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Making some noise (One or Two)

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Making some noise (One or Two) Empty Making some noise (One or Two)

Post by Quinn March 30th 2015, 1:26 pm

Clockwork calmly sits in his chair, watching the doorway as he waits for his team to arrive. He looks down at his wrist, checking the time yet again, before looking back up at the door. Right on time, the handle turns and the door opens, five people stepping through to stand before him. Rising from his seat, he looks them over in silence before sighing. "Are you five really it? You all look like shit." One of them started to open their month before Clockwork just cuts them off. "I don't give a shit what you think. Shut the fuck up if you want to get paid."

Turning in place, he heads deeper into the building, stopping and looking back when the five goons weren't following. "Well? Are you shits coming?" It wasn't long before they got to a room, one with multiple building plans pinned to the wall, among other things. He circles around the table, stopping at the far side of it. He places his hands down on the table that now stands between them. "Okay, here's the deal, we're doing four jobs. After the fourth you get paid. Now as for the first on-"

Right then, the same man who tried to speak up before raises his voice, yelling at Clockwork. "What the hell do you mean we get paid at the end. That's not what I signed up for." Clockwork turns his gaze onto the man, staring at him for a long moment. "Is that right? I see, well I guess I have to let you go then." At his last word, Clockwork pulls a gun and just puts three rounds into the man's chest before placing the weapon on the table. "Now does anyone else want to be let go? No? Thought not. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, for the first job we're going to be hitting a hidden government facility here in Chicago. It's heavily defended, but luckily for us they won't call the cops, so once we get in it there shouldn't be any reinforcements, but I could be wrong. Now let's go over the plan..."


The car rolls into a parking spot right in front of the building, the five man team decked out with black market arms and other gear, mostly set towards close combat. Clockwork claps his hands together. "Okay, let's get this started people. Don't fuck it up." They exit at the same time after the goons put their masks on, quickly moving towards the building and aiming their guns at the door. Clockwork walks up and hits a few buttons on his arm, chuckling to himself. "Computer based locks, man this is going to be so fucking easy." With a slow beep, the door unlocks itself, allowing the team to slide in.

"This place should be soundproof, so light up any fucker who gives you trouble. They are government dogs anyway, best thing we can do is put em down." They move deeper, not seeing anyone right away, Clockwork leading them towards the main security office so he can locate where the main terminals are, his goons in a loose formation around him, not really keeping an eye out behind them. It was for that reason that they were seen from that direction as a guard passing by looks in their direction. Clockwork turns and quickly puts a round into the man's eye, but by then it was too late. The alarms started to go off. "Well would you look at that. God damn this just got harder."
Post Adept
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
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Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Making some noise (One or Two) Empty Re: Making some noise (One or Two)

Post by Lingo April 16th 2015, 8:25 pm

"What do you mean you're not on this planet with the intent to invade!"
".... I mean I do not want to take over your planet."

Captain Riley chewed noisily on some bubblegum, with both of his feet crossed over and ontop of a metal interrogation table.

"You blew up a school!"

"I crashed into a school. It was an accident." He rolled his eyes, acting like some kind of teen being scolded by his mother. "Besides, it was empty, why're you so mad."

He was being questioned by an oldish man, wearing a black suit and pitch black sunglasses. Shortly after his ship's engine short circuited and he crashed onto this planet, these guys had driven to the site, found him and brought him here. The old man grunted and walked over to the wall, slamming on the over head lights.

Rolling his eyes in the opposite direction and crossing over his ankles in the other direction, he flicked his goggles down over his eyes to help dim the strength of the lights. Not only were his eyes sensitive to the lights, but he was just a little bit hung over.

"Why have you come here!"
"My ship broke. Earth caught me."
"Where's your ship now?"
"Where's Pepper?"
"Who's Pepper?"
"Little robot. Football shaped. She has no hands but she'd probably still manage to slap you."

Captain Riley waited for a response before he heard a muffled voice from behind the door.

"Oh look, I'm being interrogated again. Joy."

He smiled, before blowing a bubble with his gum. "Nevermind, I found her."

The old man slammed his hands on the desk in order to try and get a reaction out of the alien visitor.

"Stop treating this like a joke damnit! Where are you from?"

Riley sighed once again.

"I react better to emotional encouragement rather than abuse."

The man sighed, before reaching into his blazer's pocket and removing a heavy calibur pistol, hoping to scare answers out of Riley. Riley reacted quickly, lifting his right leg above the man's wrist and slamming it down, before using his left foot to twist the gun out of the man's hand, which fell to the floor. The armed soldiers in the room lifted their rifles and pointed them at Riley, who simply remained still, the man's arm still locked in his foot grip.


He expected to get shot. Quite alot. However, he was, quite literally, saved by the bell. An alarm started ringing loudly throughout the chambers. And to the hungover Riley, promoted him to groan and lift his hands to his ears. "Ow."

The soldiers decided that dealing with the immediate threat, which was causing alarms to go off, was more important. Riley released the man's arm from his legs, before  putting them back into the relaxed position.

"That sounds important." Captain Riley nodded to the door and the suited man picked his gun off the floor, before following the other armed guards.

Riley remained still for a few minutes, before looking around. "I miss my guns. And my jetpack." He sighed, before standing up and looking himself up and down. They'd taken pretty much everything, his gauntlets, guns, grenades - even his freaken boots. So he was stood in nothing but his trousers, shirt and purple leather jacket. He paced around the room, before a thought struck him.

With a gentle stride, he walked over to the door and tried the handle.

No fucking way.

It opened. The morons had left the thing open! Laughing, Riley barely hesitated. Closing his eyes for a moment, he opened them again with the ability to see electrical currents. Through the walls, he could see the batteries that powered some of his equipment. Moving over to the door to the room, he pushed it. Another open door, wow.

Happily walking in, Riley pushed on his bracers, strapped on his jetpack and put on his boots. He span both of his pistols around on his fingers before allowing them to shrink to their square shapes and slotting them onto his belt. "Neat."


Pepper sat on a table in an empty room. She had no hands so couldn't tell if her door was open or not. However, the lock on her door was soon shot off, and Riley walked into the room.

"Finally I'm Fre- Oh. It's you."

"Hi Pepper."


She silently floated upwards and started hovering beside him. He slowly slid his headphones over his ears and began walking. Changing his eyes once again, this time to sound, he was able to see that the alarms were going off everywhere but there was a larger concentration of sound a few floors above him. Shrugging, he began walking towards it, figuring that that would help him find a way out.

After two flights of stairs, Riley walked into some kind of lobby thing. There were a few dead people, including the oldish guy who'd been interrogating him, as well as a few of the soldiers. Spotting other people in the room, armed with guns, he sniffed abit before pushing his belt buckle. "So, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you dick's did this?"

Without looking, he shot one of the alarms that was screaming bloody murder.
A skin tight translucent blue sheen grew over his body, before he took out his other pistol.

He span both of his gun's on his fingers before pointing one at one of the henchmen on the far left and the other at one to the far right. They let out a brief hum before firing concussive bolts of sound at the targets.

(i feel ick about this post but w.e)


Making some noise (One or Two) Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
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Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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Making some noise (One or Two) Empty Re: Making some noise (One or Two)

Post by Quinn April 19th 2015, 12:27 pm

"Damn these fucker's are weak, why even bother trying to stop us if they can't even land a shot?" Clockwork shakes his head as he steps over yet another body, the group having shot their way through the building as they head towards their objective. They were actually making good time, even with all of the distractions that they had to shoot up. Clockworks stops walking after the last firefight, looking down at the corpses in boredom. "How many assholes do they have? We must have gone through like fifty already, are they just throwing people at us at this point?"

It was about then that some pink haired asshole shows up. He says a few words before trying to shoot two of Clockwork's helpers, who were smart enough to get out of the way before they got hit, using the corners as cover. Clockwork, of course, doesn't even try to move, just stands in the middle of the corridor as the shots go past him. "Hey, you fucks. Keep going and finish the god damn mission, I'll stay here and hold off the assholes that try to follow." He waits for a moment, watching the newcomer before noticing that they hadn't left yet. "What did I just fucking say?" He turns to look back and them, clearly getting annoyed. All four of them took off, heading to go get the information.

"Now that that's done, who the fuck are you? You don't look government. You some kind of hero type?" Clockwork doesn't even wait for the answer, just firing a couple rounds at the man, trying to put two in his smug looking face.
Post Adept
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Registration date : 2015-02-27

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Making some noise (One or Two) Empty Re: Making some noise (One or Two)

Post by Lingo April 23rd 2015, 9:56 am

Captain Riley leaned his head to the left and then the right, each time an audible crack coming from it. The figure had been quite loud, quite aggressive and very sweary. However Riley hardly reacted. He quietly reached up and pushed his goggles back up onto his forehead before letting out a slight groan and yawn.

His eyes traced along the crowd, quickly counting the corpses. There were over two dozen. Riley sighed a little bit, before turning to look at the man.

"I'm gonna guess you like killing people..."
He turned his back to the man, taking a moment. He wasn't a fan of people dying. And something about the fact that some people were, really pissed him off. He turned around on one foot, and stomped the other one into the floor. "Right, asshole."

"I'm Riley..."

He smiled, before flicking his goggles back onto his face. He span his guns around before pushing them into their respective sockets on his belt.

"Captain Riley."

He slapped one of his fists into the other, which caused his bracers to slowly fold outwards into a pair of huge gauntlets. The man asked if he was a hero type. If he knew anything about Joppos' culture he would know just how ironic that question was and why it caused Riley to laugh a little. He put his headphones over his ears, and Pepper started playing a pre-loaded play list of Earth modern techno, something he quite enjoyed.

"And I guess I am."

His boots activated, allowing him to dash forward and high speeds before he tried to land a gauntlet covered gut punch straight into the man's stomach. No need to trigger one of the charges in his gloves. Don't want to end up killing him. Then who'd be the asshole.


Making some noise (One or Two) Iwanrheonsinging_zpse77ab8b6
Posting Apprentice
Posting Apprentice

Status :

Quote : I speak every language but bullshit.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 215
Humor : Bad Language
Registration date : 2013-12-08

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