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A new world (Open)

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A new world (Open) Empty A new world (Open)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios October 9th 2013, 5:13 am

It should have been like any other day for Alexio when he awoke in his bed, funny thing was it wasn't already simply because he couldn't remember how he got home last night from work, he remembered going to lock up and then it was blank until now when he just woke up on his bed. As he tried to remember how he got home Alexio's hand reflexively went to his chest feeling the fabric of his shirt until he found the small hole which had been created by the rebar that had gone through his chest last night but even then he did not remember anything. His oddly colored eyes looked at the ceiling as he laid there, a sharp pain ran through his head as he tried to remember more of last night and Alexio could swear he heard a faint voice 'pain.... no.... remember' but when Alexio looked around his tiny but comfortable apartment he saw no one so he figured he just imagined it and decided to take a shower and then stop by work to see what his next work day was. The shower went by without incident and so did the changing of his clothes though Alexio had a nagging thought in the back of his mind that he couldn't seem to get a hold of, his clothing casual as was most of his stuff, black t shirt that clung to his lean form with a pair of blue jeans and to top it off a pair of thick black flip flops on his feet almost giving him a slacker look.

As Alexio was leaving the apartment he heard that voice once again though a little stronger now 'going.....where?',his head snapped from one side to the other looking for anyone in the hall but it was empty and he could no longer hear the voice so he shook his head and locked the door before heading towards the stairs. Alexio was stuck to walking as he didn't have a vehicle at the moment, his last vehicle had been a red pick up truck but unfortunately it broke down a few weeks ago and he didn't have the money to get that fixed right now, he didn't mind walking since his current job site was only about eight blocks away which was lucky but when they were done with the work there he was definitely going to need a vehicle again. It was a nice day out Alexio thought as he looked up at the sky for a moment, bit cloudy but the sun still managed to get through and keep it in the low seventies which was good for him as he couldn't stand being hot as he got itchy when it was hot out for whatever reason and it drove him mad when it happened. But it seemed that the normalness was not going to last as Alexio cross the street onto his third block he passed by an alley, usually one did not go into the alleys in this neighborhood as they would be asking for a troublesome run in if they did such a thing.

Alexio was one who usually avoided the alleys as well but he heard someone yell from the alley as if they were in trouble so he stopped and leaned his head back just enough to peer into the alley, the sound had come from an elderly man with what Alexio presumed was his elderly wife as well. The couple seemed to be caught against the brick wall by four young man wearing black masks with a purple star on them, Alexio knew the four young men were part of a small gang that called themselves Royals though they were anything but regal, Alexio wasn't really the hero type especially with people he didn't know but for some reason he felt he should help this couple. The older man was a stubborn fellow who swung at one of the young men that got a little too close while being cocky, he might have been older but the man had a nice right cross Alexio thought to himself as he saw the punk stumble backwards and fall on his ass. Now while there was a slight triumph in the fact that he managed to land a blow it only managed to make the wannabe gangsters angrier with him for resisting, at this point Alexio began to walk towards the whole group rather loudly letting his flip flops smacking echo through the alley to draw attention to him.

His little ploy worked as both groups turned their heads towards him now trying to understand what exactly he was doing, "now guys I don't think you should be messing with these people after all they are older than you and deserve your respect at the very least" he said calmly. His voice deep but not gravelly deep more of a smooth almost charming tone as he tried to calm them down while continuing to walk towards them casually so as not to present a threatening figure though Alexio never really considered himself intimidating. He stopped just a couple of feet away from the young men who seemed to be more confused with his words and appearance rather than calm or angry but that soon wore off and one spoke up telling Alexio to go do something very naughty to himself but not until after he handed over his cash as well. One of them seemed to take that as a cue to come forward as if to take the money from Alexio, now Alexio was a passive person usually very calm and laid back but he was far from a pacifist. When push came to shove Alexio was the type that didn't push back but instead threw a right straight that broke something or knocked someone out, as the young man got too close Alexio moved forward suddenly putting all his weight into a right handed palm strike.

While he wasn't a martial artist per se he was experienced in the art of fighting since he hadn't grown up in the best of neighborhoods as a kid, the bottom of Alexio's palm slammed forward with precision crushing the middle of his nose crushing the cartilage easily. The young punk's head snapped back and his body followed down to the ground, just like the elderly man's right cross this only made the others angry with him and he could see that this situation was going to end badly for him or them and he would really prefer it to end badly for them. Alexio ducked a wild swing from one of the others and moved forward to deliver a solid push kick to the groin area of another punk putting him on the ground as well, the voice was back suddenly 'fighting...... win...... strong..... kill.....'. It was so loud inside of his head that Alexio hesitated in the fight and it cost him as he felt the big arms of one of the punks wrapping around his body from behind, he heard the young man scream at the others to take him out already. The one in front grabbed up the first thing he could find from the ground and that was a broken piece of two by four which was still big enough to be a club that could bash Alexio's skull in, Alexio struggled furiously in the tight grip slamming his heel down onto the wannabe gangster's foot while slamming his head backwards.

The young man grunted in pain but refused to let go while the other swung the wood at Alexio's head now, the voice returned once again louder than ever, 'Life..... in.... danger!' it screamed out as if there was a set of concert speakers inside of Alexio's head. Suddenly Alexio's body felt as if it were on fire, he could barely tell what was going on in the span of nanoseconds, it was too much so Alexio shut his eyes hoping that he would be able to endure. When he opened his eyes just a second later his entire world seemed to be different, just the view was different as rather than being eye level with the young man that had swung the wood at him he was towering above him as he was six foot eleven now, then came the fact that he never felt the impact of the wood on his body but he knew it hit as he was looking down at the extended arm of the young man. No longer was he wrapped in the bear hug of the other punk who had been forced to let go when Alexio suddenly got bigger and taller, Alexio could see the look upon the club swinging punk's face now and he looked absolutely terrified. He let out a cry of fear and swung the club again but Alexio caught the wood in his hand and shattered it like it was made of the softness wood ever, Alexio felt power coursing through his entire form and he could barely understand any of it.

It was like putting a normal driver behind the wheel of a Bugatti veyron without warning, it was only when Alexio looked at the hand that crushed the wood that he realized it was not his normal hand but instead a larger shiny black hand holding chunks of wood within it. At first he couldn't quite believe that it was his hand but as he opened his hand up he watched the hand open up as well letting the wooden splinters fall to the ground. 'You stronger now.......kill enemies' the voice was back but not nearly as loud anymore thankfully more like a normal room level voice but it was rough and demanding, Alexio looked towards the terrified and frozen young man in front of him, he didn't think he just struck out with his fist suddenly. That young man would have died if the fist struck him but Alexio was taller and heavier now so he wasn't sure how to move quite yet, the blow struck right beside the young man's head cutting through the air with deadly force that could easily be heard as it sent a blast of wind down the alley violently stirring up the papers upon the ground. It was with this display of power that Alexio realized just how strong he was and that if he had hit the young man he would have killed him, he wrenched back violently as if he had been hurt which sent him into the brick wall powerfully.

Alexio was no longer what you could call human, what used to be slightly pale flesh had become pitch black shiny almost like armor instead of flesh, light blue almost white tribal like symbols come across the blackened armor like flesh. From his head sprout two jagged almost deformed horns that can't seem to decide which direction to go, his right shoulder maintains it's normal shape for the most part but his left shoulder has a few jagged spikes coming from it which look rather dangerous. Each finger upon his hands has elongated until they end with vicious looking tips that could tear open flesh and a lot of other things if they touched it, on the side of his right arm/wrist juts out a rather odd shape almost like a curved blade attached to his arm that can be used defensively and offensively. On his left hand a single nasty retractable blade juts from the middle of his fist, to top it all off a rather long tail sprouts from his back just as vicious as his claws or weaponized arms, all in all Alexio now looked like a being that was made for combat of any kind at any time.

The brick wall shuddered and cracked under the power and weight of his body making a body sized dent in it, with this odd display the young men finally took their chance to bolt, Alexio had no thought of pursuing them as he was reeling at the sudden information that was running through his brain now. It was now that the elderly couple also reacted the woman screaming out "monster!?!" while pulling her husband away towards the other end of the alley he looked just as shocked as Alexio felt right now, so the punks and the people he tried to save were scared of him and both ran towards opposite ends of the alley to get away as best they could while Alexio tried to understand what happened. He questioned himself mentally about what was going on but what answered was not him it was the voice 'I make stronger....... you die if I don't...... you die I die and I no want to die..... Araxsas too strong to die......', it seemed like the voice was learning to speak better each time. "What the hell are you?" Alexio spoke but it was not his voice but a mixture of voices it seemed that came from his mouth now echoing through the alley as if he were asking over and over again, 'I am Araxsas....... I come from the stars...... now we are one.....' Araxsas answered simply which left Alexio stunned as he continued to lean against the dent brick wall in shock while he stared at his open hands.
Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Arcana October 9th 2013, 3:39 pm

He took in a deep breath, wind rushing past him in a great gust. Down below him stretched the windy city, and damn did it live up to that name, especially this high up. One thing ran through his mind, and that was his mothers constant nagging that he not throw himself off of high buildings to test his ability to fly, though that was how a baby bird did it, so that was how he would do it too. Granted, unlike baby birds there would be no one to catch him, and the ground would not reduce him to an unsightly stain against the concrete. That however was not the concern, and it was more about the unfortunate thing that would be found under him once he hit the ground; whether that is car, person or pup. What would make it all worth it is when he finally had control over the large black wings, and perhaps Niall wouldn’t look all weird when they were out.

Taking a step towards the edge of the building overlooking the city, a sense of vertigo overcame him and forced the blonde to take a step back. Then would come the second thoughts, like what if he flattened an old lady or ran into a school bus of orphans. Sure none of that was likely, but his mind came up with such scenarios and made them seem very possible, which caused the brief moment of hesitation. ”Okay Brandon, don’t back out of this now.” The male muttered under his breath, counting down from ten in his head as slow as humanly possible, eyes closing tightly. At this height he was nothing but a speck against the skyline, and something that no one would really notice unless they were looking really close. Hopefully if that scenario did happen, no one thought he was some kind of suicidal nut job or anything.

After each number would come a deep breath, relaxing the tension within his muscles as his mind became unfettered by all of the fears. A simple exercise his master had once taught him. While it did not allow him to access the energies of magic, it was enough to get the calming effect that he was looking for, and that meant the exercise in futility would continue. Dark brown eyes snapped open, as the vast sky would span out before him once again, but it only held endless possibilities instead of the chances of failure that it once did. In fact, that phantom tingling sensation along his back was something that seemed to return in full, making his shoulders itch terribly, and he would not waste time scratching them this time. Now was time to let the bound free.

The ring around his finger felt hot against the flesh, as if the magic within it were resonating, fighting back something that it were meant to seal. It wasn’t a painful heat, but more like a soothing one, like a heat pad pressed against your belly, except this was not a heat pad, and his finger not his belly. Brandon would first remove the simple wife beater from his torso, reducing the chance that his clothes would be destroyed within the process, and then let his mind flutter on to the more important matter after tying it around his upper arm. ”Okay..3…2…1.” Fingers would gingerly wrap around the ring, as his mind braced for the worst, perhaps in the form of some kind of pain that would come with the wings appearance like the first time that they had sprouted.

With a great tug, he removed the silver ring as it glowed bright like an ember, cherry red and angry. Once it was off his flesh for a few seconds, the color would return to normal, and yet he felt nothing. There were no wings sprouting from his back, and no pain from them forcing through sinew or anything along those line. Brandon would have been disappointed if anything else, but that was before it finally kicked in that the seal was broken, as if they were shocked that something like this had actually happened. It was much like someone first seeing light after years within darkness, and staring agape at it before running to freedom. Next came the transformative aspect, as he felt the searing pain run through his body, and heard the fluttering of wings as black feathers would fall around his face, and the black forms would make their appearance from his back. The pain was as brief as when they first appeared, and yet it was enough to make a lasting impression upon the one that had summoned them.

With a small force of will, he gave them an experimental flap, as he had many times before, or at least three times before. Brandon had slowly been gaining mastery over the use of these limbs, but it was nothing that could be considered graceful, especially by the standards of the many birds that he had seen and based his flight upon. He was partially on the right track, but there was something that evaded the male more than anything, and that was why his flight was never long. The last time that he had achieved flight, it was maintained for around three minutes at most before he crashed into something, but that was on the less than populated outskirts of the city. Sure there was like someone out there that would have seen the flying boy, but then again it was dark then, and now it was in the middle of the day, where so many people could see his stupidity in flight. The proverbial now or never situation was in front of him, and Brandon would unfortunately choose the now choice.

”Okay here I go.” He muttered cautiously, placing the ring in one of those tight superfluous pockets on his jeans, and leapt over the edge. His strength alone caused the roof below him to crack, and shake, as he was hurled higher into the air at breakneck speeds. For a moment came the helplessness that came with the doubt, but that would be pushed away in an instant, as he mentally commanded that his wing flap, and that they keep him up in the air, and they would listen. For a few seconds he would be falling, and then in an instant he would stop falling and the black feathery constructs would catch him, much like the mother bird would catch her young, though his forward movement was enough of a show that he had succeeded. That was when the hard part was, which came down to him keeping up the flight, such as his wings flapping and overall thrust. Through the air he would zoom at top speed, wind whipping past his face, and a large grin stretched across his face as anyone looking up would see the shape moving through the sky with such serene grace. This was what everything that could fly felt when it fought against gravities constraints, and it felt amazing. He was truly free, that feeling within his heart amazing, as it would beat like a machine gun within his chest. If only Niall could see him now.

He would dip upwards, touching the clouds that hung high within the sky, feeling their moisture coat his arm as he sharply decreased his altitude, as the wind buffeted him about, though it was mostly a lovely summer breeze to him. Next he fell into a sharp dive towards the ground, which would go on for around a hundred feet, before with a large amount of will he forced himself to correct his path, now going straight forward once again, wings pumping him forward once again. ”HELL YEAH!” He whooped high within the air, pure elation filling every pore of his being, as if this was what he was meant to do since his birth, and now was when it was being fulfilled. Nothing could bring him down it would seem, as he flew onward and onward, over the city with such ease that one would think that he had done this since the day of his birth. Spirling around, he would test his limits with his wings, but then something went wrong amongst everything and that was when his wings just didn’t want to flap.

Brandon felt them stop, and no matter how hard he commanded them to move, nothing happened other than his body spiting him more than it was already, and then he was sent like a missile hurdling towards the hard ground below, much like Icarus, without the melting wings of wax, and more like his wings just screwed him over in some way or the other. He would have screamed, but that would do him no good, seeing as there was no one to catch the falling man. He could tell that the ground was coming closer to his form, and something within his would cringe, as all of his muscles tightened in preparation for the painful contact with concrete. At least he knew his he would not split open like a melon or anything, since that would have left more trouble for the people that loved him.

Even with his tough as hell skin, the contact with the edge of that building still hurt like hell. Brandon found himself hitting wall, as brick would crack and break against his body, as he eventually fell to the alleyway, and his back moaned in protest of its mistreatment. If it had a mouth, there would likely be a large amount of expletives spewing from it, and anything to berate Brandon as well, which only made him want to rest there for a little while. ”….ow…” Was all he managed within his stupor, laying within the small crater that his descent had created, staring up at the sky that he had only moments ago been flying freely about in. He didn’t noticed the other person that was leaning against the brick wall in the alley, but he was sure that he had noticed the strange shirtless male that landed there.

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by creator October 9th 2013, 5:29 pm

Roseria was gliding across the sky on her giant fan letting the wind chill her skin. She was on the phone with Karah who she made stay at the tower because this trip might have been too dangerous. She was talking about her day and how she was just coming in from fighting a yeti and how everyone was talking to her and telling her to ask roseria about her trip. Roseria laughed as she changed in octives while telling her story of adventure for the day. She rubbed a shaved part of her head and leaned backwards on the fan. She smiled as the happiness from Karah seeped through the phone as an image, she could practically see karah now dancing around while telling her her story.

"Okay Kar i'll call you later." Roseria said laughing then she hung up and plugged in her head phones and stood up on her fan. As she played the song the fan seemed to speed up on the current as she glided over the city of Chicago. She was here on an odd job to raise some money. She was hired to find and kill some rouge demons who tried to rebell against the ice king roland. Roseria's Mohawk streamed the side of her face as she turned to check down a road. Nobody had seen her yet which was good because she didn't feel like all those problems.

She was known in many places. Even places she has yet to visit and although her physical features were always distorted the one thing that stayed the same was her fan. The fan that seemed to hold the breath of all the cold hearted spirits that wanted revenge for their deaths. They say that their is a snow flake on the front and back and if you saw it your body would freeze stiff and you would die on the spot. Of course Roseria knew that most of it was a lie but sometimes it was fun to use her title and see what happens. She was known as the "Red snow queen, Chrio."

The current began to weaken and roseria began to glide to the ground. She jumped off gracefully and grabbed the end of her fan, closing it and locking it into the hilt on her back. The hilt was really just two bars that tightly locked around the fan when It was put in with a little force behind it. She sat down at a table next to a restaurant and began to look around scanning for any sign of the demons she was looking for.

"Let the games begin." She said then sighed and leaned back into the chair she was in as a waitress walked out happily.




Karah (Renegade)
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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios October 9th 2013, 6:34 pm

The more Alexio looked at his hands the more confused he became as they looked like they belonged to some supernatural creature, the vicious looking retractable blade on his left hand looked as if it were made to kill, the odd shape upon his right wrist/arm was just impossible to place. Alexio was probably lucky that he could not see the rest of his body or else it might have thrown him into a panicked state as he would not be able to comprehend that he was standing there in this form. Alexio was just placing his hands upon the dented brick wall as he heard something crashing from above, before he could even look up to see what it was the object fell to the ground and it was actually a person rather than an object like he originally thought. Now the person that came crashing down from the sky looked overall normal except for one big feature that Alexio noticed right away, there were a big pair of black wings on the shirtless male's back and though Alexio wasn't an expert on the human physiology he couldn't definitely say that humans did not have wings. The day just seemed to be getting weirder and weirder Alexio thought to himself as he looked at the winged shirtless male who seemed to be in pain from his fall, Alexio had to blink to make sure that he was seeing this right but of course with his new appearance there was no blinking as he had no eyes yet it seemed he did somehow see.

The voice was back asking a question at the same time Alexio was trying to think to himself 'enemy flies....... fight it...... win kill.......', Alexio was getting tired of hearing this voice and not being able to see who he was speaking to especially because it said the same thing basically every time. "Would you stop saying fight this, kill that already?" he said out loud in a slightly exasperated tone that echoed out through the alley, 'but Araxsas is strong...... must prove it in battle with enemies' the alien said as if that made perfect sense to him. To anyone else Alexio in his alien form seemed to be talking to himself and that was something that he would have preferred over talking with this battle crazy and so called strong alien inside of his head. Alexio felt like his entire world was being turned upside down as he was now some weird alien thing that was definitely stronger and far more durable than before, then from the sky fell a winged man while the alien inside of his head told him to fight and kill the winged man for no reason other than to prove he was strong now. What was very odd was now that Araxsas seemed to be getting stronger or at least more refined within Alexio's mind he could feel him inside his head, it was like knowing that there was someone with you without actually seeing someone.

Alexio was usually a rather calm person but right now he needed to stop and take a deep breath to calm himself down his eyes closing though he still had none technically and then opening as he released the breath "you be quiet for now while I figure somethings out no arguments Araxsas" he said out loud before turning his attention back to the winged man upon the ground. His hands placed against the wall to push off and as he did so the elongated tips raked over the brick making a sound that was a bit disconcerting as the claws torn as deep into the brick as they could while Alexio pushed himself off of the wall. Though he was heavier than before Alexio had never felt lighter in his life, it was like having all the power in the world inside of his body, he felt like he could take on anything or anyone at the moment, but that would have been foolish as he did not have a full grasp upon his abilities. "Why are you here?" he asked the winged man upon the ground, "are you connected to what is happening to me?" he asked curiously but due to Araxsas's voice merging with his it came out gruff almost accusing while echoing like his voice did every time and in the alley that was getting annoying as it echoed out again. Behind him unknowingly Alexio's new deadly looking tail whipped back and forth hitting the ground with only a bit of force but it was carving deep grooves into the asphalt like it was paper. It moved almost lazily like a cat's, perhaps Araxsas had gotten the image from inside Alexio's head or perhaps it was just naturally moving about as he was unaware that it was there at all so he wasn't controlling it at all, "what is going on?!?" he asked as if the winged man might have all the answers for him.


Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Arcana October 9th 2013, 7:02 pm

The last thing on his mind within this moment was keeping an eye on his surroundings, when his body felt like it had been beaten down by a thousand large hammers. Something in his lower abdomen was crying in agony, and there was also that sharp pain in his lower back that promised bruises within a few hours. Almost as if out of habit, the black wings would curl around him, as if to protect him or something like that, as he lay curled into a ball on the shattered asphalt. If Aaron heard about this little escapade, then it was likely that the male would have kicked his ass, or at least hurled things at his face. Letting out a small cough that revealed that now even his torso was a little sore, and caused a small amount of crumbled brick to roll from his bare abdomen. While Aaron’s wrath was something that was to be feared, he was more worried about how the Irish male would react to his freefall from the sky. Always the one to worry he was, and that made everything harder in the long run, and there was something in the way that he conducted himself that always made Brandon feel a manner of guilt.

Visions of birds would swim about his eyesight, as the blonde male ran fingers through his head to check if there was any bleeding, and luckily there was not. So his skin had withstood the impact enough to prevent any brain damage. His mother would be worried, and anymore dumbing down would have reduced him to some kind of slack jawed half wit, and that was not the preferable solution. ”Okay, that was close but next time I need to avoid the eventual painful swan dive.” He noted to himself with a certain amount of pain permeating into his whisper. That was when he heard something, a strange void talking but to who was another question that entered his slightly addled mind as it tried to regain its bearings. There was no other voice than the one that had spoken, but he swore that he was to someone else, and that was what sent a shiver through his spine as he tried to get to his feet. Black feathered wings would move in an attempt to push him upwards, but that was no use at the moment, and he was as prone as a turtle.

If only he had some kind of regenerative thing right now, that would have made everything much easier. His muscles would stop screaming out, and he would be on his damn feet right now, instead of lying on his pain filled back. While stuck within this own personal struggles, the voice let a question perforate the atmosphere and run through his ears like some kind of mite. It would ding about his neurons, mulled over with such intensity as the wings would curl back into that defensive orb formation. One of them moved out of the way long enough for him to get a glimpse of what looked like some kind of alien monstrosity that came out of a sci fi flick, with a tail that flicked about curiously. It was one thing that Brandon had never seen within his life as a member of the Hale family, and that should have been enough to raise the caution meter a few, but it did not. He was still prideful within his own nearly impenetrable hide, and that few things could truly harm it, so all he could do at the moment is lay prone and mull over the question with a slightly confused face.

”What’s happening to you? Um I don’t even know what you are, let alone what’s going on with you.” Brandon stated as plainly as one could, raising one of his blonde eyebrows curiously as he pressed elbows against the ground with enough force to cause it to splinter even more, forcing his prone form into a sitting position with one motion, and putting himself into a more favorable position. The voice questioning him sounded gruff, and a little threatening, though he was not threatened, except for a little as his eyes followed the tail that would playfully bat about like a cat of some kind. This was  a predatory being that could kill someone with but a motion, and that made him something that Brandon would make sure to keep a close eye on at all times, and perhaps even if need be, run away from in any way possible. While the mind thought up over five different ways to escape, his face was kept within a rather placid and calm expression. From the questions that were thrown at him haphazardly, Brandon could tell that this male knew nothing about what he was, and that made this even more precarious. It reminded him somewhat of when Niall first awakened his powers, but with less questions hurled into his face, and more him crying; though that was not what mattered now. ”So what are you? I haven’t seen anything like you in…..well I’ve never seen anything like you.”

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Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by creator October 9th 2013, 9:55 pm

Roseria was drinking a chocolate milkshake when she heard a loud bang like something hitting the ground. She looked over and noticed a crater a few blocks away then a weird voice lightly echoed from the alley the crater was next to. A boy sat up from the crater and seemed to writhe a little in pain. A pair of black wings flapped lightly behind him but stopped as quick as they started. Roseria stared at the boy in amusment as she thought about all the possibilities that could have caused that boy to be in the crater. She brushed her Mohawk backwards and causaly got up. Her frosty gray eyes latched onto the boy in the crater.

"Hm this should be interesting." She said still slurping on her milkshake.

Then she stopped when a creature not of this world, in the slightest, appeared out of the alley. His voice was not audiable but she could her a mixture of noises like two voices in one. She began to unlatch her fan as she walked faster towards the thing. A tail lazily scratched across the ground, sparks flying lightly from the groves it was making. All Roseria could think about was how this thing could not be human and then she tried to think of an explanation for why she didn't see it earlier.

She pulled out the fan and swung it in a circle letting it expand as she finished the last of her milkshake and threw the cup to the floor. There was a deep whoosh sound as she fully spun the fan and turned it behind her back letting the snow flake design lightly show as she bent forward and prepared herself to bend back and swing forward the fan. "Is there anything wrong over here?" She asked politely in a dead calm and evil voice. She sat up and pulled the fan a little more to the side while still holding it behind her back. She held it with her right hand on the outer piece of the fan. she stood in a pose that showed she was curious in a evil mysterious sort of way. The air around her began to chill lightly as she swayed a little with the fan still behind her.




Karah (Renegade)
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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios October 9th 2013, 11:05 pm

Now Alexio hadn't really thought that the winged man would have all the answers but he had been hoping for some possible explanation since this person wasn't exactly normal, those hopes were dashed as the winged man stated he had no idea what was happening to Alexio and that he didn't know what Alexio was. Now he could handle quite a few things, he had been beaten up before, he had his life threatened and in danger, hell Alexio had even been shot once and through all this he had managed to keep himself calm but with the hope of an answer gone now that mental barrier of calmness seemed to disintegrate in an instant. Then came the question of what he was and that did not help Alexio calm down at all instead it did the exact opposite "I don't know!" his voice raised and the echoing seemed to get louder, his deadly looking tail thrashed about violently tearing into the wall beside him as if reacting to his distress. It was only when the tail struck the wall and sent splinters of brick out that he noticed what happened, his head snapped back to look over his shoulder and there he saw the deadly looking tail quivering with what he could only assume was his raw emotions. He was so interested in the tail that he did not notice the grand entrance of the female with the fan, "what" he paused between words "the" the tail twitched once more digging into the ground "hell" it twitched out of view so he looked over his other shoulder to see it now "is that?".

If Alexio hadn't been in this otherworldly form it was certain that the tone of his voice would have been shock but with his voice the way it was the slow question was more accusing than anything else as if the tail would answer him, instead it was the voice/Araxsas who answered him with one of the simplest and most irritating of answers. 'That is a tail........', now this was the worst possible thing Araxsas/the voice could have said because it sounded like he was making fun of Alexio and he was no in the mood for that at all, "of course it's a fucking tail" he said in an angry tone and that transferred into his echoing voice making it seem all the more menacing. "What I want to know you stupid voice is why I have a tail that can cut through brick and asphalt like it's butter" he practically growled out which added another level to the deepness of his echoing voice now. Now Araxsas/the voice hadn't yet revealed what happened last night and Alexio was not remembering due to his brain blocking off the trauma of having a piece of rebar shoved through his chest and nearly killing him so of course he was just a tiny bit confused as to why he was transforming into a being that until recently he wouldn't have believed existed. 'Because we are one now Alexio the human......' it spoke out as if this should be obvious to the human he had merged with, 'I make you strong...... we fight..... prove worth to all.....' it spoke excitedly as if battle were the only thing on it's mind and so far every time they spoke like this it had come up at least once.

Most likely to the winger man and the female with the fan it would seem as if Alexio were talking to the tail itself rather than to someone else as Araxsas was only in his head it would appear, "fight this, fight that, fight fight fight, is that all you can talk about for crying out loud how about you give me some answers to what is happening to me already" he said commandingly to the voice inside of his head. Araxsas had no real answer for the human as he had already given the answer that he thought cleared everything up, they were one now and he had made the human strong what more was there to understand the alien being thought to itself 'I do not understand......' it replied instead of giving the answer that Alexio wished to hear once again a mental barrier seemed to disappear from Alexio causing him to be a little more panicked. "That's not good enough!" again the echoing voice rose in the menace department and Alexio's right foot stomped into the ground in frustration, now usually his foot would have just hit the ground and made a slapping sound but not this time. Factor in the weight difference along with the power difference that Alexio still did not fully understand and you have a foot disappearing into the asphalt and getting stuck there causing him to stumble a bit as he was now off balance. Alexio's head now looked down and he could see that his rather large foot had gone into the asphalt, he couldn't help but let his head hang there for a moment as he thought about it he realized that he should have expected something like that to happen if he could dent stone walls and rip apart the ground with his tail.

Now he stopped to let himself think for just a couple of seconds and possibly calm down a tiny bit, when he felt that he had calmed down somewhat he looked back towards the winged man and that was when he noticed the female with the fan finally. Now Alexio was about to ask who she was and what she wanted but the voice/Araxsas cut in 'she asked if everything was okay..... she different from other creatures on this planet...... dangerous'. Now when someone said these kind of things it was a warning or they were being cautious but the voice/Araxsas seemed to be excited once again as if he was happy to have finally run into something dangerous, it was then that Alexio realized that was exactly what it was because whatever Araxsas/the voice was enjoyed fighting and or killing it seemed. "Well that depends what you mean by wrong miss" he said in a joking tone though only that menacing echo of a voice came through, "does transforming into some crazy alien monster thing without any knowledge of how or why count as wrong?" Alexio probably would have given a dry smile if he had the lips to do so but unfortunately he did not. Now he pulled his foot from the ground easily wrenching up chunks of asphalt in the process which was regrettable but he couldn't just leave his foot there the whole time, his full height six foot seven which made it so he looked down at the two before him.
Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

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Number of posts : 31
Registration date : 2013-05-27

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Arcana October 10th 2013, 4:32 pm

So he didn’t know what he was and Brandon did not know what he was. That was a rather annoying fact, and seeing that he was expected to shoulder the burden of knowledge about his messed up appearance was rather annoying, if not something that could piss him off. If anything he should have asked someone like his mother, or anyone with a better understanding off otherworldly crap, but he just built golems a little better than your average mage. That tail was something that looked like it could prove dangerous if it got too close, especially if he were your average fleshy mook, but then again that did not really apply to the tankish physiology that came with the rather lean looking male. He could have attempted another lift off, but that swimming sensation running through his head made is nearly impossible to even stand up, let alone really set sail into the great blue unknown. So for now he would have to sit there and make sure to keep an eye on the guy that had the rather intimidating looking tail that zipped about in the air behind him, cutting into anything the barbed tip could get within its deadly reach.

It was when the tail struck a wall and sent some of the brickey pieces out that he seemed to finally notice the appendage, and the reaction was less than expected really. Even after the time that he had the thing swishing behind him, it took until now for the bastard to actually notice that he had a flesh rending piece of equipment attached to his ass? That was another hint that this guy had likely only assumed this strange form recently, and that even with his strangely filtered voice, that the assumed emotion would have to be some kind of shock. Infact his first question when it came to what it was almost made the Hale facepalm, or something along those lines, but he just stared at him for a moment as if incredulous. ”It’s a tail?” Brandon would venture uncertainly raising a blonde brow as if guessing, and partially wondering it he would lash out at the obvious being stated. Instead he accepted the fact with expletive that only added a question, as he seemed to be speaking to someone else again, like when Brandon was laying on his back only a moment ago. Was this guy some kind of schizoid or was there something else to this?

Whatever was happening, Brandon knew that he had fallen into the freak show it seemed, and he would have to make his escape as soon as the opportunity would present itself. That was when something else came across his mind, and that was what this guy was capable of, and if running away was even a viable option. ’I guess this is just my luck” Brandon muttered as he barely paid any attention to what was happening to the young male, as it seemed that his internal dialogue would continue with or without the Hale sitting there, and it would annoy him more than anything. He had decided to test out his wings today, and now here he was with this weirdo talking to himself, and barely even paying the flying man any mind. There was something about fighting, but who exactly did he want to fight? If that one was him, then Brandon knew that he did not want to have anything to do with this psycho looking monster thing, especially if he remembered the last time there was a fight involving him. Bombs and whatnot were involved, and his skin still remembered the rending pain.

His mind would fall into something, when he heard what sounded like concrete being caved in by a powerful stomp and it showed that the guy did not even know his own strength, meaning that he was a threat to not only the people around him but also to himself. Part of him wanted to atleast deal with this potential threat to society, but then again would he even be able to kill him? His mother had taught the Brandon since he was young that all life was sacred and that killing anyone was a very heavy act, something that was not to be taken lightly. The internal moral monologue was interrupted by the appearance of a woman with a fan, and the strangest magical aura about her. He could tell instantly that she was not human or even a metahuman, but something else entirely, since he usually felt nothing from the latter two. She asked if there was anything wrong here, as if that were not obvious already, but then again playing coy was perhaps the main point within the question that would dance around the obvious. Brandon shivered lightly as the air seemed to cool from her mere presence. ’Nothings wrong here, well as far as I’m concerned. Can’t really speak for the alien dude over there, but I’m perfectly fine.” With a hard push he came to his feet, with a sudden bout of dizziness as he brushed away the small amount of dust and broken concrete from his thinly muscled frame.

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by creator October 10th 2013, 5:22 pm

Roseria looked at the alien creature thing and laughed a bit. Even though it was heard to notice sarcasm rushed out of the comment made by the creature. Roseria twirled the fan again as the winged boy got up. It was funny to watch the two because even though they looked powerful they also looked harmless like this whole interaction was pure accident. Roseria gazed at the two who seemed to be awaiting her next comment. She spun the fan and closed it using as a long cane for support. She left partially open though just in case one of them decided to attack her.

"Well with what I have seen in my long life I would think that there is nothing wrong her, However!!!"
She slammed her fan onto the ground as if to give emphasis. Then she casually leaned forward resting her chin onto the top of the fan. Then she began to speak again with a little judgemental voice." You being so very young might not have seen this once in your life except in movies and such like that." Then she gazed over towards the winged boy and smiled lightly." And judging by the crater and obvious confusion on your face i'm going to assume you fell...from up there." Roseria pointed at the sky and looked up for a few seconds.




Karah (Renegade)
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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios October 10th 2013, 7:51 pm

Upon hearing the words of the fan wielding female who had yet to introduce herself Alexio rolled his eyes or would have rolled his eyes if he had any, her tone judgmental and the words all but useless as they gave no real explanation to his current predicament. With his slight breakdown starting to disappear a bit Alexio now began to think to himself, it was only logical that he had knowledge of what was going on in some way as this thing hadn't taken control of him instead it seemed like they were joined together with two minds in one body yet Alexio had control over the body in both forms so far. Now just based on the things he had seen in movies or read in books he would have to guess that this was not something like a parasite because Araxsas/the voice there was not just using his body to feed himself he actually gave his powerful form to Alexio, at the same time it wasn't a take over as Araxsas was not actually able to control his body it seemed. So the only thing that made sense to Alexio was that this was a fusion of some sort which meant he was no longer human but instead a combination of human and whatever the hell Araxsas was, if that was the case then Alexio had many roads ahead of him, he could decide to use his abilities for good, he could decide to use his abilities for evil, he could decide to try and hide with this ability for the rest of his life.

Now the last option did not seem all that viable as he had no control over the ability to transform into this alien being that he was right now, it seemed that Araxsas had reacted to the danger of Alexio's life thus he transformed into this to protect Alexio as he would die if the human Alexio died. Also even if he could somehow manage to control the ability he would always have Araxsas talking in his head and Araxsas seemed to be getting more talkative with each time he spoke 'yes........ learning language not too difficult.......' Araxsas cut in as if he could hear Alexio's thoughts which he could Alexio realized since they were one mind now they could not keep thoughts from one another. Now if that were the case then Alexio was wondering why he couldn't sense any of Araxsas's thoughts but of course Araxsas was already giving the answer as he felt the thoughts in Alexio's mind 'not strong enough to access all....'.  It was a simple answer as most had been but from that Alexio understood why, seeing the strength this alien form had already displayed without even trying there would be no reason for such a powerful creature to merge with a human even if said human was dying Araxsas probably wouldn't have cared. So it had to be that the creature was dying and needed a being to merge with in order to survive 'correct....' Araxsas said simply, well at least they had found a way to communicate without Alexio talking to what seemed to be himself.

So theoretically once Araxsas completely readjusted to this new form he would have the ability to access everything he knew and allow Alexio to see it or just know it 'correct again.......' Araxsas voice was very similar to the one that the winged man and the fan wielding female heard Alexio use. Now with at least some information Alexio was much calmer which the two in the alley with him would be able to see as the tail behind him had stopped moving about violently and was back to it's lazy almost cat like movements, when Alexio focused on it he could feel the tail moving but because he has never had a tail before trying to control it was a bit difficult if not impossible at the moment. Alexio looked at the two before him now and held up his hands in open palms to show he wasn't a threat he cleared his throat at the same time which was odd sounding as it also echoed, "it would seem that every noise from my mouth echoes unfortunately" the tone was calm and collected in Alexio's mind but it came out as the menacing echo voice like before. He could hear his own voice and Alexio had to say that if he heard such a voice he wouldn't want anything to do with the person with such a voice, it sounded like a human trying to growl and talk at the same time while echoing out with a deepness that most people did not have and to be honest Alexio found the slight echoing to be a bit annoying.

"Sorry for the outburst earlier I was just a little overwhelmed as I did not expect to get into a fight with four punks today let alone turn into a hulking alien being like this" he said as an explanation, then came the thought of how to turn back into his human form which would be more pleasant than this he thought. 'I do not know how to do that........' Araxsas said with a slight edge of confusion to his voice as if he had never run into the problem of not knowing how to do something, "and it would appear that I do not currently have a way to go back to my human form unfortunately" Alexio said out loud with a tinge of exasperation to his voice which made the voice sound deeper. He honestly couldn't figure out what was with his voice it seemed like it only got more disturbing, he wondered if it would ever sound at least cheerful 'unknown......' was all Araxsas said in reply to that thought. "Do either of you know someone that could tell me more about this and or how to deal with this sudden change?" he asked the two before him hoping one of them would be able to say yes at the very least, perhaps a more appropriate would have been if either of them knew how to deal with this since they were definitely not normal people either.
Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Arcana October 10th 2013, 8:25 pm

Once he was back upon his feet, Brandon felt more strength run through his muscles that had been brutalized by that sudden fall, and perhaps were even worst off then the things that he had collided with not so long ago. Upon standing, his back issued a loud popping as if his standing had done something, though nothing that was of any consequence. Now he was dealing with a strange woman, as well as an unknown life form that had no idea what it was, and could take it out on him if answers were not supplied. If he wanted to, Brandon could have contacted Aaron for some help, but the twin was likely doing whatever he did with that blonde guy. He had taken an interest within that strange Aether like energy, and perhaps what it had to do with stopping the now estranged Sean, but then again that guy was not something that he wanted his brother near. Brandon flexed his left hand, fingers curling into a tight ball as he tested his muscles and how well they were working after everything, and what he got was a favorable response. A few spots smarted a cross his torso, but nothing that would hinder him in any way.

After letting his mind wander over the mystery of his hand, Brandon now could focus upon the woman that had walked upon their little meeting, and what her purpose was here. It was obvious that she had wondered upon them, though he could tell there was nothing human about her, and that meant that she could pose a threat of some kind. Something within what she said made it obvious that she was older than physically obvious, and that meant that maybe he was dealing with some kind of immortal. If that were the case, what kind of immortal was she, and how much of a threat would she prove if some kind of confrontation would break out? Granted Brandon was nearly unharmable, some things still hurt like hell, and he sure did not like pain in the least. Something about pain did not sit well with the Hale, and if he could, Brandon would avoid any kind of pain if at all possible, though some people called for a little pain in order to protect them. So in the end, that was something that could be overlooked when he needed to.

There was something within her voice that made what she said sound condescending, and that annoyed him slightly. Sure he had never met anything alien, but then again he once punched out a Wyvern, so that more than made up for it. Sure the thing was a little drunk from some kind of ultra booze, but the damn victory still counted in the end. He would look at her with a wary expression, making sure that any move that she made was under close scrutiny while his mind also tried to focus upon the scarier looking of the three within the alleyway. Wings would flinch around an inch or so before folding across his back, as if reacting to the tension within him, and trying to make themselves as small of a target as was physically possible, but if that helped any was unknown. While he was internally wary, Brandon made sure to put of a slightly friendly front that would not let them know what was brewing underneath the façade. While he was usually the friendliest of people around, something told him that would get him nothing within the situation, though acting was always something that did wonders.

The guy would apologize for his outburst earlier, and that made it somewhat easier to relax. His shoulder would sag, as the pain within them would make itself obvious, as he winced and scowled slightly. Already he could see some small red marks on the pale skin, and that meant it would hurt later. Brandon gingerly undid the wife beater that was wrapped around his arm, and placed it back on his torso as the wings seemed to accept the covering, and allowed themselves to be hid, before he would dig the silver ring out of his pocket and place it upon his right middle finger. In an instant his wings would seem to dimply disappear as a single feather would fall down onto the ground, silent as if they were never there in the first place and he looked like your normal male, even if his body looked around nineteen in age. ”While I myself cannot help you in anyway return to your human form, I think I know someone else that can maybe help.” Brandon noted looking over his arm carefully, making sure that he did not have any bruises, or anything that would prove to obvious. There were a few marks also on his right arm, as well as the upper part of his left arm, but nothing serious.

”I cannot promise that you’ll get any immediate help, or even answers as to what you are, but perhaps control over your transformation would be good enough, right?” With the examination of his body complete, Brandon felt like helping this poor alien guy some, even if he was scary as hell, but how could he help the guy? The blonde would cock his head to the side, contemplating this as he realized that he had almost forgot that the otherworldly cold lady was still here, and that she still gave him the creeps kinda. ’So if you wanna accept my help is up to you, but I can’t force you to do anything, though I likely will have to do something of you cause any major problems for the people of Chicago.” While it may have been a draconian thing to say, it was the truth and no reason to sugar coat something like that. With a shrug Brandon would look over to the ice woman not really changing his expression in the least. ”You can come along too if you want I guess.”

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by creator October 10th 2013, 9:05 pm

Roseria watched as the two began to relax. The alley fell silent for a moment as the alien person fell statue still. I guess he was talking to himself like he did earlier but then he abruptly began to speak again. his tail began to calm and it's movements returned to their previous playful movement scratching across the ground like before. Roseria listened to him as he asked his question then shrugged. Her blue hair began to stick up as the air got colder. She looked over at the winged guy as he put his tank top back on.

Even though she had no proof she knew that he was saying something about her. But he kept a friendly face so she decided she wouldn't try to provoke anything yet. Then he opened his mouth and made a very irritating comment. You can come along too if you want I guess." His voice sounded so friendly. The air dropped a good 15 degrees as she gritted her teeth but then she began to smile and swung her fan open then closed it as it collapsed into that hilt on the back of her waist. She smirked and slowly began walking closer and closer to the guy.

"I guess I will go with you, I might find my targets on the way and if not," Roseria was in the winged guys face now smiling as her breath crystalized and poured out of her mouth like a dense fog filled with crystals. She then dropped the temperature again another 15 so she could get her next comment across in full," I could always use a good boost to my reputation you know." She said rhetorically then she backed up and put her hands on her hips returning the temperature to normal. "The names Roseria by the way but most people here of me as The red snow queen."




Karah (Renegade)
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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Alexio Dimitrios October 10th 2013, 10:31 pm

Finally one of them said something useful Alexio thought to himself as he listened to the winged man say that he might know someone that could help him, though he was happy to hear something useful his happiness was a bit lessened by the fact that the winged man said that he couldn't guarantee anything. But still it was good news and to the question of whether or not that was good enough he nodded his head, he was a bit curious to see what he looked like completely after seeing the winged male cock his head to the side while looking at Alexio as if looking at something that he had never seen before which made Alexio feel a bit uncomfortable though he said nothing. Then came the words that were a little disconcerting to Alexio 'though I likely will have to do something of you cause any major problems for the people of Chicago' he said like Alexio was some kind of criminal. The thought that the winged male saw him as a possible problem made his tail twitch in annoyance sending it straight down into the ground burying it a good six inches into the asphalt like it was nothing more than tissue paper, it pulled out easily leaving the hole there though Alexio's annoyance was still in the back of his mind.

Now he watched the winged male address the fan wielding woman and while it was hard to be sure it did seem like his polite invitation to her was a little colder than when he addressed Alexio and though it did not affect him Alexio couldn't help but think a bit odd. It seemed the air was getting colder as the fan wielding woman replied with what seemed to be fog breath so he had to assume that the sudden temperature drop was a result of her ability which could have been air based or ice based. He never understood why there was animosity between people when they had never met yet if things didn't go too well here he could see the two of them not getting along at all, if it came to a battle between whatever the hell they were Alexio already had the plan to run away. Araxsas decided that he was going to interrupt 'no run...... we strong.....we fight..... we win always.....' the alien sounded so confident that Alexio almost believed him but then shook his head as if the alien could actually see that. "There is always someone stronger" he muttered under his breath, he winced as Araxsas suddenly yelled in his head 'NO ONE STRONGER THAN ARAXSAS.........', his tail clashed against the wall ripping it up once more "fine fine just stop yelling" he muttered as he shook his head when Araxsas yelled it was like getting a migraine instantly.

While he was in the middle of muttering to himself the temperature seemed to go back to normal so he looked back to the fan wielding woman who was telling them that her name was Roseria though a lot of people called her the red snow queen apparently which was kind of an ominous name Alexio thought to himself. Not to be rude Alexio decided that he should introduce himself as well, "my name is-" he paused as he realized that giving his real name out to two people that were some kind of super powered beings and then they could use his name to track him down possibly. Then came the thought that he was only a few blocks from his apartment which made him even more paranoid that it would be easy to track him down if they wanted to, his brain was frozen for a couple of seconds as he had no idea what to say anymore. Araxsas came to the rescue now though 'give my name.... I no afraid of them...' he said confidently "is Araxsas" he said as quickly as he could so his pause in his introduction wouldn't seem too odd. He turned his attention to the winged male now as he had a thought about going anywhere with him "how can I go anywhere at all?" he asked curiously though one could hardly tell that with the damn menacing voice that never seemed to turn off which was getting on Alexio's nerves the more he heard it.

"I mean I can't see all of me but I am pretty sure that the people of Chicago are going to notice a hulking black figure that has a tail that looks like it was made for killing" he said in a dreary tone as it was obvious people would freak out when they saw him. "I am pretty sure I can't fly like you can and I am pretty sure I can't go invisible so what do I do?", the idea of flying was actually a nice one but so far he didn't seem to have that ability and Araxsas wasn't saying that he could do it so it must not be something that the alien could do. From what he could tell so far with the enhanced strength and durability that this body possessed along with the retractable blade on his left hand and the claws upon each fingertip Alexio had to assume that Araxsas's body was simply one big weapon. 'Yes Araxsas warrior........ fight lots....... kill enemies and prove worth to all.....', Alexio remembered hearing those words earlier and he could only imagine that Araxsas knew nothing but combat and killing which was a terrifying thought to Alexio who only used violence when necessary and he had never even thought of killing anyone before. What if their minds became one rather than being separate?, would he become a battle hungry and bloodthirsty being like Araxsas was he asked himself, just the thought of that made Alexio's entire form shudder and he couldn't help but reject the idea of that happening to him.
Alexio Dimitrios
Alexio Dimitrios

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by Arcana October 12th 2013, 3:29 pm

Who would he take this alien monstrosity to anyway? While his brother initially seemed like a good option, that idea soon fell into a fiery inferno of wrong and died there. He had already helped him out with more problems than he was entitled to help with, and that meant that he would get a free pass from Brandon’s stupidity, but his mother was always more than willing to help those in need with her magical prowess. Hell, she could do anything if the woman put her mind to it, but then again she just found doing things for their own sake boring, and Arianna was just too eccentric for the average person to understand. In the end, he would just muse over if this was the smartest idea while making sure that he did not seem inattentive with the others, and that meant more work on his end, and perhaps some over thinking as well. Of course the guy was talking to himself again, but that was perhaps something that was partially expected by now, seeing as how he always ended up hanging out with the insane people. Something about there always being someone stronger, which sounded like he was expecting a fight or something like that.

There was also that line about targets that caught him off guard, though not enough to really show anyway. If this woman was some kind of hit..woman that meant that he had another potential danger that needed to be looked after, which meant that he was only going to end up with more trouble along the way. Sure the Hale was competent, but when it came to combat, he was not the most skilled in the bunch it would seem. Still, when it came to pure strength, he was second to none and that was more than enough for him. ”Araxas? Interesting name, my name’s Brandon.” He said taking in the greeting and offering his own name in return, making sure not to ignore and sound like some kind of rude douche bag, as was expected of the blonde. The question about if he could go anywhere was something that caught Brandon marginally of guard, seeing as how he had forgotten the whole strange looking alien exterior that the male was sporting and how that would impede their whole walktz through Chicago. That Roseria girl was annoying him that was for sure, especially with all of that cold  pouring off her .

If anything Brandon hated the cold and he mostly tried to avoid extremes of it if at all possible, and here this woman was basically secreting it. Luckily the temperature problem was quickly rectified, and that meant that he could let his mind drift onto more important matters. ”I guess I could carry you there while I fly or something, if that’s not a problem. “ He would suggest with a slight smirking, wondering how the weight of an added person would affect his overall ability to fly, but maybe it would not be something substantial, and he had to consider if the guy would even accept the whole offer. While some would like the chance to fly, the close proximity that would be required was more than enough to turn some away from this high flying opportunity, and if he crashed, they would likely be painted across the pavement. However, this guy asked for help, and he would do whatever it took to help; that was just his heroic nature in action, and damn was it annoying. Well either way, he would have to wait for the guys answer, and that would be the clincher really.

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Registration date : 2011-02-08

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A new world (Open) Empty Re: A new world (Open)

Post by creator October 12th 2013, 5:53 pm

Roseria busted out laughing as she heard what Brandon said. If the guy can't walk himself without dipping into the earth how does he expect to carry him. She was wipping tears from her eyes as she calmed herself down. She looked at the two and it took everything she had not to laugh again. The Brandon kid looked serious.

"Instead of trying that how about we just try and see how lightly you have to press on your feet to be able to walk on the ground without breaking it. I think that would be a whole lot easier than carrying him with wings that obviously don't help much considering where you came from." She said pointing to Brandon with her thumb.

She put her hands on her hips and waited for his response. She couldn't wait to here what he was going to decide.




Karah (Renegade)
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