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Electric Avenue (Duo)

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Electric Avenue (Duo) Empty Electric Avenue (Duo)

Post by Forceaus July 14th 2015, 11:34 pm

"Electric avenue." A unseen voice belonging to a male said. A computer screen was displaying some recent news reports of ongoings in the city of Chicago. There was also some stuff about some lost puppies, a statue being flown into town that was rumored to contain a treasure within it, A leprechaun being spotted during the White Sox game, A UFO sighting from a couple nights ago, the graveyard being haunted, etc, etc. These stories were for the most part, weird.

"Huh?" another voice said, this one was a woman's, from the other side of the computer. "John, what are you singing or something?"

"No, that's what they're calling that one place we were talking about earlier." John said as he looked over the screen at Patricia who had asked.

"So are we going to rock down to it?" She asked trying to sound amusing and entertaining.

"And then take it higher?" Joshua added in when he heard what was being said.

"Yes, that's exactly what we should do. Even though it's apparently riddled with crime." John said in a sarcastic tone.

"We're joking, duh. I ain't going anywhere near there. I wanna live, thank you." Patricia told him

"Why's it called electric avenue anyways?" Joshua asked, a bit curious.

"Well, according to these reports, it's being run by some metahuman with the power to control electricity. So, some psycho electro gang leader. Good to know." John said as he read the reports off to the other two.

"They control electricity. So did Forcewave go evil and started running his own gang or something?" Joshua said as he came over to look at the computer screen.

"He better not have. I use him on my heroes quest team." Patricia said very rapidly.

Later on that day

Electric Avenue was actually in a part of Englewood, the most crime ridden part of the city of Chicago. Even with there being a few superheroes that resided in this city, crime still remained present despite a drop in recent months. This particular part of the city was not exactly a safe place to go to. Which is why Forcewave was regretting doing just that. "This is not going to end well, I just know it." He told himself as he approached the specific area mentioned in the news reports. This one spot of a three block radius had suffered a complete blackout and rioting had practically ruined the place until somebody took over the area. Said takeover involved five reported deaths and an entire building getting burned down. Forcewave could see the wreckage of that building from where he was located. A bit of a hiding spot just inside the zone known as 'electric avenue'.

In the distance a couple of people appeared from behind a building and were running off somewhere in a hurry. Forcewave couldn't see who or what they were running from, if that's why they were running that is. If something was chasing them, they sure weren't making any appearances as far as he could tell. He then heard a really loud noise and a lightning bolt appeared. The thing was, it didn't come from the sky, but instead flew upwards from the ground. Forcewave took notice of that and ran towards where he had seen it. When he arrived there, who knows what he would find.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Electric Avenue (Duo) Empty Re: Electric Avenue (Duo)

Post by Duo July 15th 2015, 12:43 am

Song Currently Playing:
"So tell me how does it feel? How does it feel?"

Shock sang the words as he drove through the ever-so-live city known as Chicago. The Love Machine drove through the streets, getting a few odd looks at some of the citizens as they walked along the roads. Shock just sat, driving the vehicle which acted as his transportation, home, shower, and whatever-else you would need to live. He got odd looks from most places he went, due to the old, rusty look of the automobile. It didn't mean a thing to him though, because it was his home, and he wasn't planning on getting rid of it any time soon. He took a few gazes off the road to stare at the city, and when he did, he truly admired it. He loved the feels of different places, just the general vibes he received from the areas, and this was definitely an alive one if anything. It allowed him to, more than anything, tell what city he was at just be looking around. He knew that if he was ever blindfolded and placed in a random city he's visited before, he would know his surroundings near instantly.

Shock did his normal routine and parked outside a Wal-Mart, driving into the lot and getting settled. This would be his base of operations, since nobody would ever tow him away or be suspicious due to nobody caring enough to notice how long the vehicle would be parked there. Now, he would cook his second meal of the day, shower, and then get prepared for his normal routine of crime searching. He went back from the driver's seat and through a pair of curtains he put up himself, entering the area which had everything in it. On the left there were various cooking tools on countertops, as well as a mini-fridge, freezer, and microwave. On the right, in the corner away from the door, he had a small shower area set up (it was a clever mechanism, with the water going into a tank which would need dumped, and a separate tank which needed refilled). In the back, though, he had his mattress and his laptop. Those two together formed his base of operations for superhuman things, and was the thing that allowed him to find out most of his information (the laptop, obviously. The mattress is just there for him to lay on).

After a small meal, and a shower (this would be the last time he could shower until he dumped out the old water tank and refilled his other tank), Shock decided he would get to work. Before he would truly search on the depths of the computer, which he found to be a completely unreliable source of information 50% of the time, Jason Chase decided to take a stroll through the city of Chicago, using his simple, non-metahuman hears to pick up information from conversations. He's found out about more crimes that way than the internet has ever given him.

Shock's Current Outfit/Look:

He walked around, his hands in his pockets, and he gave off polite smiles to everyone he saw. He kept hearing something about some Electric Avenue, and just heard tidbits of information, not having any connection to each other whatsoever. He did however know that this Electric Avenue place was a bad, bad place, and it was apparently run by a Superhuman with the same powers as Shock, which was amusing. He had not yet met a metahuman who's ability was naturally the same as him (there was one encounter with an engineer who had electric gloves, but that doesn't count). Being able to meet someone who could do the same things as him would be like looking into a mirror.

God, he hated mirrors.

Soon, he found himself on the outside of this, "Electric City", and he didn't even know it. All he saw when he looked out was a burnt down building, and it was quite odd seeing one of those in the streets of such a great, big area such as Chicago. These were also the slums of Chicago, though, so truly anything could happen and it would just be looked over by the politicians of Chicago, who would all just overlook the poor areas like this. In a matter of seconds upon arriving to his destination, he heard a loud boom noise, and searched the scene with a few quick glances. Nobody was around, but just to be safe, he ran into an alleyway. Out from his pocket came a small mask to go over his eyes, and a flattened hat which Shock would soon pop out with his hand came from inside the pants. He placed the hat on his head and the mask over his face, as well as switched his clothes over by reversing them (all his clothes were double-sided for quick changing, and were normally easier to get off than standard clothing). He was now ready for business.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-08-31

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Electric Avenue (Duo) Empty Re: Electric Avenue (Duo)

Post by Forceaus July 16th 2015, 1:40 am

From what kind of amounted to a hiding spot, or at least he hoped it counted as one, Forcewave took off running in the direction that he just saw other people running from. That same area was where he had just seen a lightning bolt fly upwards, and wanted to know why. Sure there would probably be something there that was dangerous that he was running headlong in to. Is it too late to turn around? No way, he could totally do that. Forget going over there to investigate and risk running right into some superpowered gang leader that leveled a building, and just turn around and go back home. Yeah, that's what he should do. So why wasn't he doing just that? It wasn't too late, and now it was.

Forcewave arrived at what he perceived to be the location of where that lightning bolt had appeared. What he found there was...nothing. Nothing at all. Not a single person to be seen. Wow, this was anti-climactic. Surely there had to be someone around. If there was, they couldn't have gotten very far. Not unless they were one of those super fast types, or could simply teleport away at their leisure, or could phase through the ground, or could make portals, or....You know what, there are way too many ways for someone to get away from a place really quickly. Someone should really make sure that gets cut back on.

Thinking, or at least hoping that someone might still be around, preferably the person that shot that lightning bolt into the air, Forcewave started looking around for any sign of life. He ran down the street where he had seen the lightning bolt and found an alleyway where he heard movement. Somebody was there, on the other side of this building. Which direction were they heading though? It was hard to tell, but he believed that they were heading left from him. So that's the direction that he went.

Forcewave was now in pursuit of somebody that was moving through the alleyways. He traveled down one, then another, and eventually found himself in the exact same alleyway as some masked person. "Hold it, stop." Forcewave said to this person before taking a second to catch his breath. Okay, that was a bit more tiring that he thought it would be. Okay, now to figure out who this guy was? Was he the one behind that lightning bolt? Perhaps if he was, he was also this gang leader the news had been reporting on. The reason this place was being referred to as 'electric avenue'. Only one way to find out really. Might as well simply take the direct approach. You know, straight up ask some questions in order to divulge whatever information you could hope to get.

"Okay, did you see that lightning bolt that flew upwards earlier? Also what are you doing here? This place isn't exactly safe to be wandering around in." Forcewave told this person. Yeah, he knew that they could say the same thing about the whole 'this place isn't exactly safe to be wandering around in' thing. He was well aware of this, and also expected that to be brought up. Please don't actually have it though.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Electric Avenue (Duo) Empty Re: Electric Avenue (Duo)

Post by Duo July 16th 2015, 3:18 pm

"Hold it, stop."

Shock stood still, waiting. He looked out, and there was a man who was attempting to catch his breath. Shock closed his eyes for a second, and let loose a large number of tiny, nearly undetectable sparks. If the man was noticing closely, he would see them move across the ground and glide across the walls. They could have easily been missed though. After he caught his breath, the man continued to ask questions.

"Okay, did you see that lightning bolt that flew upwards earlier? Also what are you doing here? This place isn't exactly safe to be wandering around in."

"While I didn't see the lightning, I did the see the flash, and heard the loud sound, which I'm guessing was the thunder. And uh, can't you tell by the cool mask and the outfit and the whole alley thing that I'm, well, one of those guys you see on TV! Well, not specifically one of those, but I'm one of those heroes here to stop this. Now, if you have any information on this place, that would be great. If now, well, then I'll have to ask you to move so I can continue, and if you could, please get to a place of safety so that you won't be hurt. This has a chance to get very, very ugly."

He closed his eyes once more, Shock now being able to see a nice view of the surrounding area, including the person right in front of him. He was making good use of his electricity's mapping ability, and he was trying to find the source of the bad man, who was apparently in charge of this 'Electric Avenue"


Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 36
Registration date : 2014-08-31

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Electric Avenue (Duo) Empty Re: Electric Avenue (Duo)

Post by Forceaus July 19th 2015, 2:10 am

After chasing someone through the alleyways, Forcewave had found this masked guy wandering about and was wondering if perhaps he was the one responsible for that lightning bolt he had seen moments ago. If he was, then perhaps he was also the person that was responsible for this place being dubbed 'electric avenue'. Information is what he sought, and Forcewave was being direct in order to possibly obtain it.

This masked person started talking, and as they were doing so, Forcewave noticed something around them. The area felt heavily electrically charged. He could feel his hair standing up on end from beneath his costume. This feeling wasn't there a moment ago. It had to be coming from this guy unless there was someone else around that he had not noticed. This energy around him made him think that this guy was the person he was looking for. All the evidence did point to that being true. He just didn't want to act on suspicion alone though.

Anyways, this guy was talking about how he's actually a superhero and was here to investigate. Funnily enough that was exactly what Forcewave was doing. What a coincidence, and likely not entirely true. Was this guy seriously just repeating what Forcewave had said back to him? Yeah, he totally was. He couldn't believe he was hearing any of this. Oh, enough with listening to this. "Yeah, if you say so. You're just saying what I said back to me. Don't do that, it's rude. Also I've been doing this hero thing for years. Oh, and you can go ahead and get rid of this electrical field already." Forcewave told the guy that could likely be the culprit behind this criminal activity.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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Electric Avenue (Duo) Empty Re: Electric Avenue (Duo)

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