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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt July 13th 2014, 4:39 am

”I guess we could do that, if you're up to it. I'm in perfect condition.” Michael noted with a smirk, keeping the silver eyes trained upon the metahuman, making sure to follow each movement that he made and appraising them. One thing that he did notice was that Rowan did not seem to want to let Michael heal him, even though his words spoke otherwise, or was it him not wanting him to overexert himself. Choosing to help the male with his damage, if only because he could, Michael called forth the blade Imperium, a gilded white blade with gold inlaid in it. He let the tip sink into the floor slightly as what appeared to be bright green flames began to pour from it, and wash over Rowans chest, to take away the injury there but he would let the soreness within his hips remain. The idea that he was limping because of him was enough of a reason really.

”It is a shame that you don't drink though, because I have some high quality vintages.” Michael noted with a smirk as he let a finger trail along the males thigh lightly, taking off a piece of his own cheesecake and experimentally letting it hover before Rowans mouth. ”How about in about thirty minutes we go for round two, or would you like to be able to walk right first? Can't exactly walk around properly if you have to limp everywhere.” He noted with a smirk letting his eyes gaze into Rowans.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon July 13th 2014, 5:09 am

When the warm green flames washed over his chest, he let out a happy sigh. It was nice to be healed again, though of course he hoped that it didn't really cause too much of a strain on Michael. He felt almost as good as new, except for his thighs and arse, which still ached from the pounding that Michael had given him. “That's a pretty blade” Rowan hummed out softly and looked at it with a happy smile. He figured that Michael had left his thighs and arse in pain because he was somewhat proud of seeing him in a bit of pain because of he pounding him. He didn't know this for sure, but it seemed somewhat plausible, and if it was true, it was kind of cute that he was proud of his conquest. Rowan was oddly attracted to signs of dominance like that. It was strange, but Rowan accepted that. Rowan raked his eyes over Michael again, admiring the Ethereal's beautiful body. Everything about him seemed very...nice. But of course, he didn't know Michael too much, so he was going of only what he knew. And he did have that cute butt, and rather large...Rowan shook his head once, as if to shake the thoughts from his mind.

“I didn't know you were an oenophile” Rowan chuckled a little bit. “And I could always be persuaded to become a bit of a wine drinker” He shrugged and nipped at the cheesecake. Rowan smiled happily at Michael and nodded “Thirty minutes sound good to me, although you might want to invest in a wheelchair for me” He teased and looked back into Michael's eyes. He felt a bit lost in them for a few moments. They were...beyond beautiful. “So loverboy, excited for round two?”

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt July 13th 2014, 5:32 am

”You like Imperium? Yeah, its a pretty nice blade I guess.” Mike admitted with a chuckle letting his fingertips run over the hilt of the magnificent blade, then gripping tightly onto it, and then dismissing it with a single thought. With a thought the blade would levitate into the air, and then disappear with but a ripple within the air, leaving them without the blade and a small chink within the wooden flooring. ”I could persuade you? Well, uI guess I should get to work on that.” Michael would then chuckle, lifting another bite of the cheesecake towards Rowans mouth, perhaps enjoying watching him eat more than eating himself. Afterall, when one did not need to eat they did, food was more of a luxury than an actual necessity. Then came the image of the male being wheeled around in a wheelchair, and a shudder went up Michael's spine, followed by a slight frown.

He had dealt with a wheelchair once, and it was not the most pleasant experience. Granted it was because of extreme damage to the spinal cord, it was still not something that he wanted to revisit, and the image was enough to pain him. ”Thirty minutes it is then. Until then, how about I massage your back, or maybe your full body? You seem like you need one, and I am rather skilled with my hands.” Michael added that last part with a chuckle, considering working over the males muscle and just getting a feel of them. ”I could probably put on some music too, if thats fine with you.”
The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon July 13th 2014, 6:10 pm

“Where'd you get it? I bet they don't sell it in stores” Rowan noted and chuckled softly. It really was an impressive blade, and it could heal people, so what could be better than that? Rowan didn't really have any cool items like that, so he had to admit he was a bit jealous. He couldn't really get over how strong Michael seemed to be. He wondered if he could have beaten that Titan they had faced earlier. Rowan assumed that if he had enough time, Michael certainly would have flatten the crazed guy. Rowan nipped at the food again, grinning a bit. “If I eat all of your cheesecake, you can't be mad at me” He teased and leaned back a little bit. He could feel the Ethereal's eyes looking over his body, and he didn't really mind it. He sort of liked the idea of Michael finding him attractive. It felt nice to feel wanted. Rowan smirked at him and shrugged “I'm not terribly hard to persuade, if you know what to say” He teased and used his foot to nudge at him.

“A massage actually sounds nice” Rowan nodded. He never actually had a proper massage before, but he knew that they were supposed to feel good. “A full body one, if you don't mind” Rowan hummed out softly before hopping down and making his way back to the bedroom. He laid on the bed and waited for Michael to come. Rowan wasn't sure if he was supposed to take off his clothes, or leave them on, or what. So he just kind of waited for Michael to call the shots, figuring that he might have more experience in this area than he did.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt July 13th 2014, 10:33 pm

'If they sold pure ethereal weapons in stores, it would seem less impressive.” Michael noted with a chuckle, rolling silver eyes and placing hands upon his hips. If the male did eat all of the cheesecake, that meant that Michael would have to buy more and that was an excuse to get out of the apartment anyway, stretch his legs and such. ”Get mad at you? I have no intentions of doing so.” He would then take a bite of the cheesecake himself, and let out a low hum, phone vibrating in his pocket, Michael looking over the message and nodding to himself, typing in a reply before returning attention to Rowan. It seemed that an associate of his had some useful information for him, but he would consider that later when he was not so busy with a certain metahuman.

The male would agree to the massage, and to the full body one at that, which would be fine with Michael, gave him the chance to play around with the male more. Rowan would then stand to his feet and return to the bedroom, laying down on the bed as Michael made his way there himself, enjoying the sight of him limping as he went. He would rub his chin, removing a small container of oil from the nightstand, forgetting why he even had something like that in the first place. He had a feeling it belonged to Chris, and let that thought go from his mind. ”Alright strip and lie on your stomach, ect ect.” he said running a fingertip along Rowans back.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon July 18th 2014, 2:30 am

“Yeah, I agree with you there. But how did you get it? I'm curious” Rowan asked with a smile. His curious nature was a key part of his personality. “Yay, I'm glad you wont get mad at me for eating all of your cake because I think I'm going to” Rowan laughed and began to eat the cheesecake again. It was delicious, and was made even more delicious by the fact that he was being served the cake by someone who seemed to be pretty into him. It was a really new feeling for him, and it was a feeling that he really liked. Rowan finished up the cake and kissed Michael once, now very excited about having the massage. He was pretty sure that Michael was very strong, and would be able to really dig into his now aching muscles.

“Right, strip” Rowan nodded and hopped off the bed again. He made relatively short work of taking off his clothes, not really embarrassed as Michael had already seen him naked for an extended period of tie, so what was there really more to be embarrassed about? Rowan stretched his limbs a little bit before going back on the bed and smiled to himself. Rowan yawned softly, feeling very comfortable. “Don't break me even more” He laughed and looked up at him.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt July 23rd 2014, 6:42 pm

”It was...passed down.” Michael noted with a shrug, waiting for thew male to do as he instructed, so he could get down to business or something along those lines. The male would strip, leaving him nude and on his stomach, exposing the entire back region to Michael and what one would call skilled hands. ”Don't break you anymore? Can't really promise that but i'll try.” He noted with a smirk rolling Rowan onto his stomach and then checking the oils, humming lowly before pouring them onto his hand and applying. Honestly they felt kinda weird on his palms, all warm and tingly, drawing a smirk from the male as he ran his fingers along the males tense flesh, the prior battle seeming to have put a little stress upon him. The strong fingers would work their way along, applying pressure where it was needed, but making sure that he did not do any sort of damage. ”How does that feel?” He would ask, monitoring the progress.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon July 26th 2014, 4:51 pm

“Feels good” Rowan mumbled out softly. He could definitely get used to this, though it was a pretty silly thought to think that he'd be around enough to get used to this. He felt himself wonder if this was strictly casual or if it was something else. It was very hard to tell, because he had only known the Ethereal for less than a day. Rowan did hope that they would keep in contact, though. He seemed nice enough, and now with a Titan that seemed to hate him, it wouldn't be bad to have an ally at his side. He nuzzled into the bed a bit further and wiggled his bum just a bit. “You can press a bit harder, I can take it” Rowan cooed out gently and looked back at him.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt July 28th 2014, 6:23 am

”Feels good?” Michael asked lowly with a smirk, applying a little more pressure along the males muscles, making sure to hit every right point and drawing upon a small lesson on massage therapy that he had observed. Luckily his mind grasped things quickly, so something like this was no real issue, he was doing it well enough and the male under his fingers was made pliant. His muscles seemed to almost melt upon Michael’s touch, leaving him all too willing to be touched more. Perhaps this was an ode to Michael’s manipulative prowess, or his capabilities as a masseuse, either way worked really. ”Are you sure you would want me to press harder? I might accidentally break you or something like that.” Michael laughed, placing a considerably greater amount of pressure upon the males bum, perhaps as a warning before letting his attention then work back up.

”I did take the time out of my busy schedule to fix you up. Can’t have myself breaking you as soon as I did that.” Michael chuckled as he continued to work on this massage of his.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon August 2nd 2014, 3:45 am

“Feels really good” Rowan moaned out a bit, his muscles responding well to being pressed on. His touches were very soothing, and his aching muscles were beginning to feel a bit better. When he pressed harder on his bum, Rowan let out a much louder moan. He really liked that feeling, though he didn't really want to sound too eager. He snuggled into the bed a bit further and looked back at him. “Press harder” He whispered, egging him on a bit. He wondered if Michael was enjoying him as much as Rowan was. Rowan felt world better than he had even before the fight. He sincerely hoped that these massages would be more frequent, followed by copious amounts lovemaking. He was secretly glad that he was laying on his stomach, so Michael couldn't see the erection that was forming. “You're not gonna break me. You know I'm super strong” He teased him and snuggled the blankets a little bit.

“You could probably put those fingers somewhere useful and relaxing” Rowan teased, not exactly sure what he was saying. He wasn't very good at flirting or anything like that. But Michael hadn't seemed to mind so far, so Rowan was just rolling with it.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt August 15th 2014, 1:54 am

Michael chuckled as his fingers continued to play along the males back, pressing down where they needed to, however the male had different intentions. He could tell mostly from….well videos he had seen on the internet, about where fingers went that tended to please some males. Still, Michael felt like teasing him a little longer, not giving what he wanted and perhaps not again, if only to not get across the wrong idea. ”Probably could but I have something that would be much better suited for the job.” Michael noted with a chuckle, applying more pressure along Rowans back, hoping to get an appropriate response.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon August 15th 2014, 5:47 pm

“What do you have that could be better?” Rowan laughed and snuggled into the bed. His new friend's fingers seemed to be exceptionally talented at easing his aching muscles. He couldn't help but notice that Michael was slightly enjoying the teasing. Rowan was horny, and he was sure that Michael knew it, and was purposely teasing him. Not that he minded, as Rowan only got turned on more by the teasing. He looked back at him with a gentle smile. Rowan wiggled his bum a little bit, hoping to get some kind of rise out of Michael. Rowan moved a bit more up on his bed, liking the soft blankets, which seemed nicer than the ones at his own house. He let a soft purple light radiate from his body.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt August 16th 2014, 5:19 am

”You’ve…..experienced before.” Michael said with a smirk, tapping him on his lower back amused and then letting it trail up along his upper back. Michael took notice of the glowing purple light and let a low hum escape from his throat as he continue the massage. ”Might have to guess what it is though.” Now he was just testing the waters once more, playing around with the metahuman to see how he would react, using him so to speak.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon August 20th 2014, 5:29 pm

“Then I think I know what it is” Rowan mumbled softly, burying into the bed a bit further. His touches, combined with Rowan's own heat, really made his muscles feel better. He was certainly sure Michael knew Rowan was horny, and was baiting him. “Hmm I wonder what would happen if you were to take off your own clothes? I mean, I feel like it could really speed up the healing process” Rowan laughed and arched his back a little bit, his arse a bit in the air. He wanted to get Michael excited as well, though he wasn't sure exactly how to do that. They weren't in the shower or anything. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt August 28th 2014, 6:22 pm

”You think it would speed up the healing process? I dunno, sounds more like it would just make me naked.” Michael noted with a chuckle, patting Rowan on the back and stretching. ]”So I might keep my clothes on for now.” He added with a smirk, tracing a finger up the males back and then poking him on the back of the head, Michael overall feeling like teasing the male a little, if only to see their reaction. ”Unless you of course take exception to that and try to remove them yourself.” he added with a shrug.
The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 4 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Goliath September 3rd 2014, 4:17 pm

“No, No, I think it might actually help,” Rowan teased and shivered at his touch. He liked the teasing, it made him more excited. Rowan hoped that Michael didn't think of him as some kind of nymphomaniac or something. He just liked these new feelings—affection, tenderness, and even lust. Which was strange for Rowan, because Rowan always thought that he never cared about that kind of stuff, but after experiencing it, he wouldn't mind doing it again. “I wouldn't want to be too forward” He chuckled and lad his head on the bed again.

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