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The Dark Avenger

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The Dark Avenger Empty The Dark Avenger

Post by Zeth July 20th 2013, 1:47 am

I hope I did this right...

"You think I'm taking you to the police?"

Basic Biography

Real Name: Toby East
Renegade/Hero/Villain Name: The Dark Avenger
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human, Caucasian
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Dark Green/Light Blue
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 145
Blood type: O+

The Looks

Clad in black techy type armor, and a sheer white flowing cape, The Dark Avenger is covered head to toe with a metal alloy that is impervious to some attacks, most hand to hand, but the suit can be easily shredded with even the most basic of guns. It stores easily on secret places on the body so that at any time, all Toby has to do is press a few buttons and the suit slides on. The only skin showing is an area around his mouth, so he can talk. Also notable, when he fly's into a low atmosphere, a breather automatically pops over his mouth so he can breath, though this is only in the experimental stage and has had many glitches. The suit layers over for easy storage and has five or six parts that attach to the body, two hidden on the back of each foot, one on the small of the users back, one on the right shoulder that wraps under the armpit, one at the base of the neck and one that, to the normal human eye, is stored invisibly on the users left wrist. The suit is sleek, and shiny, and is meant for use at night and while the suit itself is made of a metal alloy the mask is made of a molded plastic fit for Toby's head, he has to put this on himself, as this is where the cape connects and the suit cannot dispense the plastic as it does the layers of metal.

As for Toby himself, he is a well built young man, with medium length dark brown hair and a clean shaven face with piecing green and blue eyes. And while he is well built he does not appear to be that of a body builder, just a fit teenager. Standing at 6' 2" (the suit grants him an extra inch) he is at average height for a male. He has a very well built jaw and chin, making him attractive, but not overly so. His chest and legs are fairly clear of hair but he does have a particularly nice happy trail. In the way of scars, he has a few small ones on his back, one running diagonally on his abs from left to right, and a few more smaller ones on his legs.

The Legacy


Toby seems like a generally nice person, when he's not dressed in his suit. Seems to enjoy the finer things in life and is very nice and polite. Very much willing to open doors and the like, always willing to pick up the tab. While in the suit however he becomes excessively aggressive and quiet. However, he will not jeer or insult. And the angrier he gets the quieter he gets. While he does get excessively angry, he almost always is in control, only completely losing it very few times. Toby feels that being in the suit is the only way to blow off his steam, like the suit is the only way to be angry anymore, almost like a drug.

Toby's Father, Russel, secretly worked on power suits for 20 years. His family didn't know that he worked under a mad man bent on becoming the worlds most powerful ruler. Russel often secretly brought home parts and pieces of the suit he was working on, in hopes that he could create one for himself. He secretly stored money away once Toby was born, convinced his boss knew that he had been working on a suit for himself.

Nine years later, when Russel was depositing his paycheck into a savings account, bank robbers (paid off by Russels employer) burst in and stole cash, but not before they shot Russel. The bank robbers got jailed, and neither of them spoke of Russels employer, out of fear for their lives. Jail was probably the safest place for them. Toby and his family were devastated. Toby tried to bury the feelings of anger and guilt under school work and other activities.

As for Toby, seven years passed, his mother, his bother and himself lived in poverty, Russel didn't leave much to live on, so his mother worked two jobs to support the three of them. But on his sixteenth birthday, three lawyers showed up on their doorstep, and explained that Russel had left a large estate for Toby, but he didn't want the family to have, or know about it until he was old enough to use the money wisely. His dad left him One Million Dollars. Over the course of time it multiplied in the savings account to 1.6 Million. He took 10,000 of it to live on, and invested the rest, a few years later, the return he got was 4.5 million.

He took 2 Million of it, and bought a house and a few cars with it. He took the rest and reinvested it. While his family was living comfortably, Toby had an internal fight with himself, was he really using this money the way his dad would approve of?

Toby had a few briefcases that belonged to his dad that was given to him with the money, he hadn't opened them yet, he was afraid of what might be inside. He finally sat down, and opened it. Inside were mechanical parts and pieces. He picked up one and it attached itself to his wrist, and disappeared. Toby freaked out! He could still feel the cold metal against his skin. Eventually he figured out, that through a series of button presses he could take off the wristlet.

He decided to further investigate this, and figured out who his dad had worked for and what he had been doing. He knew his dad wouldn't want him to make the same mistake. He decided that he needed to do something good with these items that had been given to him.

Included with the mechanical items were a few blueprints, his dad hadn't finished his suit, or his employers suit. With the help of a few college professors and architects he was able to finish the suit, better than before.

Though the suit was finished, his body was still not able to handle the pressure the suit put on him. He discovered a group of scientists researching and experimenting with meta-humans. He paid into the program, hoping for results. When he received word that they had results, he asked them to experiment on him. It was a very dangerous procedure. They had to go in and change his very cells, change his very being.

The procedure was a success, but Toby spent weeks on bed rest due to a sickness he contracted. His body was turning against itself, it didn't recognize the new Toby. Eventually, the sickness made him stronger than he was originally supposed to be. These new powers granted him super human strength and agility. As well as flight.

Toby continued to make changes to this suit until it fitted his needs.

Today, Toby is one of the strongest of his kind, and has started to keep the streets safe, with the help of other heroes. Because of what happened in New York, Toby strives to make sure something similar doesn't happen elsewhere.

But he doesn't just focus on the bigger crimes, he doesn't want what happened to his father, to happen to anyone else, while some of the ways he provides justice are illegal, he gives what he thinks the criminals deserve. Sometimes he goes to far however, and lets his emotions take over. He is a very torn up man because of what happened to his father, sometimes it affects him more than he likes to admit.

While Toby does bring most criminals in to the local police department, there are the occasional thug found beaten to a pulp in an alley way, or even on rare occasions dead men, beaten senseless, and beyond recognition.

The Powers

Power 1: (without suit) Strength five times that of a normal humans. (with suit) Strength 8.5 times of a normal human.

Power 2: (without suit) Super Agility (the suit slows his agility a bit)

Power 3: (with and without suit) Flight: He has a need for large amounts of sugar, thus, if he runs low, he could lose the ability to fly or may even faint, so, to fix this problem he has jet boots installed in his suit. These boots require large amount of fuel to run.

Power 4: (with suit only) Night and Heat vision: The suit provides an overlay so that he can see in the dark, and detect heat. These are not perfect however, and require fine tuning every once in awhile.

Power 5: (with suit only) Blaster Gloves: Toby usually uses these to stabilize himself during flight, but they can be used as weapons, they're used in long streams rather than short bursts.

Drawbacks: If Toby doesn't eat often enough he will die, he has a higher metabolism because of his powers, so he requires high amounts of sugar and carbs to stay alive, otherwise, he can't use his powers.

Grid Without Suit
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 5
Speed: 4
Durability: 3
Fighting Skills: 6
Flight: 1
Wealth: 3

Grid With Suit
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 7
Speed: 3
Durability: 5
Fighting Skills: 6
Flight: 2
Wealth: 3

Last edited by Zeth on July 20th 2013, 7:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Warnings : 0 Warnings
Number of posts : 37
Location : Kansas City, Missouri
Age : 31
Job : Student, Sales Associate
Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Dark Avenger Empty Re: The Dark Avenger

Post by Chellizard July 20th 2013, 2:03 am

You need two separate grids.

One for his suit grid, one without.

So, this would be what I imagine his without suit is:

Without Suit (24/30):
INT: 3
STR: 5
SPD: 4
DUR: 4
ABI: 0 (Unless he has a power, because I see no reason you have your Ability to begin with.)
FS: 4
FL: 0 (Unless he has Flight without the suit, then that should be a power in itself.)
Wealth: (This stays static, but why does he need 5 wealth?) 5

With Suit(29/30 points):

INT: 3
STR: 8
SPD: 4
DUR: 4
ABI: 0 (Still dunno what you were planning with this.)
FS: 4
FL: 2 (Unless this is a power in itself, then it would be included in the original grid.)
Wealth: 5


Now, to note your "Super Agility."

If you mean speed, then that's running speed. If you mean reflexes and being able to dodge incoming attacks, then that's FS. Superhuman Reflexes/Agility starts at 6 FS.

I'd like to know why you have the wealth. Your history literally revolves around of money, and gives us no insight to your character, whatsoever.

As in, how did he get the Low Superhuman strength, how did he get the super agility, how was he able to create such a suit with only 3 INT?

You need to explain these things. I advise raising his INT stat, and having 3's across the board as physical stats, and raise his others to implement when the suit is active.

Especially for the way you've explained him in his character looks/costume area.

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Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The Dark Avenger Empty Re: The Dark Avenger

Post by Zeth July 20th 2013, 4:14 pm

Okay, I think I fixed everything

Grid Without Suit:

Grid With Suit:

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Location : Kansas City, Missouri
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Registration date : 2013-07-19

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The Dark Avenger Empty Re: The Dark Avenger

Post by Chellizard July 20th 2013, 5:13 pm


Much better.

Although, you've only used 29/30 on your suit grid. You're eligible for one more point. :]

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Quote : "A woman's place is in the sky with the goddamn birds."

Nekromonga (08/23/2017 10:05PM): Chellizard the Internet Born, Mother of Nerds, first of her name, Queen of the Gamers and the Roleplayers

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Registration date : 2009-11-15

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The Dark Avenger Empty Re: The Dark Avenger

Post by Arcana July 21st 2013, 1:05 am

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The Dark Avenger Empty Re: The Dark Avenger

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