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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 5:46 pm

”Why else do people drink? They drink to....forget.” Michael noted feeling the buzz slowly begin to wash over him, blinking a couple of times to make sure that he was still in control. He didn't really sense the underlying pity that might have seeped into the other males tone, nor did he let the slight encroaching into his section of the bed bother him either. ”I was curious about why it was brought up? Are you intending to bite me or something?” Michael asked slightly teasingly, as he let his face hover only a few inches before Rowans, the breath of his nostrils probably brushing along the males nose. He would quickly pull his face back, an amuse smirk forming along his lips.

The male would vote for the romantic comedy and Michael could agree that the boy was cuter, but Michael had a thing for the rough type. ”Romantic comedy it is.” Michael said with a nod, pressing a button on a dvd player as it would turn on and then the television, working until both were on and he placed the disc in. ”I've heard....interesting things about this movie.” Michael added as the little commercial things would begin and he would plop down on the bed and pull out the flask, uncapping it and taking a sip.

”I would understand if it gets too boring for you and you fall asleep.”

The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 6:20 pm

“I wouldn't know, really. I've never been drunk” Rowan chuckled a bit. Sure, he'd never been drunk before, but he had seen drunk people—especially at college, and he could tell that Michael was starting to get at least a little bit tipsy. He seemed to somewhat be relaxed, or at least more relaxed than he had been awhile ago. When he mentioned the biting thing again, a light pink blush spread on his cheeks. “I don't know, it was just a joke” He said with a playful giggle, before Michael's face was about an inch of his own. Rowan had never been this close to another person, so his face was now the color of a tomato. “You wish I'd bite you” He said after Michael pulled away from him. Rowan had some weird feeling starting to spread in his stomach, which felt odd.

Rowan looked at the screen and smirked. The lead actor was very sexy, so Rowan highly doubted that he'd fall asleep during the movie. “If it's very interesting, then I doubt I'll fall asleep” He said simply, and when Michael returned to the bed, Rowan unintentionally let out a little noise before snuggling up to Michael and placing his head on his chest. Rowan wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but this pretty much felt right. Which was strange. But the warmth in his chest was only growing, and suddenly it didn't seem like he was in a ton of pain.


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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 6:52 pm

”You've never been drunk?” Michael asked with a smirk, raising an eyebrow and cocking his head to the side. ”I'm a little surprised.” He addmitted as the movie started, his eyes critically examining the lead. Okay, they were visually appealing but not really Michael's type, one of his friends more there than the male himself. The quip about wishing that he would bite him drew a small chuckle from Mike as he took a sip that drained the flask and let it set on a nightstand, feeling the alcohol hit him in the gut, taking away all real sense. "What If I wanted to bite you?" Michael was tempted to preemptively bite, but that was simply the alcohol talking, and he could not go drunkenly trying to seduce guys he saved off the side of the street. Even with his mind muddled, he would not allow his wry morals to go out the window.

He did not really take notice of the male placing his head onto his chest until it was there. Michael blinking a few times at the male that was lying there. Was he coming onto him or was it something else entirely? ”You havin fun there?” Michael asked, speech slightly slurred as he lazily drug a finger through the males red hair, finding himself absently interested in it, the redness much like light to a moth.

Last edited by Mike on June 23rd 2014, 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 7:34 pm

“It's because I'm Scottish, isn't it?” Rowan laughed a little bit and nudged his chest. Alcohol didn't really appeal to him, mainly because his dad had a bit of a drinking problem, and it had been something Rowan really didn't want to experience for himself. Plus, most of his friends back at college needed someone to help them home after parties, and more often than not, Rowan was happy to do it. His blush grew yet again when his new friend asked if he wanted to bite him. Rowan didn't really know how to flirt even slightly, so he was just guessing about all of this. “Then you would have to buy me a bloody fine dinner first. I enjoy biting first” Rowan laughed again and snuggled into him just a bit more, hopefully to signify that he was just kidding. Rowan looked back to the television, admiring the sweet but slightly stupid male protagonist of the film, looking over the guy's abs.

“What if I am having fun?” Rowan teased a little bit and looked up into his eyes for a brief moment before laying his head back on Michael's abs. He liked the feeling of Michael's fingers in his hair. It was oddly soothing. No one had ever done anything like this before, except maybe his mother when he was five years old and was still having nightmares about the boogeyman. Rowan traced indiscriminate patterns onto his shirt.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 7:46 pm

”I suppose it is.” Michael noted about the whole Scottish thing, chuckling to himself and wishing he had more of the alcohol that he had managed to drain from the flask. Of course there was more SEAL in the mini-fridge, but that would require that he get up, and that meant shoving the red head off of him, something that he at the moment did not feel like doing. The sensation of being drunk was actually quite new to him, and the feeling of having his mind wander off was not the most pleasant one, as even his vision began to cloud slightly. ”So is that how it works? I buy you dinner and just start biting away at you?” Michael asked amused, as if the idea alone was...interesting. Not that he really cared about biting anyone, well not mentally, but his body had different reactions towards that thought.

Hormonal imbalances was something that he did not quite like the sound of, or rather he did not like the effects of. His chest would rise along with his breath, causing the males head to rise along with that, Michael finding himself more interested in things other than the movie. Part of his attention was placed upon it, but also his attention was divided, between the male, facial features and how his muscles were moving, and a small fly walking along the wall. ”Well if you're having fun, thats good for you.” Michael noted twirling a few strands of the red hair around one of his fingers and rubbing it softly between index finger and thumb. 'I would be lying to say that i'm not having fun.” he noted with a light sigh.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 8:28 pm

Rowan laughed again. He knew that the Scots had a bit of a reputation as heavy drinkers, but not as heavy as the stereotype for Irishmen. Which is a terrible stereotype, Rowan noted to himself before pulling the blankets over them a little bit. Something was strangely therapeutic about the way that his chest rose and fall. Rowan was hardly paying attention to the movie now. Something about the way Michael was letting him lay on him, was a bit nice, even if Rowan was exactly sure that this was a very good idea. Rowan certainly wasn't any kind of catch or anything, and he still wasn't very sure about how to even do anything like this. “Yeah, but it as to be a nice dinner. Not some fast food. I'm high class like that” Rowan teased, hoping that Michael would somehow find the joke funny. He didn't really know. Rowan traced his fingers over his lower abs and let out a contented sigh.

“We're both having fun, so I'm calling that a win-win situation” Rowan chuckled. The movie wasn't even slightly interesting to the Scottish boy now. Hormones that Rowan thought were pretty much dormant in him, began to bubble dangerously close to the surface and that worried Rowan a little bit for some reason. Maybe it was just residual stress from the long day. He didn't really know. “You really care for my hair don't you?” Rowan laughed playfully and leaned up to pinch his cheek very lightly. “Remember, no biting unless dinner is involved” He laughed and looked back a the television, adjusting on the bed a little.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 8:45 pm

”I could always cook you a nice homemade dinner, I do make mean spaghetti.” Whether he was joking or not could not be told, but he said it, so not taking it back. The finger tracing along his abdomen drew a small chuckle from Mike, Michael forming a gauntlet of the void armor and drawing upon the telekinetic function, opening the mini-fridge and drawing another pre-filled flask and letting it fly to his hand, before the gauntlet faded away and he undid the top, taking a deep swig and feeling more of his senses fade. ”Your hair? I like it, its an...interesting shade of red.” His voice was beginning to grow a little more uneasy, words slurring but still intelligable. ”No biting? Awww.” Michael said with mock disappointment, his attention turning to the movie at the awkward kissing scene, and it....crept into his now booze addled mind. He would tap onto Rowans cheek lightly with his index finger until the male wouyld turn towards him, neon green flecked silver eyes looking down curiously at the male. With only half of his mental faculties online, he leaned forward and kissed Rowan on the cheek, softly and perhaps a little clumsily.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 9:24 pm

“That actually doesn't sound half bad, to be honest.” Rowan said with a little laugh, and when he noticed Michael's laugh from him stroking his chest, he laughed louder. “Someone's ticklish, isn't he?” Rowan noticed and tickled him a bit more, liking the sounds of his laugh. The smile was replaced with a frown when he noticed more alcohol being consumed. Rowan reached for it and stashed it under the pillow and shook his head “Enough of that” He mumbled and snuggled back into his chest, liking the warmth. “Eh, yeah my hair is certainly interesting. Though the freckles aren't exactly good looking” Rowan admitted before blushing when biting was yet again mentioned. “Maybe you could have a little taste” Rowan said cautiously and let out a weird help when his head was tilted and kissed. Rowan took a deep breath before moving onto Michael's lap, and planting a warm and slow kiss on his lips.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 9:38 pm

Michael grumbled lightly as Rowan snatched away the flask from his hand, placing it under a pillow and perhaps disappointing the poor drunk Ethereal. He would have complained but he did not feel like it, raising an eyebrow as the male said something about the freckles, though the slight blemishes had a charm to them, something about them drawing an amused smirk on his lips. A small yelp escaped from his lips upon having his cheek kissed, which amused him immensely as Michael felt the male begin to crawl upon his lap, drawing a small blush upon his cheeks. Before he knew it,a kiss was being planted upon his lips and causing his heartbeat to increase.

Michael pulled him self back, eyes widening slightly as he cocked his head to the side and looking into Rowans eyes curiously. ”Mmmmm, what was that?” Michael asked with a smirk, considering going for another one. A low hum escaped from his lips, Michael leaning forward and nipping at Rowans lower lip perhaps a little rougher than intended, pulling back and his head hitting the backboard with a loud thud. ”Whatever it was....i'm fine with it.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 9:59 pm

Rowan felt that warm feeling in his stomach grow again. Something about the way that Michael's lips felt against his own, made Rowan feel very nice. Coincidentally, it was his first kiss, so he didn't really have anything to base this on, but it was a very nice feeling. Michael seemed like he was knowing somewhat what he was doing, though Rowan knew that these kisses were probably brought on by a few too many sips from his flask. Rowan was surprised at his own actions. Rowan rarely showed any kind of initiative when it came to personal affections. But he was also very glad that he actually did this. His lips were soft. Though he was a bit bothered that he had to be dunk to kiss him. But eh. Nothing he could really do about that.

“That was a kiss, silly” Rowan chuckled, and before he knew it his lips were nipped at. “And I'm glad that you're fine with it, because I want to do it again” Rowan giggled and kissed his lips a little bit more passionately, crawling on him a bit, pressing his body into him. Rowan didn't know what was going on, but his body was definitely liking this. And Rowan was sure that Michael wouldn't remember this in the morning, so maybe Michael wouldn't be too mad. Rowan tangled his hand in Michael's hair, making out with him.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 10:27 pm

The kiss brought up a memory, not an unpleasant one but one that had inspired a warmth that he had not felt in months. He almost expected the clumsy fingers to be pulling at his clothing, a low voice that sent his heart spiraling out of control and so many conflicting emotions, but in the end when he opened his eyes he did not see the face. When his eyes opened, he was only met with another kiss and one that sent another wave of warmth through him. ”Well kissing is interesting.” Michael noted with a low hum, his cheeks burning a bright red as he glared deeply into Rowans eyes. He would lean into Michael and begin to do something that he never really got into, Michael simply mimicking the actions and his body enjoying these actions. ” was supposed to take myself a shower.” Michael noted pulling away. ” are willing to accompany me to keep myself from hitting my head in the shower.” Michael said mostly joking.

Last edited by Mike on June 24th 2014, 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 10:39 pm

Rowan was confused a bit by Michael's actions. Michael seemed to be...confused about something? Or perhaps conflicted? He didn't really know, and didn't feel like asking him about. He also was confused when Michael gave him a glare. That was frightening to say the least. He pulled away from Michael and whispered “I'm sorry, I-I didn't know exactly what I was doing, I thought I was just going with what you wanted” Rowan babbled. He suddenly felt nervous, if even a little rejected. The glare scared him quite a lot. “You can go shower” He whispered, feeling bad about himself. Was he not good looking enough? Was he too forward with Michael? It was most likely the second one. Rowan almost felt like running away, though he knew that he couldn't go very fast, and probably wouldn't make it all the way to the apartment, but Michael seemed very unwanting of physical attraction. I wouldn't mind taking one with you. Y-You glared at me, though.”

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 23rd 2014, 10:53 pm

Michael gave the male a confused look as he seemed to become hysterical almost, as if he had done something wrong. That small smirk turned into a slightly scared frown, much like a child that had broken something. As if it would somehow make the situation better he leaned forwards and kissed Rowan hard on the mouth, all callousness seeming to have melted away. ”I glared at you?” He asked this a little confused, cocking his head to the side. ”Well if I did i'm face apparently isn't working right.” Michael noted chuckling as he lightly pulled on his own eyebrows. ”I just feel kinda nasty and sweaty, comes with wearing the whole badass armor.” also ethereals sweated a lot, came when they drank a lot of fluids. While normally he would have not cared if he hurt someone, one could say this was just the kind of drunk that he was. ”You could me reach that hard to scrub spot on my back and maybe we could eat that pint of ice cream I have or the gallon, one of the two.” Michael was babbling before simply kissing Rowan again. ”Sound good?”
The Bolt
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 23rd 2014, 11:07 pm

“Sorry, I just noticed it and didn't want to look....too eager, if you know what I mean?” Rowan said nervously and looked down at his hands. He didn't like coming off as some kind of weirdo. Rowan chuckled “I didn't mean to kill the feelings between us or anything, I just got a little scared” He nuzzled him and eagerly returned the kiss when another one was given to him. Come to think of it, a shower sounded really very nice, to be honest. His body was still feeling rather grimy and gross from the fight earlier. “A shower would be fun. Don't you try and get too frisky with me” He teased and got up, limping towards the bathroom. He leaned over and turned on the warm water, deciding to take some initiative, wondering if it was okay.

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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by The Bolt June 24th 2014, 12:38 am

”its fine.” Michael noted a small smile settling upon his lips as he leapt from the bed and spun on his heel, looking to Rowan and extending a hand. He would help Rowan up and then slowly slink towards the bathroom, sliding along the wall slowly. ”Frisky? Alright, i'll try not to get very frisky.” Michael promised, making sure to note that the male was both limping and that he was still injured. The sound of the running water caught his attention, Michael's head snapping in its direction as the male would sit on the counter, arms crossed over his chest as he looked to the male. 'I might need to change your bandages too.” He added motioning with his head towards the wrappings around Beacons chest.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
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It aint easy bein evil [Beacon] - Page 2 Empty Re: It aint easy bein evil [Beacon]

Post by Beacon June 28th 2014, 4:34 pm

“I suppose that we should change them” Rowan nodded. He didn't know much about medical care, but he assumed that bandages had to be changed somewhat often, so they didn't get dirty and infect wounds or something. Rowan dropped the pair of boxers he had on, and stepped into the shower. He was nervous about this, but also...eager? It was hard to describe, and all of these feelings were completely new to him. He covered his private area the best that he could, as he wasn't one hundred percent sure about all of this. “Well are you coming or are you just going to sit there admiring my arse?” Rowan laughed before dipping his head under the water, a move that caused him to cringe in pain, as his chest was still hurting.

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