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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite) Empty Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

Post by 16 October 26th 2014, 7:27 pm

A comic convention, place where people can dress up whatever way they want, comic wise. Unfortunately for 16 that is exactly where he was at this present moment. The weather was a bit shallow, it had a small but noticeable by all means. Sixteen had just made his way inside the large hotel, the name of the building was unimportant all that was known was a big roof top. The inside was filled with people, the lights were beautiful and the life of the party was to die for. Sixteen was not here for comics, he was here for blood. He was meant to actually assassinate someone, though admitted they given him some false information and it was a set up. He was given a picture of a specific girl; though he was unaware of her brothers she had on deck.

He didn't get a name to be honest, just a picture, place and time. While it was a setup, assassin Anarchy 16 was unaware of the fight he was going to get himself into. As he walked slowly, he could hear the sounds of the door automatically opening for him. Allowing him access to the building, as he walked firmly, his danger senses were trailing around the room in search for the one in the picture. Small summary of his lovely outfit, combat boots, slim cargo pants, utility belt, compressed energy gloves, V strapped ninja short sleeve shirt, and a lovely domo mask upon his eyes. The lovely African American trailed through the main lobby, searching for his target; He needed to draw them to a place where he can take her down. Lobby had lots of people with different kinds of coplays and anime fantasy's. Sixteen pressed up against a wall, with orange juice in his hand in a white cup in an attempt to wait it out. He couldn't go to every room and stuff her out - All he could do is wait. And that he did.

(Horrible Starter, but it get's better)

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite) Empty Re: Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

Post by The Valtiari October 26th 2014, 10:45 pm

Another day. Another mission. The Valtiari Trio had been commissioned to remove yet another individual. Of all the assignments that they have been giver, they have never failed. Their prices were high, but results were guaranteed. They were directed to a hotel in Florida where a comic book convention was being held. This was already interesting to them, as this was a very public and very crowded venue. The location was full of people of all different walks of life. Rich, poor, young, old, and everything in-between. There was no need to try and hide themselves as everyone was dressed up in a costume anyways. It would look more suspicious if someone was dressed normally than three assassins carrying weapons around. Be though as it may, the three of them did not enter together. Valentina took the main entrance, Giovanni set himself up on a neighboring building to watch the participants on the ground and various levels of the hotel including the roof, and Yvvone took a side entrance.

They were given a picture of their target, but there was no guaranteeing that they still resembled their image, especially at this festival. The three pairs of eyes rapidly scanned the crowds, but neither of the brothers managed to spot anything. However Valentina caught an individual leaning against the wall. Both Giovanni and Yvvone confirmed that was the individual that they were looking for. The female Valtiari stared at the man for a moment and the two of them locked eyes. She remained calm and looked away casually and then began to move towards their nearest stair well. It was at the end of a hallway as it always is with hotels. She had instinctively moved towards the side of the building that was closest to where Giovanni was stationed in case backup was needed. Valentina moved at a casual pace, nothing that would alarm any one she was passing by. Now that they had located their target, Yvvone began to head towards their location. He would be able to trap him in a very transparent field of energy and move him to a more private location and they would be able to finish the job quickly. Valentina entered the stairwell and climbed half a flight and took a seat still staring at the door. It would not be strange for two people to lock eyes in a convention, and even if he decided to follow her for whatever reason it would just hasten the process. It would be easy to secure the stair well and eliminate him right when he walked through the door. Yvvone would be there in a short amount of time, and everything would wrap up smoothly.
Another one for the books.

Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari
Giovanni Massimizziano Valtiari
Yvvone Germain Valtiari
The Valtiari
The Valtiari

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2013-07-29

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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite) Empty Re: Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

Post by 16 October 26th 2014, 11:47 pm

Noise was messing up with his ability to concentrate and focus on his sixth sense to find and eliminate his target. His danger senses and brain were of one feature, it allowed so many capabilities it was endless. His danger senses allowed him to lock onto his target once she looked his way, causing him to look up and his senses tingled even more then before. Both targets had a silent but firm understanding of target capturing, the eyes making contact with each other. His danger senses range was like thirty meters, it was beyond the range of the building, he did not understand exactly how but after she was confirmed as a threat two others were as well. One other was stationed outside onto of a building, with the physical features of a male, although danger senses were not able to pick up complete details. He spotted another on the inside of the building, which figures danger senses described as a male but no full details. His brain was formulating or attempting to formulate why out of thirty meters of range the danger sense was picking up the extra two. Then of course it clicked. A man onto of a building?

Come on Sixteen you know better. Sixteen blinked but didn't give any signals as she kept walking, his plan had to be kept perfectly. Pushing silently off the wall, he quickly made his movements as gracious as possible blending in with a crowd of anime lovers, once they turned the corner that she was trying to lead him into - The exact moment before her brother would catch him within view of eye sight he dashed out of the main entrance. The only in the main lobby out of the three was the unidentified sister, so he had to merge into a crowd to make it too the main entrance as he could sense her unidentified brother making his way towards the main lobby. Now when I say dashed, I mean buddy vanished like his baby's mother came for child support. Once out he didn't run from the three, instead he pushed himself to start surface running up the exact building he just got out of. Using his amazing speed he was onto of it in no time, the brother from the inside would be making his way around the corner to find Sixteen not there - So if he would make his move it'd need to be now. The hotel he made it up by running had a higher elevation level then the one his primary target was standing on. Probably two or three levels to have a specific educated guess.

Zipping over to the side closest to his opponent, in full speed he charged up his compressed energy glove once his feet stopped moving he released a large volley - many at once - blast of pure purple energy from the top of the building he was standing on downward to crush the target below. His eyes caught a view, confirming it was a male; likely giving him the impression the other one was male as well. It was a very impressive counter sneak attack, using basic assassin blending, super speed and the element of surprise. He wanted to at least take one out, though if they came in a pack and were able to set him up in a form he still had no idea was possible - this would be a long night. Still not unaware of their shared vision, it was possible that his danger senses clung onto that somehow matching them up like ID or something?

Either way, if the energy blast hit him or not they erupted into a small shockwave so completely moving out of the way was the only thing effective because they were going to hit the floor beneath him either way. The eruption should make enough noise for the others to join them, now that he have the roof tops and full space, his legs can stretch and he could think clearly. He didn't need to talk, all he knew was he was going to defend himself. His will power was one of the strongest weapons he had. He mentally prepared himself for a few tactics, but a one versus three would make him the defensive player; which was what he was best at.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite) Empty Re: Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

Post by The Valtiari October 29th 2014, 1:46 am

"The target has moved."
The instant this message was relayed to Giovanni and Valentina the both of them went on high alert. Yvvone scanned the lobby where he was last seen, but could not find anyone, immediately Valentina left her post and exited through the side of the building. He had not gone past Yvvone or Valentina's exit, and Giovanni was watching the main exit. This was where he caught sight of their target exiting, and at a speed he had quite the amount of difficulty following. Their employer had not mentioned that their target was a meta. This would most definitely result in a price increase.
The speedster run vertically up the side of the hotel until he reached the top and immediately locked onto Giovanni. He must also have a sensory ability, otherwise there would have been no other way he could have located Gio so quickly. On top of these other two observed abilities, he also seemed to have the ability to send out energy projectiles. Unfortunately Yvvone was not in range to offer protection so Giovanni had to take care of the situation himself. He countered by releasing a wave of his own energy by swiping his sword in an arc motion and then sheathing it again. Once the energy collided with his opponents it erupted into a very large explosion, drawing the attention of a lot of the bystanders below. Even though Giovanni was part of an assassination trio, his abilities were not the stealthiest.

Soon enough Yvvone had made it outside, he created a thin platform of energy which carried him up to the top of the hotel. Opposite the side their target was standing on. As he traveled upwards, he erected a translucent barrier that covered the entire rooftop of the hotel, boxing in their daring speedster. Yvvone gently hovered away from the edge of the rooftop keeping a steady hold on this rather large forcefield. From inside, Valentina began to race up the flights of the stairs, soon to make it to the roof. However there were other parts of their plan that needed to be executed before she arrived.
Giovanni put his hands together, and in pulling them apart created a miniature dragon like creature glowing a pearlescent purple and blue color. Though 'miniature' it was still roughly the size of a car. It launched out wards rushing towards the barrier that contained their opponent. Right before it collided with the walls, Yvvone opened up a space in the barrier that allowed the creature to enter before the hole swiftly sealed itself up. Once inside, it would detonate in a tremendous explosion. It would cause some of the windows on some of the lower levels to shatter and damage the roof's structure a little, but was still powerful enough to fill the barrier with the blast cracking it slightly. The explosion traveled up and outwards, versus in a more downward direction. The civilians below and inside the building were beginning to be evacuated and more than likely a metahuman removal squad would be summoned to the area.

Yvvone formed some vents in the barrier to filter out the smoke and also repaired the damage that Giovanni's attack had caused. The roof exit/entrance had been slightly damaged in the explosion, Valentina kicked the warped door off of its hinges and stepped onto the roof scanning around looking for what should be the body of the target. Or at least what might remain of it. She had not dropped her guard even though it seemed like there had been no way out of an attack such as that. He was a metahuman, and it was still possible that he had not exhibited all of his abilities yet. The more powerful the more they would have to charge. Yvvone hovered above the roof, Giovanni created a large bird from his energy that allowed him to also fly above the battle field and Valentina remained inside the barrier on the roof to take this man on in close range. All angles were covered, there was no distance they couldn't cover and no position they couldn't see. This was a three way deadlock that always spelled defeat for the Valtiar's opponents. If he survived the blast then this next attack formation would decide the direction of this fight.

Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari
Giovanni Massimizziano Valtiari
Yvvone Germain Valtiari
The Valtiari
The Valtiari

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2013-07-29

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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite) Empty Re: Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

Post by 16 October 30th 2014, 9:35 pm

Target has indeed moved on the three. Facing three opponents that are not only Meta's but possibly assassins are not quite the best thing to do to stick around in one place. Sixteen currently had a couple of strong advantages, so he had no choice but to use them. As the volley of energy blast escaped his palms of injustice, they flew through the air with the intent to kill - though ironically he wasn't aiming to kill them unless he needed to. Best way to see someone's true power is when you provoke them to use it. Danger senses tingled and identified his whole body as he grabbed his sword and quickly unleashed an arc of energy to match the surprise attack, his brain itself have a assumption that he possibly carried a skill of energy production or maybe a tool in his body that allows him to emit it outward. Either way, it wasn't his sword. Energy through the air collided and unfortunately for everyone under the fireworks it caused a very large explosion.

Crack. ... !
Boom ... !

Multiple sounds of explosions and lights emit through the air and it spreads into multiple explosions around the skies. Sixteen used the explosion, smoke, and chaos in the street that blocked view of his visual as a tactical advantage. He vanished from his current position once more, while his first target was likely waiting for the smoke to clear - He was set on his next target out of the other two siblings. Sixteen had no choice but to move full speed in this situation, Yvvone was just making it outside so his timing once again had to be perfect. He sensed what direction he was coming out of, so he used a route that was farther from all three targets. He had to beat whatever telepathy or special communication powers by trying to take them one by one. He began surface running down the wall and he made it silently around the corner. He sensed Yvvone rise from the ground, Sixteen had another visual of another target. Sixteen stood about ten meters away around the almost fleeing target who has no idea he's behind him. They likely did some special communicator thing so to them he is located is onto of the roof.

Before he could get the satisfaction of coming up with a plan Sixteen came around that corner of the building at full blitz speed, completely behind him short distance of five meters in which took less then seconds raising his hands he blasted a volley of energy blast - out in public. They would be aimed towards his back, he wasted no time. The exact moment they released from his palms, he once again vanished from his position and around the corner away from that specific sibling. While Valentina was racing up the stairs, he was back inside of the building. People inside began to panic and most of the main people in the convention had fled for their life. Sixteen's location was back inside of the hotel, but this time with the lights off, he had absorbed them in his Tattoo. Main lobby had no lights. His game of Hide And Seek was just beginning. He had serious hopes that his plan actually worked, his speed and fighting skills to be able to move at that speed and pinpoint such a fatal blow should have at least knocked him off his feet - but it wouldn't be the first time fatal attacks didn't make through. Part of being an assassin? Your not the only hunter in town. Watch carefully on the next episode of 16's contracts.

"You must realize. that fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Don't let me be misunderstood, danger is very real, but fear itself is a choice"

Character Profile: Anarchy, 16
For more information or a chance to RP: Anarchy's File
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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 170
Registration date : 2013-09-17

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Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite) Empty Re: Comic Showdown (Valtiari - Invite)

Post by The Valtiari November 6th 2014, 9:20 pm

Every second that this dragged on only meant more money for the siblings. This target was becoming increasingly difficult and they would need to settle this quickly, subtly was beginning to lose its place as a priority. After the explosion and the smoke cleared, Gio saw that he was no longer on the building prompting the other two to immediately stay on high alert. Valentina continued her way to the top of the building and Yvvone had almost made it to the top. Upon hearing the news he began to cover himself in a light shield, just in case, but before it had solidified it was struck with a familiar blast of energy. It caused Yvvone to temporarily lose his focus and was thrown through one of the hotel windows. He landed and rolled to his feet, brushing off his shoulders from the impact.

Valentina and Giovanni were able to confirm that the target was back into the building. Yvvone shook off the damage he had taken and exited through the window he had broken through. The three siblings gathered on top of the roof of the building and watched as hordes of people evacuated through every exit of the hotel.
"Do you think everyone is out yet?" Asked Valentina.
"I would give it a couple more minutes, they seem to have an efficient method of evacuation." Replied Giovanni.
"In the mean time though, we should try to not lose our target in the crowds" said Yvvone.
He then extended an arm out and a large translucent barrier began to cover the entire building. There was a small opening by the main entrance of the building where the crowds could exit, this would filter them out in smaller quantities so that the three of them could monitor the people more closely.
After this precaution was taken, they noticed that the lights were going out in the hotel. It could only be assume that this was another tactic of their target. It would be futile, but the trio would entertain it for a moment.

Giovanni created a large amount of time explosive creatures which he had enter the building and place themselves at key structural points throughout the hotel. Following, Yvvone created reinforcing barriers at all of the the points where there were explosives. Giovanni detonated all of the explosives causing the entire building to shake violently, but because of the barriers Yvvone put in place the building did not collapse. Giovanni then flew down to the main entrance of the building as the last few people exited through the gap in the barrier. Giovanni took a megaphone from one of the officials and entered the barrier and the hole closed behind him.
"It may be cliché, but we have the building surrounded. There is no chance for escape. Surrender yourself now, or you will be buried underneath this establishment. Our employer did not specify whether or not your body needed to be in once piece. Do not make this any more difficult than it needs to be, we will not hesitate to use force in order complete our mission."

Valentina Xzayviera Valtiari
Giovanni Massimizziano Valtiari
Yvvone Germain Valtiari
The Valtiari
The Valtiari

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Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 44
Registration date : 2013-07-29

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