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Kodiak Tsuchi

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Kodiak Tsuchi Empty Kodiak Tsuchi

Post by The Haze October 13th 2011, 6:53 am

"You will know pain, and then you will regret everything."

Basic Biography

Real Name: Kodiak Tsuchi
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Haze
Title: The Hardcore Hero
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: African American / Japanese / Irish
Hair: Snow White
Eyes: Gold Bronze
Height: 6'0ft
Weight: 210lbs
Blood type: AB

The Looks

Actual Appearance

His Rock Slain

Full Iconic Armor

The Legacy


His voice is that of a Celtic God. One of manly godliness that has been able to provide girls with instant swoon. He speaks in complex sentences, and almost as if he speaks in code. His metaphors and grammatical prowess for the educational sentence structures he is able to construct are rivaled only by those from the island of New Zealand. Not even a man of Ireland can speak with the swagger that this man carries. His voice is powerful, and commanding. His entirety, and his being, all stem from his voice. He is truly, a man with style and grace, and it all stems from his voice. Though, his voice and his personality seem to contradict one another, if only in small ways. He does not change his voice as he feels he has no reason too hide his identity. Especially due too his lack of family and loved ones. His greatest asset is himself. He relies on himself. Now this might contradict his use of the costume, but he feels that the costume is a symbol. However, he has recently acquired a far more powerful version of his original armor, which blended his brothers and his own together.

Bold, and Calculating. There isn't much to say about this males personality. It is clear on what he likes and dislikes, and he is rather, inexpressive in his face. Nearly stone-faced. He does however, uncontrollably laughs, and he keeps the same blank expression on his face. Though, at times when he might lose his cool, he will crack a smile. Which is rare in its own right. If however, he is able to lose his cool, he is still able to stay on point. It is very hard to distract him. Which is why he is so vulnerable in ambushes and such. When there are multiple opponents, he often focuses on one, and only that one. Making him well off in an Ambush if he is the one involved in the attacking part, but not so much if he is in the defensive part. Luckily for him, he has the capability too dispatch adversaries with a quickness, allowing for his focus too change quite often.


During the fifth year of the fifth night in the fifth month.  The fifth son of the fifth generation was born. With a Japanese Father and an Irish/African American Mother.  Deep in Dublin located within Ireland a young male was born. He however was not born with the brain of the average male. Deep within his own mind he was created to be more then male. Making him have the body of a male, and the mind of a very intellectual male. . His brain was so powerful however, that he was losing his humanity, and not acting his age Due to this, he was flung into the vast library that was located  within the confines of his fathers den, until he would attend a special Academy that was created by a group known as The G2. He would be physically twelve by this time, but with the mindset of a child. They where the almighty Republic of Ireland. They had recruited everyone in his school. His older brother Jin, was a violent and savage member. With the making of a Agent ever since he was nine. Being the age of thirteen, he had already proven his worth the the Director. Kodiak, would, go to the den and learn more about the history, abilities, and lore of the G2 and its inhabitants. Everyday he had learned as much as he could, however, it was not a lot. Due to the fact that he had no idea how to read the Gaelic writing and he was not able to comprehend the knowledge that was now locked inside of his cranium. He had to used his brain to make his way out of the library, during the time that his parents where ordered to be executed, so that Jin and himself where separated. He would have naturally followed him, however do to his being saved by a rogue super-being he was spared that life of pure violence. However, his life was far worse then he could have ever envisioned. Without the Agency backing him, he would  learn of his normal origins, and be subjected to the painful life of a Slave.

The man who had rescued him was named Dreadflash, and was the leader of  a group of mercs. The man believed that Kodiak was trash, and therefore he had beat him everyday, to make him stronger. The training however that Kodiak received otherwise was invaluable. In this camp of slaves he lived and trained with many others. Gaining attachments with them as well. Making himself hopeful that he would one day be able too see his family once again. He had three friends mostly. Erin, Scathach, and Lynch. They where close and where quite the epic team. Causing trouble and such whenever they saw fit. Always escaping punishment without being caught. Kodiak seemed too love his crew. Lynch was the leader of their little group, he was fast and strong, quite the athletic all-star. Scathach was the muscle, always clearing out escape routes before they conducted their little attacks, Kodiak was obviously the brains, and Erin was the distraction. She was often considered too be a very beautiful girl, and her beauty seemed too captivate guards and other slaves alike. She was only thirteen though. Kodiak and her had a very surprising relationship with one another. They had an advanced connection that surpassed all others. His friends where not only jealous they applauded him. However it seemed that not all was copacetic here. One night, after a botched mission they had planned, they all got into trouble. Lynch was brutally beaten too death, Scathach was shipped off too gods know where, and Erin was taken too the merc leaders office. Kodiak was not in that mission, luckily or him he had too wash dishes for the day. When he realized what had happened, he moved to find out information. Upon chasing leads he had found a window onlooking the leaders office and what he saw ruined him. Crushed him entirely. Kodiak witnessed the raping of Erin, in full vivid detail. He could not move too save her. He felt weak, and from then dedicated every waking moment of his life too protect those who seemed too not be able too protect themselves. She was just a child, it didn't seem like it was something that anyone should of done regardless. When the Leader attempted to do it to her again a few months later, Kodiak snapped, in which he had murdered him at his next and last attempt. The punishment was death. Four bullets too the brain, and dumped into the river.

However, before this event would unfold (At this time, the man allowed Kodiak to join back into the Agencies conspiracy driven program but allowed him to complete missions for the G2. Due too Lynch not being ruthless enough for the merc life.) his first training consisted of a large metal forest in lightning field. His objective was to retrieve the matrix left on a stone in the center of the area. Simply due to the fact that he had not learned how to release his doll properly, he was at the disadvantage. He attempted to cross the lightning jungle. Only to be shocked and burned multiple times, enough to have his eyes be two different colors. however, due to the voltage prison that was made around him, he was able to learn how to build up a nice resistance to these charges. It made him feel, proud. He finally had reached the matrix, after five years of running around in this Jungle (All be it not consistently), and due to that he had achieved his mastery of his physical body. But, as soon as this happened, the remainder of the mercs, who where stricken with rage at the actions that had befallen their leader, shot him and threw him into the river. He was away from that place now. When the slave crusty ass driver died, so did all of his control over the area. Meaning all slaves where free. Jin, noticing that his brother was there, took Kodiak into the organization once again. While still completing tasks for the Agency Kodiak would begin searching the world to find his place. When he came across this small area known as Peaks Waterfall. He was approached by others like himself. Who accepted him into their organization. He had no clue of what they wanted, but he found them to be a safe heaven for himself. Because of this fact alone, he was over excited that his own purpose in life would arrive. However deep in his heart something brewed. He had been known to go into violent fits, and lose his cool. Because of this he was known as the Man Killer. Through all of his battles, he would grow stronger and stronger. Until he was able to be so revered by some of the members of the G2's secret branch in which  he had returned too. This Branch being one that took him around the world. This organization trained the next breed of experiments.

They created a suit that would drastically build up his dexterity, making him more invincible in terms of taking damage. However he had a run in with a very powerful super-hero. Who instead of defeating him and taking him too prison found a way too reform him. A task that many others had not realized and will probably never know. The man explained too him that in order too protect the lives of people you care about, murder should be the last possible option. You should always look for alternative solutions too your goals otherwise you will end up being no better then the very villains you are trying too stop. He took these words too heart and fled after his near-defeat. He had reformed his life, and decided that he would have too dismantle this specific faction of the G2 from the outside inwards. They would send people after him constantly. In Cairo, they had the final showdown. He had caused most of their forces too crumble and he was moving too put the final nail in the coffin. He would have too fight their top general.  Jin. It seemed his brother became the top dog of the organization, being the one in charge. This conflict pitted the two suits of power armor against one another. The Kami XV, worn by his older brother, versus the Anubus F3-Titan worn by and still currently worn by Kodiak. The battle was long and furious, and too Jins surprise, Kodiak bested him. Jin, who would wonder what could have made these events happen in this way was not killed as his brother whispered the reason into his ears. "You have not suffered enough, without suffering, one can never gain power. Yet even still, with suffering, one grows compassion and honor. It is with virtues." He began too walk away but his brother went in for the kill. Utilizing his abilities he had no choice but too kick his brother, the power of it was so intense that he fell out the building and plummeted too his death. From then on he had decided too fight the lawless and the oppressors. Sticking too the shadows however, as he found that he would only end up hurting his past friends if he where too be discovered.

It seemed that there where people who seemed too fight crime all over the world. He had heard of these people and he never minded them. He stayed out of their paths and they returned the same honor back too him. Though it was more like he was not a super-powered person and thus no-one really cared about the "Human" in the suit and costume trying too "Play" hero. He took up protecting L.A from criminals and chanced upon a man whom he found too be similar too him. With the exception that this man was quite intimidating. He called himself, or was widely known as The Black Knight, and he had heard about the many deeds and exploits of the nameless hero who simply went by the name of Kodiak. Kodiak was extended a rare honor, a chance too serve with The Black Knight and all of his group members. They called themselves The Phantoms. He felt like he could contribute too their cause and accepted his offer. Having no friends or family his moving too Chicago was not hard in the slightest. He simply kept himself in check. For the next several years he would serve along side his new found 'family'. An obedient and trustworthy member of the team. After the death of his mentor, The Black Knight, Kodiak worked solo for a long time, spending most of his time in Russia. It was there that he married a special ops agent known as Winterberry. She helped him locate his brothers old armor, and then built him a new suit entirely. He became a more official hero around Russia itself, widely popular and important. His wife was his rock and she gave birth to a child when they dated back before he joined the Phantoms, so he had a moderately aged daughter. His wife was killed during a mission to save a government official, and her death triggered a good amount of hatred and rage within the young man. Making him more brutal and unforgiving in fights. While attempting to cope with the loss of multiple important people in his life, he found that an old ally had started a group known as Knightwatch, and took up a position in the organization, moved  although he was completely different. He left his daughter, whom would be around the age of 19, back in Russia.

The Powers

Power 1:

Power 2:

Power 3:

Power 4:

Intelligence: 8
Occult: 0
Strength: 3
Speed: 4
Durability: 7
Ability: 0
Fighting Skills: 8
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 1

Last edited by The Haze on October 25th 2013, 1:17 am; edited 11 times in total
The Haze
The Haze

Status :

Quote : "I'm done taking lives, don't make me regret that."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2011-10-13

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Kodiak Tsuchi Empty Re: Kodiak Tsuchi

Post by The Haze October 13th 2011, 7:43 am

Can my username be changed too The Haze please?

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The Haze
The Haze

Status :

Quote : "I'm done taking lives, don't make me regret that."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2011-10-13

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Kodiak Tsuchi Empty Re: Kodiak Tsuchi

Post by The Haze October 15th 2011, 5:24 am

Completed the edits in which I was told. ^^

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The Haze
The Haze

Status :

Quote : "I'm done taking lives, don't make me regret that."

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 10
Registration date : 2011-10-13

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Kodiak Tsuchi Empty Re: Kodiak Tsuchi

Post by Pain October 16th 2011, 8:05 am

Mega Poster!
Mega Poster!

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Kodiak Tsuchi Empty Re: Kodiak Tsuchi

Post by Arcana October 24th 2013, 1:54 pm

Moved for edits

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Kodiak Tsuchi Empty Re: Kodiak Tsuchi

Post by Arcana October 25th 2013, 12:21 am

Approved until stated otherwise

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Number of posts : 2494
Location : In the middle of nowhere, Louisiana
Age : 31
Job : Nothing
Humor : [19:12:48] @ Forceaus : Shouldn't be hard to beat. It's only like a centimeter long.
Registration date : 2011-02-08

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