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The Gambler

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The Gambler Empty The Gambler

Post by White Star October 23rd 2013, 9:35 pm

The Conman
"Care for a game?"

Basic Biography

Real Name: Jikumo Barricuda
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Gambler
Title: Swift-Hands Barricuda
Alignment: CN
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Red
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 150 lbs
Blood type: AB+

The Looks

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The Legacy


Jikumo plays by his own rules, he never takes orders from anyone, even if it's to save his life. He's rebellious by heart, but he's not thick-headed to the point of not making deals or working with others for his gain, he just hates taking orders. He's a quick-thinker, and great at making very detailed plans for his "business" among other things. He's extremely smooth, making you believe he was on your side until he stabs you in the back, and even then he'll have a good excuse for doing it. His one fatal flaw is that he'll sometimes forget about his ultimate goal and just randomly have "fun" with people.

Jikumo can be a massive asshole...well, all the time, really. Although he's smart, he likes to mess around a lot like a child. He's very vain as well, often thinking he is the best, and it's a pretty good assumption, he's got the skills to back up his tough talk. Although his skills mostly include backstabbing and tricky tactics, he rarely degrades himself to get what he wants, only in dire situations will he do this.

When he isn't having his "fun", he works on his goal to dominate the market however he can, often times breaking the law. He enjoys doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants it, and it's become a hobby of his to practice the magical arts just to make a point that he does what he wants. Since he didn't start off filthy rich, he enjoys the finer things in life, and he's not afraid to flaunt around his riches. Even though he uses summons as his main strategy of attack, he loves to use weapons he's either bought or made using his magical knowledge. He hates being outsmarted though, especially in his favorite game, strip poker.


Jikumo didn't always start off the rich and handsome devil he is now, he was actually born into an extremely poor family. They barely got by, and Jikumo learned to steal to provide for himself and his little sister, as their parents never worked or did anything for them. His life changed one day as he tried to steal from a man in a mysterious cloak, but was caught instantly. Taking pity on the poor child, the mysterious man handed him a deck of cards and taught him how to use their magic to their full potential. Since then, Jikumo used his magical deck of cards to summon dragons, witches, and golems to help him rob larger and larger hauls, even getting into a bank once or twice. He began to get extremely skilled with using his cards, often robbing like it was a game. Once he became old enough to realize he could dominate the market, he went into dirty businesses, gaining more and more street knowledge and respect with each year.

When he was high up in the food chain of criminal business, he began to write goals for himself. His obvious goal was to dominate the market, and become the richest man in the world. His secretive goal, however, was to master his deck of cards fully, and delve deeper into the occult he had been introduced to as a child. His sister died just before he was going to make his biggest heist, which would help pay off for her medication, but he went on with the heist as a symbol of his dedication to her. Needless to say, it went off without a hitch. He gained a large sum of money, enough for him to live comfortably for the rest of his life. This would have been the end of his tale, but he still had the mystery of his deck of cards to tide him over for the rest of his mortal life.

The Powers

Power 1: Summoning Deck: A deck of cards that with a bit of power, can be used to summon a creature.


Level 8 Summons

Name: Yclaw


History: Yclaw was one of the favorites back when he first got his magical deck of cards. When you're a poor kid and left to only your imagination, seeing a real life dragon left a mark in his mind forever. He's seen as more of the loyal pet of the group.

Flame Breath: Ah yes, the flame breath. Not sure much needs to be said about this other than it can be used in multiple ways. 3 ABI

Whirlwind Slash: Flapping your wings? Pretty cool. Flapping your wings to create powerful whirlwinds capable of cutting down an entire forest? GENIUS.

Occult: 1
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 3/4
Fighting Skills: 2
Flight: 2

Name: Jessie


History: Jessie was a child when Jikumo first met her, and they quickly became friends. As they grew up together, she began to develop feelings for him that he never returned. She trusts him with her life entirely.


Healing(High): Jessie can heal major wounds and fatigue of herself or her allies

Divine Light(High): Jessie casts a spell that surrounds the an area around herself that is about a city block large in a holy light that harms demons an blinds humans besides her allies.

Magic Shield(Medium): Jessie casts a shield spell that covers her allies in a magic that is hard to break, but very possible.

Boo-boos(Medium): Jessie casts a spell which creates a swarm heart-shaped explosives that have a small blast radius.

Seduction(Low): Jessie casts a spell which changes her outfit to a more...revealing version (picture withheld for obvious reasons). While this spell is active, male or homosexual females will have less of a chance to attack her.

Shadow Mist(Low): Jessie casts a glob of inky-black mist that covers an ally or herself to conceal them from the human eye.

Ball of Light(Basic): Jessie casts a small ball of light that illuminates a small area around it, can be switched on or off at will and is permanently shut off for a couple of minutes when doused in water.

Lockpick(Basic): Jessie casts a spell that unlocks most locked doors, vaults, etc.

Occult: 4
Strength: 1
Speed: 2
Durability: 1
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 4
Magic: 7
Spells: 4
Flight: 1

Name: Krunk


History: Krunk is one of the quieter summons of the bunch. He is loyal and steadfast, with an iron will and a heart of crystal. Literally. He has gotten Jikumo out of many situations in the past, and they have a great respect for each other. Krunk is seen as a sort of leader of the summons.


Gem Shot: A piercing beam of burning light is shot from the crystal in Krunk's chest. This is mostly used as a sort of "mining" tool and works great for breaking through walls and vault doors, but can be used in combat.

Occult: 2
Strength: 5
Speed: 2
Durability: 6
Ability: 4
Fighting Skills: 3

Level 7 Summons:

Minion/Pet Application

Name: Draconian Knights


History: The Draconian Knights are a go-to defense for when Jikumo has faced multiple enemies in the past. They act as a sort of secret forces for him when he is in need of protection, like bodyguards. They are very versatile, and Jikumo relies on them greatly when needed.

Power(s): Flaming Sword: The Knights set their own weapons aflame to do more damage, burning heavily upon hit. These flames can be extinguished by water.

Occult: 1
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 6
Ability: 2
Fighting Skills: 4
Flight: 1

Level 6 Summons:

Name: Possessed Swords


History: Nothing much can be said about these swords, although they have no thoughts, they can take orders well. They've been a fine asset as they make up the bulk of the offensive strategy in Jikumo's little army.

Occult: 0
Strength: 6
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 3
Flight: 1

Level 5 Summons:

Name: Battle Monkeys


History: The battle monkeys are his favorite, and most expendable, part of his arsenal. They're a great distraction when out of battle too, and the life of a party.


Poo Fling: The Battle Monkeys throw their sh*t at you. Literally, their poo will cover you completely when there's a lot of it thrown.

Occult: 0
Strength: 4
Speed: 4
Durability: 3
Ability: 1
Fighting Skills: 2

Level 4 Summons:

Name: Thunder Clouds


History: The Thunder Clouds are a great form of transportation, but when there's a lot of them in the area they can generate large thunderstorms. They've been Jikumo's main form of escape, using them to either cover an area he was running away from or to fly away on quickly without being noticed.


Thunda!: The cloud shoots a bolt of lightning, which can be combined with multiple clouds to make a very destructive force. This lightning can power machines and disrupt electrical devices.

Occult: 0
Strength: 1
Speed: 5
Durability: 1
Ability: 3
Fighting Skills: 2
Flight: 2

Level 4 Summons:

Name: Ghost Armor


History: This armor has been a great sort of "doppleganger" for Jikumo. They have a habit of disguising themselves to look more like a person they've recently seen, but they can shapeshift into nearly anything they're ordered to. They can be used as an armor for Jikumo himself, and can be disguised to look like his normal clothes when he feels like it.


Disguise: The suit of armor can look like nearly anything humanoid, including large, hulking monsters and even a normal businessman. They are great infiltrators, but they lack in one thing: They cannot do anything without their master's orders. If they are disguised and don't get an order, they will stand still with a blank stare on their face.

Occult: 0
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Durability: 4
Ability: 1
Fighting Skills: 2
Flight: 1

Level 3 Summons:

Name: Spybees


History: The spybees are the weakest of all of Jikumo's summons, but their usefulness lies in their ability to be unseen to the human eye.


Invisibility: The spybees, even with their small size, can become even more unnoticeable by blending into their surroundings. This lasts for 2 posts with an equal duration.

Information Drain: The spybees can drain information from computers or even "willing" minds(NPCs only) using their stingers. This information is instantly injected into Jikumo's brain.

Occult: 0
Strength: 0
Speed: 2
Durability: 1
Ability: 2/3
Fighting Skills: 0
Flight: 2

Occult: 4
Strength: 2
Speed: 2
Durability: 2
Ability: 8
Fighting Skills: 2
Wealth: 5

Last edited by Jikumo on October 30th 2013, 9:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
White Star
White Star

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 78
Location : Florida
Age : 27
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Gambler Empty Re: The Gambler

Post by Zell October 30th 2013, 8:58 pm

The renegade's got it made

     Approved until stated otherwise

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"Gone from light, lead astray. Soul turned to darkness in a single day. Lead me back to the light. Killing me...the only way to set things right."
The Once and Future King
The Once and Future King

Status :

Quote : "A villain is just a victim whose story you haven't learned yet."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 1417
Location : In my room...or a coffee shop.
Age : 28
Job : Existential Crisis Manager
Humor : [19:57:45] @ Spirit Corgi : In order to produce minions we require you to find two minions who love each other.
Registration date : 2013-05-07

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