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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Timmmithy June 11th 2014, 6:37 pm

On a brisk Saturday in the Windy City, Thomas was sitting on the roof of his hotel room. It was meant for maintenance only, and he wasn't authorized to be up there, but that didn't bother him. He had just came back from a close call on the outskirts of the city and needed some alone time. A cold beer and some quiet music coming from his phone set the mood for a relaxing night. Nothing could go wrong.

He spent the last week investigating a chain of smuggling operations on banks of the Atlantic Ocean, just outside of the New York ruins. While he managed to carry out his contract and allowed the authorities to shut it down, the leader of the operation escaped and hired a pair of contract killers to hunt Thomas down as payback. This is what he had run into on the outskirts of Chicago. After managing to escape he checked into a hotel as Louis Newman, a common fake identity that he used and was now on the rooftop.

As far as he could tell, the killers had lost him, but he decided to stay hidden until he had backup and knew that he could take them on. As he stretched out his legs and yawned as though he was about to fall asleep, he finished his fourth beer and threw it off the ledge. Reaching into his cooler to grab another can, he noticed someone on the rooftop next to him, a bank of some sort. It almost seemed as though the man or woman was dashing between cover, trying to remain unseen. In a partially drunk curiosity, Thomas stood up and walked over to the ledge, then in a stumbled leap, he crashed onto the next roof, where he saw the shadowy figure and began looking, although what he would find was unknown.

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Danielson767 June 11th 2014, 10:18 pm

Taylon's employer made it clear just to knock the target out,Do NOT kill. Those words stung to his mind. He followed his target through the city disguised in a trench coat. His employer was in charge of a smuggling operation that spanned across the east coast. This man had stopped more than half of them. Taylon wasn't doing this out of the good of his heart. He knew that if his employer got the boy he would die. Normally that wouldn't mater to Taylon but he wanted to use this one,if he could stop all of these smuggling operations he had to be powerful.With a powerful metahuman on his side he could easily take down the gang boss,get the maximum amount of cash and end the string of smuggling on most of the East Coast.

The metahuman man finally reached his destination the other killer had made himself public and decided to chase the man like an idiot. Taylon yanked his fellow contractor into and alley and knocked him out cold. After the other man who had decided he was going to kill the metahuman had his "Accident" in the alley Taylon finally spotted him go into a hotel. He waited a few seconds and entered. He rented a room where he would "Convince" the other Metahuman to help him take out the gang boss.

After registering using a fake name 'Daniel Henaro', he followed the metahuman upstairs and further and further up. Once they had reached the roof Taylon slumped against the wall for a few minutes to he man could enjoy himself before things had to get serious.
*Twenty Minutes later*

Taylon opened and closed the door as quietly as possible he approached the man until he turned around and spotted Taylon in his suit. "You're coming with me" he said in a darker tone than normal"I do not plan on killing you but if you really want to fight then I will be happy to oblige"he said much more happier/

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Registration date : 2014-06-10

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Timmmithy June 11th 2014, 10:39 pm

After hearing the voice behind him, Thomas spun around quickly, too quickly in fact, the alcohol made him dizzy, and as he spun, he stumbled over his own feet, clumsily falling to the ground. As he got back up Thomas looked at this man. Who did he think he was, telling Thomas Erandt what to do, as though he could just boss around any stranger he wanted. Then, he looked closer, focusing his blurry eyes on this man. "Oh, it's you, one of the hunters. And I'm supposed to believe that you don't want to kill me? After countless bullets have been shot my way? Let me tell you something!" Shouted Thomas, as he spit and slurred his way through word after word, "you gotta sell your little lie in a more convincing way buddy." When Thomas finished talking, he looked at the man from eyes to feet, then back up to eyes, and as he waited for a reply, he spit at the mans shoes.

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Danielson767 June 11th 2014, 10:59 pm

Taylon watched the man stumble around "Should I wait to do this until you're sober? I mean as much as I Love an unfair advantage...Eh what the heck"at that Taylon ran in a circle at top speed (550) closing in on Thomas rapidly once Taylon had closed in he would run Directly at Thomas going 100 MPH,One of his slowest speeds, Tackling Thomas and punching him rapidly in his stomach attempting to further throw him off of his balance. "You made this harder on yourself by getting yourself drunk!"Taylon shouted while continuing to hit Thomas still unaware of what kind of powers the man had. After a few minutes Taylon would begin lowering his strength and boosting his punch speed hitting him in multiple spots on his chest.(OOC:Sorry for short post making sure you could reply)

Last edited by Danielson767 on June 11th 2014, 11:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Dustin Waugh June 11th 2014, 11:25 pm

It was a night with friends. He did not know many people and he had no one from home come with him; so he made new ones by going to parties. This time it was his turn to throw a party and he knew the perfect place to throw it. He had signed into a hotel and tipped off the people at the back entrance to let an unseemed amount of people through the loading bay into the  hotel room he purchased. He decided to move the large party up to the roof with him leading the way. He looked out the door and shut it stopping everyone.

Well we can't party out here so lets go do some close up grinding in the hotel room. Everyone hurried back to the room and he reopened the door walking out to the two. He looked at the two getting closer not making any atempt to hide. One man decided to run around the man and by the way he was stumbling around he could tell he was drunk. "Well its time for me to break this up" he thought to himself as he stopped as he was near them.

He lowered his arms a full length as a bright vortex swarmed around him. It looked menacing and it made his presence known. A small burst of energy went out making the people alert he was there. It was not to criple them or even hurt. It was like a death person tapping your shoulder just so you know he was about to say something. Seeing as they were on the roof he was going to ask them to move so he could have his fun up here. Hey Jackasses... Leave the roof top before you are forcivelly removed from where you stand or run. It took him a second to think as he just figured it was a pure threat. The alchahol got to him and he was blurting things out. It was like his inner him was want to fight after such a long wait. Or he just really wanted this damn party which could be another reason while he was making demands.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Jeisen June 12th 2014, 12:49 am

Lightning flashed across the a cloudless night in Chicago. A rare sight for the fact that it was impossible. Specially counting the fact that the lightning kept on moving across the sky instead of striking the ground.  All was going well till, Jeisen near the hotel and its lightning rod. The rod pulled Jeisen right out of the sky and into it, breaking him out of his lightning form. Jeisen crashed into the rod with a large bang, tilting it slightly.

"Oh shit...."

was all Jeisen could manage as he fell backwards from the rod and off the side of the building. He fell just over the edge though and a lucky grab nabbed it. He pulled himself  up and onto the rooftop, rolling over onto his back panting from the experience.

"God I hate tall buildings...."

Jeisen murmured to himself as he lay there on his back. He blinked a couple times though and looked out at the three men on the roof.

Oh shit... metas

One had bright things on his arm that hurt to look at, the other one was moving at top speeds, but the third... well Jeisen couldn't really see him with all that was going on. Jeisen debated making a quick exit or not, hoping the didn't see the gigantic bolt of lightning that spawned a man hit the roof.... He was never that lucky

OOC: Guess the posting order would be Thomas, Taylon, Dustin, Jeisen
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Registration date : 2014-01-26

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Danielson767 June 12th 2014, 1:46 am

OOC:Thomas is probably gonna post later today(12:45AM where I am)

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Timmmithy June 12th 2014, 9:08 am

Usually his instincts would kick in right before the first punch, but much like his balance, his instincts were thrown off from the alcohol. It wasn't until the other man burst some energy towards the two that his body began to heat up, it wasn't near hot enough to produce any effects however. Thomas continued to take the painful hits, the punches themselves were not to hard, but the rapid succession of punches began to leave a large bruise.

It wasn't until a massive crash of thunder was unleashed on top of the rooftop that Thomas began to really heat up, it seems a though the flash and sound kick started his heart into overtime. By this time, the mans fists were probably getting quite hot, and within ten seconds, Thomas and the other man crashed through the rooftop which melted to a molten puddle from Thomas's body. As they landed on the maintenance room floor below, his body cooled down, and now that he was able to move around, he stood up and kicked the other man, "that was really mean you know." He said in a sarcastic manner, "what the hell do you want anyway?"

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Danielson767 June 12th 2014, 12:38 pm

As Taylons punches continued his confidence continued to grow until...CRASH Taylon looked towards the source of the sound just to see one of the weirdest things in his life a man being produced by a strike of lightning "What the..."Taylon muttered until he realized that the more he stared at the crash the less time he had to take down this metahuman. But it raised the question,"Who was in that crash..."

A few seconds after the crash Taylons hands began to heat up further and further until he couldn't take it any more "Gah!" He shouted out of pain. Talyon halted his punches. Taylon was now forced to "Strategize" his attacks like he hated to do for anything.. But now he knew that the more he hit this guy the more he heated up. Soon enough they both began to melt beneath the ground. Heat Manipulation! Worst part is... He's drunk with that kind of power. Once they were in the other room The meta then asked a simple to answer question which Taylon of course answered with the only logical answer. "I came here for help" he answered "I was planning on taking the weakling who hired me but I would need your help luring him out."

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Registration date : 2014-06-10

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Dustin Waugh June 12th 2014, 1:14 pm

As it seemed the blast was not strong enough to draw their attention. Maybe should have knocked them on their asses. But what was really interesting was when he saw the guy who spawned from lightning. He walked over to the hole as he heard their small discussion. Something told me this was a hiring and I'm going to help weather you like it or not.

He jumped the hole even though he could easily have walked around and made his way to the guy who was laying on the roof. I never seen someone with lightning abilities or even the power to manifest into lightning. I think that is pretty cool. He had been walking around and seen enough metahumans plus his own double ability that he was not about to reveal to know there were many different kinds of people out there. He reached an arm down offering to pick him up on his feet.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Jeisen June 12th 2014, 2:26 pm

Jeisen blinked at the offered hand, but warily accepted it. He pulled himself up then lets go of the hand. He was always cautious around people he didn't know. Specially when he had just shown off part of his abilities. Luckly what had been shown was only his lightning form, not what he could really do with it. Since he wasn't really sure what the hell was going on just yet, he wasn't about to reveal the rest of it. Jeisen would need every advantage in a fight with metahumans... if he was even going to fight that it.

Thanks. Not my finest moment, but thank you. So... two other metahumans here too no?

Jeisen made his way to the edge of the hole and looked down into it. He was lucky that he was in his gear. He palmed two knives out of reflex before looking back at the man who helped him up

So, do we interfere or not?
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Timmmithy June 12th 2014, 3:13 pm

Thomas brushed off some dust that made its way onto his shirt then said with a puzzling look, "well, why didn't you say you wanted my help? Instead of talking to me with that threatening voice of yours."

Thomas looked up at the hole and saw the lightning man, "thanks for showing up, I would have been beaten to a pulp if it weren't for you. It seems my instincts don't work so well when I'm drunk, but you gave them a kick start." As Thomas was talking, he made his way back up to the rooftop, not allowing anyone to reply to him. He grabbed another beer from his untouched cooler and continued talking to the contract killer, "so, you're turning on your employer? You must really hate him, generally people like you leave emotion out of it and take the pay check."

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Registration date : 2014-03-23

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Danielson767 June 12th 2014, 3:56 pm

"Well,Yeah I plan on turning on him I already took out one assassin that had the intentions of killing you and couldn't have that happen huh?he said casually while swiping dust off of his shoulder

"I would take him alone but I don't know how to lure him out. You may recognize him since you're the whole reason he went into hiding."

"And yeah thanks a lot Lightning dude you really helped kill my hands for the next few days"he complained while blowing on his burnt hands while waving them around really fast."I hid the other contractor in an alley way tied up so I figured we at least try to get something out of him before he has to "dissapear". The rest of you are free to join me. Unless you have something better to do. And trust me I don't"At the last part Taylon went strolling downstairs casually not caring who follows him as long as he could get the Thomas on his side everything would go according to plan.

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Registration date : 2014-06-10

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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Dustin Waugh June 13th 2014, 1:10 am

He made his way back to the hole entering back into the left conversation. He had a hunch that they would not really fight each other because between two metas it would be more hecktic. Then he would step in because it endangers others livelyhood. Well besides my party that is going off without me and dude on dude on girl action... Yeah I'm not going back into that sausage fest. They can have their share of fun with that room.

He already said he was going to join so as soon as the lifted them selves out of the hole and made their way down the appropriate passage he followed opening a bottle of Everclear and chugging it. He needed to be decentlly buzzed to be able to lop someones head off espetially it being a drug lord or just some dumbass playing cool. He took second lead right behind the first man down the stairs.
Dustin Waugh
Dustin Waugh
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Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone) Empty Re: Rooftop Rumble (open for anyone)

Post by Jeisen June 13th 2014, 2:33 am

I dont even know where here is...

Jeisen muttered to himself. He slide the knives back into the pouches on his legs though as he walked over to the edge of the hotel. Looking out over the sky line, he releized where he was.

Oh... Chigao. Wonderful

He had nothing against the city really... but it was full of metahumans on both sides of the law. It made could easily make getting around really bothersome. Best stick around with these guys till he could get out of range of the skyscrapers. They would pull him out of the sky to damn fast, before he could really get into his lightning form.

So.... where are we going?

He asked as he followed the other two. He had a very nonchalant walk, hands in his pockets as he kept a watchful eye out
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