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The Black Angel

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The Black Angel Empty The Black Angel

Post by The Black Angel March 13th 2013, 1:09 pm

Real Name: Kimberly Ming
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Black Angel (Formerly "Soldier of Fortune")
Title: "Killer Angel"
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Hair: Black (Usually cut shoulder length)
Eyes: Green
Height: 5ft6
Weight: 130
Blood type: A-

Costume Description/Image: "The Black Angel" doesn't utilize a set costume, or really a costume at all. Instead she remains true to her traditional roots as a mercenary/assassin, wearing what is most suitable for the job at hand. For the most part "The Black Angels" outfits put a premium on comfort, functionality, and stealth. If she's operating in the jungle she'll wear a pair of simple jungle camouflaged fatigue pants, an olive drab half shirt, and a light brown leather jacket. If she's operating in an urban environment, which requires maximum stealth,"The Black Angel" will wear a skin tight black catsuit.

When compared to most superhero's or villain's, The Black Angels costuming or lack their of may seem rather archaic. However with her straight forward style, and need for disguise, there would be no purpose for an attention getting costume as this would actually serve as a detriment to The Black Angel, whose life often depends on an ability to either blend in, as well as  disappear from sight.

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Personality: Kimberly has learned to be self-reliant and fiercely independent, perceiving reliance on others to be a weakness and trusting only a select few of even her closest comrades. This is a product of a lack of strong parental influence in her early life, coupled with her brutal upbringing and training at the hands of the triads. Kimberly's parents separated when she was 8, her mother dying a year later. With her father having abandoned her, her mother dead, and no family to speak of in Hong Kong. The orphaned girl was left to the care of an over crowded, underfunded, and filthy Hong Kong orphanage. Where the staff could hardly give adequate time to any of the girls, which left the girls to mostly fend for themselves. Which the young Kimberly took pleasure in doing, relishing in the stability she found in herself.

It was at the Hong Kong orphanage where Kimberley had her tremendous physical gifts noticed by the Triad Underground Society. The criminal organization abducting Kimberley and other gifted like her, entering them in their secret "Jade Program". The program aiming to turn the gifted children into the deadliest assassins in all of China. Which would give the Triad a fear weapon unequaled throughout the various eastern underworlds. Jade Program's training was truly brutal, the children spending their days perfecting fighting styles, weapons skills, while all the while beating each other to a pulp, and receiving brutal beatings from their Triad "Mentors". The effect of such brutal treatment, coupled with the inhumane conditions they were housed in, had a tremendous effect on psychological makeup of young Kimberley. Kimberley being forced into kill or be kill or be killed relative cock fights before even truly coming of age haunts her to this day. It's also very safe to say that beyond the obvious physical transformation of Kimberley, but also the transformation of Kimberly's personality into "Soldier of Fortune" occurred within the parameters of "Program Jade". Kimberley acquiring great superhuman fighting skills and strength, though also becoming quite damaged mentally, with many noting she's quite cold and removed, some even hinting she may even suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of the brutality of "Program Jade".

Once Kimberley became "Escaped" from the Triads "Jade Program", Kimberley quickly found an affinity for working on the free market. Certainly becoming what some may call "greedy", with an obsession for material wealth, stemming from a desire to lead a life better than that of her parents. She never outwardly questioned the morality of her work, only the income. Ultimately believing in the fact that everyone is dirty but their money was clean. She enjoyed her work as a mercenary at the time, finding it allowed her to remain independent of others and provided the income to support the lifestyle she desired. Always a shrewd negotiator, she frequently manipulated new clients who underestimate her beauty and womanly charms.

The mental and emotional toll that "Program Jade" has left on Kimberley has been a lasting one. As a result Kimberley/Black Angel suffers from terrible nightmares, visions, and often quite literally ghosts from her dark bloody past. A past in which she has been hired independently, as well as ordered by her former employer the Triad's to kill as many innocent people as evil. This is a fact which doesn't often sit well with Kimberley, her former renegade ego "Soldier of Fortune" wrote this off as "An unfortunate part of her trade.", and her current hero ego, Black Angel is truly haunted by that fact. The killing of innocents haunts Kimberley/Soldier of Fortune more nights than not, and following her nearly being killed by "The Perfect Soldier", and subsequent near death experience, has led Black Angel down a path as a dark anti-hero, seeking to defend those who can not defend themselves, in the hope of finding redemption for her crimes.

Black Angel, Kimberly is overwhelmed by the ghosts of her past, which literally flashed before her as she was nearly killed in a street fight with "The Perfect Soldier". As "The Perfect Soldiers" bullets crashed into her body, all the suffering, pain, and loss she'd caused throughout her life played out in front of her, as she passed unto the next world, lying lifeless in a pool of her own blood. Death however, was simply the start of Kimberley's tale, and in death, The Black Angel was born, as she was denied entry into the next life, she remembers a booming voice telling her "Go back, remake your life, live for something bigger then life's meaningless possessions, avenge those that have suffered at the hands of the greedy, the corrupt. In becoming a weapon for good, an instrument of justice, help the helpless, protect the weak,  and perhaps in time you will join your mother in paradise.".  

Because of this experience, Kimberley is anxious to make the most of her second chance, and is a brutal avenger for the forces of good. She tries to live upright, finding religion for the first time in her life, however her personnel trauma has lead to her being a struggling Christian, one who attends penance every day, praying for the relief of her many sins. This is perhaps the driving force behind Black Angel, as she's driven by good, consumed by her past evils, and struggling with the fact she must do evil, in order to be a force for good.

History: Kimberley Ming AKA "The Black Angel" (Formerly "Soldier of Fortune") grew up in anything but an ideal situation. Kimberley was the daughter of virtual peasants in the Chinese urban metropolis of Hong Kong. Born to a relatively absent fishermen father, and shop keeper mother, life was anything but easy. As her father drifted between jobs, bouts with alcoholism, and eventually abandoning Kimberley's mother and herself, Kimberley's life grew more and more dysfunctional. With her father gone, and her situation becoming increasingly desperate, Kimberley's mother turned to prostitution in Hong Kong's flourishing "Red Light" district.

The job while semi-lucrative meant Kimberley's mother was often away from home, leaving the girl to fend for herself. Due to this, Kimberley gained a fiercely independent nature. Which was a skill/trait the girl was going to need, serving her well as her mother was murdered when she was 9. Killed by a ruthless rising Triad leader known as "Dragon Head" when she refused to bow before him. Her body disposed of by the Triad in Hong Kong harbor, her death simply another mystery on the corrupt police departments desk.

Her mother murder meant Kimberley now orphaned was left all alone in this world, with no guardians to speak of. So she was placed in a state run orphanage for girls. It was here that Kimberley's skills of self reliance truly bore fruit, as the underpaid and overworked staff could hardly ensure each girl had a meal a day. Life in the orphanage was a daily game of survival. Survival often meaning Kimberley had to bargain for, steal, or fight for food with the other girls. All traits which would aid her in her later exploits as both a mercenary, spy, and assassin.

These same traits also got the attention of the Traid's, who once again entered the young girls life, as they ran a lucrative child smuggling ring from the orphanage. However they weren't interested in exporting Kimberley for adoption to some western family. Kimberley showed far to much raw talent as a cunning fighter, far more skilled than her years would indicate. Kimberley showed the type of skill to be a prime candidate for an experimental program the Triad Crime Syndicate believed showed much promise....... "Program Jade". A program which would turn Kimberley from a pick pocketing, street brawler, into a skilled instrument of espionage, war, and ultimately..... Death.

Easily smuggled out of the corrupt orphanage by Triad agents, Kimberley and other gifted youths were place in the Triad's "Program Jade". A program which eighteen hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year, trained, drilled, and quite literally beat Kimberley and the other children in the program into the ultimate spies and killing machines. "Gifted" orphaned children who showed some superhuman abilities were placed in this program run by the Triad, the purpose of which was to create the ultimate weapon for the Chinese crime syndicate.

The children trainee's in "Program Jade" trained in China's desolate Gobi Desert, a place where escape wasn't an option, and the only way to leave was through successful completion of the program. Though for many this was cut short by lack of skill, lack of conformation to "Program Jade", or injury, all of which resulted in the trainee's destruction (Usually at the hands of the other trainee's.). Indeed Kimberley had to kill many times during the yearly "Purging of the ranks", little more than human cock fight to the death. In which one trainee fought another, with only one being allowed to leave the match alive. Eventually by the time Kimberley reached the age of 15 she was deemed ready for service as a "Jade", a member of the Triad's elite assassination squad. Their memories mostly erased, and their skills, powers, and physical prowess enhanced by genetic experiments by rogue scientist's, the "Jades" became the perfect weapon of terror for the Triad's to unleash upon their enemies.

The Triad's now led by "Dragon Head" used their new weapons to terrible effect, loosing a wave of unrelenting killings upon their enemies in China and abroad that brought the Triad's enemies to their knees. With the "Jades" as his weapon, the already much feared "Dragon Head", and the Triad's he controlled stood poised to control nearly the entirety of the Asian criminal underworld. A super villain as willing to kill with his own massive bare hands, as he is to give orders to kill. "Dragon Head" walks the line between psychopath, criminally insane, and incredibly gifted. No doubt earning at least dubious praise for his brutal rise to the prominence. With the corrupt Chinese government in his pocket, as well as the "Jades" at his disposal.... Who could stop "Dragon Head" and the Triads?

Caught up in the war for control of the Asian criminal underworld, Kimberley (known simply as "Jade 3" by the Triad) is ordered to do many terrible things. Assassinations, terror bombings, hijackings, whatever the Triad and "Dragoon Head" ordered. "Jade 3's" path was indeed one soaked in blood.... Blood of the guilty, the indifferent, and indeed the innocent. Kimberley had ceased to exist, now only "Jade 3" remained. An instrument of death wielded by the man who ruthlessly murdered her mother.

It was however one particular mission in which "Jade 3" was tasked with burning down an orphanage that spurned the Triad's demand be used for smuggling children that brought her memory back. When "Jade 3" set fire to the building and began to hear the screams of the girls, the cries of pain, and eventually the silence brought on by their demise, she remembered. She remembered everything.......... She remembered "Program Jade", her time at the orphanage, her mothers death at the hands of "Dragoon Head", her fathers abandonment of their family, everything......

Horrified by her actions, "Jade 3" runs from Hong Kong, leaving China, and her past.... Though admittedly she could never truly be free of it, mentally and quite literally. Running from one far corner of the earth to another, finding jobs as a hired gun wherever she went, "Jade 3" took on a new identity...... Soldier of Fortune.... Becoming a renegade, seeking only material gain from her exploits, not the fame, glory, and power seemingly all hero's or villains seem to aspire for, Soldier of Fortune has turned the fortunes of many governments and irregular armies during her short time on the free market. All the while she's begun planning her revenge against "Dragoon Head" and the Triads... Revenge for stealing her youth, her innocence, and her family...

Moving from one world conflict, crisis, and cest pool to another, Soldier of Fortune undoubtedly ended up in the beating heart of vice seeking employment....... New York City..... She however also knew that in this glamorous city of lights lay riches, but also the possibility of exposing herself.... As the Triad has many members in New York's neighborhoods. And the sorts of people looking to hire a mercenary, would no doubt jump at the huge rewards the Triad has posted for "Jade 3's" capture.....

Low and behold, shortly after arriving in New York City, Soldier of Fortune found herself set up by "Dragoon Head", who'd hired "The Perfect Soldier" to capture or kill her, and in the ensuing, epic street fight, "The Perfect Soldier" did just that, emptying several bullets into Soldier of Fortunes side. In death however, Soldier of Fortune was reborn into The Black Angel, a hero, whose been put back on this earth to be a force for good, to makeup for her past sins, and perhaps be instrumental as a hero, perhaps even earning her way back into heaven.

After miraculously coming back to life, the Black Angel awoke in a destroyed hospital in New York City following the attack on the city by Doctor Necrodium and the forces of Project Perfection, Black Angel found herself dazed and confused, but eventually made her way out of the wrecked city, heading for the great city of Chicago, where perhaps her new found goodness is certainly most desperately needed.

Powers: Triad genetic experiments and treatments have slowed Black Angels aging, as well as augmenting and heightening her immune system (Allowing Black Angel to heal much faster then the average person.) . However Black Angels real powers lie in her hand to hand fighting prowess, durability, and strength. All of which combine to make her among the most lethal assassin's in the world.

Intelligence: 4
Strength: 5
Speed: 4
Durability: 5
Ability: 5
Fighting Skills: 10
Wealth: 1

Power Grid colours: Can I have black background with red font please?

Roleplay Sample: "Black Angel" sat at the far end of a long, dark wood bar. She sat silently playing with the long white straw that was in her large gin and tonic. One small but deadly perfectly manicured hand on the glass, the other moving the straw about. "Black Angel" was out of place at this dive..... Simply to well dressed in an expensive black leather catsuit, not nearly drunk enough as all the patrons seemed to be well beyond the point of inebriation, and certainly to beautiful, with exotic looks that would catch any mans eyes...

The bar on the other hand was inhabited by a collection of drunks, prostitutes, seedy johns, and thugs. It was a place where someone went when they were down on their luck, or wanted to be invisible, because here.... You were truly in the company of criminals. This hodge, podge of the dregs of society all wondered why the beautiful girl at the corner of the bar was even in the bar... Most assumed a fight with a boyfriend, or a high end escort.... Her purpose however became clear as the doors to the bar swung open, another brutish looking man stepping through the doors.

No sooner did the doors close before "Black Angel" snapped into action. In one motion she grabbed her HK USP from a concealed holster on the left leg of her black suit, firing a round nearly as soon as her hand touched the trigger. Her long black hair whipping to her right side as momentum carried her body to the right, making as hard a target for anyone stupid enough to take a shot at the expert marksman. This becoming apparent as the first round "Black Angel" fired slammed into the man entering the bars skull, right between his eyes. Her second and third shots taking down two handgun wielding thugs who raced to the mans aid.

Next "Black Angel" rushed a thug swinging a pool stick as a bat, sweeping her leg quickly under his right leg, dropping him to the floor. A kick to the face all but assured he would drinking out of a straw when he woke from unconsciousness. A quick reach onto her custom made studded belt yielded three ninja stars, which in the blink of an eye were lodged into the throats of three more charging thugs. The men crashing to the ground in heaps. "Soldier of Fortune" now only turned her head to deal with the bartender, who was struggling to unhitch a shotgun from under the bar. The bartender looked up in horror as "Soldier of Fortune" smirked and one hit him in the face so hard it knocked him back into the bottles stacked behind the bar. Several of which came falling down on the beaten man, adding much insult to considerable injury..

Now all that was left as a collection of a few drunken old men and cracked out middle aged prostitutes, all hiding under tables or in doorways, all cowering in fear. However much to their dismay "Black Angel" ignored them, flipped open her phone, dialed a number and said "Dynamo's dead..... My bounty????". To which the voice on the other end gave her a favorable reply, as the stone cold killer that was "Black Angel" broke her icy exterior, jumping up and down, shrieking like a teenage girl. "Fuck yes!!! Only a few more of these dirt bags and I got myself a new Ferrari!!!" She squealed.

Then as quickly as she had turned into a killer, "Black Angel" simply left the bar. Leaving a pile of dead thugs, and a drug kingpin all dead. These weren't her enemies..... Nor this her fight.... But for the right price.... This killing machine would make it hers..... And as she just displayed, she would exact lethal brutality on the enemies of her employers.... "Black Angel" was a true professional......

Last edited by The Black Angel on July 26th 2013, 12:01 am; edited 5 times in total
The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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The Black Angel Empty Re: The Black Angel

Post by Chellizard March 13th 2013, 1:53 pm

You're using the old stats for your character...

The new app should be easily found in the Character Application forum as a sticky.

Please use that format.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The Black Angel Empty Re: The Black Angel

Post by The Black Angel March 14th 2013, 8:45 am

Sorry! Should be fixed now.

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The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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The Black Angel Empty Re: The Black Angel

Post by Chellizard March 16th 2013, 12:19 am

You either have INT or OCC; no need to have both if you're not investing 5 or more points in both of them.

Also, you start with 1 wealth and it does not count toward your 30 point starter pool.

If you want your character to be poor for RP reasons, that's fine; and if you want, through RP, her to become adequately taken care of financially, you can take that point on whenever. But if you want wealth passed 1, it costs XP, or sacrificing points from your starter pool to your wealth pool.

Just a heads up.

Also, your powers and everything checks out.

So fix up her INT/OCC bit and we should be good to go.

Nice RP sample btw.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The Black Angel Empty Re: The Black Angel

Post by The Black Angel March 16th 2013, 9:30 am

Awesome I fixed the Int/OCC issue, wasn't sure if you needed one or both, thanks for the tip! I figured I would RP my character being poor since she woke up from coma in NYC, then RPing her her going to a safety deposit box she has on Chicago. Figure I will save myself some time later and just add the point now. Thanks for the compliment BTW!

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The Black Angel
The Black Angel
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The Black Angel Empty Re: The Black Angel

Post by Chellizard March 16th 2013, 1:34 pm

Everything looks good.

And it seems you did your homework on the forum in your history; I like that.

It proves you've paid attention to the site. (:

So, Welcome and you're approved and moved.

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The Black Angel Empty Re: The Black Angel

Post by Forceaus July 26th 2013, 12:03 am


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