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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 1st 2013, 2:29 pm

Bs watched the children from the alley across the street. Her targets seemed to be exactly the sort of children she wanted.. They moved with precision, selectively skipping apartment complexes over presumably for far more generous targets. Bs had vetted several groups so far and this one seemed to be comprised of some top contenders. She was pleased with herself for thinking this plan through. Last year was a disaster, what was she thinking? Going in without care, shed wasted sooo much time knocking on dud doors. While the human kids were carting off their prizes in great big trash bags, she had a miserable turnout. But things were different now, she had learned to respect the cunning these human spawnlings displayed on O'hallows eve. Now she would use it against them and repair her tattered dignity!

The concept was difficult to grasp initially, a disguise that was not a disguise. It was utterly bizarre to go to such lengths to create such a transparent disguise. Another issue of last years debacle was Bs's lack of transparency. Her "costumes" were too good. Too many opportunities were snatched away from her, too many screaming humans and 911 calls, she really felt like eviscerating the Bs from last year. She finally got it right this time, she had done her research and found several No-Fail costume ideas.

She glanced over herself, she had divided herself into three "bodies" each carefully connected by the costume. Naturally, she wouldn't be satisfied with only one measure of candy after all this preparation. However her greed was tempered enough with caution to resist making more bodies and risk unnatural body motion. For the costume she chose to be a dragon, she got the idea from the Chinese new year celebration they held last February. The idea was perfect for her since it would spare here the weird looks she would have got locking arms and moving in a line. Still she wasn't satisfied with being just one thing. There were so many ideas she had and being limited to only the most convenient was hellish agony for her! So as a sort of compromise she decided it wouldn't be a dragon but a Robot Dragon. With this she was content.

She constructed her dragon body with the robot quality in mind: her main body was a big grey blanket with strips of aluminum bits "glued" to it at various intervals. spines, claws, trim and other details were shaped from cut up tin cans. The head though was her favorite piece of work, she went so far as to head over to the junk yard for inspiration. She hunted for interesting bits, springs and random scrap to emulate, working it all together to make an amateurish scrap metal dragon head. She could work the jaw of it to reveal a grinning 14 year old wearing silvery makeup. For pants, the three kids wore ventilation hose ending in stubby foil claws over their sneakers.

Bs felt nervous and giddy, this was not like forming clothes at all. She wasn't copying anyone, she didn't pull this ensemble out of a magazine, this was something she made herself. She looked at herself again, making sure all the seams were in place, makeup was splotchy, and absolutely everything was convincing in it's unconvincingness.  Everything seemed in good order to her. She was so caught up with this and feeling pleased with herself she almost forgot about what this was all about. The candy, yes the candy.. briefly she considered if that was all it was really about to her after all.. She gave herself a good kick before she lost herself to introspective thinking, something that happened to her increasing since arriving on earth. She had to keep her mind on the prize, the candy! It was free, they were giving it away to kids wearing costumes, she made this costume here, be damned if she didn't deserve something for it!

Drawing courage from her ever reliable sense of gluttony, Bs stepped out of the alley to follow lead of the veteran Trick'or'Treaters.


Bs carefully mounted the stairs with three sets of feet. It was annoying navigated around with only one set of eyes, especially one burdened with constant tunnel vision. She didn't want to risk the indignity of falling down the stairs so she was sure to keep a good grip on the steel banister with one of each hand. Looking ahead she could see that the others had already moved on to the next floor. She presumed this meant there weren't too many doors worth trying on this floor. In any case, she felt like trying a few doors before following up after them, this would be her first of the year so she didn't want anyone being witness to a goof on her part.

She pasted the first two apartments who's residents were considerate enough to put signs up stating their disinterest in the occasion. The third door didn't have a sign but instead two bits of lit up plastic made up to look like the disemboweled and carved up pumpkins that seemed to be everywhere. She took it as a good sign. She knocked on the door and said the password in a sign-song chorus.


A scuffle of footsteps sounded and a moment later the door opened wide to reveal a cheery faced man. He was wearing a brown knit cardigan, beige khakis and black socks, his shirt collar was an off white and presumably the rest of it was too. His face was creased with laugh lines, and his dark hair was short and sensible. Looking at him as a whole, Bs decided to call the look, Suburban Bachelor

Wooooooow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Look at you kids! This must have taken ages!

That's right, it did!

She replied a little forcefully, making the dragon nod in support, it really did.

Thats great though isn't it? I got to say, this is the best costume I've seen all night! So I'm going give you kids something extra special for all your hard work, and hardwork should never go unrewarded!

Bs shivered with exhilaration, this was it, this is what it was all about. She was grinning wider and wider as the man carried on. She was quick to correct herself before it went too far, she couldn't mess up this moment now! The man had turned away to collect the prizes he promised. Bs tensed up, her treat bags held out in expectation. The man had turned back, still smiling and dropped something big into each bag.

You kids have a good night now and remember to take it easy on the candy!

He gave Bs a wink before shutting the door again. Alone at last, Bs dug into her bag to see what her first door had got her, she wouldnt do this every door but she wanted to savor her first true success here. She grabbed a hold of what felt like a soft tube and pulled it up into the light. It was strange.. something that clearly wasn't candy was sitting in her hand. She recognized what it was, toothpaste, she'd seen commercials for the brand too. For a moment she tried to recall the Wytbrite commercial jingle but she shook herself of that thought as she had bigger things to think about right now. While She turned the tube around to make sure it was really toothpaste her other hands and eyes went to work seeing what was in their bags. 10 oz bottle of mouthwash, a box of dental floss, and three toothbrushes.. It was like a sick joke, at least half of these things weren't even edible!

This was an insult! A total betrayal of her expectations! No wonder the other kids avoided this floor! She couldn't let this slide, this was a fact. That said, she couldn't just smash down his door and rip him to pieces, as much as shed have liked too. She had to be cool as she knew all to well, Bodies Were Bad. Missing persons were a colossal pain in this world, her life had become so much easier since she made her new years resolution to not eat anyone, with only two months left to go she wasn't about to mess things up now. Still, that didn't mean she wasn't out of options after all candy and treats are only one half of what Halloween is all about..



Mr. Suburban Bachelor opened the door with a smile and looked down to see a child dressed like a wrapped candy.

Oh woow, now that's a nice costume! Really dressed for the holiday eh? haha! Mmm.. actually how do you see out of that thing?

The child's only reply was to tilt back ward to face the man. The only parts of the child that were visible were its arms and legs, the rest was all a spherical candy wrapper with the ends twisted and tufting out on either side, there were no eye holes. The man frowned and crouched down in the doorway.

Hey kid? Are you alright? Can you hear me in there?

Thank you for the concern but you should be worrying more about yourself Doctor Foster.

The Doctor stumbled backwards and awkwardly stood up, looking both perplexed and wary at the talking candy. It didn't have the voice of a child, it was far far too deep.

Now listen here, this isn't funny kid, I don't know how you know my name.. But I'm not going to stand for this sort of foolery.

With a huff, Dr. Foster made to close his door. He was stopped cold though when the candy reached out and stalled it with one hand. The Doctor cried out and threw his weight into the door but the candy only responded in kind. The door was flung wide and the Doctor was knocked back down his hallway. Foster got his arms under himself and forced himself upright to see the Candy was standing past his threshold. It was examining his collection of children's "treats" while he regained his footing.

Hey! Y-you! What do you think you're doing!? Get out of my house this instant! I'm calling the police!!

It wont do you any good.. They wont help you, I've made sure of it.. What do you think of these?

I said get out!!

The candy didn't seem interested in complying instead it took several steps forward. Foster took a step back as it did so, the candy had gotten notably bigger after each step.

I said what do you think of these? Do they look like something children would enjoy?

Wh-wha what?

Foster turned pallid, staring wide eyed at the thing. The Candy didn't move or talk, it was simply waiting. Foster looked behind him into the next room, presumably toward a phone. He looked back at the candy, still standing there and waiting for his reply. He licked his lips nervously before giving it.

It's for yo- its for teeth.. kids, they need it you know? I'm a dentist!

That's not what I asked.

Foster edged one foot back, he was looking increasingly flighty, refusing to look directly at the candy.


Correct, its not. And what do you think happens when they receive something like this? To have a year full of hope and expectation, agonizing over costumes, imagining a night full of smiles and laughter, dancing lights and mountains of sweets. All of that, all of it stopped short by something like this?

The Candy held up the tube of Wytbrite brand toothpaste and squeezed. The paste exploded out of both ends of the tube making Foster jump.

What happens next is that I appear, my name is Trick. Humans have long forgotten me and my purpose but every now and then there is a heretic, a trespasser and defiler of children's hopes.. I've come to take you Foster, are you ready?

The Candy began moving again, getting larger with each step. There was no way for Foster to pass it now. Instead, he fled into his living area screaming for help.

Some one help! Help me! Help! Hey Hey! I need Help!

He shouted at the top of his lungs all while scrambling around for something to defend himself with. He snatched up the contents of his coffee table and threw the miscellaneous items at the increasingly large Trick, but to no avail. Foster next leaped into his kitchen and snatched up the biggest knives he could see. Breathing heavily, Foster held out the impressive carvers before him.

Y-you see these!? I'm armed now so scram! I wont take any more of this!! Go Away! Go!!

Trick did nothing of the sort unfortunately, instead stepping forward once more. With a squeak, Foster slashed the knives out in front of him.

Stay away! Stay away!!

He made a weak thrust and the knife stuck into Trick's body. Trick grabbed a hold of the knife and hand with one of it's own. Foster cried out again and thrust the second knife into Trick only for the Candy to do the same with the other hand. With both knives in its power, Trick made Foster drag them across it's wrapper, making him trace a crude open smile. Next Trick dragged his arms up and forced him to carve eyes out of the wrapper too. By the time he finished, Foster was blubbering and begging the Candy to let him go. Trick's reply was to bodily toss him into his balcony door, cracking the glass.

My apologies! I forgot to put my face on and your knives were just the thing for it! So as I said before Doctor Foster, are you ready now? We really must be going!

Underneath the wrapping Foster could see the rotten colour of Trick's candy body, and just underneath it he could make out the familiar shapes and outlines of the things within the candy.

Ah you see them? They're your new family now! As you're be joining them, preserved for all of time.. Come Now Doctor Foster! It's time to go!

The shapes twitched under the surface and then all at once Foster could see the grasping hands and wailing heads emerge from the surface filling up every exposed part of it's big grin and eye holes. Many of the bodies reached out to snatch at Foster while a fair few simply writhed and squirmed in their desperation to escape. Foster, for his part, clawed for the balcony door handle but it was held fast by several hands. Others had grabbed onto his sweater and worked to tow him back into the writhing maw. Foster struggled against the candied horror with all the feeble strength he could muster. He slammed his socked feet against his cracked door repeatedly until the glass gave out. Although his strength couldn't compare with Trick he tore off the buttons of his cardigan and shrugged the damning knitwear off. With a wordless cry he ran out and vaulted over the balcony to the relative safety of the floor below.

When Bs peered out the broken door she could see the Doctor Foster limping vigorously down the street. She could hear him screaming for quite a bit longer after he vanished from sight. Things hadn't quite gone the way she had hoped but this result wasn't too bad either. The balcony stunt Foster pulled was impressive, shed have to make a note to remind herself to visit the man again next year. Still she wasted so much time on this diversion! she had a quota to meet!

Stepping outside, made up to look like three kids under a robot dinosaur, Bs carried on to the next floor. She hoped the next person would have more sense then the Doctor..

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 2nd 2013, 10:25 pm

Ellie Wong was in her safe-house apartment, a temporary shelter after a long day of tiring work, which unfortunately carried on into the Halloween night. A rather anti-social creature focused solely on her missions, she was alone tonight, though the place was cleaned up earlier when her ward came by and prepared dinner as well as Halloween preparations so as to not alienate any who came by.

The apartment was scarcely furnished, but contained a plethora of electronic devices, some of which were still in their cases. She pored over paperwork and the holographic screens projected by her own glasses. She took a sip herbal tea, when the motion sensors on the floor were activated. She looked at the security screen and noted a robot dinosaur, likely a trick-or-treater. Ellie sighed, and wheelchaired over to the door, picking up the candy along the way. She put on a red fedora and a red domino mask, and greeted the trick or treaters as the Crimson Avenger... in a wheelchair.

Meanwhile, a delivery truck wheeled into the nearby Halloween Fair Grounds and began setting up. A van carrying workers assist, and put up signs saying 'Free Candy'. Soon enough, children took notice, and word of mouth began spreading throughout the area...

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 3rd 2013, 3:17 pm

Bs was feeling in good spirits, the candy just kept on coming.. She felt like she was moving in a dream.. Not too much time had pasted since her eventful encounter with the Dentist, and yet the interior of her dragon was lined with candy. One of the humans she met was inconsiderate enough to suggest she quit for the night as she already was dragging three weighty bags full of her surgery and tart loot. She gave the suggestion some thought after giving the woman the scare of her life, (nothing so dramatic as with Dr. Foster, just a quickie) she'd since then hidden away most of her bounty, thinking that maybe folks would be more generous if they saw the three kids with only a meager candy take to show for the night. It was a perfectly respectful strategy, not at all like some of the fiendish kids she saw switching costumes.

As of now she was all alone. The group she was tailing until now had left for home, complaining of sore backs to one another. She didn't feel so bothered about continuing blind from now on, she already had a decent score, even for her expectations. She didn't even mind hitting up a few bad doors. the dentist had been fun and since then, shes been putting together some ideas should the opportunity arise..

Bs had gained the next floor of the apartment. Her steps were uneven and awkward, as one would expect from three kids bundled together in a homemade costume. Stopping in front of a door, Bs made it so that her second and third body stumbled into the first who's response was to shove the other two back. Bs enjoyed this sort of play. While she had a handle on being human for the most part, with multiple "bodies" it was hard not to work in step and move like a puppet. She liked to give her forms an identity, for instance right now she was Molly, Benny and Fergus Nelson. They were siblings, their mother's a bartender and their father is a construction worker. He was injured on the job and had taken to drinking, but Bs hadn't worked out what sort of injury yet.

Bs straightened up having the three sort themselves out before the leader raised a hand to push the buzzer. The door was opened by a masked and hatted woman in a wheelchair. Bs smiled as Molly and elbowed the other two behind her before reciting the words in a ragged chorus.


You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 3rd 2013, 6:26 pm

Now, Ellie was a person who meant well and rarely bothered to do anything unusual around people to avert their attention. But today Ellie was feelings especially disapproving of the sugar, fat, calorie and artifical flavoring found in the candy, and decided to go into the kitchen to grab something of hers from the refrigerator.

The agent wheeled towards the door and opened it to see a robot dragon creature, though Ellie still had to feign an amused smile to appear surprised. If only Xiao were here to see this. "That's an interesting costume, must've taken quite some time." She remarked, taking out three zip bags filled with shiny slices of carrots, apples, nuts and other healthy foods coated in honey.

"Here you go." Ellie handed them the healthy snacks, feeling she contributed to the children's welfare this way.

A bunch of children still in their costumes were running down the hall past Bs, as they shouted from the news that travelled by word of mouth. "Sweet Tooth Inc. is giving out more free candy at the fair grouuuunds!"

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 4th 2013, 11:33 am

Bs eyed the wrapped treats the Wheelchair-Lady dropped into her three bags. They clearly looked homemade to her, something different then the majority of her receivings this night. Although the mixed bags seemed plain, Bs was looked foward to examining the contents later.

Thank you very much Miss!

The woman's attire seemed drab and casual aside from the bright red mask and hat. Bs supposed she was supposed to be a superhero or something, the hat made her think of those old style detective types. The Wheelchair also caught her interest. She didn't stare, it was rude to stare, rude to ask. She really wanted to know the story behind it. She didn't look like she was born too it, body wasn't right for that. Ex-Athlete? A top tier track runner until the day that ended it all, she was sabotaged by a rival.. She stopped to consider how to sabotage a foot runner then decided she was a cyclist instead. Before she could continue her train of thought any longer the stream of shouting children put her thoughts on hold.

Candy? Free? In the Fair grounds? She twisted herself around toward the imagined direction. The fair grounds wasn't to far from here.. She weighed her options. She could finish off this building and then head over but then there was no guarantee that anything would be left by then, the power of free stuff couldn't be underestimated. The matter was decided then, Bs turned to follow up with the other children. Before taking off though Bs had Fergus pop his head out.

Thank you for the Candy Miss! See you later!

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 4th 2013, 7:33 pm

"Free candy? well... I suppose that's what Halloween is about." Ellie remarked to the child, waving her off as Bs ran after the booty. She closes the door and resumes her work.

Halloween is likely the only time of year it is acceptable for a bunch of grown men driving around in a large van to give children candy, and even then it was questionable when no one expected it at all. The other stall owners at the fair grounds whispered among themselves, the conclusion being that Sweet Tooth Inc. made no announcements, nor made any arrangements with committees beforehand.

Children were swarming the Sweet Tooth Inc. Truck like a horde of 28 days later Infected, the attendants inside just tossing the candy bars out than distribute them, causing some chaos as children pushed and shoved each other, one girl squatting in place and crying because her candy bag spilled and was looted by the others. A nearby adult, a sweet old grandmother with a walking cane and short graying hair, witnesses this and, with a bullhorn makes the children line up.

"Shame on you! Look at little Mindy, she lost all her candy! You kids line up now!" The children complied with grandma's order, and promptly lined up to the van to receive their pound of candy bar. A whole pound per child! The candy men acted rather suspiciously, averting answering any questions. This made the lady very concerned.

Ellie meanwhile, pored over her notes on foreign affairs, before coming upon a local police report that earlier this morning, the Sweet Tooth Inc. Candy Factory had been raided, and a company van was stolen... Ellie decided to take a rest, taking a look outside her window when she saw the stolen van in the fair grounds, distributing candy...

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 5th 2013, 6:39 pm

Bs had largely given up her awkward three-person gait and was descending the building at a run. Playing up her role was nice but somethings just had to take precedent. In this case it was Free Candy. She really didn't want to risk missing out in case it was also For A Limited Time Only.

In short time Bs was congregating in the park with others in the horde of human swarming around the Sweet Tooth van. Seeing all the costumed children laughing screaming and crying while fighting over the candy the van attendants tossed made her feel some small pains of homesickness. There was less screaming and a whole lot less blood and viscera sure but the scene still stuck with her. She wondered how her siblings were doing, and whether mother had found and consumed any of them yet. Her reminiscing was disrupted when she finally noticed a pretty big kid trying to shove his way past her. Annoyed, Bs shoved the brat to the ground. She began to wade her way through the others toward the van feeling not just a little like that shark in that movie..

"You there! You three in the dragon! Line up with the others please."

Bs shifted her head to look at the old woman barking orders at her. She glared at her, who did this human think she was giving her orders? The old woman meet her eyes and raised her bullhorn again.

"Well? what are you three waiting for?"

Bs grudgingly got in line, telling herself it was only because making a scene might have made it more difficult to get in on this free candy.

As Bs got closer to the front of the line she started to get a funny feeling. Something about all this felt off, these Sweet Tooth Inc. people were giving away quite a bit of candy, far more then the usual Free Samples Bs delighted in. Even if this was Halloween, something like this usually had strings attached, insidious strings. She had fallen into far too many traps, lured by the promise of free stuff to completely misread this situation. There were dark deeds afoot, that was to be sure. When she stepped up to receive her three pounds of candy she asked the attendant a question as innocently as she could, careful not to give away her deep mistrust of these fellows.

Excuse me sir, but will we have to fill out a survey or anything afterwards?

Her eyes bore holes through him, searching out for even the slightest falsehood. She really freaking hated surveys!

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 6th 2013, 11:13 pm

The crowd of children had more or less dispersed across the fair grounds now. A ferris wheel rotated slowly some distance away, while the nearby stage was hosting the costume contest.

"Eh, huh? No kid. Here's some candy. Happy Halloween. Now get lost." The men in the uniforms did not so much as give the candy as shove it hurriedly into the dragon. Still, three pounds of candy was three pounds of candy, and soon enough all the children had their big blocks of Sweet Tooth Inc. chocolate bars.

A pair of police officers arrived on the scene - dressed up as 20's Irish Constables - finally to investigate the truck. They had just heard earlier a Sweet Tooth Inc. truck had been stolen, and the description of the people who raided the factory matched the men wearing the stolen uniforms. They intended to arrest the perpetrators immediately, without even calling for backup, as they wanted to get a nice promotion the following day...

"Excuse me sir..." They approached the perpetrators, but rather than speak to them or resist, they drop all their candy and flee into the back of the truck. The police tried to grab them, but they shove the officer out of the way and barricade themselves in. The truck speeds off elsewhere, nearly running over a few bystanders and knocking over trash cans and traffic signs.

The costumed children once again begin running and shouting all over the area, but these were no longer the cries of joy of Halloween- but of terror. Running through the crowds of civilians were no less than several dozen humanoid creatures with bodies composed entirely of candy. Their bodies were composed entirely of candy bars, lollipops, lemon drops and other sweets held together through unknown means; their eyes and mouth glowed an eerie pink glow, and a silenced scream came from their maws. They seemed to be pursuing the children, who were naturally afraid of them.

Gunfire began to erupt as local police moved to defend the citizenry. A local news crew that was covering the fair, showing dedication to their profession, changed to covering the attack.

"...This is Mindy Dale, reporting from the local Halloween fair! something completely unusual has happened... it seems that childrens' Halloween candy is coming to life and attacking! Oh my god! one of them is coming towards us! Mindy Dale, reporting for Channel 6, will be right back!"

Ellie just then arrives on the scene, the apartment's lift taking a troublesomely long time to get her to the ground floor... She draws a weapon, an exotic looking firearm, and loads it with uncommon munitions.

Blinda's candy too was affected by the cursed chocolate bars, erupting from her Halloween bags and forming beside her. The mound of sugar and confectioneries came to life and transformed into a candy monster, and lashed out to attack her.

Candy Monsters

Occ 1 Str 5 Spd 5 Dur 6 Abi 5 (regeneration) Fs 3

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 7th 2013, 11:59 am

Bs narrowed her eyes at the man's dismissiveness. She wasn't liking this at all. While she was relieved to think that she wasn't being baited into some survey it still left her with questions about what the Sweet Tooth people were doing this for. Bs moved off to the side to watch the men as they passed out more sweets. Looking at the them they didn't seem like the sort of characters the candy company would use to promote them. They weren't smiling, when they weren't shoving chocolate at kids, they would glance around as if expecting something, altogether they looked a little shifty.

Bs walked away after a bit, she stopped behind one of the fair stands and began to rummage around in her bag. She pulled out one of the big Sweet Tooth bars and turned it over in her hands. The chocolate seemed normal enough, it wasn't a brand new product, but then neither was it one of the Halloween themed ones like she'd seen in stores in the last few days. She was starting to unwrap it when she heard the shouting. Turning around, she could see police officers calling after the escaping Candy truck. She felt it before she saw it. Her candy had begun to tremble, reacting with the chocolate, before she could do anything the candy forced it's way out of her bags and other hiding places. It had collected together into a hulkish four limbed form. When fully formed the thing opening its mouth wide in imitation of a roar and struck at her with one hand.

Bs hadn't tried to dodge, she was transfixed with the appearance of the candy monster, made up of her candy. She folded around the monsters fist and it slammed her into the stand, collapsing it around her. Those Bastards, they did something to the candy, the candy she spent all day collecting on the night she was looking forward to all year.

She shrugged off all pretense of humanity then, she was angry, she was going to make them suffer for this. Her human parts writhed like violent noodles, the dragon ground its teeth and flexed spine and claw. She was going to find them and make them scream till sun up, but first she had to take back what was hers. Bs's body changed, she dropped her Halloween form, opting for something with more teeth. She was nearly the same size as the candy thing, every limb, every segment of her body was made up of interconnected heads, animal heads human heads, heads from wholly imagined creatures. Heads with teeth, lots of teeth and and angry mad eyes. Bs had sprung up from under the broken stand, twisting in inhuman ways, trying to wrap herself around the monster and chew through it's candy hide.

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 8th 2013, 1:25 am

Police officers stationed to keep watch over the fair brought out their shotguns and rifles from their cars, and begin fighting back, their long arms blowing chunks off them. However, their injuries rapidly regenerated. The Candy Monsters were leaping around, flipping cars, carts, stands, tables and people, causing mayhem throughout the area but without a higher goal. The police lines were being broken, officers bludgeoned with injuries, and sirens and radios called for everyone to vacate the area.

"It's still moving! It took shotgun and rifle rounds and it's still moving! We need backup!" Some of them commented, slowly falling back against the assault.

The Candy Monster Bs chewed through proved to have relatively slow reflexes, trying to swat her away as chunks of it was bitten through. Bs ate through the crunchy, sickeningly sweet exterior to expose some kind of chocolaty goo core, and the creature moaned in pain as its 'blood' poured out. Still, the wound began to close slowly, and it clawed at the shapeshifter with hard-candy claws.

A nearby candy monster rushed to aid its kin against Bs, when suddenly its entire upper half exploded, leaving behind the stump of its legs. The shot scattered candy everywhere, and coated the two combatants in chocolate syrup, as Ellie resorted to using her miniature grenade launcher immediately, while still in a wheel chair. More of the candy monsters came to greet this resistance, six of them surrounding the fighters. Ellie considers her next move carefully.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 8th 2013, 1:34 pm

Bs wound herself around the the thing. She constantly adjusted herself to avoid the claws while biting it from every point of bodily contact. She was chewing the monster up in her rage but every bite she took made her feel miserable. This wasn't the way things were supposed to be! She was going to go home and count it all, she would have divided it up by candy type, she was going to try to stretch her candy spoils out over the course of a week. Now here she was, battling with the product of her night's labor. It just wasn't fair.

From one of her mouths Bs tasted something different from the syrupy sweetness she was gulping down, she recognized the flavor of molten chocolate. She heard the monster moan as it's vital core began to dribble out of the wound. The monster's reaction got Bs's attention, it seemed there was an opening for her to finish this quickly. The thing about Bs is when she sees an opening, she can't help but invite herself in. The head over the creature's bleeding wound opened wide and a fat, toothed worm creature came out in place of a tongue. The worm forced itself into the wound, it's maw opening wide to swallow and burrow it's way deeper and deeper. The rest of Bs followed suite, quickly folding in on herself, following the form of her worm tongue. The candy thing grazed her with it's candy claws but Bs was still extremely quick, intent on devouring the thing from the inside out.

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 11th 2013, 2:51 am

The Chocolate blooded candy monster roared as it was being consumed inside out, thrashing and flailing at Bs, its supernatural claws inflicting scratches on her, until it collapsed into a heap of broken candy, all the chocolate drained from its body. She had defeated one, but they were surrounded by half a dozen more. Worse still, the cursed chocolate still persisted in Bs, moving around and trying to harm her, bring her under the influence of the curse, The Glutton... attempting to turn her into a Sugar Slave.

Ellie looked about and saw that indeed, the monsters in the area had converged on them, the resistance over the defenceless populace. She fired at two more of these candy creatures, a high explosive round taking them apart while an incendiary one slowly melted another into a bubbling puddle. Ellie was then beset by a third one who pounced on her from behind, sending the paraplegic to the ground to grapple with a candy and chocolate filled maw. Ellie now struggled with it, unable to fire at this close range.

Ellie would fail to notice the Candy Monsters she exploded were moving- the chocolate blood flowing with an unnatural sentience and carrying its candy remains elsewhere, going to where the truck had crashed into an old street light. In the mayhem, none dared approach the crashed truck.

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 11th 2013, 4:31 pm

The Candy monster had collapsed around Bs. She began to consume the fallen candy as the 10 Second Rule was now in effect. As she shoveled candy into her maws she scoped out the area around her. Nuggetsogood. She could see there were still a number of the monsters remaining and the wheelchair woman from before.. Wrappersarefinetoo. Bs wasn't sure which was odder the fact that she was here or that she was blasting them apart with a gun. Thisoneischeeseflavor. The creatures were zeroing in on them, she couldn't get caught up in this now she needed to eatcandy. No! There was something else! She had to get the ones that did this! She had tonumnumnum.

Bs finally noticed the wrongness in her. The chewy Sweet Tooth cololate squirming in her gut. She barely absorbed any of it but already it's magic was working it's way through her. With an outraged cry she expelled the mess from her body, forcing it out of every pore and orifice she could make. She couldn't play around anymore. Spending any more time with these puppets was a waste of time and effort. Just the one had managed to damage her. Barely at all but the aftereffects were dangerous, and going up against a group, she might not get away with a few scratches.

While she was busy it seemed the monsters had gotten the upper hand on the wheelchair Woman, too bad really but Bs felt too miserable and pissed off to seriously care. She couldn't risk taking back any of the candy in case of residual magic. Realistically it was just candy, but it was hers and it was something she worked hard for, and they took it all away from her. Not all of it though she belatedly realized, there was something left in her that wasn't tainted by the magic chocolate. She could feel them, three plastic ziplock bags were still inside of her, she supposed the magic hadn't registered them as candy. She considered the wheelchair woman again, thinking about the bags. Far earlier on she had been speculating about the woman, if she died here she'd never get another chance to find out the truth. Bs clutched the bags inside of her. She really couldn't leave it at that.

Bs charged at the monster holding Wheelchair woman down. She whipped out her arms ahead of her to clench around the woman in the form of a snake safety harness. She tries to tug her out of harms way while sending the rest of her body crashing into the thing in the shape of a giant foot.

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by The Nekromonga November 14th 2013, 5:36 pm

Ellie didn't quite grasp what Bs was doing, save that she was a shapeshifter with most unusual abilities and morbid consumption tendencies that she was better off not seeing fully. She found herself rescued from the thing's maw, just before she could take it out with her Power Glove.

She looked around, the panic having died down as people evacuated the street where the fair was being held, as well as the rest of the block. The monsters had done their job and caused panic, and now most were headed towards a single direction- the truck- while a scattered few monsters remained to continue the job. A high explosive round from Ellie solved that problem, spraying monstrous candy all over the nearby wall.

Ellie slowly lifted herself  into her wheelchair, and looked at Bs. "...Well. This turned out to be a most unusual halloween... but it isn't over yet. The monsters seem to be following the truck." She reloads her miniaturized grenade launcher. "...Tell me, shapeshifter, you interested in being a hero for the day? Or getting your candy back?"

Dragon Girl Experience
Dabbler Experience
The Steel Sage Experience
Thalassophobia Experience
Lady Deathblow Experience
The Nekromonga
The Nekromonga
Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

Status :

Quote : Neko is 9 now. Neko has many medical issues.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 2582
Location : Philippines
Age : 35
Job : Architect, Master Builder
Humor : I made a Lesbian Feminist Ninja Vampire Samurai.
Registration date : 2013-01-18

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((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open) Empty Re: ((Edited)) Halloween showdown, Round Two (open)

Post by soup November 16th 2013, 5:10 am

With nothing obstructing her, Bs repeatedly stamped the monster into the ground in her foot form. After the third time she pinned it's arms to the ground from her leveraged position on it's back and began to go to work on it. She changed from a foot into a knot of giant fingers and toes, all ending in gnashing mouths at the tips. The fat, toothy joints got to it, digging into the thing, prying open wounds so she could siphon out it's chocolate core. Of course she didn't let the chocolate linger in her body this time, as she spit out whatever she took in.

Wheelchair woman seemed to be doing swell, as any of the creatures that lingered were quickly pasted across the wall. That was some mean gun. She followed the ladies eyes and finally noticed the crashed candy truck. The sight made her grin internally, outwardly she dug into the monster with more gusto.

The woman was talking to her now, rather calmly given her current appearance. Even though she seemed to be a plain human, Bs could see how dangerous this woman was. She couldn't help feeling wary around that weapon of hers but for now it seemed they had a common goal. Since she preferred talking with a proper face, Bs made herself an upperbody on top of the wigging mound of fingers, the mound fanned out into a creepy proxy skirt for it. The torso and head were normal save for her clothing which was made of overlapping toenails, and her arms which were thumbs.

The candy.. well as it is, it's not something I think I'll be touching, that chocolate has some seriously insidious properties.

She crossed her thumbs in front of her as she continued.

If you're going after those guys then I'll be happy to help you out.. So long as you don't mind me extracting alittle toll out of them for all the trouble they've caused

You Should Be Reading Worm.

This is my Character. Her name is Bs. It may also be Blinda, She is here.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 24
Location : B.C.
Age : 35
Registration date : 2013-10-21

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