouse to knock the zombies away. They were sent crashing into the neighbor's yard, smashing into a snow blower.

The rugged dad with the beard and the gun joined them in the car, followed by his little fish boy son. He didn't seem to mind that they'd taken the family truck.

"Daaaad.... daaad... what's happening... where's cousin Ralph? What happened to mister Robertson? "

"They're not well, Timmy. Just... just cover your ears." Daddy Jimmy said, and fish boy complied, curling into fetal position in the back seat. Then Dad talked to the ladies. "We gotta get my boy out of town.... I swear he ain't got nothing to do with this. It's that fishing boat... alot of people got some fish for their food stores from it."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. If the whole town is like this, we can't just leave without dealing with it." Zafira said, standing outside the car, blowing zombies away, the sheer force of their falls breaking limbs.

"Though if it's the whole town... we have to help survivors, if there are any out there." She contemplated the fate that befell the residents of the town, and worse, what could have caused it.


The little critters went out with a sickening but satisfying squish, their bodies fragile but their movements quick. The last one Bliss took care of would have come too close to her personal space. Barely six inches away, the thing twitched and gnashed at air after the first time the rock hit him, then deflated like a punctured balloon after a few more times.

Ghost would have the same situation. The bullets stopped the critters dead, but two managed to close the gap in the blink of an eye, and leapt at him, intent on eating Ghost alive.

The Nekrobear wasn't done though. Having lost its giant abdomen it decided it would take his shot to be a zombie bear. A zombear. Its mostly eaten entrails dragged behind it as it charged, its undead eyes fixated on Bliss, its jaws opened to emit a deathly wail.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Bliss June 20th 2015, 2:28 pm

"Are you sure about this?" A few of the living dead bumped against the bumper of the vehicle, only to be knocked back by a gust of wind.

"Do you want to do something or do you want this entire event to happen around you. This is pretty much it." A creature not quite in control of his facilities slammed against the window of the passenger side. "We should hurry. Get them all to follow us."

The gas pedal pulled the car into ignition and began moving down the street at a pace slow enough for the zombies to follow, but fast enough to avoid being taken down by a swarm. "I hope this works."

"Yeah, if it doesn't we're both dead."

The wake of the charging bear broke Bliss' moment of clarity. She broke his wake by uprooting a tree and allowing the bear to impale itself upon the trunk. When the creature became more docile, either in death or in remission, Bliss would begin to investigate it more thoroughly. The creatures forth from its gut bore nothing but hostility towards the living; their host played no small part in this she would move to assume. Bliss walked over to the cliff and looked down upon the little town off in the distance. Her fingers dialed a contact as she walked back towards the camp. "Sara. There is something you need to see."

"Not now Bliss. We're bumper deep in zombies." Two decrepit fist slammed against Sara's window, cracking it.

"I've got the same problem up here. I'm coming back to town. Find somewhere safe to stake this out." Bliss started to walk off with her phone in her pocket, grabbing the tea kettle from the camp to keep a little extra warm.

The floor mat looked fine enough to use to brace the window as more of these creatures bombarded the car. "Yeah. That's the plan." After hanging up, Sara turned to Danny. "I thought you could drive?"

One creature jumped on the hood, making his way for the driver side windshield, before prompting Danny to slam on the breaks, sending him flying. "They don't teach you zombie skills in driver's ed!"


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Carnyveil June 20th 2015, 4:07 pm

Ghost phased letting them pass by before shooting them from behind when they did. he would then enter a shadow reappear behind a tree near bliss. He then start to tail her stealthy like.

He left little foot prints in his wake but the guns were loud.

Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Registration date : 2015-06-14

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Lily Anderson June 20th 2015, 7:07 pm

Clad in the heaviest jacket she could afford Lily trudged through the Alaskan wilderness. She wasn't quite sure why she thought it was such a good idea to come to such a cold, desolate place. Something in her gut told the androgynous female to come here- that maybe someone could use her help. Unfortunately she had not found a single life form to help. In fact, she found herself in need of assistance. Lost, hungry, and very, VERY cold, Lily pressed onward. There had to be a town somewhere around here. At least she hoped so. It had become dark hours ago and she was losing hope by the minute.

But wait... Ah what luck! She could see smoke through the trees! Someone must have set up camp ahead. Her pace quickened to a sprint as she dashed towards the alleged camp site. That sprint didn't last long, however, as the clumsy girl tripped over something. Well, it was after dark. Not the best time to be running in unfamiliar territory. As she stood up and dusted the snow off of herself she noticed something odd about the thing she tripped over. She knelt over for a closer look, falling backwards again when she saw what it was. Some sort of fanged monstrosity, smashed to bits. And to her left, a very worse for wear creature of some sort (she couldn't quite make it out in the dark) with something protruding out of it's stomach. In her line of 'work' she had seen some pretty interesting stuff, but it still startled her.
After gaining her composure, she rose to her feet again and carefully began jogging towards the smoke. Now she definitely had to make it to the camp site. She didn't know just what those creatures were, and she didn't want to judge them too quickly especially seeing the massacred condition they were in. But then again, she didn't want to be eaten alive by reinforcements either.

The light of the little campfire was a very welcome site for her. She started waving her hands above her head to catch the maker of the fire's attention. "Hello! I-Is anyone there?!" She called out. She could faintly see someone walking away from the camp- a dark haired female figure. Did she know about the creatures? Why was she leaving the camp when it was so late? Not wanting to bombard the woman with questions, Lily just jogged up to her. "Uhm... Hello! There seems to be weird creatures near here and... Well, they're all dead it would seem... B-but..." Lily was known for her awkward rambling. She stopped and took a breath, realizing she was, indeed, rambling awkwardly. "I-I guess what I'm trying to get to is... Are you okay, Miss?"

Lily Anderson (Sideline)
Lily Anderson
Lily Anderson

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 16
Age : 35
Registration date : 2014-12-06

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by The Nekromonga June 20th 2015, 11:58 pm

The diversion with the car worked to some extent. The zombies in town were turning away from attacking the few remaining armed and living residents in their homes, and began chasing after the car. Zafira landed on the roof of the car, maintaining her balance with her fancy monk training.

"It's working. we're distracting them." she pointed out the obvious.

And then, apparently becoming bored of the zombie genre, the ghoulish townsfolk all began to undergo seizures on the streets. The outbreak came to an abrupt end, only for something much worse to start- emerging from the infected townsfolk, came floating jellyfish like creatures, except they were able to float in mid air. The jellyfish were all floating there, like some alien lamps, flashing with blue bioluminescence.

It was then and there the enemy revealed itself. The undead genre shifted to sci-fi, as an alien ship emerges from the nearby water and hovers over the center of the town. Its outline was barely visible, but its space ship lights worked like searchlights, scanning the town. It then emitted a long, droning horn call.

While the horn it merely produced a dreadful feeling in baseline humans, Timmy the fish boy reacted adversely; he clutched his ears like he was in pain, and his father tried to help him. "AAAH IT HURTS!"

Daddy turned to the lady driver, his voice growing more desperate by the second. Nothing hurt a parent more than to see their own child suffering, and be unable to protect them. "We have to get away from the town!"  He said.

Then at that moment the boy opened his mouth to let out a horrific screech; he had a supersonic scream that, in the enclosed space of the car, would severely stun all the passengers and the driver, probably shatter eardrums too. Zafira too fell off the car and fell onto a snow pile...


Meanwhile, Bliss's Nekrobear remained immobilized by being impaled on the tree, still trying to reach her. Upon closer inspection one could see the brain worm pulsating in the rotten bear zombie, a foreign- alien- parasite that controlled the body even beyond death. Sensing it was seen, it slithered deeper into the bear to hide, though it had a feeling its time was up. It escaped through the entrails and produced six legs, skittering towards one of the arrivals...

...The Brain worm creature spots Lilia, and tries to leap at her face, getting all that alien mind-control on the girl.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Bliss June 21st 2015, 3:38 pm

It did not matter what chased them through town. It only mattered the pursuit still remained. New life burst forth from the streets, floating in an eerie iridescence several jelly fish like creatures took Sara's attention from the vehicle to lack of escape options the crew could take. "I'm getting out." The fertilizer and soil began to levitate, Sara opened the back hatch of the vehicle to allow herself to pull it out.

"You can't just get out like that." Danny reached over to pull the door shut when a man stepped into the vehicle. His young son looked out of sorts, but to his defense, no one in the car would be able to tell him what really happened around them.

"Get them out of town. Windwalker, you can ride shotgun." Soil and fertilizer acted as Sara's shield and spear to drive back the jellyfish. Unlike zombies, the vehicle alone would not outrun the pursuit. Sara knew she needed to give them a chance to escape, but not at her own complete sacrifice. Once the vehicle escaped far enough, Sara would put into place her own plan to flee the scene and find somewhere to lay low.

"What is going on?" The axle of the car nearly broke as Danny took a curb too hard. "One minute it was normal, the next we have jellyfish controlling everyone." Even though the town no longer possessed sentient people, it did not make the cars they drove before the loss of their minds dissipate. Finding an open route took some time for Danny to muster together, leaving the vehicle open to attacks from some jellyfish Sara could not contain.

A noise continued to echo from behind Bliss. Something heard, but with the desire to go unheard. A voice spoke out to her just outside the camp. The direction did not sit in the same area of the footsteps, but odder things occurred on this day. "Yeah, I'm fine." A woman standing with hair as white as the snow showed some interest in Bliss, but the exact reason for her arrival in this part of the town opened up a new line of questioning. "So, you're fleeing from those things? Smart. I'm heading back that way, but I was only going so far as it looked safe."

The short conversation settled in the snow drift for a while, as did other occurrences of unwelcome varieties. Lunging from across the camp, a creature Bliss once thought dead sprung to attack Lily. Bliss reacted too slowly to grab the creature out of the air, watching it move towards Lily with a hopeless denial of fate, Bliss would try to remove the creature if it took root.


Mitsy's Boutique


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Status :

Quote : I'm pretty much the Captain Kirk of this place when I'm not too busy being the Han Solo.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2166
Job : Exerter of feminine "Whiles"
Humor : [16:00:27] devistation : bliss you only bann me because you are scared you use your moderator powers to get rid of people u know is right but hate because they are right but if anything there is treatment for your disease of being scared of better people so you should go by some have fun bye bye
Registration date : 2010-11-18

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Carnyveil June 21st 2015, 8:41 pm

Ghost aimed his mac-10 at the worm and fired. He shot from behind Bliss and after shooting it he would shadow dance behind her.

If he missed he would shadow dance behind and go to pull it off using a complex movment of phasing and un-phasing to get it out.

Post Mate
Post Mate

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 127
Registration date : 2015-06-14

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Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish) - Page 2 Empty Re: Air Lady in Alaska (Open-ish)

Post by Lily Anderson June 22nd 2015, 5:55 pm

Lily smiled as the dark haired woman affirmed that she was fine. Just as she was opening her mouth to respond something lunged at her through the darkness. Lily saw it just in time to yelp and fall backwards, once again ending up on the snowy Alaskan floor. Before doing her seemingly only defense mechanism she covered her head with her hands in defense. She winced as a gun shot was heard, assuming that the woman had fired the shot at the creature since there was no one else to be seen. Tentatively lowering her arms she did a quick glance over the frozen ground. Only when she felt a sharp pain in her arm did she realize in horror that the bullet didn't reach it's mark. The creature had attached itself to her arm and didn't look like it was going to let go anytime soon. With wide, frantic eyes she looked up at the woman above her. Out of pure habit she started to use her power amplification on the woman, even though she had no idea if the woman had powers or not. Lily's eyes began to glow a faint shade of violet as her power activated.

The woman would have felt a surge of power. At this point whatever powers she had would become stronger and more efficient then they were normally.
"G-g-get it off! ..... Please..." Couldn't forget to be polite, even in a dire situation like this one.

Lily Anderson (Sideline)
Lily Anderson
Lily Anderson

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Number of posts : 16
Age : 35
Registration date : 2014-12-06

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