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Valkyria Empty Valkyria

Post by GamerXZ July 24th 2013, 12:06 pm

Real Name: James Maxwell
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: Valkyria
Title: The Black Valkyrie
Alignment:  Neutral Good
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human/Alien
Hair: Very dark shade of brown, almost black
Eyes: Hazelnut
Height: 5 foot, 11 inches
Weight: 180 pounds
Blood type: B-

The Looks

Either include pictures in Spoilers, a smaller picture/s for the profile, or a very detailed description of your characters physical appearance and costume.
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The Legacy

Personality: James is a..bit of an interesting persona. He seems primarily to be quiet and a little withdrawn but don't let that fool you into thinking he's hard to get along with, cause he ain't, far from it infact. Once you get him to open up, you'll find he's a friendly, considerate individual who frequently puts the well-being of others before his own. He is also rather intelligent, although his quietness tends to alienate him from others at times, and thus he doesn't have a big circle of friends. The young lad also expects too much of himself sometimes, and tends to be depressed or unhappy for a while if he doesn't live up to set expectations, such as an unsuccessful mission. However, he has a strong sense of morals and standards and hates seeing lives suffer needlessly, be they civilian or villains, thus he, at least as his other self, sometimes clashes with the law and
even other heroes over the right way of doing things. Due to events in his childhood, he's become not nearly as naive and idealistic as he once was...well, most of the time.
History: The young man before you may not look it now but
he's had to endure a rather difficult childhood, the memories of which still haunt him even to
today. To understand better, one must delve deeper into his past. You see, James grew up in
a...very dysfunctional family, is the nicest way to put it. Oh sure, his mom and dad gave him
the bare necessities,sent him to school,and the occasional praise, but little else, as they were constantly squabbling
and fighting within the confines of the home.
He grew up being frequently pushed to meet demands, yelled at or scolded for even the smallest
screw-up, was bullied in school, and generally ignored by teachers. He was a hard worker in school
though, and typically got good to excellent grades...this was one of the only times he ever got any
genuine praise out of his parents. His intelligence was even on par with the brainier students...something
certain kids took advantage of, but we don't need to get into that.
James was also very kind and helpful to all, if you needed something done, he was your man, no
matter how much an inconvenience it was he would do it, sometimes for praise, but often times just
helping for the sake of doing it. This earned him some respect from his peers but little else. One of
his greatest comforts though...were video games and comics dealing with superheroes, he admired
them, wanted to be like them, someone who was in control of their own destiny yet could still do
good wherever it was needed.
...Yeah, needless to say, his life was not the most ideal. It only got worse as he got older, his parents
fought more and more, his mother even staying out for entire nights at a time, possibly partying or
drinking instead of looking after her child. Stricter demands were put on the lad, he saw his extended
family less and less, and he became more and more desperate..
Eventually, it reached a breaking point when his mother filed for divorce. The story behind that though
is for another time. The only thing you need to know is that his father eventually won custody...but both
men were left broken-hearted and had to pick up the pieces. The boy got the worser end though, as
he felt betrayed and lost, his whole life was ruined and cruel reality had set in...but something urged
him to go keep living.
But another major blow when his father fell victim to terminal cancer..and passed away. Now, he was
all alone...but not for long. A kind older family took him in and helped him slowly mend his broken
mind and heart. It was a long process but eventually he was able to get his life back on track and
finish High School.
Now where things get really weird..yet very interesting. You see, James had done
well enough to earn a scholarship to a popular college where he finally found people who accepted
him. But it seemed destiny had bigger plans for the young lad, for one night he recieved an invite to
a rave party on the outskirts of town.
Not having anything better to do, he went, had a good time even, although the loud music got to
him after a while, and he opted to go for a walk alone in the dark woods. After some time walking,
he stopped and gazed at the night sky, closed his eyes, and made a simple wish.
"Please...I wish for the shape my own destiny.."
As if someone were listening, a star twinkled..and started falling toward him! Two stars
infact! One split off though and fell right toward him, the other in another direction.
The star crashed into the ground and within the crater, he saw it..some sort of weird object
shaped like a black and red crystalline sphere. Curiosity getting the better of him, he touched
the thing...which suddenly jumped to life and attached to him! It embedded into his skin,
leaving only a crystalling orb in his hand, a voice spoke.
"Accessing new user data..user compatible with Valkyria system..Greetings Master, how
may I serve you?"
Now, this felt like something out of an anime or a sci-fi movie, but he didn't have time to
ponder as a shriek alerted him to the rave party..the other "star" had landed..and became
a giant fire-breathing tortoise monster!
Sensing his desire to save them, the device activated its Valkyria system and...well, the
result is what you see above you...don't laugh!
Of course, the alien took notice of the now female warrior and attacked. After a brief battle,
James and Valkyria were able to overwhelm and destroy the thing. The victor left before anyone
could thank him/her and hid before reverting to normal.
The party broke up early and everyone returned home...but for James, he knew he'd gotten
his wish...just not the way he'd expected.
After spending a week or two getting use to the Valkyria system, the young man knew he needed
to make a decision...either use it to get revenge on all those who ruined his life..or rise above it
and take a different path?
It was not an easy decision...but than he remembered something important his foster family
had taught him: Don't let yourself be consumed by the past, don't let it destroy who you are.
..He made his decision, he would fight to protect people and those he cherished...while trying
to stay away from those who would use him as a weapon, regardless of where they lied on
the morality scale.
...After all, this power was meant to let him shape his own destiny.

The Powers

Valkyria System: A device of alien origin that creates a symbiotic bond with its
host. It was created by an incredibly advanced alien civilization as a weapon to fight in interstellar
wars. However, before it could be utilized or even mass-produced its place of origin was destroyed
and it got jettisoned into space. The system seems to be a weird blend of science and magic.
When it bonds with a suitable user it is all but impossible to remove it. It grants a number of
special powers to its owner, among which is..
Power 1: Enhanced Strength-Despite the state it turns him into, while wearing the armor,
Maxwell's strength recieves a huge increase, to a level at which it can punch craters into thick
concrete or tear through solid steel. This allows her to easily fight on par with other strength-oriented
superhumans...but she needs to be careful with said strength so that it doesn't deal needless damage
to average humans. She can typically lift twice her weight..but anything above 10 Tons and her
body starts to wear least at her current level.
Power 2: Flight- The system was designed to operate freely either on land or in the
air, there's a propulsion drive that allows for flight and has an inexhaustible supply of energy
allowing for indefinite flying time. Flight can also be used to halt a descent so as to avoid splattering
all over the ground. At top speed, it can go as fast as a fighter jet, the only downside is that turbulence
eventually sets in, so until James is more experienced, it's best to limit the use of top speed.
Power 3: Dark Energy Manipulation-Perhaps the most unique of all her starting powers
and the most versatile. Valkyria is able to channel the dark energy in the air or her body suit to
produce a variety of effects, such as upping her physical strength another notch, move faster,producing
blasts of dark energy, calling up a barrier to deflect low-level super attacks, triggering shockwaves
by punching the ground, and so on. However, using Dark Energy is taxing on her, and her
human self, the more complicated the job, the more energy that's burned. James can either
wait for the energy to go back up, or eat certain foods so the suit can transform the sugar
and calories into energy for him. Too much at one time can even cause her body to start
breaking, or shutting down, which can cost her in a fight.
Power 4: Superhuman Durability: Valkyria is a very durable system, able to
withstand blows and attacks that would normally kill even a well-trained and heavily-armored
military soldier, especially since her cape doubles as a shield. Most modern weaponry has little effect on's alien technology mixed with some magic, what did you expect? The only thing that seems to have real effect on her are lasers, other energy-based weapons, and blows and attacks from other superhumans. If an
average human were to try and attack her directly...they would likely end up breaking every
bone in that part of their body. However, even with this, she is far from invincible, as other
superhumans, especially high-powered ones, can do grievous damage to her and the
system, and too much damage will even cause the system to shut down temporarily while
it repairs.
Intelligence: 3
Occult: 0
Strength: 5 (6 if he/she uses Dark Energy Manipulation)
Speed: 3
Durability: 5
Ability: 5(dark energy manip)/1(strength boost)/1(Speed boost)
Fighting Skills: 2
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 1
(If you need me to change anything, just let me know)

Last edited by GamerXZ on July 24th 2013, 3:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Registration date : 2013-07-23

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Valkyria Empty Re: Valkyria

Post by Ryo July 24th 2013, 3:20 pm

Stat boosting will cost 1 point of ABI for every point the stat is boosted, but otherwise your power is fine. I suggest a grid like this
Intelligence: 3
Occult: 2
Strength: 5 (6 if he/she uses Dark Energy Manipulation)
Speed: 3
Durability: 5
Ability: 5(dark energy manip)/1(strength boost)/1(Speed boost)
Fighting Skills: 2
Magic: 0
Spells: 0
Flight: 2
Wealth: 1

and if you'd like to add your remaining 3 points into FS after achieving an IC explanation for learning such fighting skills you can, and it will still count as using points from your starting pool.

Status :

Quote : "Insert Quote from Character Here" or etc.

Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2013-03-05

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Valkyria Empty Re: Valkyria

Post by Sim July 24th 2013, 3:30 pm

Approvified until state otherwise
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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 398
Age : 35
Humor : What do you call twin boys? A sunset!
Registration date : 2010-11-28

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Valkyria Empty Re: Valkyria

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