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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by The Bolt April 13th 2014, 1:44 am

The body hit the hard ground with a dull thud, a low groan emanating from the male that had been reduced to bruised and bloody mass of flesh upon the ground. ”Does anyone else want to protest this change in management?” Initially the humans had laughed off the male dressed much less serious than the others around the scene. He was garbed in a simple white polo shirt and light pink shorts that stopped mid knee, nothing about him screaming intimidating, and he would have seemed as such if his fingers were not curled around the collar of what one could call one of the most influential drug runners in the city. Cold silver eyes flecked with a neon green would peer out from within his skull, glaring at the five around him that were pointing guns at him, as if they would do them any good.

Well, they had already tried that rather flawed method and found that even a bullet to the face would do them no good. With a swift motion, the nearly unconscious male within his grip was thrown a few feet forward, as Michael took a step forward himself. The alleyway was an enclosed space, enough that they could all circle around him, but backs were being pressed against the wall, and guns would have been pressing into his face if they were not holding them so close to their own body. ”I leave this little entourage to that whore for a few months and already everyone has turned against me, my how times change.” His tone sounded somewhat whimsical, as Michael slammed a foot into the downed human once again, eliciting a pained groan.  

”Where is that wonderful pyrokinetic of mine? I hear she has been running things rather well, if a bit hastily.” Stepping over the slumped man, Michael approached one of the men as the gun was pressed against his throat. ”You. You seem like quite the important guy, where is the woman?” he gulped loudly, finger seeming to twitch as if ready to pull the trigger, though within a second his hands was being wrenched aside and the gun was sent clattering along the ground. A gun shot went off as something pinged against the back of his head, a small dull sensation as the sound of something hitting the ground resounded through the alleyway. ”Well….you dun goofed.” His right hand wrapped around one of the males index’s and with a powerful twist there was a sickening snap and the man let out a pained roar, falling to his knees as Michael let go.

"So, any other wise guys wanna try something that stupid?”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by Forceaus April 13th 2014, 10:27 pm

There was once again trouble in the city streets. Well, there always seemed to be trouble in these streets, but not quite on this level. Instead of the usual overabundance of traffic problems and the like, it got a situation involving a group of drug dealers shooting some random guy. As violent and unpleasant as it sounds, it wasn't quite what you would expect.

John Capore had been on a shopping trip in the city when he heard the gunshots go off less than a block away. After a long morning of having to scroll through pamphlet after pamphlet of collegiate guides and programs, he was exhausted and wanted something to clear his mind. So he left in order to take care of some stuff. Oh shopping, how fun was that. John was trying also to make arrangements to go to Japan and wanted to be prepared for the trip. By arrange he mean't convince his dad to let him go with his girlfriend, Tyuki for her band's concert tour there. So far he wasn't making much progress, but still liked his chances. John had been doing everything he could think of to make his old man think he was responsible enough to be allowed to travel overseas

The preparations were interrupted by the sounds of the brutal encounter nearby. John was left startled by these events and paused before doing anything. He would have to come back to this later even if he didn't know what he was there to purchase anyways. At that point he left the shop and snuck around the streets towards the sounds of the shootings. Going towards the sounds of guns going off seemed suicidal, but he was a superhero and had to at least find out what was going on. The lack of sirens indicated that police weren't involved so it was looking like he would have to do something himself. After finding himself a secure hiding place, he changed into costume to go see what was going on.

A fight was going on in an alleyway between some drug dealers and a guy who was actually winning the fight. Perhaps somebody else got here before he did to put a stop to whatever these local criminals were doing. He would believe that were possible if it weren't for the dialogue coming from him, and the fact that he was plain brutal. He was pretty much torturing them and they were clearly no match for him. Forcewave at least had to put a stop to this even if he was just doing what many called vigilante work. He could probably get some answers to. Forcewave climbed over the fence he had been hiding behind and walked towards the guy. "Try what? What's going on here?"

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by The Bolt April 13th 2014, 11:13 pm

A broken finger hurt, and this guy would know it more than anything considering that he was on the ground nursing his rather broken finger. ”Don’t go cryin on me. I thought all of you were hardened criminals, not whimpering pups.” Michael noted disappointed, pressing palms of his hands against his waist as he looked to the others that had gathered around him. That was when the strange voice came, one that did not originate from the scum that were attempting to take him down within the alleyway, it was a younger voice for sure. Well, younger than these guys anyway, and that only answered so much. ”Well, try something stupid as trying to use these weapons to kill me.” Michael answered rather simply, kicking the downed male in the face as his nose seemed to break upon contact, him now holding the bleeding orifice.

”You just cannot trust scum like this. Leave for a few months and they act like they can do whatever they want, have to put them in their place.” The young ethereal chattered reaching down and checking the gun of the one with the broken nose, looking over the safety and ammunition. He shook his head disapprovingly and clicked his tongue once, glaring at the downed male. ”Can’t even take proper care of their own guns. It’s as if they haven’t learned the first thing about cleaning the damn things.” A true tragedy for a gun enthusiast such as Michael, much like an animal rights activist watching a puppy go without food for a while. A low chuckle emanated from his throat as he turned to the mysterious male, cocking an eyebrow.

”Ah, where are my manners? I go on some kind of rant, and I do not even inquire as to who you are. Some kind of vigilante investigating the sound of gunshots or something else?”

“Th..this guy’s crazy.” One of them would say frightened, hoping that the guy would help them somehow, that he would be a metahuman.

”No, you were crazy for thinking this gun could work.” In an instant his hand was in motion, the gun raised and releasing a bullet with a resounding bang, sending a cascade of blood and brain matter all over one of the walls. ”On me anyway, you however are very squishy. Bullets tears through you like a hot knife through butter.”
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by Forceaus April 15th 2014, 6:00 pm

Not even his presence was enough to make this guy even so much as hesitate in his brutal beating of the other men in the alleyway. He was simply relentless in his efforts to punish them as he put it. Forcewave did not know what they had done to anger him so, but it didn't seem to be the fact that they fired at him. By the sound of it these guys apparently worked for him and had failed him somehow and they were being terminated in a more literal fashion.

As he ranted and raved about the supposed shortcomings and failures that these drug dealers who apparently worked for him had committed, anyone could see that he was thinking of something for his next course of action. Just what was wrong with this guy? He was practically foaming at the mouth as he talked about them. What happened that made him so angry?

Forcewave started to walk forward to get the man's full attention on him. Enough of this whole beat up the drug dealers in the alleyway stuff, and instead try to do the same to him. As he approached he watched him pick up the gun of the guy he had just knocked down and expected it to be aimed and shot at him. This one seemed like the type to get rid of somebody who's intervening real quickly. The man then spoke to him and pretty much paraphrased the reason that Forcewave was here. Before he could even answer, the guy who was getting beaten up called him crazy and was promptly punished for it. Another gunshot rang through the air as the bullet that tore through the man's skull, killing him instantly. Forcewave looked upset for a second before immediately firing at the gun itself in order to blast it right out of the man's hands.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by The Bolt April 16th 2014, 2:48 am

The bolt of lightning tore through the air at amazing speeds, but nothing was lost upon the males impressive senses, and with a flick of the wrist the gun was tossed into the air, his hand moved out of the way of a bolt that would have likely done some kind of damage as the attack itself sailed onward until it collided with a wall. ”Well boys, looks like it’s your lucky day.” Mike noted catching the gun within his hand once again, testing the weight of the weapon before looking to the heroic figure that had just attacked him. ”A metahuman has come to save your sorry asses.” Michael mused over that fact, taking a few steps back and pressing the barrel of his gun against the head of one of the living men.

So he was dealing with some kind of hero with strange lighting based powers, something that did not bode well with the speedy ethereal. "Not sure why I’m wasting time keeping hostages.” Michael noted pulling the gun away and tapping the barrel against his forehead, smirking at the hero before aiming the weapon at him. ” I should be trying to kill you.” Without even a prompt the gun fired off, releasing the bullet at the usual speed, and Michael was already in motion, a blur in the darkness. He was not going his full pace, but to any unskilled fighter, he was an unreadable blur.

Closing the distance between the two, Michael would dash around the metahuman, using the wall as leverage if need be, pulling the trigger three more times, aiming to unload the clip into his torso. Humans tended to die when their lungs were punctured, something about choking on their own blood.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by Forceaus April 17th 2014, 2:16 am

Without even an actual motion to be made, a blast of electrical energy shot forth with the simple goal of disarming the vicious madman of the firearm that he was currently holding. Forcewave did not simply just stand there and watch it happen though. He could just tell a fight was about to break out and thus, that thought made him respond accordingly. Quickly he reached into his back pocket to pull out the pair of tonfas he often used and armed himself with them.

Forcewave saw the man avoid the sudden lightning strike by throwing the gun into the air and then catching it as if he were trying to impress somebody. Then for just a moment he held it up to the head of one of the other men in the alleyway before instead deciding to turn it towards him as he made it clear that he was going to kill him. During all of this, Forcewave had secretly redirected that previous lightning blast to ricochet back towards him slowly.

The fight began with the sound of another gunshot as a bullet came forth from the barrel of the handgun and was heading right towards him. Forcewave could see not only the bullet coming, but also the man himself. This guy was serious about killing him. Quickly he deflected the first bullet aside with one of his tonfas as three more were fired as the man drew closer. Forcewave chose instead to dodge these and once he had managed to do so, attempted to cut the man off in his run by aiming to strike him in the torso with one of the tonfas. While he did this the energy bolt flew in aimed directly behind him. Forcewave was going to trap him against the wall as attacks from two separate angles came in on him.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by The Bolt May 17th 2014, 8:46 pm

To predict how a person would move, all it took was watching how their muscles moved and then calculating what would happen from there. With a superhuman mind do take care of the calculations and reactions that were all top notch, Michael was prepared for nearly anything that would come his way. Something about the tonfa wielded against him seemed rather dangerous, but Michael would not let any sort of apprehension show on his face, as the steadied the hand that held the gun and prepared to react. To his honed sensory, Michael could hear it, the electrical bolt fired not so long ago still going and going, though it was a dull buzzing sound when compared to the loud boom of the gun. The first bullet fired off was deflected with the tonfa, and the others were dodged with a simple movement of the body, showing that this male had an exceptional amount of skill and meaning that Michael would have to be more careful when dealing with him.

Reacting to the tonfa that was being swung at his chest, Michael smirked slightly as he gave a flick of the wrist, tossing the gun behind his beck. It was all done off a hunch as Michael took the brunt of the tonfa strike, if his sensory clues were correct, then that crackling sound was the attack that had been launched earlier. The gun would collide with the bolt, and not stop it, but give him a small amount of time to properly react, as the metal weapon slammed into his ribs and did….nothing. Analyzing the force behind the strike, Michael then reacted, moving around Forcewave with a few fluid motions and aiming to kick him into the still oncoming electrical attack.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by Forceaus May 20th 2014, 4:37 pm

Within the very eyes of the person he was fighting against in this alleyway, he could see the attempts to form some sort of thought process in reaction to what was being witnessed. It's not always the case to see gunshots being dodged at such a close range. Such a sight would surely cause a person to rethink their course of action and it was obvious to him that this was happening. So, he wondered, what was this guy going to do next? And, was he even fully aware of what was actually happening here? Forcewave didn't believe he did. He felt he possessed a slight advantage over this person, and if this guy was going to rely on predicting what Forcewave was going to do next in order to prevail here, it would only end poorly for him. Forcewave had trained and fought alongside two separate people who could master a fighting style just by briefly witnessing it, and through those experiences, had learned how to fight in a manner that was difficult to simply predict. Though how would he apply it here? That was the hard part to determine. Maybe he could just keep trying different things until he figures something out. It's what usually works.

As he swung the tonfa towards the man's chest while keeping track of his own previously fired lightning bolt through his peripheral vision, he saw the man toss the gun behind his back he figured that he was aware of the sneak attack that was coming his way. It was kind of disappointing to know, but at least it provided an idea as to how skilled this guy really was. Forcewave struck him square in the chest with his tonfa and couldn't feel any pressure relieve itself from the blow. It was like it did absolutely nothing as he saw the man barely react to it. Okay, so he really was one of those tough to hurt ones. At least that was confirmed. He wasn't done with this initial attack just yet however. Forcewave pulled back his arm and took a step back as he prepared to attack again once the lightning bolt came back into play. He watched tentatively as Michael tried to manuever around him and kick him into his own attack. Forcewave reached behind him and aimed to grab Michael's ankle between his two tonfas as the blast passed through him harmlessly and came back out through the weapons he was holding.

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by The Bolt June 5th 2014, 7:25 pm

Michael considered for a moment, if the male could control his own electricity then there be a chance that he would be resistant to his own energy, but there was also a chance that he would not be. However he was playing this all safely now, as he could not afford to do anything that would put him in too much danger as far as this battle was concerned, as the lighting looked like something that would do some major damage to him if it hit. He was able to follow the tonfa that had attempted to capture his ankle and with superior speed, he withdrew the foot and drew into a sort of moved backwards, reconsidering his plan of attack and since they were so close there was an easy enough way that he could do so. With a simple motion of his hand, he seemed to draw something from the ethereal void, a pistol as white as bone with a golden inlay.

Directing it towards Forcewave with a fluid motion, he promptly pulled the trigger and unleashed a large burst of powerful pure ethereal. Dodging at such a close range would have been difficult, if not impossible and if he was correct then even defending with electricity would have been complicated.
The Bolt
The Bolt
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Number of posts : 1262
Age : 28
Humor : [19:51:49] Samify : Sean gave and I recieved many things
Registration date : 2011-04-26

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

Post by Forceaus June 11th 2014, 12:57 am

The sound of metal clashing as the two tonfas collided with each other rather than the other guy's foot to let him know that the attempt to grab hold of him had not worked. He had managed to avoid the little trap that had been set, but this did not deter him. Forcewave had planned on trapping him in position and electrocuting him, but that did not work out. Instead he went with something else. The energy that came out of the tonfas initially mean't to hit Hyperion instead formed a shield between them as he quickly swung around to face him and prepared to attack once more.

Before he had even finished turning around he saw the gun like object being pulled from a hole in the air and it was quickly aimed at him. A blast of some sort of energy erupted from it and immediately collided with that shield he had put up. Forcewave could see the shield barely managing to block the energy blast and as fast as he could generated more around him and struck the point at which the two were meeting with his right hand to disperse that blast. With the two of them being at such a close range he felt he could take advantage of this as he used his momentum from that previous strike to push himself forward and aim to hit him square in the chest with his right hand as his left one fired out a blast aimed for the pistol.

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Quote : I am hilarious, and you will quote everything I say.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2604
Location : You're locked in with me at it.
Job : It pays the bills
Humor : I'm the cult of personality and history shows again and again that nature points out the folly of man.
Registration date : 2011-12-22

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A not so warm welcome [Forcewave] Empty Re: A not so warm welcome [Forcewave]

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