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We will rock you, for we are the champions (Tyuki, maybe others too)

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We will rock you, for we are the champions (Tyuki, maybe others too) - Page 3 Empty Re: We will rock you, for we are the champions (Tyuki, maybe others too)

Post by Forceaus July 6th 2015, 12:09 am

Forcewave was finding it hard to celebrate this little victory with the people he had some camaraderie with due to how badly his shoulder hurt at the moment. Plus there was the fact that the battle in the street against the escaped convicts with superpowers wasn't over just yet, but it was mainly the injured and bloody shoulder that was preventing him from being able to celebrate.

Okay, time to make a checklist of who was left among the escaped convicts. They had defeated three that he knew of, chest cannon guy, porcupine man and the lightning girl. There was also the sheriff that was responsible for this whole ordeal. That left three more if he was remembering correctly. Forcewave wasn't sure if that was true though, but he felt like there were three left. If only he could remember who they were.

Because he was barely even paying attention to what was going around him, Forcewave sort of missed what happened next. Tyuki, Bliss and the band were all talking and chatting about stuff, most of which he didn't have a clue about. "Hey, can someone help me? One of those quills kind of went straight through my shoulder and it won't stop bleeding." he asked any of them as feelings of being delirious were starting to kick in. Okay, maybe he was a bit worse off that he thought. The adrenaline might have to start kicking in at this rate because his chances of receiving some immediate help may have been dashed aside by the sudden reappearance of Toxica, and her grabbing of Tyuki.

This Toxica had so far proven to be quite possibly the most dangerous of this group of escaped convicts, and had probably caused them the most trouble so far. Now she had snuck up on them and grabbed Tyuki with her smoke controlling powers. Grasping on to his shoulder as hard as he could to try and nullify the pain a bit, Forcewave quickly turned around towards where Toxica was trying to hold Tyuki with the smoke and would shoot at the smoke with a few lightning bolts to try and disperse it all in order to free Tyuki of the toxic gas. "Tyuki." He called out after his attempt to free her of the smoke. "I really need you to heal my shoulder. Think you can do that?" he asked, hoping she would be able to do so, and quickly too.

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We will rock you, for we are the champions (Tyuki, maybe others too) - Page 3 Empty Re: We will rock you, for we are the champions (Tyuki, maybe others too)

Post by Chellizard July 18th 2015, 1:50 pm

Toxica's smoke was grappling Tyuki into a bind and it felt like all the strength in the world she could muster wouldn't be able to break her out. She eventually gave up trying to break herself out and chose to scream out. She kept calling for John, but used his hero name to ensure his identity was kept safe.

But for her, John had let her name slip. Tyuki passed his lips and Toxica laughed out.

"Tyuki huh? Hahahahah so you must be that lead singer girl for that one band? The commercials I had to endure in the prison always had your smug little face on it. I'm going to enjoy hauling your ass off." Wreching Tyuki up as Toxica hovered in place, this left her vulnerable for a moment.

More vulnerable than the evil villain woman predicted.

The lightning attacks flung at her rendered her helpless, but only just long enough for John to catch up, and Tyuki to reach out to him.

Her hand outstretched and she gently touched his shoulder. For the split second she made contact, she smiled, and everything stopped for a moment.

Her hair and eyes glowed white gold, and the words 'I love' and 'you' were mouthed. Her hand slipped from his shoulder and glided along his face as Toxica ripped Tyuki away from John, her smoke lifting her higher and higher into the air. The two of them drifted out of view, no longer within proper range to be caught.

Tyuki was gone. She had been kidnapped.

"Maybe I should just cosplay Princess Peach next comic con... Meh. Life sucks."

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We will rock you, for we are the champions (Tyuki, maybe others too) - Page 3 JiLqjv0
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