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Meteo, The Fire Reignited

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Meteo, The Fire Reignited Empty Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Post by 404NameNotFound August 12th 2013, 8:52 am

The Fire Reignited

Basic Biography

Real Name: Alexander "Alex" Bloodpyre
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Meteo
Title: Fire Reignited
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Hair: Black, with red dye.
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 170
Blood type: B-

The Looks

Meteo has a decent sense of style, and has no qualms dressing in normal civilian clothes. It keeps people from getting into his business before he wants them to. He's fairly unassuming, though he still dyes Red into his hair as a sign of protest - one of his few holdouts from the childhood he lost. IF he absolutely HAS to make a statement of "Hey, I'm a Villain," he will usually return to his 'proper' attire shown below.
Meteo, Proper Attire:

The Legacy

He's easily irritated and quick to react. He tends to take everything the wrong way, leading him to start fights over the most trivial of comments. He also suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, or multiple personality syndrome. His alter ego, whom he refers to as "Max," is the more tactical side. Max always stops to think things through, and even tries to coach Alex {much to the bewilderment of anyone who overhears}. Max is the calm, collected side who always manages to keep his head, even if Alex has gone completely insane.

Even though Alex came from a wealthy family, he was never happy. His parents were obsessed with his future, and often tried to live his life for him. One fateful night, after he publicly humiliated them, Alex's parents lost their patience with the trouble-making youngster. They locked him up and treated him worse than a prisoner. He rarely ate and was beaten often. After many years under these conditions, he developed his alter ego, "Max." With Max's help, Alex managed to escape his parent's prison. He started to live on the streets, learning to survive on his own, and even delving into the occult. His rough life left him with near-super-human abilities, like speed and toughness. His true powers, however, came to him when one of his rituals went wrong, causing him to summon the Prince of Demons: Raide Nargeit. Seeing his chance, Alex convinced the demon to bestow upon him basic control over flame and wind - at the cost of the soul he had long since believed lost. With his new gained powers, Alex became Meteo. And Meteo started his career by mercilessly slaughtering his former parents. Now he rampages across the country, living and acting as he pleases, with only Max to reign him in.

At least, this was how he spent the first two years. After that, Hell came to Earth. Raide led a group of demons, trying to conquer earth. The Heroes fought him back, but not before a few of the Demons brought Meteo back to Hell with them. He was tortured for what felt like an eternity before finally escaping. Meteo's deal with Raide had been reneged upon when a different Demon came to collect, so Max (his saner side) managed to find his contract and prove that he was TECHNICALLY a free man. Only a few lesser Demons had to be brutally murdered before they were convinced, and Meteo was returned to life. He resurfaced where he was taken; the ruined surface of New York, New York. Now, angrier than ever, Meteo is once more on the prowl. But he doesn't want to inflict pain to just anyone. Sure, the common folk needed to know what suffering meant. But moreso do the damnable Heroes who let an innocent man (at least - innocent by his own standards) rot in the Fiery Depths of Hell.

The Powers

His powers have been granted to him in a Deal with the powerful demon Raide Nargeit, who was the leader of the first Attack on New York. Meteo lost his soul in the exchange, and suffered for it during the invasion. He was drug off to Hell, where he has been tortured for what has felt like an eternity.

Power 1: Elemental Control Fire. Able to generate heat and fire on a large scale. It's selective, in that the flames never consume him or his clothes.

Power 2: Elemental Control Wind. Able to control wind on a large scale. Tornadoes, gusts, and concentrated pockets among others. Can concentrate oxygen, but never inside someone's body (nor can he 'steal' someone's oxygen). He uses this to cause explosions when combined with his Fire.

Intelligence: 0
Occult: 4
Strength: 2
Speed: 4
Durability: 4
Ability: 8/8
Fighting Skills: 2 (Improvised Weapons)
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 0
Wealth: 2

Totals: 33 (30 Basic PP and 3 from XP)

AKA T͓̞̦̠͍͉͞h̶̼̼̝̹̯e̯̕ ̝̩̰̳G̷̼l̮͓̭͖̗͎̣i͇͍̮̘̱t̛c̷h̫̺̥̳̻͕ͅ

Vaga, The Eternal Youth
Meteo, The Fire Reignited

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 41
Location : Unknown
Job : Son of a Glitch
Registration date : 2013-08-01

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